I did it my way......!!
Brillianr Vespa, Well played
Hand Histories
Is it right that Hand Histories of upto the last 500 hands played are the only available for browsing after a poker session? Can hands from say 800 hands ago be found any where, or after 500 hands they are wiped from existance? Secondly, say i wanted to keep a certain hand for later use, is this possible? or, again are…
Still problems with the download since recent update
Anybody else having trouble with opening the download. Have to try multiple times? I have emailed tech using the form and sent logs but heard nothing. I know of at least 4 others on our team FB that are having problems. Surely Sky are aware??
Right i was doing a little website browsing before and come across this: Is this allowed on SKY and has anyone come across this before Please discuss.
For the Attention of karlluke
I have been in contact with c/c about open seat prize.Said you had won 1 as well but still waiting to here back for myself as they seem unaware of this comp. So suggest you contact them as well.
Live poker... blinds?
Helloo, having never played live (hopefully will be doing so soon after i get a car)... how do the blinds compare in a tourney... E.g 5 mins online is a turbo, 10 mins normal, 15 min blinds is slow etc so how does that compare to live, noticed that the SPT Blackpool is 45 min blinds, where would that fit in?? (on that…
very strange thread closure
any idea sky poker can tell me why the thread discussing old presenters and players was closed? there was no apparent breaking of any rules as far as i could see very strange
Forum DTD Monday 21/5/2012 - Tonights Winner is FLYINGDAGG TPT
deal me in plz ty
Funny how no one from the main crew of sky replys to the threads about the debate/conspiracy
anyone know where some the old players/presenters have gone?
hi all remember few ppl over the years playing on sky which are not been here in ages ppl for example like debdobs67 rentisdue bigshann bmoorcroft jenny_ivy pokerbcity thats just a few they are many more but also some presenters that i remember like little tim,james browning,dave compton,ed giddins etc. just wanted to know…
34p we lost from this hand...
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSoftTaff Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £2.30 TheFox36 Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £2.44 Your hole cards * A * A ClintonH83 Raise £0.20 £0.26 £3.29 Amber123 Fold MYT Raise £0.68 £0.94 £1.95 SoftTaff Fold TheFox36 Fold ClintonH83 All-in £3.29 £4.23 £0.00 MYT All-in £1.95 £6.18 £0.00 ClintonH83 Unmatched…
Another great tournament falls foul to sky pokers greed of rebuys
I used to play in a great tournament £1.10 speed tournament each night at 10.35 where up to 120 players would compete. It has now changed to a rebuy tournament so that sky poker can make more money and tonight I noticed it started with 41. Well done Sky Poker for pushing at least 60 players from a tournament to make a few…
Connection Lost
It is worth reporting - best of British m8
cash game tracking
Are there any sites that track cash games on Sky, I'm starting to play more cash and would like to get some kind of tracking / anaysis. Any recommendations please
Sunday night Live Show with Fowler and Stuart Rutter 7pm ****official show thread***** CH865
Hey, Hope you are all going to enjoy your weekend, and be around on Sunday night for our live show! Today (saturday) I am about to leave to drive up to Norwich to be the second shooter for my first wedding. Got a brand new satchel for all my lenses, and some new black trousers, and I feel like it's the first day of…
Question about 'REGS'
Watching the live show last night, and railing some of the bigger cash tables, has gotten me thinking about the pro and semi pro regs on here. Now most of the time you see them playing each other for huge sums of money and yet they all seem to be playing most of the time and turning a profit (i presume). I fail to see how…
Who do you regard as the best players on sky? DYM? cash? MTT?
hi there guys i just wanted to know who you guys think are the best players in each field??? I think - DYM - Nutter Cash - TommyD MTT - Lyonsbob06
Download or not?
Can anyone tell me when I play multi table on the download version of skypoker. I have to manually go from table to table . Unlike the non download version which pops up the each table in turn automatically. Can anyone enlighten me on this, please?
Blackpool SPT
Do you guys think at the rate the seats are getting taken there will be a direct buy in option available to non priority players? I have played 6 sats so far and as im a donk spent £144 trying to sat in, at this rate ill be spending loads on sats lol. I would rather just sit n wait for the direct buy in to become available…
£21 to £1050 HU stts only goal
What title says really, I need some motivation to grind from the £1 HU sitngos upto the £50 HU games and after reading and enjoying other similar posts I've decided to do one of my own. What I'm going to do Starting tomorrow deposit £21 and by using a semi-aggresive bankroll management strategy of 20 buyins start playing…
PLO8 Spew session
If anyone interested in a spew seshun tonight myself and JJJACH will be looking for people to donate to at around 9pm ish. Only bad players welcome.
Mozilla Firefox Not Working - IE Fine
Can anyone help? I cannot access tournaments an Mozilla Firefox yet all is OK on IE. I can't access the Forum with Firefox. When I log in all the details to the left of the "Log Out" button disappear leaving only a dot. I have tried a number of things... reinstalled Firefox, clear cookies, disabled the AVG helpers... the…
Just an idea!
I dont wanna complain but just an idea is there anyway to have a warning so that when you type in someones post and its closed by a mod that something tells you this is going to happen because i just wrote in one and wasted at leat 5 min writing only to click send and then get an error and ive just wasted 5 mins of my life…
new break system is crazy
the new breaks at 55mins is ok for big tournaments but not for guarentee games we just had a break then back for two hands then another five min break sort it out sky !!!
Facebook Giveaway - Tournament Tokens up for grabs!
Hi all, Enter our FREE Facebook competition here to be in the draw to win one of these great prizes: 1st - £22 Tournament Token 2nd - £11 Tournament Token 3rd- £5.50 Tournament Token All winners names will be announced here shortly after 5pm. Good luck!
PLO8 - Anyone ever wondered????????????
I play PLO8 a lot on site and have only just realised that I don't not know for certain what would happen in this situation. I know i can look it up but it is more fun to see if anyone knows the definitive answer without looking it up. I have my own theory but I really am not 100% positive. the query is: if the low is a…
Friday Orfordable League (May) 2 x 6K Re-Buy Open Seats to be Won.
Hi all The Friday Orfordable League (Week 3) is this Friday 18th May, you only need to post 2 valid scores. Everyone is Welcome to join in. This Friday 18th May. If you Have NOT already done so....post your names in this thread if you wish to be entered into the league and play at least 2 Friday Orfordable Deepstacks for a…
A little advice please
Hi all, at present i am only playing the 30p dym's, playing up to 4 tables at a time. I am not doing to bad at these but im finding that my BR is stuck between 7 and 8 pounds. I will have a good run and then lose a few and so on and im not really making any ground in the BR department. I dont mind too much as i am getting…
what a break
Was in the 10:10 tourny,went into a 5 min break at 10:55,came out of that break then 27 secs later went into a 3 minbreak.Whats that all about???
Evil pingu.. samfish, boxter with n s.. jimhfx and I already regged... Click Here COME AND HAVE A SPEW IF YOU THINK YOU'RE DRUNK ENOUGH :o )) xx