Hi all! (New, as you can guess)
Hey all, I'm Josh and I've been playing poker for around a year although I've never sat at a live table. I've probably played hundreds of thousands of hands online though so I have a fair understanding however it's likely you'll all have some things to point out for me, which is good! I've had a quick look at the poker…
7-2 game
Having a home game soon and want to know how much should the side-bet for the 7-2 game be? 1bb?
New ETA on Sync Breaks + Bet Amount changes
we all know they're late, but just wondering what the new ETA is for them...is Late Reg still coming this month?
Why am I so bad at cash?
I think I'm pretty OKish at MTT's and SNG's, soon as I switch to cash up about 100NL I find myself raising up to about 4x BB get about 3-4 callers every time I raise, then get a full pot donk bet into me and I have to fold it, it's like am playing against one tablers with no patience and will play any two cards, so I'll…
Late registration for mtts
Have sky poker ever thought of late registration for mtts as some players maybe finish work late and can still join in later when blinds are higher and for some players they like playing when blinds are up as dnt want to lose chips in early stages and this would stop the loads of overlay which they have in mtts so is late…
this site likes to reward the idiots
im sick to death of this site giving runner runner to reward the donks who play pathetic it seems to be continuosly on here more than any other, ive been on 888 for 2 years and although it happens on there sky seems to be programmed to destroy good hands time for a break from this site and stick to playing live and 888…
Tonight's live show on 865 with Rich and Tikay!
In Response to Tonight's live show on 865 with Rich and Tikay!: How many poker players does it take to change a lightbulb? See what you can with that! Posted by RICHORFORD Six. One to go out and buy a lightbulbOne to not be bluffing and actually buy a lightbulbOne to stop the degen with a lightbulb from taking it to the…
thought i would share my bad luck from a final table tonight :-(
maybe im winging or maybe i just need to vent!lol i just got to the final table of a wsop satalite,a satalite too another satalite,and there is 7 of us remaining,me bieng short stack,about 4 bb,i go all in with pocket duece and im BB,a mid position had raised and all others folded,we show,me 22,him A8, the flop 67K,im in…
Viva Las Vegas - last chance saloon
last month for the VLV, so everybody get your skates on and satellite into this months final - NOW! no - I've not taken over from Tikay as Sky promoter - but last night imagine my dismay having frenzied into the Quarter Final (unlucky aussie09) to find there were only 3 of us due to play and hence it was cancelled. Doubly…
First ever forum Afternoon league registration and results page. Week Sun 29th April to Saturday 5th
I'm in
has any 1 ever tried this start from the 55p dym and if u win that then go 1.10 and win that do to 2,20 and so on till u can play the 220 dym i know it would be hard to do would be some achievment to start from small stakes to reach high buy in like the surviver mtt tourney but on sit n go instead i was thinking about…
omaha hi lo?
want to practice this discipline? i do! join me at hi/lo 6 max cash table nl20
curious as to odds of this
Curious to odds of this situation. In the space of 150 hands. AA v AA AT v A2 board runs ATA8T AK v AK AA v AA AK v KK Not my tournament but jeezo, curious to the odds of that. Just to confirm this was 9 handed so odds will be diff.
Multitabling on the iPad
Has anyone done it? How easy is it to multitable on an iPad? Can you 4-table?
The best way to make profit??
Hello everyone, Iv been thinking about different games and sng and other options and i cant work out how u are meant to make money. sng's r poor, as for example you play 2 5.50 dym at the same time and dont win both you still make a loss. Cash games are supposidly where the best players are so you dont really want to have…
the reasons sometimes i hate playing poker
i dnt wanna play poker just wanna sleep lol but as im used to staying up late playing poker etc i cant sleep any 1 else get this or just me
haha this guy is funny on how to play pocket jacks lol
How do i do this!
I know it's wrong section but i thought the response would be quicker. Is there a way to open up my own table rather than just joining the tables in the lobby? I want to play heads up cash but there is only one table per limit and they're usually full. Any help appreciated cheers.
**Race Against Time Leaderboard**
Hello everyone, If you love timed tournaments, we've got a cracking new promotion for you to celebrate the bank holiday weekend with. The promotion is called 'Race Against Timed'. Click the link for full details. Here is the leaderboard: Sky_Sam £300 **NOTE: This leaderboard is not cumulative, only your highest score will…
Tonights Forum DTD Is Dedicated To ACEBARRY10 (BARRY) In His Honour - tonights Winner YIDETTE9 TKP
Desperately Seeking Geordies.
Has anyone been to Aspers Newcastle lately? Do they still run £0.25/£0.50 cash games? Thanks
Table Hand History's not working
right so sometimes when i click 'Options'->'Poker Hand History' then button is unresponsive and the HH window just doesnt launch, i have to reboot the Download client and risk losing my seat at the table for it to start working again its not all tables at once, just some mayb 2-3 out of 7-8 i mite be playing, when the…
Where's Sporny?
Been too long. Is he banned? lolol.
gd or bad move as i didnt want to get outflopped tikay would love this move :)
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceIDONKCALLUSmall blind1000.001000.0046583.76pliskin963Big blind 2000.003000.0031605.00 Your hole cardsQA vaugha1971Call 2000.005000.0043390.00aliasnibsCall 2000.007000.0018220.00baxter21Fold IDONKCALLUAll-in 46583.7653583.760.00
Hello allI just wondered ppls thoughts on multi table play,how can u get a good read on an opponents style if you're playing 4plus tables?i heard its just basic abc poker,nothing fancy but I tried it today and my game suffered so badly!Do u think cash games or dym are best for this style?how ppl make living doing it is…
CTBN's big moment
Was it just me, or did everyone else's screen freeze on Jen Mason's exit interview on the 1st airing of SPT Cardiff last night. Was a bit disappointed for Colin, as he missed out on his moment of glory.
Three Word Thread.
That is ALL you are allowed. Three words. You can Post as many times as you wish, but each Post has to form part of a story, so each Post needs to carry on from the previous Post. It's that simple.
oops, hit new thread instead of reply :)
no 25/50
.25/.5 hasn't been on offer for at least a year & .50/.50 kind of died a death. Cash game options at Aspers are currently: .25/.25 - generally running from 3PM, earlier on weekends. 10% rake. 1/1 - Gets going between 6-8PM most nights 1/2 - doesn't run too often on weeknights but usually on offer fri-sun…
would just like to share what i thought was funny
hi all was knocked out of a tourney and this player who called my raise him being behind got lucky then boasted he was good at playing live so i said ok play me live he refused boast then refuse ill be laughing all night about that