10:00 gtd
where has the 10:00. £20 gtd gone?
The Sky Poker Rumour Mill
Post all confirmed rumours here. Here is my starter of ten: 1. Trevor Harris has been assassinated on the orders of 'Mother' 2. James & Carlos have been sending secret texts to each other 3. Aussie09 is a closet New Zealander 4. Channel 865 will be no more 5. Anna Fowler has a degree in bridge engineering 6. Spornybol…
Why oh why?
Why have the £20gtd freezeout tournies at 1220 and 1420 been removed? For a micro-stakes, recreational player the 1420 was a really pleasant way to spend an afternoon. Now I see tha there is another of those "verdammt" rebuys in its place. Sky, I realise that its your site and you can do whatever you wish, but if you…
Tuesday Night Live with Rich, Carlo and special guests Rupert Elder and Melanie Weisner!
Hi all, Big show for you this Tuesday night. I'll be here... ...along with the return of Il Citrone! And check this out for a massive double whammy.. On the sofa with us from 8pm will be EPT Winner Rupert Elder... ...AND one of the world's most successful female players Melanie Weisner. What a show that's going to be!…
2nd Screen
Hi, I am using my laptop and want to add a 2nd monitor so I can play more tables. I am just wondering how I can do this, are there any specific requirements for monitors to have. My computer is Vista. Thanks
GWOC - GreekWay Omaha Clinic
Hi all. As you have possibly read in my latest blog (Part 1 and 2 can be found under the Blog section of the community tab) I will be running the GWOC aka GreekWay Omaha Clinic. In order to do that I need your help. Do you fancy to be the Hero of the week? If yes, PM me a hand that you want me to comment/analyse on and you…
Poll - What you like to win in freerolls
Afternoon folks, We've recently been thinking about some new ideas for promotions etc and I know we all like a freeroll. However, I have always wondered what you prefer to win when you play them? For example, would you rather have a cash prize pool or things like LCD TVs and iPads? Or do you prefer the chance to get an…
Tournament Changes, Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th July.
Good morning. Please be aware of two changes to Main Event Guarantees TONIGHT & TOMORROW. Tonight's Bounty Hunter Main Event will have an £8,000 Guarantee, & not the usual £10,000 Guarantee. Sunday's (tomorrow) PRIMO will also have a £8,000 Guarantee, not £10,000, as previous. BOTH of them are expected to revert to £10,000…
Why is there two breaks in 10 mins in a freeroll, a 3 min break at 45 mins past then the standard 5 min at 55 mins past???
Why is there a 3 minute break at 45 mins past the hour then the standard 5 min break at 55 mins
Even though my internet as been running slow for 3 days, the Sky Poker download as been working fine! Just thought I would put something possitive on the forum!
Cash for Points - Payment Dates 2012
When are you getting paid your Cash for Points in 2012? Monday 9th JanuaryTuesday 7th FebruaryWednesday 7th MarchMonday 9th AprilTuesday 8th MayMonday 11th JuneFriday 6th JulyTuesday 7th AugustFriday 7th SeptemberMonday 5th OctoberWednesday 7th NovemberFriday 7th December There you go! (I still reckon we'll see some…
Is this really fair?
0293871 (01:27 07/08/2012) PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance rpk007 Small blind 20.00 20.00 1770.00 oynutter Big blind 40.00 60.00 2785.00 Your hole cards * K * J wangkarrs Call 40.00 100.00 3460.00 sillysilve Fold poker67442 Fold rpk007 Fold oynutter Check Flop * K * J * K oynutter Check wangkarrs Bet 75.00 175.00 3385.00…
Olympic volunteering...UPDATE
Fox is prob your best bet in London for tournies. I think they have nighly tournies that are 20/30£ or in that kind of region. Aspers is more of a cash game place. Would be interested to hear how the volunteering goes so gives us an update! Cheers and GL.
£11 timed - why sat's for one but not the other?
Hello Before anyone says shouldnt you be volunteering at the Olympics I finished at midday today (in the Judo) so am having a night on the poker! I noticed the £11 timed at lunch time has a number of sats through the morning, I see these are mostly cancelled as they dont get the minimum runners. There is an £11 timed at…
Late reg open???
There is late registration open for a 15 minute timed tournament, but no late registration for a 4 hour deep stack?-- whats that all about?-- flop sake!
devilfish v helmuth
my poker hero is devilfish , never see him on tv anymore , did sky invite him to the cashgame ? and also can sky get him on 865 would be good to get him to analize some hands !!! some of the best and funniest tv poker moments come as the fish played helmuth on late night poker , does anybody knowwhere ican get a devilfish…
poker pts for main events?
Hi guys don`t know if this has been asked before but does anyone know how many pts you actually get for playing the main events from the sun-sat. I know primo is 175pts I`m just curious
Names and results in posted hands?
When posting a hand in the poker clinic shouldn't players be encouraged to edit out the names of players in the hand and delete the results? If players want an objective opinion of how they played a hand then showing that the villain had flopped the nuts after calling with a random hand pre-flop is sure to bias the…
Should I listed to my my new advisers?
No Poker in the Park this year!!
Announcement on Facebook page: Bluff Europe The bad news: Because we have been unable to find a venue that suits both our sponsors and Westminster council, Poker in the Park will not be happening this year. The good news: This gives us extra time to plan for next year when we'll be back with avengeance!
Sky Poker unavailable between 6am & 7.30am Tuesday 7th August
Hi all, Sky Poker will be unavailable from 06:00 until 07:30 tomorrow morning (Tues 7th), so that essential maintenance can be carried out. Tournaments that would usually run into this window may have been amended to cater for this. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Regards Lee
My First Live Poker Tournement (maybe)
Evening all, I'm planning on going on a night out to the local casino and am intent on entering my first ever live poker tournament, as it is something I am keen on experiencing ever sinse I started playing poker. Was just wanting to get people's views and experiences when playing their first live poker tournament. Another…
Sunday's live show - with James & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)
Greetings! So, the fun on 861 begins at 7pm with Mr Lee casting his expert eye over some Master Cash hands. At 8pm, we'd like to analyse YOUR play. Will you be entering the £10k Primo? Fancy having an hour of live TV devoted to YOU? Need some tips on how to play the early stages of a tournament? Well, nominate yourself as…
I'll say 24 golds, 19 silver & 26 bronze. Total of 69.
Friday Orfordable League (August Week1) 2 x 6K Re-Buy Open Seats - All Welcome
Yes please Trev.... THS
Thurs night Live show with Fowler and Tikay ch861 7pm and Skysports4 10pm ****official show thread**
Hello all, hope you are well, enjoying the Olympics? The SkyPoker Olympics of course and also the one on the tele! Tikay and I will be together once again, and the night kicks off with: 7pm Live coverage of TV timed tournament (now in the lobby) 600 GTD £5.50 buy in, 30 minutes starts 7.10pm 8pm Poker Clinic- please get…
When do you know that it's time to quit?
We all know that luck will average out over time and that in the end, the best player wins. But how can you tell when it's time to quit? Today, for example, has been a bad day for my P/L, and not just on this site. On 6 separate occasions, with a large commitment to the pot and the odds on my side, the cards fell in favour…
Connection trouble gone?
In Response to Connection trouble gone?:Anyone else noticing that the connection troubles which have been plaguing the sight have eased up lately or is it just me? If its just me whoop whoop. Posted by Wilhelm no
Ten-Handed Tourney's.
I enjoy playing in deepstacks tourneys but i dont see any ten-handed deepstacks apart from the Orfordable. Have sky got any plans to introduce more ten-handed deepstacks or ten-handed tournaments in general??