In Response to Re: Your ideas for the Sky Poker TV channel.... : Hi PANACHE, Omaha is one of a number of product developments that are planned for introduction at various points over the course of the next twelve months. We'll keep everyone at Sky Poker updated on those developments; and probably enlist some of you to help, as we approach testing. Cheers, Des. Posted by Sky_Des
I would like to play plo at sky in the future as i have to play elsewhere when i fancy a game of plo.Des could you drop me a email or post here when the time comes as i would like to test it thanks.
Just a small point, sometime I want the chat box on but say one player will be annoying me swearing or whatever. But I want to see whats being said by everyone else I think an ignore chat button would be really good for the individual. I know what your thinking why just not turn chat off but like I say I may wish to read what the rest of the other players are saying for tells or to size up their ego for later.
Hi to everyone My question is why don't you make the channel free to all non subscribers of sky i.e. FreeSat etc ? I expect I know the answer already is that you want to encourage people to subscribe to Sky, but surely the poker site would benefit more if people like myself didn't have to subscribe. P.S. other than that I think this is the most fairest site and most playable about P.P.S. Hmmm I didn't even get a reply to a simple question, begs a question if this just a front to seem if they are listening to us when in reality its more of a worthless bit of PA????? We'll see, watch this space I think Posted by topboy
I think the issue with a wider distribution is more to do with the channel being a Gambling Channel. I would be surprised if anyone is subscribing to Sky solely to see the Poker Channel.
C-MON sky,answer my question there any chance of qualifiers for EPT tourneys on sky? Posted by fitzer14
As answered earlier in the thread, large demand isn't there at the moment as witnessed by the WSOP satellites. It's certainly an area Sky Poker would like to develop though, and something we'll look at carefully in autumn.
A couple of ideas - show sit and go's and double money sng's in a hour show (as is done with cash currently). Tactics and skills could then be discussed and bubble play analysed as well as the chance to watch the table dynamics throughout. Also, it would be great to have a large Sunday tourney - maybe starting a lot earlier (like the other poker sites Sunday mtt's) with the final 3 hours being shown throughout / or instead of the Sunday programme. Posted by phil12uk
Hi Phil. The sit n go and double your money show ideas are being planned so that will be going ahead on the channel shortly. We should get some clear strategy ideas from the analysts as to how to beat those formats. The format of Sunday evening's Open show is also under review, and we'll advise how that develops in the next few weeks.
Just a small point, sometime I want the chat box on but say one player will be annoying me swearing or whatever. But I want to see whats being said by everyone else I think an ignore chat button would be really good for the individual. I know what your thinking why just not turn chat off but like I say I may wish to read what the rest of the other players are saying for tells or to size up their ego for later. Posted by scarlet
There is functionality in development to allow players to ignore someone's chat.
i`d like to suggest some satellites fot gpukt events ........ a few shirts an caps to promote sky at the festivals Posted by themackem
Agreed. Generally I would say Sky Poker should run satelittes to GUKPT and any other event that IN-POKER cover. Then they can also film the fortunes of their qualifiers at these events for the show
Can we have rakeback in the future please i think the average is about 27% at the moment i think it would attract some more new players to join the site.
i would like sky to put tournys on so everyone can use there poker points.ive got 3000 that i cant use.these are before the cash for points was introdued.its like a loyalty without a loyalty.i know im not the only one.theres hundred of us feeling there any point.come on sky please repay us for our loyalty by either convertiing them in to cash or put a tourny on for us to use them.
Sky Poker is a channel for you! So what would you like to see on the channel? What will help you improve your poker? What do you like about the channel and want more of? What guests would you like to see on the shows? Have you got ideas for new items or shows? It's all about you - so let us know your feedback - and you never know your idea, no matter how big or small, could feature on the channel soon! Posted by Sky_TVcrew
Hi there
I would like to see some sit n' go at present i am playing mainly stt as i am Bankroll Managing as i am a newbie to Sky Poker and it would be good to get 1st hand advice on the show ( which i watch everyday )
20K starting stack and whatever blind levels required based on entrants Buy in £100 with satellites, shown over 2 evenings on Sky so 6 hours TV Once a year or monthly event Regards Gary
In Response to Re: Your ideas for the Sky Poker TV channel.... : Hi Topboy, I cannot answer for Sky Poker, though I'd asume that the issue of free access to non Sky Subscribers is outwith Sky Poker's control. But Free Acesss IS available - the Channel is Streamed on the Internet, just go to , & click "WATCH SKY POKER TV". Have a good weekend. Posted by Tikay10
Thanks for the response it is appreciated even if it only showed me another option, its nice too think that we are being heard. I used to use the largest bookmaker in the UK's poker site and post to there forum,until they didnt like what they heard and subsequently removed there forums!!
In Response to Re: Your ideas for the Sky Poker TV channel.... : Thanks for the response it is appreciated even if it only showed me another option, its nice too think that we are being heard. I used to use the largest bookmaker in the UK's poker site and post to there forum,until they didnt like what they heard and subsequently removed there forums!! Posted by topboy
lol topboy that has made me laugh !!!! .Oh dear nothing to do with a certain race horse was it , robbin bar stewards!!
Regarding new programmes- In a recently aired interview with James Hartigan, Paul "Action" Jackson spoke about "The Poker Godfather" programme he used to do. If I heard correctly he said he would love to do this again and even offers to give his fee to charity. Please take him up on his offer as this was a great programme which would offer entertainment and a terrific learning opportunity from one of the best players in the country.
Sky Poker is a channel for you! So what would you like to see on the channel? What will help you improve your poker? What do you like about the channel and want more of? What guests would you like to see on the shows? Have you got ideas for new items or shows? It's all about you - so let us know your feedback - and you never know your idea, no matter how big or small, could feature on the channel soon! Posted by Sky_TVcrew
What about the chat box for the table showing on tv been on view so we can enjoy the good natured banter in the sky poker community if the game was played and by you could edit any moron with bad lingo
how about having a 8 seat tourney and have it every 4 weeks
you could start off with a deep stack then following month could be bounty hunter
i reckon it would be great fun to watch and would be competion between the presenters and where possible get the 8 into the studio and do it as a live 8 seater
the format i was thinking of was
the winner of the league final goes through each week = 4
the presenter with most points of that week goes through = 4
you could call it
THE MONTHLY ALLSTARS EVENT or have a competition to name it
how about having a 8 seat tourney and have it every 4 weeks you could start off with a deep stack then following month could be bounty hunter i reckon it would be great fun to watch and would be competion between the presenters and where possible get the 8 into the studio and do it as a live 8 seater the format i was thinking of was the winner of the league final goes through each week = 4 the presenter with most points of that week goes through = 4 you could call it THE MONTHLY ALLSTARS EVENT or have a competition to name it cheers michael alias DTWBANDIT Posted by DTWBANDIT
ok since posting this i have started a thread on general chat with a poll called HOUSE CHAMPION after some feedback i have fully addressed all the issues at present
How about putting the channel on 'Freeview'? Im sure this would attract many more players to the site, got to be more attractive than playing roulette than on those channels there sems to be quite a few of.
Obviously I dont know the cost to sky of doing this or even whether it is possible, would hate to see commercials on channell 865 though.
I usually enjoy watching channel 865 when they are covering tournaments like the Saturday night Open.
However, last night (8th Aug) I thought the chit-chat surrounding the photo of 2 male presenters supposedly kissing each other was juvenile and crude.
I watch the channel in the hope of having my hands featured. As it was, we hardly saw any hands because the presenters were so pre-occupied with the stupid caption competition.
In the end I made 9th in the tournament, and would have liked to see some of the 2nd final table. As it was all I got was embarassing innuendo about the sexuality of the Sky staff.
By all means make the chatter light-hearted, but please show more hands hands and lose the other stuff.
Anyone else see the show and have a similar opinion?
Can I make a small suggestion for the live shows, a number of times the presenters and experts comment that it makes it easier to call plays as they can see all the cards. If that is the case perhaps then with one or two hands a show they should be challenged to commentate on a hand where they can only see one players cards, obviously a player involved to the end of the hand, this should test the experts and maybe give us new guys a insight or two.
I would love it if they auto-messaged (e-mail too optional) all the people who's hands are shown on the channel (informing about repeats), whether it be on a live show, a hand request, etc. I don't think it would be too much hard work as they have the player list and the same message would be sent to them all. It'd just be a case of selecting the players.
The main thing which would make me play here more is because of the channel. I'd hate to miss a hand I played in, even if I folded 7-2. Or because I watched the show for the first hour I was in, but missed it when they did a time jump later on.
I don't think it would lower viewers, and even if it did a little I think it would be outweighed by people playing more.
a few shirts an caps to promote sky at the festivals
Fitzer ere,hope ur pokers good m8.In relation to your post m8,yeah,thats wot we
Hi there
I would like to see some sit n' go at present i am playing mainly stt as i am Bankroll Managing as i am a newbie to Sky Poker and it would be good to get 1st hand advice on the show ( which i watch everyday )
my alias is dtwbandit
20K starting stack and whatever blind levels required based on entrants
Buy in £100 with satellites, shown over 2 evenings on Sky so 6 hours TV
Once a year or monthly event
Regards Gary
lol topboy that has made me laugh !!!! .
This is in my opinion the best idea !!!!
Ive been to two EPT's via online poker satellite's //Barcelona (Spain) and Baden (Austria)
Both were fantastic trips and great poker memories, well when you get over the bad beats that is !!
SKY take note these are brilliant tournaments well worth the trip !!
In a recently aired interview with James Hartigan, Paul "Action" Jackson spoke about "The Poker Godfather" programme he used to do.
If I heard correctly he said he would love to do this again and even offers to give his fee to charity.
Please take him up on his offer as this was a great programme which would offer entertainment and a terrific learning opportunity from one of the best players in the country.
Yours faithfully, Paul Jacksons agent (possibly)
so we can enjoy the good natured banter in the sky poker community
if the game was played and by you could edit any moron with bad lingo
how about having a 8 seat tourney and have it every 4 weeks
you could start off with a deep stack then following month could be bounty hunter
i reckon it would be great fun to watch and would be competion between the presenters and where possible get the 8 into the studio and do it as a live 8 seater
the format i was thinking of was
the winner of the league final goes through each week = 4
the presenter with most points of that week goes through = 4
you could call it
THE MONTHLY ALLSTARS EVENT or have a competition to name it
michael alias DTWBANDIT
ok since posting this i have started a thread on general chat with a poll called HOUSE CHAMPION after some feedback i have fully addressed all the issues at present
check it out
michael alias DTWBANDIT
Obviously I dont know the cost to sky of doing this or even whether it is possible, would hate to see commercials on channell 865 though.
I usually enjoy watching channel 865 when they are covering tournaments like the Saturday night Open.
However, last night (8th Aug) I thought the chit-chat surrounding the photo of 2 male presenters supposedly kissing each other was juvenile and crude.
I watch the channel in the hope of having my hands featured. As it was, we hardly saw any hands because the presenters were so pre-occupied with the stupid caption competition.
In the end I made 9th in the tournament, and would have liked to see some of the 2nd final table. As it was all I got was embarassing innuendo about the sexuality of the Sky staff.
By all means make the chatter light-hearted, but please show more hands hands and lose the other stuff.
Anyone else see the show and have a similar opinion?
Sorry if this has been said before...
I would love it if they auto-messaged (e-mail too optional) all the people who's hands are shown on the channel (informing about repeats), whether it be on a live show, a hand request, etc. I don't think it would be too much hard work as they have the player list and the same message would be sent to them all. It'd just be a case of selecting the players.
The main thing which would make me play here more is because of the channel. I'd hate to miss a hand I played in, even if I folded 7-2. Or because I watched the show for the first hour I was in, but missed it when they did a time jump later on.
I don't think it would lower viewers, and even if it did a little I think it would be outweighed by people playing more.