Greetings to all who read these words,
Many of you may well know my other half THe Pudding. (Who by the way I'm very proud of for doing so well in last nights TOTP game)
Well until recently we had a god awful neighbour called, well let's call her Anita, who blasted out dance music incredibly loucly ALLLLLL day and would literally scream at the top of her lungs from around 7am until 9pm at her two children ALLLLL day.
It was flaming AWFUL !!!!
The constant shouting just drove you crazy and, well, you get the idea.
Then a holy light shone down upon us and moved her elsewhere - cue heavenly music
Then we met our new neighbour Julie who's name I write with pride for she is a delight and ...................quiet.
She has come up to see us a couple of times and spent the evening with me and Pud and the other day she even stopped for dinner which was lovely.
Aaaanyway, whilst we were chatting she ended up telling us about how she had this statue of an (And I know this will sound a little odd to some and maybe awesome to others) Alien smoking and gave us a small description of him. She said the cat she had at the time broke him and she cried for she loved that statue so and would give anything to have him back.
So after she left I did some sneaky internet searching and located what I believe to be the little fella, well I say little, he stands over a metre high, only problem is that said "little fella" comes with a price tag of £200 !!!!
OUCH !!!!!
Now I see diarys and things on here with people trying to reach financial goals and giving updates on their bankroll etc so I thought I would do the same which is almost certainly of no interest to anyone but I shall do so all the same as I wish by Christmas (I'm NOT a good player so it's going to take some time) to be able to present it to her as a gift for being both lovely and for bringing peace - sweet peace - to the neighbourhood.
So to start with I'm VERY short on cash and shall deposit £5 to see how I start.
Now question is do I go for a couple of double your money games or a cash game ?
Hmmmmmm, I'll decide later.
Anyhow, if you've read this then thanks for sticking with me and wish me luck. Updates will follow since I'll probably play a few hands later.
May the river be with you,
Mog x
As for what to play,and not knowing your game,I would suggest dym's 50/50 chance of cashing and sometimes you do not need to play that well as other people bust themselves.
good luck in your xmas prezzie quest
Good for you. It is always nice to see someone going out of their way to do something nice for somebody else. As for what to play,and not knowing your game,I would suggest dym's 50/50 chance of cashing and sometimes you do not need to play that well as other people bust themselves. good luck in your xmas prezzie quest Nick
Posted by pompeynic
Ah thanks ever so much Nick. I'm not in the best state but I'm going to go for a DYM now. Thanks again mate. Best wishes
Hi Mogweedy,Best wishes with your quest,i was on the rail last night so chatted to your other half pudding,had some fun because my husband was also in that tourny hunter1967
Posted by paige55
Hi there. Yeah I sat and watched the whole thing. Was great fun. Thanks for your good wishes xxx
Hello Mogweedy, Hope you & The Pudd are enjoying the peace and quiet now. This sounds like a very nice gesture on your part and I am sure this will be achieved with a little nudge in the right direction...So I got to thinking! And what better than to do a Mogweedy Alien challenge I will start this off with a Donation of £10.....The rules are simples...... Peeps who would like to help this good cause can respond within this thread with USERNAME DONATION X ....X = £? RULES= once the thread generates £210 (rake consideration Mogweedy) then no more Donations will apply. At an arranged time... Mogweedy can sit at a Heads up Sit n Go and the donation can be applied to the fund via the Donator sitting Away for the full duration of the Sit n Go. I am sure with the help of this Excellent community this will be achievable. Footsie66 = Donation £10
Posted by footsie66
WOW Footsie!!!!!!!!
Nice gesture footsie but I'm 99% sure sky would never allow that... Money laundering, fraud etc. nice gesture too OP, gl with the challenge, best chance is 4nl imo, would take epic volume and skill (and rungood) just to win like £10 at micro dyms, especially with the rake there and even when u win £10, having £15 will still be underrolled for everything decent so just try to spun at 4nl at least til u get £20-£30
Posted by Lambert180
Hi there, just wanted to say thank you for your advice and support.
hi folks. i dont really know any of you but i was just having a read. Sounds like an excellent reason to raise some pennies and a nice break from people chucking stuff over there heads. ill chuck in a tenner from my home cash game winnings last night, happy to paypal it over whenever youve got the full amount together mogweedy just drop us a pm. obviously.....this is no excuse not to be rattling off the DYMs though haha
Posted by LancyAA
Hi there,
In Response to Re: Statue Quest : Very generous Sir.... That's £20 and counting ............Dig deep Guy`s We can PayPal as a Gift when the £200 quota is reached via arranged PM. The Truth is out there We just got to give this a little help. footsie66 £10 PayPal LancyAA £10 PayPal £180 needed
Posted by footsie66
Bless you Footsie !
I am struggling to find anything redeeming about this thread, and it is wrong on a number of levels. Personally, I think Skypoker should delete the thread. It is one thing for a player to set a challenge to increase their bankroll by whatever multiple. However this is not the case. Players are now being asked to donate ten pounds so that Mogweedy can give a neighbour a present of a statue apparently of an alien smoking a cigarette. What then, I ask, has this neighbour done to deserve such generosity of spirit from skypoker players? Has she worked tirelessy for charity or a good cause? Actually no, she has merely proved to be a better neighbour for Mogweedy by behaving normally ie not screaming, shouting and playing loud music at all times and has now decided that it would be better for her to give up a main job to claim jobseekers allowance to help looking after her daughter s family. If Mogweedy who can apparently barely string one pound seventeen pence together wants to try and win two hundred pounds to give to her new neighbour it would have nothing to do with me. However, this is not the case. Thirty per cent of us will die of some form of cancer, and twenty five per cent of us will die of some form of heart disease. Meanwhile ordinary families up and down the country are having to rely upon foodbanks to survive. If any player wants to contribute ten pounds to allow Mogweedy to buy a statue glorifiying smoking which is undoubtedly a habit which kills many. then fair enough. However, if any player has ten pounds to spare, then I would urge those players to donate to a worthwile charity of which there are many. Cancer Research Fund, British Heart Foundation, Macmillan Care, NSPCC to name but a few.
Posted by tsarina
Hi there and thank you for your candid post.
It was bound to come I guess. I hope I have not detracted away from this goal in some way.. Time will tell I guess. I support many good cause`s as will other`s .... So little point in negative deviation I feel. Mog YOU CERTAINLY DO NOT NEED TO APOLIGIES TO ANYONE. Let`s hope this post stays on track after this minor Hiccup.
Posted by footsie66
Ah thanks for the kind words Footsie xxx
I don't agree with donations being made by members of the forum either, but I ain't about to tell them how to spend their money. We don't need to be told cancer research is a worthy cause.
Like I indicated, I don't agree with footsie's suggestions, but you banging the cancer drum borders on an unjustified guilt trip.
Anyway, back on topic, this is a spin-up challenge right? Opening balance £5, day 1 closing balance £1.16?
Think it's wp thread gg, whatever happens.
It's clear you feel passionate about, which is a good thing, but I hope Sky Poker do not feel the need to close the thread.
The OP did not at any stage ask or seek donations, there was no "begging", someone - with good intent - just suggested it, & others decided, of their own volition, to support it.
It just seems like people being decent, to me. I totally get your point, but grown ups have the right to spend their money as they see fit, surely?
It's just people being - a word that is so out of fashion these days - nice.
The suggestion to "dump" the donation via a HU Table was improper, but that has been accepted, & the method changed now.
Every single contributor to this thread is a decent person, they just see things a little differently to you, but I don't think we ought to be falling out because people want to help, or be kind.
Personally, in my list of priorities, I won't be donating, but I see nothing wrong with others doing so if they see fit. Equally, anyone who donates to Cancer Research should not be criticised.
Can't be a bad thing, I suppose, to have so many kind & well-intentioned folks (you included), its quite unusual to see on a poker forum.