Had a bit of a bump in the road last night, I lost some money! Played some HU and was doing ok, was up a little then I started losing and ended session £40 down - o well sometimes it just runs against you
Played some 6xNL10 after untill my eyes told me to go to bed at about 11pm. Recouped some but still down £30 on the night
I also played in the open rebuy, tried to get a massive stack at the start but my draw didn't hit and after a couple of rebuys I thought that's enough. I find the only way to play that is to get a big stack at the start because everyone is just throwing chips around and stacks really start to grow. Kinda gets to a point where it's pointles rebuying. Played the mini open but I can't remember how I went out
Played more nl20/10 cash - good seesion - coulda been a lot better but two hands went against me late on - same oppo hit i think a couple of GS or something on river.... something like that - poker gods not on my side
time to hit the hay, 1am - late for me - up at 6am booohooooo
Well last night played the DTD as normal ) Shoulda done better but made it into the monthly Tikay freeroll in fourth place grrrrrr narrowly missed out on top three - teach me a leason for messing about in the DTD
Didn't play much cash as I was only 3 tabling, watching TV and just chilling - played more tables for about 30 minutes later on in the evening and lost about £30 very quickly - was playing 9 tables of 20,30,40 NL. Got a feeling it wasn't going to get any better so went to bed............
My Mum had her first session with a professional to help with the depression. Going to go and see her tonight to see how it went. Not expecting miracles, but slowly but surely we should hopefully see some improvement.
Morning - another day of rain ? Well last night played the DTD as normal ) Shoulda done better but made it into the monthly Tikay freeroll in fourth place grrrrrr narrowly missed out on top three - teach me a leason for messing about in the DTD Didn't play much cash as I was only 3 tabling, watching TV and just chilling - played more tables for about 30 minutes later on in the evening and lost about £30 very quickly - was playing 9 tables of 20,30,40 NL. Got a feeling it wasn't going to get any better so went to bed............ My Mum had her first session with a professional to help with the depression. Going to go and see her tonight to see how it went. Not expecting miracles, but slowly but surely we should hopefully see some improvement. current £445 Posted by rancid
Hi m8, hope the session went well, had a call off my Mum last night, she has found a lump 8 weeks ago but didnt do anything about it. She saw doc yesterday and is waiting for appointment for Mammogram. She is 81 and Dad is 82, he thought his luck was in on Sunday when she asked him to' have a look at this'.
In Response to Re: Futile challenge for the disintrested - xmas kids dog fund £445 : Hi m8, hope the session went well, had a call off my Mum last night, she has found a lump 8 weeks ago but didnt do anything about it. She saw doc yesterday and is waiting for appointment for Mammogram. She is 81 and Dad is 82, he thought his luck was in on Sunday when she asked him to' have a look at this'. Posted by pomfrittes
Lumps can be anything, so don't worry too much -
I will give you all a bit pf background on the story of how my Mum found out plus quick illustarion how bad the NHS is and always will be imo
So she goes to hospital about 6 months previous complaining of really bad stomach pain. Doctors say she's constepated and nothing is done Even though my Mum IS NOT ACTUALLY ! - she was going to the loo so..... Mum complains to the hospital of stomach problems, she went to india and had a torrid time with her stomach. Doctors still say she is built up inside..... Return to hospital again, now she is in crying pain - she can't move right ! They take her in, examine her - all this and that - O you have cysts ! O really ! Yeah 5-6 of them ! Ok just operate and do what you can do
So Mums in Hospital for 1 week, 2 weeks being exmained and all that - Arguments between the north mid hospital and the royal free - who are experts in the pancras area !
One day a doctor mentions cancer ! Just in a passing converstaion regarding mums condistion, Doctor should have said cyst because it was very obvious they had not confirmed if it was cancer ! As far as we were aware it was just very bad cysts !
Mum finally got the news it was pancratic cancer, 0.5.% of survival and at her stage - basically 0% chance.
IF - she had been daignosed properly in the first place instead of the hospital getting her out as quickly as possible then who knows if it would have made a differance. Because let's face it, hosiptals just turn people around as quickly as possible - they have no beds !
So yeah, siht happens aye ! You would think you go to hospital to be treated. Bottom line is, all they do is diagnoise you as quikcly as possible and send you home- o unless your dying ! They can't afford to examine or test/screen you properly so you get some A&E doctor who just says, it must be constepation !
played some cash nl10/20 won a little - well £10 - so dull - up - down - up down
won an MTT - it was the £250 GTD for about £100ish and 3rd in the mini open for £100ish Ran good, got lucky and played ok - gg - donked off a little with chip lead on FT w/AK verus trip jacks but hey what are you going to do ) - play better ! What you mean he could of had..........................meh
Had a dig at GT in the forum for havin a dig at IDCU -
ok another evening gone, played some NL20/30 - won some
current £475
played same mtt i did last night and came fourth tonight i think not too sure asI been watching true blood season 5, I download the whole series and me and the mrs just blast it for 3-4 hours straight )
My mum went into hospital for one night. They changed her medicine as it made her sleep all the time. Macmillan have been fantastic, encouraging my mum to be indepedant and take control. They think it's just all caught up with her and the reality of the situation has really kicked in - so no wonder she is depressed. Really hard to know what to do for the best with her, she refuses to go anywhere so it's hard right now. Probably going to get worse but kinda puts losing a poker hand into perspective.
run good in poker & life readers - it's only a game )
onwards and upwards - played some NL20/30 - won £100ish - ran well )
went a little deep - (if top is 20 considered deep) in the sky sports BH shove fest - my K10 lost to K7s ) Built a nice stack then run card dead when you want to be calling and shoving ( Stayed around 10bb ss and upto 20bb and down again - nothing went ok - made a small profit though so can't complain too much - but that's 4 nights in a row I have run deep so while I am runnin good hoepfully I can bink a big one )_(
Just so you don't get confused I started with £50 at the start of the month just playing cash to buy a dog - profit recorded here is just cash. MTT is a seperate thing )
O well this may just turn into a look at me winning money thread but o well - dogs ain't cheap !!
You were playing cash NL20, last night you were on my table playing NL30. So tonight I thought, want to keep out of mr run hot's way I'll play NL50. And who turns up on both tables I'm playing? Yes, Mr Rancid himself.
Ah, just for 10mins - he's gone now. But you know variance - don't put your dog at risk unnecessarily Marc.
Took a battering this evening at nl20, don't wanna moan too much about a bad session and how things went against me because I can't be bothered) lost about £90 SICK ! I blame percival - he like a bad omen for me - whenevr he on my table - silly things happen Even though I ran bad a little - I also run really well but just couldn't get paid on my big hands so it compoounds the loss even more - just goes to show, don't matter - if it aint't your night - then it ain't your night ) Would post some hands to highlight my plight but what's the point )
Going to play some NL10 just to stop da rot -
anyway involved in a car smash yesterday and today I have pulled my back muscles throwing boxes around - I am in so much pain - tomorrow I am supposed to be going to a wedding - no way I am making that - The kids are going to borther in laws so I guess I'll be meft at home with my ice pack + sky poker ) Wouldn't mind but the missi is looking at me like I have done this on purpose Yes love I love being in pain everytime I move - loving it ! Beleive me I would rarther be out getting drunk at the wedding ) Have to see how I feel tomorrow.
Took a battering this evening at nl20, don't wanna moan too much about a bad session and how things went against me because I can't be bothered) lost about £90 SICK ! I blame percival - he like a bad omen for me - whenevr he on my table - silly things happen Even though I ran bad a little - I also run really well but just couldn't get paid on my big hands so it compoounds the loss even more - just goes to show, don't matter - if it aint't your night - then it ain't your night ) Would post some hands to highlight my plight but what's the point ) Going to play some NL10 just to stop da rot - anyway involved in a car smash yesterday and today I have pulled my back muscles throwing boxes around - I am in so much pain - tomorrow I am supposed to be going to a wedding - no way I am making that - The kids are going to borther in laws so I guess I'll be meft at home with my ice pack + sky poker ) Wouldn't mind but the missi is looking at me like I have done this on purpose Yes love I love being in pain everytime I move - loving it ! Beleive me I would rarther be out getting drunk at the wedding ) Have to see how I feel tomorrow. l8trs taters Posted by rancid
In Response to Re: Futile challenge for the disintrested - turn £50 into a dog for xmas - current £585 : loooooooooooool Posted by percival09
May have to make an entry in area 51, espcially when the guy caught two pair on the river and was paying me off all day long w/KQ - that one was so your fault - I could hear you screaming for me to be beat ) Another oppo calls by raise on turn after a K high wet flop with ace high after I 3 bet pre - like really :S owned or stationed- so not sure ! Same guy that caught 2 pr on river calls my 4 bet pre oop w/KQ - picks up FD on flop - shoves it in and beats me - so lol and so your all your fault lemon ! Good battles we have - gg yes - but please stay away from my tables - you jinx !
I have to close the HH from last night they making me feel a bit sick and yes my back is o so painful ! Missus is still hoping I am going to the wedding, kids r laughing at me when I scream ! Saturday is a nice day for a picnic ) No way I am going to this wedding, shame Guess I'll be playing a shed load of poker tonight - so see you at the tables
I don't wanna give advice to fellow 20nl players but that's a pretty bad hand to 3b. that is all. Posted by percival09
now your pissnig me off )
not sure on this 3 betting a polarised range or not and all that business ! I am trying to think of a reason why I 3 bet 56s versus this oppo and I can't remember ) O yeah maybe because.... I AM A AGGRO FISH
as for turn - how can I fold ? WTF
MAN post one hand and the clinic regs swoop like flies round siht
hello - played some of that poker and won some money
NL20 - thats it - really odd session - thought I done better than I had -
played an MTT thingy and came 3rd -_-
rest of it is just a blur tbh was watching a few episodes of the Sopranos
back is hurting, tried cold compress and heat plus little exercise - still hurts !
the joys of being old )
missus came back from the wedding 10 minutes ago, she is so drunk & moody - lols She is so narked with me for not going, like I hurt my back on purpose - WOMEN !
Had a bit of a bump in the road last night, I lost some money! Played some HU and was doing ok, was up a little then I started losing and ended session £40 down - o well sometimes it just runs against you
Played some 6xNL10 after untill my eyes told me to go to bed at about 11pm. Recouped some but still down £30 on the night
I also played in the open rebuy, tried to get a massive stack at the start but my draw didn't hit and after a couple of rebuys I thought that's enough. I find the only way to play that is to get a big stack at the start because everyone is just throwing chips around and stacks really start to grow. Kinda gets to a point where it's pointles rebuying.
Played the mini open but I can't remember how I went out
Upto 9 tables multi tabling cash, don't know if it's worth investing in another monitor - I think more than 9 and I'll go mad !
Now £405
same oppo hit i think a couple of GS or something on river.... something like that - poker gods not on my side
time to hit the hay, 1am - late for me - up at 6am booohooooo
run golden
current £475 dog fund is stable
Well last night played the DTD as normal ) Shoulda done better but made it into the monthly Tikay freeroll in fourth place grrrrrr narrowly missed out on top three - teach me a leason for messing about in the DTD
Didn't play much cash as I was only 3 tabling, watching TV and just chilling - played more tables for about 30 minutes later on in the evening and lost about £30 very quickly - was playing 9 tables of 20,30,40 NL.
Got a feeling it wasn't going to get any better so went to bed............
My Mum had her first session with a professional to help with the depression.
Going to go and see her tonight to see how it went.
Not expecting miracles, but slowly but surely we should hopefully see some improvement.
current £445
I will give you all a bit pf background on the story of how my Mum found out plus quick illustarion how bad the NHS is and always will be imo
So she goes to hospital about 6 months previous complaining of really bad stomach pain.
Doctors say she's constepated and nothing is done
Even though my Mum IS NOT ACTUALLY ! - she was going to the loo so.....
Mum complains to the hospital of stomach problems, she went to india and had a torrid time with her stomach.
Doctors still say she is built up inside.....
Return to hospital again, now she is in crying pain - she can't move right !
They take her in, examine her - all this and that -
O you have cysts !
O really !
Yeah 5-6 of them ! Ok just operate and do what you can do
So Mums in Hospital for 1 week, 2 weeks being exmained and all that -
Arguments between the north mid hospital and the royal free - who are experts in the pancras area !
One day a doctor mentions cancer ! Just in a passing converstaion regarding mums condistion, Doctor should have said cyst because it was very obvious they had not confirmed if it was cancer ! As far as we were aware it was just very bad cysts !
Mum finally got the news it was pancratic cancer, 0.5.% of survival and at her stage - basically 0% chance.
IF - she had been daignosed properly in the first place instead of the hospital getting her out as quickly as possible then who knows if it would have made a differance.
Because let's face it, hosiptals just turn people around as quickly as possible - they have no beds !
So yeah, siht happens aye !
You would think you go to hospital to be treated.
Bottom line is, all they do is diagnoise you as quikcly as possible and send you home- o unless your dying !
They can't afford to examine or test/screen you properly so you get some A&E doctor who just says, it must be constepation !
one word - sonds like hunt !
played some cash nl10/20 won a little - well £10 - so dull - up - down - up down
won an MTT - it was the £250 GTD for about £100ish and 3rd in the mini open for £100ish
Ran good, got lucky and played ok - gg - donked off a little with chip lead on FT w/AK verus trip jacks but hey what are you going to do ) - play better ! What you mean he could of had..........................meh
Had a dig at GT in the forum for havin a dig at IDCU -
now I am going to bed - fun life this - up at 6am
thanks 4 da rail
current £475
played same mtt i did last night and came fourth tonight i think
not too sure asI been watching true blood season 5, I download the whole series and me and the mrs just blast it for 3-4 hours straight )
My mum went into hospital for one night. They changed her medicine as it made her sleep all the time. Macmillan have been fantastic, encouraging my mum to be indepedant and take control. They think it's just all caught up with her and the reality of the situation has really kicked in - so no wonder she is depressed.
Really hard to know what to do for the best with her, she refuses to go anywhere so it's hard right now.
Probably going to get worse but kinda puts losing a poker hand into perspective.
run good in poker & life readers - it's only a game )
went a little deep - (if top is 20 considered deep) in the sky sports BH shove fest - my K10 lost to K7s
Built a nice stack then run card dead when you want to be calling and shoving
Stayed around 10bb ss and upto 20bb and down again - nothing went ok - made a small profit though so can't complain too much - but that's 4 nights in a row I have run deep so while I am runnin good hoepfully I can bink a big one )_(
Just so you don't get confused I started with £50 at the start of the month just playing cash to buy a dog - profit recorded here is just cash. MTT is a seperate thing )
O well this may just turn into a look at me winning money thread but o well - dogs ain't cheap !!
run golden
just played some NL50 - up another £100 - running good atm doesn't mean I am playing good )
Even though I ran bad a little - I also run really well but just couldn't get paid on my big hands so it compoounds the loss even more - just goes to show, don't matter - if it aint't your night - then it ain't your night )
Would post some hands to highlight my plight but what's the point )
Going to play some NL10 just to stop da rot -
anyway involved in a car smash yesterday and today I have pulled my back muscles throwing boxes around - I am in so much pain - tomorrow I am supposed to be going to a wedding - no way I am making that -
The kids are going to borther in laws so I guess I'll be meft at home with my ice pack + sky poker )
Wouldn't mind but the missi is looking at me like I have done this on purpose
Have to see how I feel tomorrow.
l8trs taters
May have to make an entry in area 51, espcially when the guy caught two pair on the river and was paying me off all day long w/KQ - that one was so your fault - I could hear you screaming for me to be beat )
Another oppo calls by raise on turn after a K high wet flop with ace high after I 3 bet pre - like really :S owned or stationed- so not sure !
Same guy that caught 2 pr on river calls my 4 bet pre oop w/KQ - picks up FD on flop - shoves it in and beats me - so lol and so your all your fault lemon ! Good battles we have - gg yes - but please stay away from my tables - you jinx !
I have to close the HH from last night they making me feel a bit sick and yes my back is o so painful !
Missus is still hoping I am going to the wedding, kids r laughing at me when I scream ! Saturday is a nice day for a picnic ) No way I am going to this wedding, shame
please don't anyone say fold turn - will make me angry )
not sure on this 3 betting a polarised range or not and all that business !
I am trying to think of a reason why I 3 bet 56s versus this oppo and I can't remember )
O yeah maybe because.... I AM A AGGRO FISH
as for turn - how can I fold ? WTF
MAN post one hand and the clinic regs swoop like flies round siht
real question is - did I get shamowned !
13 outs - how the hell can I fold ?
NL20 - thats it - really odd session - thought I done better than I had -
played an MTT thingy and came 3rd -_-
rest of it is just a blur tbh was watching a few episodes of the Sopranos
back is hurting, tried cold compress and heat plus little exercise - still hurts !
the joys of being old )
missus came back from the wedding 10 minutes ago, she is so drunk & moody - lols
She is so narked with me for not going, like I hurt my back on purpose - WOMEN !
going to bed now - nn degens
it will turn ) always does
played so much poker this weekend due to me suffering with my back -
o well
siht happens ! lose moeny easily now )
went through a few days where I couldn't lose - now I can't win
That little Lemon keeps on being my jinx ! Never trust a lemon !
O yea played mini open , deepish last 20 - went out AK V AK oppo hit a flush obviously ::::::()
just going to grind on