it looked like you were crushing the tables last nite you were up in them all that a saw you on also vul in the hand above crazy call on the turn by them.
I felt sick when you hit that gutshot 4 the str8 on river vs me when I had the set so sick aw well maybe I will run gd vs you sometime in future lol.
it looked like you were crushing the tables last niteyou were up in them all that a saw you on also vul in the hand above crazy call on the turn by them. I felt sick when you hit that gutshot 4 the str8 on river vs me when I had the set so sick aw well maybe I will run gd vs you sometime in future lol. gl at the tables. Posted by liamboi11
Yeah looked liked it at the end, but it's very deceiving. I was actually +£20 on pots />£8 but -£27 on pots<£8
So I have leaks/spew across 9-12 tables plus I should of maybe got away from a couple of all in spots - but maybe I am being too hard on myself when oppo limp/shoves AA on the btn and I have KK in the bb.
errrrrr getting a bit bored now - too much poker - becoming a bit of a chore )
Actually fell asleep infront of the PC last night - at about 11pm -
I was up about £8 or something - can't even be bothered to record anymore - so over this 4 KING promo )
I'am actually starting ti feel abit like why bother, it's affected my win rate and I am so tired I can't even think when I am playing - just pressing buttons -
But it doesn't matter how tired I get I can still get it aipr with AA />KQ>K8 - YEP that's right - K8 won with 2 prs )
stooooooopid game
I was actually quite pleased though with some of my play as I have stopped the calling even though I know I am beat thing. "o yeah you have a house, I call anyway with my flush" At least I can manage to fold now )
So just holding on to fourth spot in the KING promo, I have grinded the most c4p I have ever had and it's hard work. Up at 6am off to work get home 6:30-7ish, do stuff - online for 8-9pm - play till 12-1 and repeat - no wonder I ain't winning much ) Espcially when oppo in hand below still run out on me and hit whatever percentage they need 2%-40% w/e they just carry on hitting out on me (
So.......just going to carry on - may just up the ante more for the last 11 days - play more NL20 and really aim for 2nd/3rd.
Or... may just give up )
not updating yet, just about break even so.....little point.....
This game is so harsh sometimes, lost £60 today - not even funny how bad it went My profit for the month is slowly disappearing and I can't do anything to stop it Makes it even worse because I just ain't done nothing wroung lol
Keep the faith in my game !
Think I started Oct with about £500 - started September with £50 - contrasting months )
current £630 - so unless I have a storming last 11 days of the month I guess I'll have to fall back on c4p + promo money for the profit ()
mmmmm really not feeling dis poker lark right now -_-
down £60 the last two sessions started the latest session by bluffing a buy in away ) lost another two really quickly and I cant't remember the rest_ do remember when I had FH v quads though - that hurt a bit ( Maybe I just win when I run good ! maybe I'll just tighten up and grind October away and look forward to November -_-
A little time for reflection me thinks. I started this thread as a bit of fun, what can we turn £50 into ? The first month was great! I ran well, done really good and ended month with £500. This is all good and everything was going ok. Then into October and we start the KING promo. Still doing ok in the first week then hit a dodgy spell at nl20 so decdied to step down to NL10.
Things this month have not been going too well, got to a point where there is no fun in this thread - just an endless grind with pockets of run bad. But when we experience spells of run bad, we question ourselves and have so much self doubt about our game. Why does it work one week/month and not the next, this is varaince right ? Then we compound the problem making a few bad calls and making a few moves that frankly we could do without as we are in a hole already without making it worse!
You can see why people go off on one and rant and say it's rigged because I suppose it's a very lonely place running bad online. It happens to us all, getting AA cracked ror the 5th time does get annoying - flopping a straight and gettig outdrawn in a massive pot does really grate - espcially when your in a hole. It feels like nothing you can is right and you can never win !
So is losing fun, is poker fun when your losing - not really !
It can be fun when you lose a little but not when you lose constantly. Espcially if you win more often than you lose. I had a look through my HH and it looks so horible, so many sick spots and coolers mixed in with some not so great play!
So where do we find the fuin ! I normally play MTT for fun ) But that's been going ok apart from running deepish and then being kicked in the teeth ) So a little frustring in that area too.
We have 10 days of the promo left and I starting to blame everything for my downswing - espcially this promo - "Maybe If I was only playing six tables then I wouldn't be in a hole" blah blah blah -
You may have guessed that I don't like losing )
Kinda decided to just grind on NL10 till end of the Promo, pocket the c4p + promo money and go on holiday so.......
no not really, we will see what the next ten days bring and I'll decide after the promo what I am going to do for fun. May even multi table MTT's for a bit, kinda inspired by Wacko's amazing thread ) Not really multi tabled MTT's that much and maybe I should because I think I'll do ok.
But think of the monies at end of the month u on for priority u must be as u up there in kings of cash take time out at end of month i am and come back refreshed
Might be a grind and not enjoying it m8 But think of the monies at end of the month u on for priority u must be as u up there in kings of cash take time out at end of month i am and come back refreshed Posted by IDONKCALLU
yeah cheers, the bonus money will make up for it I suppose -
Hopefully the last ten days will provide some profit -
By November I am going to need a break from cash anyway so an MTT whirl seems a good idea
Morning, A little time for reflection me thinks. I started this thread as a bit of fun, what can we turn £50 into ? The first month was great! I ran well, done really good and ended month with £500. This is all good and everything was going ok. Then into October and we start the KING promo. Still doing ok in the first week then hit a dodgy spell at nl20 so decdied to step down to NL10. Things this month have not been going too well, got to a point where there is no fun in this thread - just an endless grind with pockets of run bad. But when we experience spells of run bad, we question ourselves and have so much self doubt about our game. Why does it work one week/month and not the next, this is varaince right ? Then we compound the problem making a few bad calls and making a few moves that frankly we could do without as we are in a hole already without making it worse! You can see why people go off on one and rant and say it's rigged because I suppose it's a very lonely place running bad online. It happens to us all, getting AA cracked ror the 5th time does get annoying - flopping a straight and gettig outdrawn in a massive pot does really grate - espcially when your in a hole. It feels like nothing you can is right and you can never win ! So is losing fun, is poker fun when your losing - not really ! It can be fun when you lose a little but not when you lose constantly. Espcially if you win more often than you lose. I had a look through my HH and it looks so horible, so many sick spots and coolers mixed in with some not so great play! So where do we find the fuin ! I normally play MTT for fun ) But that's been going ok apart from running deepish and then being kicked in the teeth ) So a little frustring in that area too. We have 10 days of the promo left and I starting to blame everything for my downswing - espcially this promo - "Maybe If I was only playing six tables then I wouldn't be in a hole" blah blah blah - You may have guessed that I don't like losing ) Kinda decided to just grind on NL10 till end of the Promo, pocket the c4p + promo money and go on holiday so....... END OF THREAD... no not really, we will see what the next ten days bring and I'll decide after the promo what I am going to do for fun. May even multi table MTT's for a bit, kinda inspired by Wacko's amazing thread ) Not really multi tabled MTT's that much and maybe I should because I think I'll do ok. we will see run golden Posted by rancid
i can relate to a lot of what you have wrote here. its not eeasy but as you have said on my thread chin up the end is in sight.
on a different note you must be closing in on priority now. that should keep your focus just to say you have reached it at least once
Kinda the worst case scenerio - you run bad plus your making rash decisions because you only have a very short space of time - I know for a fact if I had longer then I would fold a lot spots - even trips/under house situations - to be honest playing 12 tables I can't even remember what happened pre flop - looking through my HH and I am donking out and all weird stuff lols - plus seem to be calling down a lot more -
so yeah it's deffo better playing 6 tables or even 9 at a push -
Dont' think it's worth getting more c4p just to lower your win rate -_-
Think it's actually harder for me and TINTIN for example because we are both fairly new to playing 12 tables and I honestly think thats why we have suffered so much - too many tables, bit of run bad, tired brains n all that -
I can only speak for myself but getting up at 6am everyday, going to work, playing in the evening 9-12 tables till 1am is not the recipe for playing great poker - so yeah run bad + play bad = disaster ) Plus factor in more REGS on tables during the promo and it's going to be tough grinding a profit )
I do the same by the way, but it's funny how usually the whole tone of someone's posts completely change between whether they're posting a winning session or a losing one. I definitely notice myself, no matter how much I try that when I post about losing there's always something to whinge about, it's usually something justified but something that if I'd won I wouldn't even bother mentioning.
I've been having a real mare recently at the tables and I definitely agree with your big post on the previous... basically losing sucks.
It's a cruel game innit! I do the same by the way, but it's funny how usually the whole tone of someone's posts completely change between whether they're posting a winning session or a losing one. I definitely notice myself, no matter how much I try that when I post about losing there's always something to whinge about, it's usually something justified but something that if I'd won I wouldn't even bother mentioning. I've been having a real mare recently at the tables and I definitely agree with your big post on the previous... basically losing sucks. Posted by Lambert180
) You feel so much better about poker when you winning
the beats just compound the misery when your losing -
then the misery turns into bad play...
then you realise what your doing wroung - correct it and start winning again )
The best time to learn and improve is actually when your losing - Everytime I go on bad runs, even though there are a few beats - there's also leaks/spew/bad play in there too - which you just need to look at and fix -
Don't think it's possible to play perfect al lthe time either so......just gotta be honest with yourself
While your winning, you don't think your doing anything wroung just continue...
mmmm I had set Q v set A in one pot - that was a bit sick - but on the flip i had set of 10's v set of 3's o yeah & I got lucky w/55 v QQ - binked a 5 - levels ying yang
Last night went really well at the start but then went downhill, ever faithfull sets/2 prs shoved in my face - too tired to fold called it a night early at about 10:30, too tired to play - just shoved all in in my MTT's and went to bed. When I am so tired, I should realise this and just stop playing - auto press buttons like a zombie no biggie, it's only one day of poker -3bins 5 days to go in the promo - at this rate I'll be lucky to stay top ten
top ten is fine for me though, c4p + promo money will fund the xmas fund nicley and then we can go back to increasing the xmas fund for the kids )
One thing is for certain, going to be playing more MTT's and less cash in November - see if I can bink something for xmas I would like to play more SATS but the times they run I am just not online, may even do a IDCU and go for a hit n run on the DYM's - MBN when it runs for you ) Or even do a Wacko run of god !! How good is this guy, skillz + run good = £4000 - WOWZA
odd session, could swear blind it was a +£40 seesion but ended up down £7
Played fine, got it in good - but it's not to be
current £693
I was actually +£20 on pots />£8
but -£27 on pots<£8
So I have leaks/spew across 9-12 tables plus I should of maybe got away from a couple of all in spots - but maybe I am being too hard on myself when oppo limp/shoves AA on the btn and I have KK in the bb.
Actually fell asleep infront of the PC last night - at about 11pm -
I was up about £8 or something - can't even be bothered to record anymore - so over this 4 KING promo )
I'am actually starting ti feel abit like why bother, it's affected my win rate and I am so tired I can't even think when I am playing - just pressing buttons -
But it doesn't matter how tired I get I can still get it aipr with AA />KQ>K8 - YEP that's right - K8 won with 2 prs )
stooooooopid game
I was actually quite pleased though with some of my play as I have stopped the calling even though I know I am beat thing.
"o yeah you have a house, I call anyway with my flush"
At least I can manage to fold now )
run golden
So just holding on to fourth spot in the KING promo, I have grinded the most c4p I have ever had and it's hard work.
Up at 6am off to work get home 6:30-7ish, do stuff - online for 8-9pm - play till 12-1 and repeat - no wonder I ain't winning much )
Espcially when oppo in hand below still run out on me and hit whatever percentage they need
So.......just going to carry on - may just up the ante more for the last 11 days - play more NL20 and really aim for 2nd/3rd.
Or... may just give up )
not updating yet, just about break even so.....little point.....
Good news I final tabled a small MTT _)
My profit for the month is slowly disappearing and I can't do anything to stop it
Makes it even worse because I just ain't done nothing wroung lol
Keep the faith in my game !
Think I started Oct with about £500 - started September with £50 - contrasting months )
current £630 - so unless I have a storming last 11 days of the month I guess I'll have to fall back on c4p + promo money for the profit ()
down £60 the last two sessions
started the latest session by bluffing a buy in away ) lost another two really quickly and I cant't remember the rest_
do remember when I had FH v quads though - that hurt a bit (
Maybe I just win when I run good !
maybe I'll just tighten up and grind October away and look forward to November -_-
current £570 -
just gonna grind on, tide will turn hopefully
harsh game )
A little time for reflection me thinks.
I started this thread as a bit of fun, what can we turn £50 into ? The first month was great! I ran well, done really good and ended month with £500. This is all good and everything was going ok. Then into October and we start the KING promo.
Still doing ok in the first week then hit a dodgy spell at nl20 so decdied to step down to NL10.
Things this month have not been going too well, got to a point where there is no fun in this thread - just an endless grind with pockets of run bad. But when we experience spells of run bad, we question ourselves and have so much self doubt about our game. Why does it work one week/month and not the next, this is varaince right ?
Then we compound the problem making a few bad calls and making a few moves that frankly we could do without as we are in a hole already without making it worse!
You can see why people go off on one and rant and say it's rigged because I suppose it's a very lonely place running bad online. It happens to us all, getting AA cracked ror the 5th time does get annoying - flopping a straight and gettig outdrawn in a massive pot does really grate - espcially when your in a hole.
It feels like nothing you can is right and you can never win !
So is losing fun, is poker fun when your losing - not really !
It can be fun when you lose a little but not when you lose constantly.
Espcially if you win more often than you lose.
I had a look through my HH and it looks so horible, so many sick spots and coolers mixed in with some not so great play!
So where do we find the fuin ! I normally play MTT for fun ) But that's been going ok apart from running deepish and then being kicked in the teeth ) So a little frustring in that area too.
We have 10 days of the promo left and I starting to blame everything for my downswing - espcially this promo -
"Maybe If I was only playing six tables then I wouldn't be in a hole" blah blah blah -
You may have guessed that I don't like losing )
Kinda decided to just grind on NL10 till end of the Promo, pocket the c4p + promo money and go on holiday so.......
no not really, we will see what the next ten days bring and I'll decide after the promo what I am going to do for fun.
May even multi table MTT's for a bit, kinda inspired by Wacko's amazing thread )
Not really multi tabled MTT's that much and maybe I should because I think I'll do ok.
we will see
run golden
cheers m8, prefer c4p + promo to be a bonus - but if it does make up for profit then I'm not going to grumble too much
You never know, 10 days I could make £200+ profit -
things change so quickly in this game
yeah cheers, the bonus money will make up for it I suppose -
Hopefully the last ten days will provide some profit -
By November I am going to need a break from cash anyway so an MTT whirl seems a good idea
run golden
on a different note you must be closing in on priority now. that should keep your focus just to say you have reached it at least once
Still think playing 12 tables is not optimal
i found that playing 12 great for c4p but playing 6 was the most optimal regarding winning.
(* *)
to be honest playing 12 tables I can't even remember what happened pre flop - looking through my HH and I am donking out and all weird stuff lols - plus seem to be calling down a lot more -
so yeah it's deffo better playing 6 tables or even 9 at a push -
Dont' think it's worth getting more c4p just to lower your win rate -_-
Think it's actually harder for me and TINTIN for example because we are both fairly new to playing 12 tables and I honestly think thats why we have suffered so much - too many tables, bit of run bad, tired brains n all that -
I can only speak for myself but getting up at 6am everyday, going to work, playing in the evening 9-12 tables till 1am is not the recipe for playing great poker - so yeah run bad + play bad = disaster )
Plus factor in more REGS on tables during the promo and it's going to be tough grinding a profit )
Just have to face facts - I am a 12 table donk )
current £585
onwards and upwards hopefully
still managed to mis read a hand though I had 88 - board was 4A448 -
I called the river bet - DOHHHHHHHH! see it's not optimal )
current £612
current £655
probabaly going to slow down now I am close to priority - no need to break myself )
nn sweet dreams
I do the same by the way, but it's funny how usually the whole tone of someone's posts completely change between whether they're posting a winning session or a losing one. I definitely notice myself, no matter how much I try that when I post about losing there's always something to whinge about, it's usually something justified but something that if I'd won I wouldn't even bother mentioning.
I've been having a real mare recently at the tables and I definitely agree with your big post on the previous... basically losing sucks.
the beats just compound the misery when your losing -
then the misery turns into bad play...
then you realise what your doing wroung - correct it and start winning again )
The best time to learn and improve is actually when your losing -
Everytime I go on bad runs, even though there are a few beats - there's also leaks/spew/bad play in there too - which you just need to look at and fix -
Don't think it's possible to play perfect al lthe time either so......just gotta be honest with yourself
While your winning, you don't think your doing anything wroung just continue...
current £695....tired not much to say )
++ session
mmmm I had set Q v set A in one pot - that was a bit sick - but on the flip i had set of 10's v set of 3's
o yeah & I got lucky w/55 v QQ - binked a 5 - levels
ying yang
current £760 - going in the right direction
Noticed a few people upping the ante with playing more hours + more tables -_-
I am so close to priority now, but I am still going to play till the end of the month and then have a break for a couple of hours !!!
Don't think I'll move up, maybe donw a couple of spaces - guess we will see come midnight 31st -
good luck people
called it a night early at about 10:30, too tired to play - just shoved all in in my MTT's and went to bed.
When I am so tired, I should realise this and just stop playing - auto press buttons like a zombie
no biggie, it's only one day of poker -3bins
5 days to go in the promo - at this rate I'll be lucky to stay top ten
top ten is fine for me though, c4p + promo money will fund the xmas fund nicley and then we can go back to increasing the xmas fund for the kids )
One thing is for certain, going to be playing more MTT's and less cash in November - see if I can bink something for xmas
I would like to play more SATS but the times they run I am just not online, may even do a IDCU and go for a hit n run on the DYM's - MBN when it runs for you )
Or even do a Wacko run of god !! How good is this guy, skillz + run good = £4000 - WOWZA
good luck at the tables
cmon you know you thought about folding right !
advo ! 810s is the nuts right
lost a little playing nl20