I entered an H/U game on the online version and it launched but I could hear the chips but no table appeared! Had to put on the download before I could get on the table and win! Anyone else had to hear their chips disapear while having no table! To be fare the guy must of folded quite a few hands because I still had a…
hand request
did i play this super bad? .519882007
poker can be crazy at times!
I was playing the open semi and ran ak into kk aipf....argh down to 240 chips. Oh well it was 18.27 so I decided to buy into the last direct sat at 18.30.....and busted out 2nd hand!!!! Didn't wanna play in the open anyway! That was until I managed to grind the 240 chips back up and ended up winning a seat........but on…
A 'money can't buy' prize....
Coach Kendall is here! You could have a section on Sky Poker TV dedicated to your play. How cool! See here for details.
Kenny Rogers advice....
You got to know when to Hold 'em.....Know when to Fold 'em.....
Naming and shaming and i don't even care.
This is the most disgraceful thing i've come across yet on this site which is largely a really great community of people. I had 72s in the big blind and was allowed to check in with one other caller. Me and him go head up for the pot and the flop comes 2K2. I am raised, i reraise, he reraises, at which point i push all in.…
Forum DTD Monday 14/5/2012 - Open To All With A Prize For The Winner Good Luck All
CAN YOU PLEASE POST YOUR TEAM OR WHETHER YOUR INDEPENDENT ON THIS THREAD THANK YOU MONDAY FORUM DTD INCLUDING THE MAY MONTHLY LEAGUE Welcome to the Forum DTD we've also got our own Facebook Page which so far has 188 Members, just search for Forum DTD your best 2 scores from 3 will count (YOU MUST PLAY ALL 3 TOURNEYS) see…
Sky Poker unavailable 4.25am - 8.30am Weds 16th May
Hi all, Sky Poker will be unavailable from 04:25 until 08:30 tomorrow morning (Weds 16th), so that essential maintenance can be carried out. Tournaments that would usually run into this window may have been amended to cater for this. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Regards Lee
Omaha Cash Game
I'm going to say I'd love to play a forum omaha game at nl20, and then mysteriously fail to turn up
Hello Sky Poker friends
Thought i would say hello and involved with the community. Started playing last year but stopped for a while. I only play 30p to £1.15 DYM's and a little bit of 2p 4p cash. I hope to level up as my bankroll increases but as it stands i win a little, lose a little and tend to stay level so im not complaining. I watch the…
campaign against rude player threads!!!!
plz plz plz can we stop having these threads.1)some poker players have potty mouths2)you know what to do if you experience it.3)you are NOT going to change human nature by posting! sky could we just have a sticky at the top, pointing people in the direction of cc.
Oopnorth should be called Oops iv gone south Lambert is a butler and dosnt smoke 20 a day but loses 20 a day when he plays poker Oynutter well hes just a nutter that says oy a lot Devonfish your a fish that has a devon accent and likes pasties and custard TheDon90 more like Joe90 from thunderbirds than a gangster GaryQQQ…
New section for "Campaign against rude players" threads plz
Sort it out Sky ;)
People that play like a donkwit and then double up by going all in with stupid hands and then say thank you in the chat box to the poor fella that called with kk---- These people get on my floppin WICK i TELL YOU! What kind of pokery thing gets on your wick? could be a type of player, or anything you like, or don't like--…
DYM Problems
Iv played alot of DYM games lately and im mostly always in the top 3, including 3 times today where all 3 times i have finished 4th. Does anyone have any advice for the end of dym games, i play more tight but then people with no money go all in and before i know it im slipping down, thanks
Two Sky Rollers
Noticed there's 2 Sky Rollers in the lobby for Thursday - One of them has the 20 people who satellited in via the League Stars Freeroll, and the other is empty. Empty one needs to be removed from the lobby please :)
looks like a hit (New Game Idea)
My new game idea MMC looks like it may be a hit with sky please take alook HERE Thanks For looking.
The ultimate monitor.. IBM T221
a massive 3840x2400 resolution only £1050 :-D http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290711219760?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:VRI&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2661#ht_7230wt_1397 mite get one of these soon tho http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320876490139?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 2560x1440 for £300
Don't get me wrong...i agree BUT......do it in the first place.
I was just putting a hand in the poker clinic and after adding my comments and trying to press the discussion button, i was asked to edit a word before it would be allowed. i'm not in the habit of swearing in print and i find it rather inane so i was surpised to find that they word was , in fact, a players name on the hand…
Campaign Agaisnt Abusive Players
The reason for this is I am fed up with how many abusive players are now on this site. This goes from the mild end of people telling other players how bad they are or they only win as the site is rigged etc to swearing to the extream end of the scale where players have told me they will beat me up at the next SPT Now what…
"The Winner Takes It All"
lol classic
Sky Poker Television presents Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay!
Greetings one and all, Announcing this weekend’s big live show on your dedicated Sky Poker television channel: Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay With all this..! 7pm-8pm – Live cash coverage and a look ahead to Sunday’s big games 8pm-9pm – Analyse My Play – My play on the Mastercash tables this weekend gets ripped…
Sunday night Live show with Citrone and Fowler *****official show thread****** CH865
Good afternoon, Hope you are enjoying your weekend, some sun finally :) Let'e see if the 'sun' has tanned Carlo just in time to join me on the sofa tonight; just the two of us! I've had a lovely weekend, lots of time with friends, and on Friday night, we went to see Rock of Ages, one of the musicals on in the West End,…
Forum SnG - 10 seater
Anyone up for this... Don't mind if it's NLHE or PLO, buy-in £1.10 or £2.20 I aint regged yet cos I wanted to see if we had people up for it yet... so post please
Most DYMs won in a row
I remember seeing a thread about someone who won most DYM's in a row but I can't find it, anyone know?
Errrrrr... gg wp sky
Happened a couple of times in the last month... Edit: tried c + p'ing a printscreen i took... dunno whats happened to that. Basically i could see no whole cards and had no options to fold call or raise. Is this just random or something i could fix/where would i need to send an email or w.e?
Raising Pre with fish
Hello Everyone, Lately i have been playing free rolls to try and build more of a bankroll and iv struggled to understand the point in my raising up. say for instant i have aj and a fish raises 8x pre, the flop comes 3 8 2, and his going aggresive still, and he does this with most hands because his a fish whats the point in…
Heads Up Rudeness
Does anyone else find the aggression (verbally, not in poker terms) in heads up cash games a bit much? You obviously get the usual 'despite stacking me 8 times over the period of 4 hours you don't know what you're doing DONK FISH' - but i'm also experiencing proper nasty verbal abuse. Today someone sat in my HU game and…
Question about bad/not good player in Cash games
Will you take a note and automatically consider a player not to be a good one (I don't like the expression bad), if he/she sits in the table: a. With not the full amount that he can buy-in(probaly 100bb or 200bb if a televised table)?b. if he/she posts a blind out of turn in order to get into the game? What are your…
Been playing poker 6 weeks now
And the one thing i carnt get my head around is the number of players who will give abuse to someone for playing bad ! It really does amaze me when you see them saying stuff like "what you doing calling with q 3 off from the small blind" etc etc etc The strange thing is aswell that most of the players who i see saying…