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. . Of stacks that is. Yes tonight Matthew I'm going to be your very own ' P rovoke T he P resenter '! It's going to get dirty people!! I shall be playing in the 8pm Double stack as well as some 10,20p cash. If you fancy getting your lovely, grubby little poker playing hands on my veritable abundance of Sky Poker goodies then you will have to dig deep.. ..and pull out your best 'put down' . YES that's right. I want you to INSULT me... This shouldn't prove too difficult for most of youBrave post.Post your abuse here and the best one liner will win a collection of SP Merchandise (baseball cap, pen, beer mat, key ring) with the 3 runner ups winning a smaller booty (pen, beer mat or key ring) Keep it clean and f u n as opposed to nasty and venemous. Here's a few to get you started: 'I'm a woman, when you are a man we'll argue.' 'I'd leave you with a thought, but I wouldn't want it to get lonely' GOOD LUCK xLM PS. I was going to give away prizes for the most amount of chips dumped to me within the tourney but Sky Des wouldn't go for it
Posted by Lisa_Long
See I can't be nasty to you, I surrender.
(There was one about me being a dog and you being a d ........ but I decided against it)
i would insult you lisa,
but you are not bright enough to notice !
soz !
Take a trip up to nl100 again tonight if you need a top up - im an expert at doing that now lol
I know i've got to be "nice" to you "forever" but if you want the bantering insults sooner rather than later then i'm happy with that!
oof be gone, your breath is too strong, I don't wanna be mean, but you need listerine, not a sip, not a swallow, but the whole bottle
if you had a birds brain you would fly backwards !
if you had two brains you would be twice as stupid !
I can honestly say that I have never used, nor had used against me a put down line, so until I read some of these I wouldnt have know one if it bit me, so, I would rather "swim through a crocodile infested swamp"
whatever kind of look you were going for ,
you missed !
You look slimmer by the week Lisa, you've obviously been on a diet
problem is you forgot to tell your bum
SOZ was that too cheeky
I know they say the camera makes you look chubby
but exactly how many cameras are on you
Time to dye your hair Lisa
coz you make blonds sound intelligent
Feeling really guilty now
a famous put down this one
i may be drunk my dear ,
but your ugly,
and i will be sober in the morning .
Good luck tonight Sarah.
A-J is the nuts.
Tell us how many winning TKO Teams you have been on, please?
Think that should do for now.....
when i watch you play poker i feel like i'm watching a tarot reading dtw