looked in my account today had free £5 bet and now im on for 9 dyms in a row in lamberts challe
i had free £5 bet today so had it on a 8/1 e/w came 3rd so didnt get much back £2.75 so i thought i try lamberts dym challenge start of with 60 p so far i have won 8 dyms in a row just played the £22 dym and won that so deciding to go for the challenge or quit whilst im ahead but if i do go out way i see it i have only…
Bigger Tournaments needed on sky poker
This post is one that i hope the sky poker team do not over look. We need bigger tournaments on sky poker. I am aware in order to have bigger tournaments you need more players to be taking part in such events but i am sure if there was bigger prize pools for the kind of money that would be closer to life changing sums then…
Community Cash Game (CCG) Thread - want action? Post in here!
If you fancy a cash game with your fellow Community members, post in this thread. Be sure to mention which table you're sat on and the stakes and USE THIS THREAD - that way it keeps bumping to the top and you guys get to find the games easier! Here's an example of how you could post (feel free to cut and paste this if you…
Race to the Royal Flush
Very nice promotion, I'll keep my eyes peeled ;) Does it start as of now? and if so, does it mean that the week runs Thursday to Thursday?
£4k BH 'All-In' Satellite
Hey everyone, We are trialing a new kind of satellite this evening called the 'All-In' Satellite. For just £3.00 you can try your luck to win a seat worth £110.00, in tonights £4,000 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter at 9pm! The satellite works by forcing every player to go all in with their chipstack, no matter what cards they…
I am sat on Keith!
If anyone wants to take £8 or so off me!
super tilt, how does everyone deal with it?
at the moment i'm super tilted. Last couple of weeks have been consistenly losing nearly every flip, when I'm crushing someone half the time they're sucking out on me, or I'm being cold decked lol. I end up playing more in an attempt to even out the 'variants' (not working) What does everyone else do?
seen alot of shoves 2nite 50 bigs deep with kings or aces crazy or not u decide
say blonds 50/100 some 1 goes all in 5k with kings or aces crazy or not lol
SPT Super Satellite
Hey everyone, Just wanted to let everybody know that the 'SPT Super Sat' that we trialed on Friday evening, will now be a regular fixture in the tournament lobby up until the SPT Grand Final on September 8th. The Satellite works in a 'winner takes all' format and costs just £9.00 for the chance to win a £330 Grand Final…
Missing PM's
I've had an Email saying I've been sent a PM but when I go to my inbox it's not appearing. Anyone else had this / know how to sure it? I've already tried deleting cookies / temp files. Cheers
£33 mains
Please can some one tell us y all the main are going up to £33 is the site trying to push a lot off the lower limt players away from playing ??????? It is not like the gu has gone up to make more come and play
Teams Good Idea
I am fairly new to the Sky poker community.I have made a few posts and commented on a few articles mostly devonfish's 40 to 1000 challenge (well done pal).I have been playing and running badly for a while now but it doesn't seem so bad been part of a team as everyone has there own bad beats and stories.Personally the last…
Sunday's live show - with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)
Another five-hour pokerthon coming your way this weekend... As usual, it all kicks off at 7pm. Highlights include: Analyse My Play (at 8pm), with Mr Spittles reviewing his own hands; re-living moments of genius and insanity, and explaining his thought processes. A Sky Poker School lesson (at 9pm) in putting your opponent…
Forum Team Olympics Competiton
i wont be able to play in this however if you require some help on the admin side let me know
£2 Forum Game! Attempt of a game aborted!
Ok so only me and IDonkCallU want to play! Should have set up a HU table! :P
Late Registration - are Bounties still paid
Hi All, Been out of action for a few weeks so was unaware late registration had started. I entered a £22 BH tonight on late registration, a few minutes after the tourney had started. I took out a player and the players bounty was credited to me and my bounty increased, all as normal. Shortly after I busted out with nut…
No 7pm Standard freeroll?
£2.20 sng 10 seater any 1
£2.20 sng 10 seater any 1
Live Poker Ruling
I meant to put this up a few weeks back but totally forgot about it. Playing a live tourny and was down to 12 players from about 80 odd ... Blinds were 2k/4k and ive made it 11k UTG+1, Button re-ships the lot in for 40k and comes back to me and im "tanking" ... blokes states he "has a pair of ones" (his exact words!) ...i…
no roller again tonight?
no roller on a sunday night? I know the schedule is getting looked at and its quieter due to summer/olympics, but it was on on monday and thursday past. I would of thought Sunday would be the busiest night and would be on.
Late Reg isn't as it says?
Wanted to Late Reg for the £8 SPT Semi Direct....Late reg is advertised at 20mins.. Well its just closed at 10mins in too it.
Is it possible...
... to win at the weekend!? I know we have ups and downs but every weekend i run into idiots. Been a nightmare day today running into plums all day. Anyone else feel the same!? Rant over x
Chris Cox AKA coxylboro coaching???
Hi there, if you read this Chris im just wondering how much you charge for your online coaching sessions as i want to improve as a player and have been told you do online coaching mate.
Late Registration Period
I have formed an opinion of the ideal time period that Late Registration should remain open for. If there was a standard maximum time, and to help skypoker people in their deliberations, what would you like to see?
any1 fancy a forum cash game or sit n go?
Friday Orfordable (August Week 2) Win a Re-Buy Open Seat - All Welcome
British Poker Awards, Sky Poker and Tikay up for 2 awards each, get voting!
Hoping the links ok? http://www.thebritishpokerawards.com/ Sky are up for best forurm and best UK tournament for the SPT DTD final, and tikay nominated for his blogs, and once again for contribution to poker.
live poker training
Hi all I don't no if this exists already but i was wondering if there are any live poker classes or night school classes in the surrey or London area.The reason i ask is i no Annie Duke and Howard lederer do such a thing in American so it would make sense if such classes were given by a known pro in this country.I'm a self…
I signed up to sky via the 'refer a friend' which clearly states this on the T&C : " All referred customers will also automatically qualify for the welcome bonus up to a maximum of £1000, in addition to the £25 refer-a-friend bonus. You are also eligible to receive the completely free £5 if you enter promo code POKER on…
Late Registration seating mechanic not good enough!
The algorithm/mechanic the Late Registration feature uses isnt good enough, from what i can see if theres say 5 tables of 6 players and another Registers it waits until 1 person is knocked out before u are seated which can take ZZZzzzz minutes, i reg'd for the £33 freeozut today and it was 7-8 mins before i was sat, and i…