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Ask Tikay?



  • edited January 2010
    Hi m8 re my last post,sincerest appologies for stupid question. Had one too many, which is really no excuse. Best wishes for 2010 and may the poker gods be with you and your fellow presenters at Sky Poker.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : I didn't know either but Google'd it - found this: "nit = no fixed definition but best description i can give is a really tight player who plays a very limited range and very rarely bluffs post flop"
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Spot on Nosey!
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Spot on Nosey!
    Posted by lJAMESl
    To James.

    have u sent that tenner over yet mate.

  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : To James. have u sent that tenner over yet mate. Lol.
    Posted by shanks246
    Lol I'm adament he was lying mate and he wouldn't send the HH so would you like to make the bet on something else instead?
  • edited January 2010
    hi tikay do u now hot to get the password for the super6 freeroll pls?
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay do u now hot to get the password for the super6 freeroll pls?
    Posted by solomon04
    Hi soloman

    Yup, please click here
  • edited January 2010
    This is not a question but a thank you Tikay!
    I played in my first deep stack tournament last night like you suggested.
    I only went and won it! Which I couldn't belive!
    There was a bit more chat.
    But thank you.

    Steven aka strawman24
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi, This is not a question but a thank you Tikay! I played in my first deep stack tournament last night like you suggested. I only went and won it! Which I couldn't belive! There was a bit more chat. But thank you. Steven aka strawman24
    Posted by strawman24
  • edited January 2010
    Alright Tikay - started with 40 0n 25/50p NL - got up to 330 and then on my last hand before dinner (i didnt want to go as there was a guy tilitin a bit (the one in the middle) , but anyway i flopped a flush - i think i  shoved with 20 knowing i would get action of the guy in the middle but didn;t bank on expecting to dodge 2 cards with a spade  - Dinner was very nice , but can you show it on tele. (its quite an intersting hand and I would enjoy seeing in tv) It was on the master cash table at about 6.40pm on 09/01
    Cheers Tikay
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Alright Tikay - started with 40 0n 25/50p NL - got up to 330 and then on my last hand before dinner (i didnt want to go as there was a guy tilitin a bit (the one in the middle) , but anyway i flopped a flush - i think i  shoved with 20 knowing i would get action of the guy in the middle but didn;t bank on expecting to dodge 2 cards with a spade  - Dinner was very nice , but can you show it on tele. (its quite an intersting hand and I would enjoy seeing in tv) It was on the master cash table at about 6.40pm on 09/01 Cheers Tikay
    Posted by MP33

    You need to got the hand number and click here to post it to be shown :)
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Alright Tikay - started with 40 0n 25/50p NL - got up to 330 and then on my last hand before dinner (i didnt want to go as there was a guy tilitin a bit (the one in the middle) , but anyway i flopped a flush - i think i  shoved with 20 knowing i would get action of the guy in the middle but didn;t bank on expecting to dodge 2 cards with a spade  - Dinner was very nice , but can you show it on tele. (its quite an intersting hand and I would enjoy seeing in tv) It was on the master cash table at about 6.40pm on 09/01 Cheers Tikay
    Posted by MP33
    Tikay is in Newcastle at the moment at the live game, you might try posting on the Mastercash thread if you want a hand shown.
  • edited January 2010
    tikay why don't you reply to your private messages?
  • edited January 2010
    I'd guess that the answer to this one is that there are only 24 hours in a day even for someone with Tikay's enormous appetite for work.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    tikay why don't you reply to your private messages?
    Posted by freechips1
    Hi freechips

    tikay does get a lot of pm,s, unfortunately, he has been offline since Friday due to doing the anouncing at Necastle, and does other things as well, so will have got a backlog, please bare with him, he will clear them as soon as he is able, thank you :)
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    tikay why don't you reply to your private messages?
    Posted by freechips1
    Hi Jimmy.

    I reply to every single PM I get. I get up to 100 a week. Some of them are very hard to reply to, for example - "how should I play AK UTG?" is like writing a book. One last week said "what have you been up to lately".......

    I had dozens last week about SPT, & I got a little overwhelmed, so I fell behind. I frequently post on the Forum saying "bear with me, I'm a bit behind with PM's". I am also involved with another poker Site, & I get PM's on there too. In fact, if you go back a page  or so on this Thread, you'll find someone complaining that I am slow to reply to PM's on that Site. I'm sorry, but I'm doing my best, that all I can say. And I DO answer every single one.

    Your PM to me was dated 6.33pm on Wednesday last. I had widely informed everyone that I was travelling home on Wednesday night, which was during the blizzards & heaviest of the snowfall. I eventually got home after 1am. I went on Forum immediately, as something bad was going off that night (the Moaning Minnies were at play), & somebody Posted "tikay, do you ever sleep"? 

    I was tied up elsewhere on Thursday, preparing to go away on Friday. On Friday morning I drove up to Newcastle, worked from 10.30am Saturday until 2am Sunday without a break, and at 0930 on Sunday, I set off to drive back to London.

    Today I'm trying to catch up on stuff, but I have not got as far as my PM's yet.

    Your question was about books on Omaha.

    I have been looking for a good educational book on Omaha for 10 years. None exists, they are all utterly useless, imo.

    On Christmas Day, a friend showed me a new book on "How to Play Omaha" & it blew me away. It's stunningly good, breathtakingly brilliant, like no Omaha book ever written.

    I have ordered 12 copies, which I will give to friends, & I'll donate a few as Prizes, both on the Forum, & on the Show.

    I only ordered the Books last week, & once I've secured those 12 copies, I'll release the book's name & the author of the book, & also where it can be obtained, & at what price. I want to secure "my" 12 copies before I release the name, I hope you understand.

    I'm sorry I never replied earlier, but that's just how I roll, I get a bit behind I'm afraid. I'm a little surprised you surmised I would not reply.

    For generic querstions, such as yours, you are guaranteed a quicker answer if you use the "Ask tikay" thread, as numerous Members help me out with these questions.

    All the best to you in 2009 Jimmy.
  • edited January 2010
    wow, thanks tikay.  ur getting on a bit now you wanna slow down before you work yourself into the ground. haha. take a holiday but not the Bahamas the weather isn't to good says james hartigan.  i look forward to you announcing the title of this super book, many thanks jimmy
  • edited January 2010
    hi tk played in 5k bh tonight,went well played well no mistakes.was patient nicked the blinds when needed.came 16th in the end had 42k in bb had 3x raise from button i went all in with aa . he called leaving him 2k with q7 off suit.of course q flop 7 river,my question is why would someone call my reraise he would still have 32k he was caught with hand in till,why call,thing is its not a 1 off it happens a lot,with 16 players left and nearly 3 hours into tourney why put your chips up so cheaply ? if he was chip leader or large stack or short stack i could get it.i cant see he is getting odds for the call.i had 1 bounty so not like theres value there.or did i just walk into an orford again or should i say lml. it seems that not only do you have to play well,be lucky not to run into aa with kk etc.fold when you think your behind or not getting odds etc but you also have to not walk into the luckers ? regards brett
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?why call:
    hi tk played in 5k bh tonight,went well played well no mistakes.was patient nicked the blinds when needed.came 16th in the end had 42k in bb had 3x raise from button i went all in with aa . he called leaving him 2k with q7 off suit.of course q flop 7 river,my question is why would someone call my reraise he would still have 32k he was caught with hand in till,why call,thing is its not a 1 off it happens a lot,with 16 players left and nearly 3 hours into tourney why put your chips up so cheaply ? if he was chip leader or large stack or short stack i could get it.i cant see he is getting odds for the call.i had 1 bounty so not like theres value there.or did i just walk into an orford again or should i say lml. it seems that not only do you have to play well,be lucky not to run into aa with kk etc.fold when you think your behind or not getting odds etc but you also have to not walk into the luckers ? regards brett
    Posted by trevil25
    I've no idea what their logic was Brett. I see these calls all the time, & people ask me to explain. I can't, I'm afraid, "calling" is quite simply poor basics.

    But you should not get frustrated. He loses that coup most times, & let's be realistic, we can't have our cake & eat it. Be happy when he calls with spanners, as you win the coup 4 times in 5. We NEVER complain when his bad calls miss!
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?why call:
    hi tk played in 5k bh tonight,went well played well no mistakes.was patient nicked the blinds when needed.came 16th in the end had 42k in bb had 3x raise from button i went all in with aa . he called leaving him 2k with q7 off suit.of course q flop 7 river,my question is why would someone call my reraise he would still have 32k he was caught with hand in till,why call,thing is its not a 1 off it happens a lot,with 16 players left and nearly 3 hours into tourney why put your chips up so cheaply ? if he was chip leader or large stack or short stack i could get it.i cant see he is getting odds for the call.i had 1 bounty so not like theres value there.or did i just walk into an orford again or should i say lml. it seems that not only do you have to play well,be lucky not to run into aa with kk etc.fold when you think your behind or not getting odds etc but you also have to not walk into the luckers ? regards brett
    Posted by trevil25
    Hi Brett, i had the same sort of thing happen to me and came 13th.
    Short stack was all in, a raise from gav to 24k, i'm the chip leader and hold AK. To isolate the short stack i go all in, gav calls with QJ for his own bounty and tourny life needless to say he hits J then J.
    A couple of hands later gav takes me out with my 99 v 88.
    He did apologise for a bad call but you wonder dont you, why they play for so long then make a really bad call for all there chips. As Tikay says, accept it cause you will go mental if you dont and you will catch them out most of the time with lesser hands.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?why call:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?why call : Hi Brett, i had the same sort of thing happen to me and came 13th. Short stack was all in, a raise from gav to 24k, i'm the chip leader and hold AK. To isolate the short stack i go all in, gav calls with QJ for his own bounty and tourny life needless to say he hits J then J. A couple of hands later gav takes me out with my 99 v 88. He did apologise for a bad call but you wonder dont you, why they play for so long then make a really bad call for all there chips. As Tikay says, accept it cause you will go mental if you dont and you will catch them out most of the time with lesser hands.
    Posted by major1962
    its just frustrating,it has happened the last 3 times ive gone deep in opens or large bhs,just got to hope patient play out does the luckers lol  
  • edited January 2010
    Can I just say that having read through these last few pages there seem to be a lot of moaning minnies around at the moment! 

    I've never seen anyone have a work output like Mr Kendall - cut him in half and it would say Sky Poker all the way through. I saw him on Sunday and he looked shattered after a long saturday doing the live work at Newcastle.

    To the moaners - give him some slack - if you have technical queries may I suggest you contact customer services or the appropriate dept - not sure how Tikay in London is supposed to sort out an account query which is dealt with by people in a different part of the country, not to mention the fact that Tikay doesn't have acess to account information.

    Sorry to be a moaner too but please - let the man sleep! I'm sure he loves us all but give him five minutes to sleep will you? There is only so much coffee that man can drink for goodness sake! (Subtle lead into a new blog currently being written btw :-) )

    Ok - complaint over - as you were. xx
  • edited January 2010
    Excellent post Ms. Dell.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Can I just say that having read through these last few pages there seem to be a lot of moaning minnies around at the moment!  I've never seen anyone have a work output like Mr Kendall - cut him in half and it would say Sky Poker all the way through. I saw him on Sunday and he looked shattered after a long saturday doing the live work at Newcastle. To the moaners - give him some slack - if you have technical queries may I suggest you contact customer services or the appropriate dept - not sure how Tikay in London is supposed to sort out an account query which is dealt with by people in a different part of the country, not to mention the fact that Tikay doesn't have acess to account information. Sorry to be a moaner too but please - let the man sleep! I'm sure he loves us all but give him five minutes to sleep will you? There is only so much coffee that man can drink for goodness sake! (Subtle lead into a new blog currently being written btw :-) ) Ok - complaint over - as you were. xx
    Posted by Dingdell
    Lol awesome! I've pretty much said the same few pages back. Nice1 Dingdell will have a read!
  • edited January 2010
    Hi Tikay, I am a member at G Casino Manchester so will I be a member at any of the G Casinos. Thanks Denise
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi Tikay, I am a member at G Casino Manchester so will I be a member at any of the G Casinos. Thanks Denise
    Posted by CHIPADEE
    Hi Denise,

    Yes, most certainly.

    It will apply to all Grosvenor Casinos & "G-Casinos". "G-Casinos" are upgraded & poshed up Grosvenor Casinos.

    Where were you thinking of playing?
  • edited January 2010

    I always thought TK took a cat nap during turneys
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    I always thought TK took a cat nap during turneys
    Posted by JONONZIE
    I don't take "cat naps" Sir, I take power naps. I always wake up during the breaks, so I can poodle off & do the necessary, then return & fall asleep. It's the efficient way to play poker. 
  • edited January 2010

    Hello,  dont know if this is the right thread Im just getting into the forum part, browsing n trying to get involved more,  but can someone tell me;

    I was looking to join the twitter freeroll bt cant find password, ive checked twitter, anyone know?..

    Also how do you get involved in the spt?..


  • edited January 2010
    SDodger, I'll answer your twitter FR question for you - please take a look HERE
  • edited January 2010
    Hi Tikay.

    Can you please tell me how to get info on venues and dates for the tour. Is it how i think it is that you can meet people that you play against as well as presenters and play a live tournament. Could i bring a couple of mates with me who only play live and have no sky account.

    Whats it like.

    Thanks Very!
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