i can back wayne up 100 per cent i was playing a cash table and watching the heads up game its a joke bearlyther soon as he wins a £30 pot of wayne say 1st hand when blinds come up he makes out hes dissconected by pulling dongle out or unplugging summit coz the red bar comes up SAD VERY SAD imo
Can’t help thinking hit& running is no worse than the bum-hunting lots of regs seem to do. It's his/our/your money so you can sit for as long as little as you like. What’s he supposed to do wait till he’s losing and then leave?
I don't think this should be dragged on and on, but basically the issues here seem to be this...
1. Yes it's 'fine' to Hit n Run if you want to, but at least have the decency to just stand up and leave and not pretend to disconnect.
2. Don't say that you genuinely didn't know there was any problem with doing this, then fake-disconnect to disguise the fact you're doing it. Why do that if you didn't know there was a problem with it.
3. Don't do it to someone, say you didn't realise it was bad, apologise, and then do the exact same thing to the same person straight after it.
So it's not the actual act of Hit n Running that's the problem, it's the way in which it was done. Either way, I think it should be left behind now. I think it's fair to say Wayne won't be playing HU cash with him again lol and others can make their own minds up. Now just let him get on with his diary and see if he can prove most of us wrong.
Can’t help thinking hit& running is no worse than the bum-hunting lots of regs seem to do. It's his/our/your money so you can sit for as long as little as you like. What’s he supposed to do wait till he’s losing and then leave? Posted by Woldulp
+1 good point
If someone hits & runs on you, yeah it's not nice - if they say they going to hit & run - then it's ok ? The paradox is, if someone sits down with the intention of hit & running - what happens if they lose
The more I think about it, we can combat the long term skill edge oppo's may have over us by playing short term and embracing some posiitive variance
viva la revolution !
So no one likes short stackers, no one likes hit & runs
I don't think anyone likes losing !
In general HU is surely only playable if you commit x amount of hands with your oppo
I don't think this should be dragged on and on, but basically the issues here seem to be this... 1. Yes it's 'fine' to Hit n Run if you want to, but at least have the decency to just stand up and leave and not pretend to disconnect. 2. Don't say that you genuinely didn't know there was any problem with doing this, then fake-disconnect to disguise the fact you're doing it. Why do that if you didn't know there was a problem with it. 3. Don't do it to someone, say you didn't realise it was bad, apologise, and then do the exact same thing to the same person straight after it. So it's not the actual act of Hit n Running that's the problem, it's the way in which it was done. Either way, I think it should be left behind now. I think it's fair to say Wayne won't be playing HU cash with him again lol and others can make their own minds up. Now just let him get on with his diary and see if he can prove most of us wrong. Posted by Lambert180
None of these so called "issues" are breaking any rules though. So there shouldn't really be a problem with any of this. Ok people might think it is sad, but thats just their opinion.
would u go in a live cash game say after a hours traveling getting there win 1 pot of 30 quid and just leave lol ? Posted by IDONKCALLU
lolz relative ? Could you travel 100 miles and play 10 cash tables at once ? Think we should stop the trolling now and let the guy get on with his diary !
I told you to stick to DYM's, look what trouble you have caused Bear!
Would like to get this thread back on track as it has gone off the rails lately! Been playing a bit of cash today up £123 so far. Will be back on the grind after i have my dinner playing some dyms. I will then be playing in the main event tonight with a couple of dyms on the side. I wont be playing as much from tomorrow for a few weeks as i have my university exams coming up although i do admit it is going to be hard to keep me away from the tables!
Dont give up playing cash Bearlyther, have played a bit with you, I think you are easily good enough to win. And you always do seem to be winning! Posted by Spad3s
Poker players can be extremely fickle, its up to you bear if you want to go pro, be it with £200 or 2k. There is no set way how you should chose to play the game- for fun or a living. The comments from most on here have made me lol, to take the mick and vilify a guy for giving it a shot with his own money is childish and solack posting a HH is absolutely pathetic
so much for the so-called sky poker community being the best around
Poker players can be extremely fickle, its up to you bear if you want to go pro, be it with £200 or 2k. There is no set way how you should chose to play the game- for fun or a living. The comments from most on here have made me lol, to take the mick and vilify a guy for giving it a shot with his own money is childish and solack posting a HH is absolutely pathetic so much for the so-called sky poker community being the best around Posted by tripleb684
i stopped readin after this. what are u babbling on about? OP is clearly naive & him having a proper long hard read of this thread & responses he has got will benefit him greatly
OK so he can't go pro because you all say so? If he doesn't have bills etc. to pay and nothing to lose tell me why he cannot give it a shot you ignorant fool.
This threrad has turned into a bit of a witch hunt imo. The lads young and maybe a bit naive, but give him a chance to succeed or fail before you all knock him down. Posted by donkeyplop
I was in his position 2 years ago.
2 years later, I'm in exactly the same position I was 2 years ago, but with 5+ figures banked on top of my poker bankroll.
You learn by doing.
I've learnt I'm not gonna be able to do this much longer, nor would I want to.
Wouldn't have learnt that had I not given it a go, I would always be wondering.
Now 25, have a chunky 5 figures banked, and a CV that should lead to an exciting future if I make the most of it.
Once upon a time all I could think about was poker (biomechanics lectures). Now I yawn everytime I hear the word. He will suss it for himself. By trying to put him off, all you are doing is encouraging him.
The 1 bit of important advice offered on the thread, is from the guys who are telling you to prepare properly.
Have the living expenses in reserve before you consider this.....
The more astute amongst u/my haters might know I've only made like 900 quid this year in 4 months before rakeback, maybe 950 with rakeback. (love rakeback) Which is probably less than dole pay.
I've therefore been been losing money. I'm skinter now than I was on the 1st Jan 2012'.
But it doesn't really effect me, as the amounts are small compared to what I have (liferoll management?). I had a huge chunk behind before I took it on.
Now I've decided (7 months pre-maturely) that I will never be a pro player, nor would I want to be. I hate poker, I used to love it. lol.
Listen to the plonkers who are putting you down, but don't let them put you off. Make your own mind up, but take their advice on board to help you make your decision. Take your time, and try to enjoy it.
people started to give advice because he asked for it about going pro, thats why the forum is so good because there are lots of players with real solid advice who have gone through similar things. Why its turned a bit sour is because hes not taken any advice on board and been playing definately not like a pro. If you wanna start a thread saying your going to go pro because of a big win then you have to expect some comments that go against your train of thought but this is to only help. Its a case of put your money where your mouth is. I certainly wish him well with his quest but at the moment from what i have read its only a pipe dream and cant really seing it happen with the way hes explaining the way hes going to do it.
People are posting on here and getting a bit aggro for there own personal reasons with experiences they have had with him. I think this has all started because it was a bit too much of a brag in the title thread and you can kinda see where this is going. I bet lots of people had the same thought after a big win but lets face reality here, and i think he should really take on board what has been said and theres nothing wrong with eating a bit of humble pie. I think we should just let him carry on with this as a diary see how he gets on in a month or two and then we will see if he is able to do it or not. Its way to early and im sure he dosnt consider himself a pro just that he wants to do it full time and see if it works or not so good luck to him. In regards to the hit and run hes been given advice about it now its up to him whether he takes it or not.
At the end of the day its his money and he can play and do what he likes at least hes got a dream like most of us do.
Well today went rather well! Started today playing cash down 200 then i broke even for the day. I then went onto the heads up cash table 100 nl winning 250 and no i didnt hit and run! Was then playing 50 nl and 100 nl cash and managed to grind up 300 or so. Played in the main event tonight and finished 8th for 200 or something dont really care what it was as im dissapointed not to go on and win it. I had a massive chip lead with 50 players left and decided to get involved in a pot with a big stack floated the flop with air then check raised when the flush hit trying to represent it only for him to have ut. Then i kept building up and became a big chip leader again and lost 2 big pots 1 were i had qq and flop was 10 10 7 kept firing then the guy bet the river i couldnt find a fold and he had 108. Then i raised blind on blind flopped middle pair i bet out he called the turn came an 8 giving me a set only for him to have the same set with an ace kicker just a cooler! I have a project for university due in for monday so i will be staying away from the tables in the afternoon but i will probobly end up playing tomorrow night!
Well today went rather well! Started today playing cash down 200 then i broke even for the day. I then went onto the heads up cash table 100 nl winning 250 and no i didnt hit and run! Was then playing 50 nl and 100 nl cash and managed to grind up 300 or so. Played in the main event tonight and finished 8th for 200 or something dont really care what it was as im dissapointed not to go on and win it. I had a massive chip lead with 50 players left and decided to get involved in a pot with a big stack floated the flop with air then check raised when the flush hit trying to represent it only for him to have ut. Then i kept building up and became a big chip leader again and lost 2 big pots 1 were i had qq and flop was 10 10 7 kept firing then the guy bet the river i couldnt find a fold and he had 108. Then i raised blind on blind flopped middle pair i bet out he called the turn came an 8 giving me a set only for him to have the same set with an ace kicker just a cooler! I have a project for university due in for monday so i will be staying away from the tables in the afternoon but i will proply end up playing tomorrow night! Profit today: £764.70 Bankroll: £3444.81 C4P: 3565 (£49.91) Posted by bearlyther
Just for your enlightenment Mr Bear, two players cannot have the same set, unless of course there is a set on the Board & you are both playing it.
You both had TRIPS.
A SET is a made pair in your hand which then hits the on the Board to become a set.
TRIPS are if you have one card in your hand - on this occasion an 8 - & it then appears on the board twice.
TRIPS are easy to see, or "read", as the paired board is a prerequisite.
A Set is "invisible", & is the most powerful made hand in poker, because of it's invisibility. (possible Flushes, Straight & Full Houses can ALWAYS be seen, Sets cannot).
First year pro is awesome. You will wake up everyday and look forward to work. You profits will be at a peak because you will enjoy the game and will be fresh when playing (as not been at work all day). However, after that you will slowly realise that your job is sitting in a corner most nights pressing 3 buttons. You will get fed up off the game and hardly play.
When I first went pro i used to get 40000 poker points a month, nearly 3 years on I am getting less than half that.
My advice would be to get a part time job this should give you best of both worlds. Only go pro if you are making a ton of money.
Didnt play until after 4 today due to having a university project due in for monday. Ended up playing cash 50nl and heads up 100 nl and 200 nl been running well today. Played in the televised timed tournament winning a pound i think. Then played in the satelite for the sky sky roller tonight was chip leader then made a couple of shoves on button got called by jj and 88 so i went out in that. Then in the sky sports bounty hunter never played a hand until blinds were 50/100 me being a nit imagine! was just being card dead. Then i raised with ak and hit an ace on the flop guy called by c bet managed to get in allin on the turn he turned over j3 holding middle pair only for a j to come on the river! I wont be playing again until Monday evening because of my university project. Profit today: £321.26
1. Yes it's 'fine' to Hit n Run if you want to, but at least have the decency to just stand up and leave and not pretend to disconnect.
2. Don't say that you genuinely didn't know there was any problem with doing this, then fake-disconnect to disguise the fact you're doing it. Why do that if you didn't know there was a problem with it.
3. Don't do it to someone, say you didn't realise it was bad, apologise, and then do the exact same thing to the same person straight after it.
So it's not the actual act of Hit n Running that's the problem, it's the way in which it was done. Either way, I think it should be left behind now. I think it's fair to say Wayne won't be playing HU cash with him again lol and others can make their own minds up. Now just let him get on with his diary and see if he can prove most of us wrong.
If someone hits & runs on you, yeah it's not nice - if they say they going to hit & run - then it's ok ?
The paradox is, if someone sits down with the intention of hit & running - what happens if they lose
The more I think about it, we can combat the long term skill edge oppo's may have over us by playing short term and embracing some posiitive variance
viva la revolution !
So no one likes short stackers, no one likes hit & runs
I don't think anyone likes losing !
In general HU is surely only playable if you commit x amount of hands with your oppo
Could you travel 100 miles and play 10 cash tables at once ?
Think we should stop the trolling now and let the guy get on with his diary !
I told you to stick to DYM's, look what trouble you have caused Bear!
live & online – two different beasts!
The lads young and maybe a bit naive, but give him a chance to succeed or fail before you all knock him down.
Whatever Bear is doing, it's working - BR is going upwards !
I am starting the official "We love bear" fan club - join in
I've learnt I'm not gonna be able to do this much longer, nor would I want to.
People are posting on here and getting a bit aggro for there own personal reasons with experiences they have had with him. I think this has all started because it was a bit too much of a brag in the title thread and you can kinda see where this is going. I bet lots of people had the same thought after a big win but lets face reality here, and i think he should really take on board what has been said and theres nothing wrong with eating a bit of humble pie. I think we should just let him carry on with this as a diary see how he gets on in a month or two and then we will see if he is able to do it or not. Its way to early and im sure he dosnt consider himself a pro just that he wants to do it full time and see if it works or not so good luck to him. In regards to the hit and run hes been given advice about it now its up to him whether he takes it or not.
At the end of the day its his money and he can play and do what he likes at least hes got a dream like most of us do.
Its your cash mate and you can do whatever you want with it imo but you also got to see things from glitterbabes side aswell.
The way i see it when you chose your screen alias any HU players you sit against should of kinda expected what was coming lol
GL with the diary mate
wd on coming 8th great result
You both had TRIPS.
A SET is a made pair in your hand which then hits the on the Board to become a set.
TRIPS are if you have one card in your hand - on this occasion an 8 - & it then appears on the board twice.
TRIPS are easy to see, or "read", as the paired board is a prerequisite.
A Set is "invisible", & is the most powerful made hand in poker, because of it's invisibility. (possible Flushes, Straight & Full Houses can ALWAYS be seen, Sets cannot).
When I first went pro i used to get 40000 poker points a month, nearly 3 years on I am getting less than half that.
My advice would be to get a part time job this should give you best of both worlds. Only go pro if you are making a ton of money.
Profit today: £321.26