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Going Pro In Aussi land!



  • edited May 2012
    Maybe the guy wasnt hit n running, maybe he was table selecting. He cant use his money how he wants on the tables.

    And posting HHs to try and make the guy look bad is pathetic.
  • edited May 2012
    Spad3s, he was hit and running (and has done it multiple times) and has openly admitted it.

    In a sense, it's your money and you can do what you want with it, but getting lucky and hit n running is not a winning strategy for someone who wants to go pro and make money long term.
  • edited May 2012
    Ok 1st off with regards to the hit and run i was playing well above my roll and honestely didnt know this was considered bas etiquette until now so apolagise if this caused any offense to you and yes i know this is not a winning strategy more like taking a small shot.  I have finally got my head around everything said on here and decided to take things serious.  I will be playing my last 2 hours of cash on sky right now between 1 and 2 then i will never play cash on here again unless i have a serious roll.  yesterday i was playing 50nl 100 nl 100 nl cash.  Was looking good for a run in the main late on but busted out when i made a move with k10.  So i have finally got my fix of the bigger games and time to settle down.

    Profit yesterday: -£30.17
    Bankroll: £2680.11
    C4P: 3304 (£46.26)

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    Ok 1st off with regards to the hit and run i was playing well above my roll and honestely didnt know this was considered bas etiquette until now so apolagise if this caused any offense to you and yes i know this is not a winning strategy more like taking a small shot.  I have finally got my head around everything said on here and decided to take things serious.  I will be playing my last 2 hours of cash on sky right now between 1 and 2 then i will never play cash on here again unless i have a serious roll.  yesterday i was playing 50nl 100 nl 100 nl cash.  Was looking good for a run in the main late on but busted out when i made a move with k10.  So i have finally got my fix of the bigger games and time to settle down. Profit yesterday: -£30.17 Bankroll: £2680.11 C4P: 3304 (£46.26)
    Posted by bearlyther
    I try to be polite and hardly ever get hot under the collar but well done for rubbing me up the wrong way yesterday, not many people do that to me....  now this is a polite message and hopefully you get the point as you clearly didnt understand yesterday..... You can sit/block my hu games for as long as like but I will not give you any action your equitte stinks and the fact you didnt know what you were doing is BS......Good luck ....
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    Ok 1st off with regards to the hit and run i was playing well above my roll and honestely didnt know this was considered bas etiquette until now so apolagise if this caused any offense to you and yes i know this is not a winning strategy more like taking a small shot.  I have finally got my head around everything said on here and decided to take things serious.  I will be playing my last 2 hours of cash on sky right now between 1 and 2 then i will never play cash on here again unless i have a serious roll.  yesterday i was playing 50nl 100 nl 100 nl cash.  Was looking good for a run in the main late on but busted out when i made a move with k10.  So i have finally got my fix of the bigger games and time to settle down. Profit yesterday: -£30.17 Bankroll: £2680.11 C4P: 3304 (£46.26)
    Posted by bearlyther
    I think we should just leave him to it now. We have tried to give good advice but I think it's falling on deaf ears (Which shows by the highlighted area as he is still planning on playing more cash). Keep having a dig isn't helping anyone.

    Goodluck with it, but I think you will look back on this thread 2 - 3 months down the line and wish you had listened.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    I have finally got my head around everything said on here and decided to take things serious. 
    Posted by bearlyther
    I thought you decided to take things serious when you posted this thread 5 days ago? :S

    This thread is just lulz now, there's some genuinely good advice but having to read through so much arguing and other rubbish at the same time, can't be bothered ) 
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    Ok 1st off with regards to the hit and run i was playing well above my roll and honestely didnt know this was considered bas etiquette until now so apolagise if this caused any offense to you and yes i know this is not a winning strategy more like taking a small shot.  I have finally got my head around everything said on here and decided to take things serious.  I will be playing my last 2 hours of cash on sky right now between 1 and 2 then i will never play cash on here again unless i have a serious roll.  yesterday i was playing 50nl 100 nl 100 nl cash.  Was looking good for a run in the main late on but busted out when i made a move with k10.  So i have finally got my fix of the bigger games and time to settle down. Profit yesterday: -£30.17 Bankroll: £2680.11 C4P: 3304 (£46.26)
    Posted by bearlyther
    I wouldn,t call it bad etiquitte. I,d say its a bit of a gamble tho. Anyone who puts their money online can play any game for however long they like - Its there money and they can do what they like with it as we all can and do imo

  • edited May 2012
    That's true MP33, but do you expect any half decent player to ever play him if they know he will run off after winning 1 big hand? If he's 'going pro', surely he has to think long term and not just 'how can I pinch £50 today'.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : I try to be polite and hardly ever get hot under the collar but well done for rubbing me up the wrong way yesterday, not many people do that to me....  now this is a polite message and hopefully you get the point as you clearly didnt understand yesterday..... You can sit/block my hu games for as long as like but I will not give you any action your equitte stinks and the fact you didnt know what you were doing is BS......Good luck ....
    Posted by GliterBabe
    Didn,t see that bit and not quite sure what it means

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : Didn,t see that bit and not quite sure what it means MP
    Posted by MP33
    I'm guessing he means sitting in the other seat in a HU game, then sitting out, so nobody else can sit there?
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    That's true MP33, but do you expect any half decent player to ever play him if they know he will run off after winning 1 big hand? If he's 'going pro', surely he has to think long term and not just 'how can I pinch £50 today'.
    Posted by Lambert180
    If i was lucky enough to be pro or thinking about it , no i probably wouldn,t , but your ovbiously not gonna get much action if you keep doing it -nice cash in SPT bty

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : I'm guessing he means sitting in the other seat in a HU game, then sitting out, so nobody else can sit there?
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Thsts what i thought but what would be the point, unless youve got a vendetta against someone and want to really pee them off so they can,t get a game
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : I try to be polite and hardly ever get hot under the collar but well done for rubbing me up the wrong way yesterday, not many people do that to me....  now this is a polite message and hopefully you get the point as you clearly didnt understand yesterday..... You can sit/block my hu games for as long as like but I will not give you any action your equitte stinks and the fact you didnt know what you were doing is BS......Good luck ....
    Posted by GliterBabe
    Oh stop crying and next time go sit on another table.
  • edited May 2012
    Don't close it! Why would you?

    It's his diary, he tells it the way he sees it that's the whole point.

    If people wanna offer advice, it's up to them to do so, and up to him to chose wether or not to listen!

    It's getting interesting.........

  • edited May 2012
    Cheers MP33... was only my 2nd time at an SPT and now I got a hendon mob entry :p

    But yeah, I'd still say Hit n Run is pretty bad ettiquette and it's such a rare ocurrence to ever see Wayne moan about anything, so I'd certainly lead towards trusting his view on it. Who knows if something was said in the chat box or something, I dunno, but Wayne must get a fair few Hit n Runners like all high stakes HU cash players will, so for him to make a point that his etiquette stinks, makes me think there was more to it.
  • edited May 2012
    It is getting interesting JJ, although I think it's more for comedy value than anything else. Not saying that's a bad thing, but probably not the OP's intention.
  • edited May 2012
    this is just my thoughts as i have played on your dyms quite a bit to put on here u are turning pro is quite frankley laughable u bink a tourni n1 on that then get thoughts of going pro u are a shove player any 2 which in my way of thinking can not make u succesfull in the long run. your bankroll is not high enough and to be honest your standard is not either but hey gl if u think u can be a pro
  • edited May 2012
    wow if you have got glitterbabe worked up then you must have sat verus him won a pot and ran lolz

    So not good, your just going to end up trying to sit at tables and people refusing to give you action

    It may just work the other way though and you get more action)

  • edited May 2012

    Well he's been more successful with his diary than most people are, including myself. 

    He plays higher stakes than most, and his naivety/vulnerability is quite refreshing/interesting to read about.


    I happened to be watching when he hit n run gliterbabe, his time-bar went red the hand after winning a big pot. It was so blatantly obvious that he'd disconnected himself! lol.....

    Which makes me question wether he's telling the truth about not knowing Hit n Run was bad.....

    Why wouldn't he just say, ul gg, then stand? if he thought it was ok?


    He's learning as he goes, like most diaries, but unlike most others he has a chunk of money to learn with.

    I think it's a v good thread and hope he keeps going well.

    Be nice to see him back on the hypers soon also ;)

  • edited May 2012
    Dont give up playing cash Bearlyther, have played a bit with you, I think you are easily good enough to win.
    And you always do seem to be winning!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    Dont give up playing cash Bearlyther, have played a bit with you, I think you are easily good enough to win. And you always do seem to be winning!
    Posted by Spad3s
    only when you are on the table spade lol
  • edited May 2012
    Am fairly new to sky poker & its forum, as far as i am concerned the one thing to take out of this thread is the willingness of many people to try & help, offer advice to a fellow poker player.

    Reading through the posts on here I now have a realistic idea of what it takes to be able to consider yourself a "Pro poker player", with regard to :-

    1) Bankroll size
    2) Bankroll management
    3) Computer system & set-up required
    4) Dedication & commitment to the "Job" required
    5) Strategy (varies with regards to the players strengths) 
    6) Expenses & therefore the minimum amount of profit required.

    I have no intention of bad mouthing anyone but it is obvious Bearlyther that you don't satisfy any of the above criteria.

    Over the past 7 days you have changed direction more times than the treetops in the wind.
    You have also managed to upset/annoy/irritate a number of the people on Sky Poker you had hoped to earn a living alongside.

    To the point now that i can imagine a lot of people are now not hoping that you succeed, rather that you i wont say fail as that is not within the nature of most poker players but that you appreciate the enormity of "Going Pro" and settle instead for being a recreational player who has no doubt got a fair amount of talent, but cannot satisfy the criteria required for "Going Pro".

  • edited May 2012
    Putting my Mod hat on, while not speaking for the other Mods, at the moment I'm not considering this for closure.

    I would say that the general tone is beginning to move towards the line.  This is just a polite notice to say play nice please people.

    Mod hat off, no rules against hit and running and you can do this as much as you want.  However as soon as you get this reputation you can kiss goodbye to action for most regs.  I'll probably play you though, I'm just a sucker for action.  I would say that table blocking is pretty bad etiquette (I'm not accusing you of this as I have not seen this myself, but as it's been brought up I feel the need to address it).  Again no rules against it but you will really annoy regs by doing this, and personally I don't think this is profitable in terms of both poker and personal character.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : Oh stop crying and next time go sit on another table.
    Posted by Spad3s
    Merely stating a point is not crying sir!!!!  I was trying to explain in leymans terms why I wouldn't play him....
  • edited May 2012
    f the haters come play 1/2!

    table blocking is really bad etiquette but HnRing when taking shots i think is perfectly fine. the people who say they wont give you action anymore because of it are stupid, if they think they have an edge on you they should carry on playing but just make some adjustments.

    you should prob just read jakally's advice then ignore most the other posts in this thread, including mine!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    Putting my Mod hat on, while not speaking for the other Mods, at the moment I'm not considering this for closure. I would say that the general tone is beginning to move towards the line.  This is just a polite notice to say play nice please people. Mod hat off, no rules against hit and running and you can do this as much as you want.  However as soon as you get this reputation you can kiss goodbye to action for most regs.  I'll probably play you though, I'm just a sucker for action.  I would say that table blocking is pretty bad etiquette (I'm not accusing you of this as I have not seen this myself, but as it's been brought up I feel the need to address it).  Again no rules against it but you will really annoy regs by doing this, and personally I don't think this is profitable in terms of both poker and personal character.
    Posted by TommyD

    With regards to table blocking tommy i would never do that and i dont know how this has been suggested.  Ok yesterday i sat at glitterbabes heads up table playing well above my roll and got a double up about 10 minutes in and left as i know i shouldnt have been playing at that level.  I honestly did not reliase that this was considered bad etiquette until now and i apologise and will not do that again.  With regards to glitterbabe i went to sit down at his heads up table again last night and he made his point that he didnt like what i did in an explicit way to say the least and could not name of the things i was called on here and i have the right mind to get sky to go through the chat history at that table.

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : With regards to table blocking tommy i would never do that and i dont know how this has been suggested.  Ok yesterday i sat at glitterbabes heads up table playing well above my roll and got a double up about 10 minutes in and left as i know i shouldnt have been playing at that level.  I honestly did not reliase that this was considered bad etiquette until now and i apologise and will not do that again.  With regards to glitterbabe i went to sit down at his heads up table again last night and he made his point that he didnt like what i did in an explicit way to say the least and could not name of the things i was called on here and i have the right mind to get sky to go through the chat history at that table.
    Posted by bearlyther
    like mr lolraise said nothing wrong with hit n running....its obv not going to work long term , nor should you ever consider doing it if ur trying to build a roll and play within your means. its very much the play of a recreational player wanting to make a quick buck which i didnt think was your intention.

    I assume you're playing higher occasionally just cos of monkeytilt and you wanna get back ur losses quicker, the better player will not going higher , they will go lower and rebuild the roll...
  • edited May 2012
    Ok let me simplify this as best as possible!!!

    The Author IMO has done nothing wrong, he can sit wherever vs whoever and with as much as he desires....He can play for as long as he likes and is free to leave whenever he so wishes...

    On three seperate occasions yesterday Bearly sat vs me 100nl HU....and on every session if you can call it a session played no more than 20 hands and insta disconnected when slightly ahead.....On the 4th occasion I chose the sit out option which is my proagative and dulely had to explain why I wouldn't play him.... He explained how he didnt realise it was bad etiquette  and appoligised for his actions...No problem or so I thought....I sat back in and started to play, must have been the 2nd hand where he C/R me on the river for a £60 pot obv holding the nutzzzz to which I had to fold and then surprise surprise the red disconnect bar showed up again.....

    Losing 3-5 BI's over an hour or 2 really doesn't bother me as much as someone sitting there for 5 hands winning a tenner  and leaving, but seriously doing it  4-5 times pretending you don't know what your doing is uber annoying....

    Enough said, I was just trying to explain your etiquette if you don't get it then fine , just please don't sit vs me hu  in the future cause you will be wasting your time....
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : only when you are on the table spade lol
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    Doh, never thought of that.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary]:
    Ok let me simplify this as best as possible!!! The Author IMO has done nothing wrong, he can sit wherever vs whoever and with as much as he desires....He can play for as long as he likes and is free to leave whenever he so wishes... On three seperate occasions yesterday Bearly sat vs me 100nl HU....and on every session if you can call it a session played no more than 20 hands and insta disconnected when slightly ahead.....On the 4th occasion I chose the sit out option which is my proagative and dulely had to explain why I wouldn't play him.... He explained how he didnt realise it was bad etiquette  and appoligised for his actions...No problem or so I thought....I sat back in and started to play, must have been the 2nd hand where he C/R me on the river for a £60 pot obv holding the nutzzzz to which I had to fold and then surprise surprise the red disconnect bar showed up again..... Losing 3-5 BI's over an hour or 2 really doesn't bother me as much as someone sitting there for 5 hands winning a tenner  and leaving, but seriously doing it  4-5 times pretending you don't know what your doing is uber annoying.... Enough said, I was just trying to explain your etiquette if you don't get it then fine , just please don't sit vs me hu  in the future cause you will be wasting your time....
    Posted by GliterBabe

    Poor GliterBabe...hes been treated so badly.
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