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a new year..a new game...CASH...still playing
cool, post plenty of hands dev

, you have a great roll for nl10 mate, hope you do well.
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Hi all,
'happy new year to everyone'
after last months priority dym grind,i've decided that i need a change.
so have decided to play some nl cash.
with a starting b/roll of £331.82) that i've given myself,(my loose change)
i'm starting at nl10 probably 2/4 tables to start off with and see how it goes.
i am no cash player so i have no real expectations.
if i lose this money,which i know is very likely,then it's back playing DYM...again.
this is not a challenge as such,just something different for me, as i've been playing dym's for the past 8/9 months or so.
i know i am only playing with 31 buy-ins for nl10 which is far from ideal for me,being such a b/roll nit,but as i've said,when it's's gone.
i suppose if i did drop down to around the £100/£150 i would have to consider dropping to nl4,which would seem
to make the most sense.
i could start at nl4 i know,but as it's very likely i might be there at some point anyway,so i feel i am giving myself the best possible starting place at nl10.
i don't want to post every day and bore you all,and this is certainly not intended as a place for me to come and 'brag' to you all,should the unlikely happen.if anything it's more than odds on that i could be back playing dym again very soon. lol
as with all the new year challenges just starting up and of course any old ones from last year,they are all very personal to the players concerned,as this one will become,hopefully,to me.
good luck and best wishes to all of you with your challenges and goals for this year, and to everyone in general here at Sky poker.
lets hope 2013 is a lucky one for us all.
'be lucky'
you too mate
night off tonight...i'll get crackin tomorrow. lol
n Response to Re: a new year...a new game..CASH.: ty jams
thanks for the advice.going to use table selection as i'm sure it will help,and lets be honest i'm going to need all the help going. lol
enjoy the time off.hope to still be there playing when u return
best wishes
u2 m8.
happy new year.
good luck with your plans too mate...
and remember 1 day at a time.
Sure you'll see a slow and steady profit from this venture.
don't get to comfortable there i could soon be back you know. lol
you too mate...
another tough challenge you have given yourself.BIG RESPECT when you achieve it...
perphaps have a catch up,over a cold round of course.
ty rusty_ring.
yes it all starts today...
so come and find me. lol
ty m8,
i'm only starting off playing 2-4 tables and i have another plan up my sleeve also,to go with it.
as i've not played cash properly for the best part of a year now,i thought i'd start off slowly and if successful,which is by no means any more than 50/50 imo,gradually crank it up.
you could well be right regarding playing less dym tables being more successful.
last month was an exception though as i was going for priority for the 1st time,simply for the challenge.
i don't normally play 20+ tables as i did all last month.
i usually play between 12 and 15 sometimes as many as 18.
i was also aware of the timing out and trust me it was very deliberate.
if my cash adventure doesn't work out,then i'm sure i'll be back playing dym's again and will probably go back to playing 12-15 tables again.
if in the future auto-seat and resizable tables are introduced,then i honestly think that using the timing out method that i have just been experimenting with,it could well be possible to play up to as many as 40 tables.
i'm not sure if i will ever try it,knowing me though....yes is probably the answer.
as to whether i could win or even come out level over a month and therefore earn some decent c4p reward,is another question.
hope that explains.
day 1
lost £33.09
cash b/r £280.53
c4p 156 total 389
played nl10 4 tables 7 hours.
went pretty much as i expected and losing was no surprise for me.
thought i played ok just not well enough,i guess.
i know it's all about position and agression and i'll do my best to keep on working at it.
probably play later on today now,once i've had some sleep and been to work.
feeling tired and a bit down atm,but it's not like i've not been here before. lol
i'm no good at posting hands so i don't think i'll even try.
with just 28 buy-ins left i know i can't afford to keep losing sessions,even though this is only the first session.
i'm expecting a similar result for the next 2 or 3 sessions for sure,maybe even worse.
if it comes across as being a bit negative,i'm sorry,but i'm just being honest and that's how i'm feeling atm.
i'm sure once the next session begins i'll start feeling better and more optimistic,well hopefully.
time for bed,
night all,or possibly good morning even.
If I were you Ian I'd spend time looking through yesterdays hand histories trying to learn how you can improve before starting the next session. Good luck.
thanks for the advice mate,
any suggestions as to which mtt's to play?
yes,cash is certainly is a more aggressive looser game and totally different to how i'm used to playing dym's.
i have always struggled playing cash but am going to give it my best shot here, even if it means losing £300
or so in the process.
i'm sure it is more of a mental barrier as much as anything,also i need to make the necessary adjustments to my game,which clearly i haven't been able to do so far.
one of the main problems i seem to come up against,time and time again is when i have a big hand and run into another big hand and i lose an all-in,in this case now £10. which therefore becomes a £20 does seem to happen a lot and these seem to
determine how i end up for each session.
i'm not sure what if anything i can do about this,or is it simply 'all part of the game'
i guess i could always 'back down' from going all-in,but with money already in the pot and with a descent hand that seems a bad play also.
anyway,that aside,i am quite happy with how i played last night and will give it my best as always again later tonight.
don't think i'll be playing for 7 hours though.
also 4 tables seems enough for the moment i think.
best wishes,
yes i was a bit down after y'days session,but i was expecting the loss as i have already mentioned.
posting straight after a session is probably not the best idea,especially when you have just lost,i guess.
i'm over it now and looking forward to another session later.
thanks for posting mate and the support.very much appreciated.
yes i'll deffo go through some hands.i've never done it before so it should make interesting if painfull reading.
gl with your challenge too.
thanks mate,
it is for me mate,trust me,i've spent hours in the past trying to get it right.sometimes well occasionally it would come out right,but mostly not.
i might give it another go,but at the moment i've messed up my mouse...somehow,as it now clicks using both sides as i'm now playing right handed instead of my usual left due to being in pain still after last months grindathon.
i will try and sort it out though,as i do need help.
it does kind of feel like cheating though asking for opinions on hands i've played,but i guess it's common practise amongst poker players to get their's something i've not done and i guess i'm just an old duffer and i like to try and work things out for myself.
(* *)
play tight aggresive and win money
so shhhhhhh and win