fairly new to poker and i have heard there are a few good books out there ro read, anyone suggest any certain books which they fould helpful and helped their game?
Clever AA Play..
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancestep7Small blind £0.02£0.02£3.98baxter08Big blind £0.04£0.06£6.25 Your hole cards* 6 * 8 roswilki22Call £0.04£0.10£2.05Tirion151Call £0.04£0.14£2.75step7Call £0.02£0.16£3.96baxter08Check Flop * 7 * 9 * 5 step7Bet £0.16£0.32£3.80baxter08Fold roswilki22Raise £0.32£0.64£1.73Tirion151Fold…
sorry had to upload this wowe! PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceloolololloSmall blind 150.00150.0014827.50eddie0571Big blind 300.00450.005475.00 Your hole cards* 7 * 7 bindiFold stig666Fold aimeehFold loolololloCall 150.00600.0014677.50eddie0571Check Flop * 10 * Q * J loolololloCheck eddie0571Check Turn * 9 loolololloCheck…
Lol just lol just when u think ya hit the nuts and ooooops he hits a 1 outter
Seagull65Small blind 30.0030.004070.00IDONKCALLUBig blind 60.0090.001425.00 Your hole cards3A MAXALLYCall 60.00150.00880.00crazynailsCall 60.00210.00115.00eddie2011Call 60.00270.003025.00FLASHJONNYCall 60.00330.002012.50Seagull65Call 30.00360.004040.00IDONKCALLUCheck Flop 8J10 Seagull65Check…
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetenpin0102Small blind 20.0020.002185.00COOKIE31Big blind 40.0060.001175.00 Your hole cards* Q * Q lochycroftRaise 160.00220.00810.00mudgeen1Fold GRH123Fold loolololloRaise 420.00640.005995.00tenpin0102Fold COOKIE31Fold…
Sick Cooler (Not on the receiving end for once :)
Not a big believer in implied odds but had seen the guy pay on the idiot end of a straight a few hands earlier - so thought the chase could pay off here and soooooo glad I completed the blind on a very rare occasion. Felt for the guy when he flipped his hand over (after tanking, he must have been thinking "They pick up a…
cant do much but sigh really can you
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceKINGCANUTEBig blind 150.00150.0010117.50 Your hole cards* K * K loolololloRaise 400.00550.002238.50kevtheco09Fold AURORAEFold milburn12Call 400.00950.0016140.00KINGCANUTEFold Flop * 10 * 6 * J loolololloCheck…
Dirty play against tight players
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBJOH5151Small blind 20.0020.002045.00alanna701Big blind 40.0060.001935.00 Your hole cards* 4 * 3 rob65Call 40.00100.003875.00loolololloRaise 120.00220.001860.00biggs10Fold XCall 100.00320.001945.00XXCall 80.00400.001855.00XXXCall 80.00480.003795.00Flop * J * 6 * 3 XCheck XXCheck XXXCheck…
since taking a year out after i realised i was spending too much and not winning anything i have played 3 tournaments and cashed in each of them my best being the £2000 bounty hunter and i came fifth taking over £100 altogether not a win but really happy with the way ive played since i started playing again
top 2 stacks in bh 5.75..
risks it on a head... PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceJAZZHANDSSmall blind 40.0040.002215.63gandalf111Big blind 80.00120.006787.50 Your hole cards* A * K loolololloRaise 220.00340.009085.00red-armyAll-in 427.48767.480.00hyperdaz23Fold tomo20Fold JAZZHANDSFold…
well said sky dave
well said sky dave
this is how i run lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesammy550Small blind £0.15£0.15£14.03dappadonBig blind £0.30£0.45£53.90 Your hole cardsAA DonttelmumRaise £0.60£1.05£36.73F_IvanovicFold supermanu1Fold 101dippyFold sammy550Call £0.45£1.50£13.58dappadonRaise £1.80£3.30£52.10DonttelmumCall £1.50£4.80£35.23sammy550Call £1.50£6.30£12.08Flop 922…
A tad annoying!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejim310831 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £11.83 cricket119 Sitout rancid Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £9.90 Your hole cards * A * A FlashFlush Raise £0.40 £0.55 £12.03 JRH2009 Fold jim310831 Raise £1.25 £1.80 £10.58 rancid Fold FlashFlush Raise £3.70 £5.50 £8.33 jim310831 All-in £10.58 £16.08 £0.00…
Been playing 3 weeks on Sky poker and cannot believe this.
So first post on here, so hi to everyone. Now so people understand where I am coming from I have been playing poker on and off for about 8 years signed up on pokerstar years ago and have played on there on many occassion in both cash and MTT, SNG etc etc etc. Always had my reservation about playing online yet aftre a…
was this a call or fold?
looked like bluff but couldnt bring myself to call PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebobstout23Small blind 50.0050.001905.00loolololloBig blind 100.00150.005821.75 Your hole cards* 6 * Q sainthelenCall 100.00250.007877.50666bumpyFold kingbeavFold beatniks20Fold bobstout23Call 50.00300.001855.00loolololloCheck Flop * 9 * A *…
Pocket vs Pockets... Flush
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerascle3915 Small blind 50.00 50.00 2550.00 19MUFC19 Big blind 100.00 150.00 1043.75 Your hole cards * 6 * 6 charnick25 Call 100.00 250.00 24375.00 scullianto Call 100.00 350.00 18201.25 strickland Fold Brunno14 Fold rascle3915 Fold 19MUFC19 All-in 1043.75 1393.75 0.00 charnick25 Fold…
set over set...
Had 3 of them tonight. 1 of them I was on the lucky end, the other 2 not so much. By far the worst of them though.. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepoooopSmall blind £0.15£0.15£71.98hhamza162Big blind £0.30£0.45£39.65 Your hole cards77 elbows7Fold F_IvanovicRaise £0.90£1.35£55.90super_novaFold…
*throws pc on floor*
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebriggsy110Small blind 15.0015.001605.00loolololloBig blind 30.0045.001720.00 Your hole cards* K * K font8aFold aceface208Call 30.0075.002215.00riley02Call 30.00105.002740.00lfirkFold briggsy110Call 15.00120.001590.00loolololloRaise 90.00210.001630.00aceface208Fold…
should i of shoved turn or checked it?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancefraggsSmall blind 15.0015.001805.00GunnerKrisBig blind 30.0045.001525.00 Your hole cards* 10 * 10 14TrickyRaise 90.00135.001555.00karllukeFold Stevie32Fold loolololloCall 90.00225.003665.00fraggsFold GunnerKrisFold Flop * J * 10 * 5 14TrickyCheck…
so sick
should i just of shoved it pre??? danggg PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejames84Small blind 200.00200.0014327.50loolololloBig blind 400.00600.006170.00 Your hole cards* K * K bezza78Raise 800.001400.0016385.00aiden1989Fold meggidoFold…
2 full houses beat by quads
60p dym. Same game. Same player. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceididit14Small blind 50.0050.004806.25Gaz_LeeBig blind 100.00150.001782.50 Your hole cards* K * A chuffynutsFold smokingt23Fold ididit14Raise 150.00300.004656.25Gaz_LeeCall 100.00400.001682.50Flop * A * 10 * 2…
should i of shoved this?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceryan160591Small blind 30.0030.004135.00lizzard71Big blind 60.0090.002920.00 Your hole cards* K * J Bladejam78Fold loolololloCall 60.00150.002230.00foxy666603Call 60.00210.003635.00ryan160591Call 30.00240.004105.00lizzard71Check Flop * Q * 8 * 10…
was this the right call?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceLeggiSit out loolololloBig blind 40.0040.002170.00 Your hole cards* K * A baracas120Call 40.0080.001960.00rbell90Fold pushmeFold lynne1950Call 40.00120.003100.00loolololloRaise 80.00200.002090.00baracas120Call 80.00280.001880.00lynne1950Call 80.00360.003020.00Flop * 2 * 7 * 10…
serious tilt
hi guys I am a low stakes player.. I play dym and some mtt.. but I always seem to get it in good and lose.. then I go on tilt and go up stakes and lose more lol.. for example I got it in with top pair top kicker... flop comes 2 3 6.. opponent calls with q 6.. turn is 10 and the dirty queen comes on the river.. so…
wait what
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceloolololloSmall blind 10.0010.001990.00susie2pinkBig blind 20.0030.001980.00 Your hole cards* A * 6 skycourtnyCall 20.0050.001980.00spandau5Fold DeanDaKingCall 20.0070.001980.00citizenc07Call 20.0090.001980.00loolololloRaise 120.00210.001870.00susie2pinkFold…
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejalupen101Small blind 40.0040.008817.50rosiesdadBig blind 80.00120.00605.00 Your hole cards* A * K xxRaise 240.00360.003632.50loolololloAll-in 1602.501962.500.00SilverStFold Gixxer1Fold jalupen101Fold rosiesdadFold xxCall 1362.503325.002270.00xxShow* J * Q loolololloShow* A * K Flop * 10 *…
Boo...YAAH...YAAH...Boo sky hates me lol
Another day at the office. 2 left big bucks at stake 25 quid for the winner, 15 for second and well hand me the tissues :) snorky Small blind 1500.00 1500.00 30025.00 CmonChels Big blind 3000.00 4500.00 36475.00 Your hole cards * 10 * K snorky Raise 10500.00 15000.00 19525.00 CmonChels All-in 36475.00 51475.00 0.00 snorky…
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshirley02Small blind 10.0010.002210.00wynne1938Big blind 20.0030.001950.00 Your hole cards* A * K ObanRaise 60.0090.001960.00loolololloRaise 140.00230.001750.00warticFold shirley02Fold wynne1938Fold ObanRaise 240.00470.001720.00loolololloCall 160.00630.001590.00Flop * Q * 5 * K…
If only it was like this all the time!!
Only a £2 hyper,but hey,its still a nice flop at any level. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebignoise10Small blind 10.0010.00590.00x Big blind 20.0030.00380.00 Your hole cards55 bignoise10Raise 30.0060.00560.00x Call 20.0080.00360.00Flop 557 x Bet 60.00140.00300.00bignoise10Call 60.00200.00500.00Turn K x…