I have decided to take a leap forward and accomadate my income solely by playing poker. I know the risks involved but with proper bankroll management and willing to continue to learn the game i can make it. My dad knows i play poker but he would not like the idea of me doing this for a living from home so its kind of an awkward situation. I plan on playing as much as i can at the moment he will probly want me to get a job now. I plan on building up my bankroll so i can afford a flat of my own then i can play as much as i want. I deposited £50 about 6 weeks ago and have built it up to £2,306.01. I also cashed £500 out of my account last week for my living expenses. The idea of this blog is to keep me motivated to succeed. I must make game selection a priority if i want to go serious about this. My goals: Playing £11, £16.50 dyms 4 tabling as thats what my laptop can fit. Playing in the main event each night. I will be staying away from cash as this is where the regs are at and there is alot more easy money to be made else where. I keeping track of my results each day and posting my wins/losses and try to figure where i am going wrong and what i am doing well. Current Bankroll £2360.01 Posted by bearlyther
Heater for the win
The very best of skill/luck to you bud.
Havent read this thread in depth am sure there is lots of good advice. If it hasnt already been said, I'll offer mine:
Do not play as much as possible. Give yourself finite periods of play. If you make poker your life it is very easy to become bipolar
Treat it as a job like any other and find a balance. Obv if your deep in MTTS the time restraints come off, but this aside set a limit/goal.
I am a s+g grinder and have a max No. of games am allowed to play a day, But the line is simply a monetary one. If I', losing in a day I will more than often play to my game cap. But if I am winning above the daily amount I wish to make, I may go nowhere near my cap. If am running super hot, may take play to cap then take a day off.
I saw someone else mention this but will repeat: Seems like you've done very well from a minimal investment, it can give you a slightly altered perception of what can be achieved.
In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : Thanks mate will give the satelites a crack anyway. Yes i dont mind being a robot as long as im in profit for it! Was going to see the american reunion but it was sold out. Yes that is indeed a picture of me with the man in hideout! I lived in america last year working in disney world Florida on a 1 year program. I went to Las vegas in March last year and the NBC National heads up championships were being played in ceasers palace and i got a lot of pictures and chance to meet the big players! Posted by bearlyther
did you ask any of the big players for advice and what did they say would be interesting to hear more about your time there and what you did.
I was there for 6 days with 2 of my friends who were not poker player so i only played for a couple of hours each day at the 1/2 cash tables i finished up 200 during those days. I did not get a chance to talk to these players just an opportunity to shake hands with them and get some photoes. Other than that during my time there i went on a day trip to the grand canyon and partying every night there. Spent a lot of my time in the sahara playing 1 dollar blackjack and drinking free margaritas!
So i just played the satellites for the primo and the £110 bounty hunter. Busted out in the primo when got called by j10 on the bb by my shove on the sb with q10 sigh! Had a massive chip lead in the £110 bounty hunter satelite and qualified finishing 1st! I won this tournament last week so thats why i wanted to play the satelite for it tonight.
So i played in the £110 bounty hunter tonight after qualifiing through the satelite. Didnt go well lost 800 chips in the second hand when i had ak and got reraised on the river and decided to fold. Then was playing against someone who played every hand with any 2 cards and i payed him off with top pair probly a bad call but was hard to fold as he was playing every hand. Decided to play a bit of cash from 11-12 with the happy hour running just for a change of scenery from the dyms. Back on the grind on the dyms tomorrow.
Invest in coaching/Video training websites, I can tell you, if you want to be a professional you need to be a better player than you currently are. You're posting things like "I had AK and got re-raised on the river and decided to fold". What does that even mean?
I really, really, only have your best intrests at heart when I tell you, you need to improve, if you even want to consider going pro.
Sorry to rain on your parade sir, but.... I echo what has been said, don't get carried away - your not going pro - your attempting to go pro You need to play semi pro for a year and find a game that you beat over that year or at least 6 months Did you build this BR playing DYM or cash, if this is mostly MTT winnings then - hold on fella If you have played cash or dym and increased this BR from £50 - £2800 in 6 weeks then go for it Your obviously a very talented poker player or you have run like god If you have had a nice MTT bink, then treat it as good luck and don't suddenly think your going to beat this poker lark but good luck m8'ty - I wish you the best plus you mention your dad would not approve, etc... this will only serve to add extra pressure on you to win, think about it - get a part time job - do part time education - and play part time poker - think of your future young man Posted by rancid
just look at his sharkscope and it was a big mtt win of about 3k
you had 1 big mtt win and now think u can go pro mad its very hard to do it on just mtt and sit n go i do all 3 u have to where to find week games if u what any chance at this open account on 2 or 3 sites and have like 1k or 2k on each. that's what i did then it is easier to find week games . u need about 3 or 4 months living cost as well for me that is like 3k to 4k but everyone livs definitely.you deffo very gd play but not a pro YET give it 6 months then look how u are doing very best of luck Robbie
you had 1 big mtt win and now think u can go pro mad its very hard to do it on just mtt and sit n go i do all 3 u have to where to find week games if u what any chance at this open account on 2 or 3 sites and have like 1k or 2k on each. that's what i did then it is easier to find week games . u need about 3 or 4 months living cost as well for me that is like 3k to 4k but everyone livs definitely.you deffo very gd play but not a pro YET give it 6 months then look how u are doing very best of luck Robbie Posted by rob12345
I wish you luck with your venture and I am a great beliver that you must always gather lots of peoples ideas but be strong enough to decided what advice you take.
So many good and solid points have been made and we all know the downswings no matter how good or good a player thinks they are will always hurt so thats where the bankroll managment is basic. No differnt to starting a new business or buildng a house the foundations must be solid.
If you can take the real hours that you need to make a living out of this make sure you dont stop having fun with the game as wth any job you do your best work when you have a passion for it and not just a passion for the money.
My story is differnt to yours as I am older (a baby at 40 lol) been playing for about 4yrs which started due to difficulty with my health. As I have found myself in a position of my health although not any any way life threating lucky has left me unable to work due to fatigue but lucky I am able to play.
My wife works so not everything relys on my salary from the game and I do own a business that I still direct and of course get a small income off it so I am lucky enough not to have no other income stream but that alone would leave life very tight.
I have been a long term wininng MTT player and know better then most that esp in MTT it can be a very harsh game when you play it well and the poker gods reward bad play but thats the nature of the beast.
I would now class myself semi pro as I have been drawing a salary for the last 5 months but myself personaly only see such a short time in any full time job as a trainee and would want at least a year of consistant wages before I would see myself as near pro and anyway I have never had a hang up on titles.
I have also enjoyed reading what other people have to say which just again goes to show what a strong comunity this site has.
Ok so today did not go quite according to plan. Started off well by being about 60 up in dyms in the afternoon. I then decided to try some 50 nl cash to see how it went only finding myself 250 down. I then lost the satelite for the £33 bounty hunter but entered the tournament anyway didnt get any real hands and went out quite early. I then won the satelite into the £110 bounty hunter and doubled up to 8000 chips in the 4th hand with a set over set on the flop. I then lost a couple of big pots and i suppose i went on tilt and really dissapointed with myself thinking about it. I accidently registered to a £55 dym instead of an £11 which i lost. I then went and played some 50 nl and ended up on 1 table of 100 nl for a bit. I will not be playing cash in future as i reliase there are many more regs on the cash tables who will have an edge over me although in saying that i managed to win back my losses from earlier on in the day. I will call it an experiment were i have learned to stick to dyms. Have a few things to do in the afternoon so probly wont get playing again until tomorrow evening.
This is fairly rofls to read. If you don't want to play cash because all the players 'have an edge on you' then I'd be dubious about saying you were 'going pro'. But gl to you, seem to be winning every day - can't really ask for much more.
if you expect to go pro which i think is non productive at the moment to say and think just playing full time and hoping to become pro would be better. You really have to have a plan and not stray from it. Sounds like you were very lucky to get back what you lost but even in dym your gonna have a losing streak at some point. Cash players that have an edge? there are gonna be dym players that have that edge too are there not? losing 250 on nl50 and then ending up on NL100 that sounds like your playing catch up to me which is very bad for your br and you never go up a level if your losing on a lower level!.
From what you have been saying about the mtts its almost like your expecting too win in every game your playing and this clearly isnt going to happen, your buying into some big tornys every night as well as satalites and this is going to really eat into that 2k bankroll! just stick to a max number of mtts a week if you have made on the dym and use the profit you make as a treat to play the big tornys or decide if you are going to play sats and you dont win one then dont buy direct as your goals and aims to do that have failed so no point buying in direct or you may just as well do that in the first place.
Yes its good to be positive and every game you play you should be trying to play the best you can and want the win but you can never expect you will most of the time. If you are going to do this the right way! experimenting isnt the answer nor is going on tilt. An experienced pro would have gone through the experimentation period long before becoming a pro i would have thought! im no pro and can only speculate! and they def would have a grip on going on tilt as most good amatures will know. You lost a hand with your set on set and that sounds vul, but you cant let one hand put you on tilt or you wont succeed, if it was all night or couple of days worth of bad beats i can understand going on tilt but def not one hand. Its all about having the right mindset especialy if you intend on doing this for a living or it can be costly. Stick to your plan and gl bud
Yeah I mean this is all pretty silly... you say you don't wanna play cash cos there are too many regs, then you decide to play 50NL and then you decide to play 100NL with only a 2k BR!! What would you have done if you had a few coolers or maybe some bad play at 100NL and turned your £250 loss into a £400 - £600 losing day... how many pros with good BRM lose 25%+ of their BR in 1 day?
It's been commented before but you keep buying in to big MTTs when you're supposed to be making a living out of DYMs. In the time you play a £33 BH, you could probably have played 20+ DYMs. How many hundred DYMs have you played so far this month?
You made this hard for yourself by using the word pro in your thread title.
Before poker, what did you intend to do? What qualifications do you have?
I hope you didn't turn down uni/college to do this.
If it was 'go pro or apply to Mcdonalds' then you've picked the right option imo.
If it was 'go pro or go to college and give yourself a chance of a proper career', then it's a huge mistake.
Once you've got your qualifications/training/coaching badges, you've got a real freeroll with becoming a poker pro. Nobody can take those qualifications off you. You might miss out on a couple of years work experience, but at least you've got the certificates to fall back on.
If you never planned on uni/college for whatever reason, well in 2 years Tesco will still be looking for shelf stackers, don't worry, might as well try poker.
The real crime would be if you've chosen poker over education.
There would be no need to even make that decision as you have so much time to play anyway.
Go get some Alevels, and you'll still be able to play 6 hours a day if you still want to.
Ok so today did not go quite according to plan. Started off well by being about 60 up in dyms in the afternoon. I then decided to try some 50 nl cash to see how it went only finding myself 250 down. I then lost the satelite for the £33 bounty hunter but entered the tournament anyway didnt get any real hands and went out quite early. I then won the satelite into the £110 bounty hunter and doubled up to 8000 chips in the 4th hand with a set over set on the flop. I then lost a couple of big pots and i suppose i went on tilt and really dissapointed with myself thinking about it. I accidently registered to a £55 dym instead of an £11 which i lost. I then went and played some 50 nl and ended up on 1 table of 100 nl for a bit. I will not be playing cash in future as i reliase there are many more regs on the cash tables who will have an edge over me although in saying that i managed to win back my losses from earlier on in the day. I will call it an experiment were i have learned to stick to dyms. Have a few things to do in the afternoon so probly wont get playing again until tomorrow evening. Profit today: £6.55 Bankroll: £2710.28 C4P: 2520 (£30.24) Posted by bearlyther
It may seem like people are attacking you in this thread bud, they arent though. They are basically just trying to use their own experiences to protect you from yourself.
I think there is a lot of good advice that you'd benefit from.
I honestly can not count the amount of times I've gone broke. The physical aspect of playing poker is simple enough once you know you can beat the game. It is the mental part - at and away from the table - that is what is extremely difficult.
Yes Lambert i was an idiot earlier and ended up playing hu and hit and run! I aggree rancid i am not yet at a level were i can beat cash over the long run. So here is my plan for today playing £11 and £16.50 dyms if there are enough games running at £16.50. Will play on the live master cash tables tonight as long as its nothing over 50nl to get my hands analysed. I will then be playing in the open with 3 dym tables running at the same time.
You made this hard for yourself by using the word pro in your thread title. Before poker, what did you intend to do? What qualifications do you have? I hope you didn't turn down uni/college to do this. If it was 'go pro or apply to Mcdonalds' then you've picked the right option imo. If it was 'go pro or go to college and give yourself a chance of a proper career', then it's a huge mistake. Once you've got your qualifications/training/coaching badges, you've got a real freeroll with becoming a poker pro. Nobody can take those qualifications off you. You might miss out on a couple of years work experience, but at least you've got the certificates to fall back on. If you never planned on uni/college for whatever reason, well in 2 years Tesco will still be looking for shelf stackers, don't worry, might as well try poker. The real crime would be if you've chosen poker over education. There would be no need to even make that decision as you have so much time to play anyway. Go get some Alevels, and you'll still be able to play 6 hours a day if you still want to. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Ok so today did not go quite according to plan. Started off well by being about 60 up in dyms in the afternoon. I then decided to try some 50 nl cash to see how it went only finding myself 250 down. I then lost the satelite for the £33 bounty hunter but entered the tournament anyway didnt get any real hands and went out quite early. I then won the satelite into the £110 bounty hunter and doubled up to 8000 chips in the 4th hand with a set over set on the flop. I then lost a couple of big pots and i suppose i went on tilt and really dissapointed with myself thinking about it. I accidently registered to a £55 dym instead of an £11 which i lost. I then went and played some 50 nl and ended up on 1 table of 100 nl for a bit. I will not be playing cash in future as i reliase there are many more regs on the cash tables who will have an edge over me although in saying that i managed to win back my losses from earlier on in the day. I will call it an experiment were i have learned to stick to dyms. Have a few things to do in the afternoon so probly wont get playing again until tomorrow evening. Profit today: £6.55 Bankroll: £2710.28 C4P: 2520 (£30.24) Posted by bearlyther
Ermmmm, where exactly did you get £6 profit from then???
Thought I might throw my hat into the ring. As it sounds like you're young enough to win £3000 at least once more in your lifetime, I don't see losing the roll as much of an issue. I think if you intend to become a pro you probably need to go broke at least once to know how it feels and know that you never want to do it again. I've gone broke once and that turned me into a bankroll nit.
If however the £3000 would make a big difference to your current living circumstances (I've worded this quite badly), then I would bank it and try spinning up another £50. You have the confidence to do that having done it before and I believe confidence gives you a a bit of an edge in this game.
Thought I might throw my hat into the ring. As it sounds like you're young enough to win £3000 at least once more in your lifetime, I don't see losing the roll as much of an issue. I think if you intend to become a pro you probably need to go broke at least once to know how it feels and know that you never want to do it again. I've gone broke once and that turned me into a bankroll nit. If however the £3000 would make a big difference to your current living circumstances (I've worded this quite badly), then I would bank it and try spinning up another £50. You have the confidence to do that having done it before and I believe confidence gives you a a bit of an edge in this game. Whatever you decide, gl with it. Will Posted by Wilhelm
I certainly know what it feels like to go broke mate happened me twice on ongame won a big tournament for like 1800 then started playing stupid games. Then i grinded a 40 dollar bankroll into like 2 k on double or nothings same idea as double your money then i started playing 108 don and went broke. So i know what it feels like to go broke and im determined to succeed this time.
The very best of skill/luck to you bud.
Havent read this thread in depth am sure there is lots of good advice. If it hasnt already been said, I'll offer mine:
Do not play as much as possible. Give yourself finite periods of play. If you make poker your life it is very easy to become bipolar
Treat it as a job like any other and find a balance. Obv if your deep in MTTS the time restraints come off, but this aside set a limit/goal.
I am a s+g grinder and have a max No. of games am allowed to play a day, But the line is simply a monetary one. If I', losing in a day I will more than often play to my game cap. But if I am winning above the daily amount I wish to make, I may go nowhere near my cap. If am running super hot, may take play to cap then take a day off.
I saw someone else mention this but will repeat: Seems like you've done very well from a minimal investment, it can give you a slightly altered perception of what can be achieved.
But I do wish you the very best bud.
So many good and solid points have been made and we all know the downswings no matter how good or good a player thinks they are will always hurt so thats where the bankroll managment is basic. No differnt to starting a new business or buildng a house the foundations must be solid.
If you can take the real hours that you need to make a living out of this make sure you dont stop having fun with the game as wth any job you do your best work when you have a passion for it and not just a passion for the money.
My story is differnt to yours as I am older (a baby at 40 lol) been playing for about 4yrs which started due to difficulty with my health. As I have found myself in a position of my health although not any any way life threating lucky has left me unable to work due to fatigue but lucky I am able to play.
My wife works so not everything relys on my salary from the game and I do own a business that I still direct and of course get a small income off it so I am lucky enough not to have no other income stream but that alone would leave life very tight.
I have been a long term wininng MTT player and know better then most that esp in MTT it can be a very harsh game when you play it well and the poker gods reward bad play but thats the nature of the beast.
I would now class myself semi pro as I have been drawing a salary for the last 5 months but myself personaly only see such a short time in any full time job as a trainee and would want at least a year of consistant wages before I would see myself as near pro and anyway I have never had a hang up on titles.
I have also enjoyed reading what other people have to say which just again goes to show what a strong comunity this site has.
From what you have been saying about the mtts its almost like your expecting too win in every game your playing and this clearly isnt going to happen, your buying into some big tornys every night as well as satalites and this is going to really eat into that 2k bankroll! just stick to a max number of mtts a week if you have made on the dym and use the profit you make as a treat to play the big tornys or decide if you are going to play sats and you dont win one then dont buy direct as your goals and aims to do that have failed so no point buying in direct or you may just as well do that in the first place.
Yes its good to be positive and every game you play you should be trying to play the best you can and want the win but you can never expect you will most of the time. If you are going to do this the right way! experimenting isnt the answer nor is going on tilt. An experienced pro would have gone through the experimentation period long before becoming a pro i would have thought! im no pro and can only speculate! and they def would have a grip on going on tilt as most good amatures will know. You lost a hand with your set on set and that sounds vul, but you cant let one hand put you on tilt or you wont succeed, if it was all night or couple of days worth of bad beats i can understand going on tilt but def not one hand. Its all about having the right mindset especialy if you intend on doing this for a living or it can be costly. Stick to your plan and gl bud
It's been commented before but you keep buying in to big MTTs when you're supposed to be making a living out of DYMs. In the time you play a £33 BH, you could probably have played 20+ DYMs. How many hundred DYMs have you played so far this month?
I think there is a lot of good advice that you'd benefit from.
I honestly can not count the amount of times I've gone broke. The physical aspect of playing poker is simple enough once you know you can beat the game. It is the mental part - at and away from the table - that is what is extremely difficult.
Your ss results give me the impression that you can beat DYM's
Your cash game is not good enough yet to beat NL50/NL100 over the long term
Short term results in cash are great but ......
Find where you can sustain a profit, ie. DYM - if you have a good week - play some MTT/cash
good luck - find a level where you feel comfortable
Ermmmm, where exactly did you get £6 profit from then???
If however the £3000 would make a big difference to your current living circumstances (I've worded this quite badly), then I would bank it and try spinning up another £50. You have the confidence to do that having done it before and I believe confidence gives you a a bit of an edge in this game.
Whatever you decide, gl with it.
Make your profits first, then you can start experimenting/learning new facets of the game.