SkyPoker Tv on the iPad
I have heard that you can play on skypoker tables through an app called iswifter. My question is can I watch the channel from the webstream using this app because I can't use Safari for that?
Thoughts Required for diary post
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetc99Small blind £0.02£0.02£2.55eagleeye17Big blind £0.04£0.06£0.64alcandoSit out Your hole cards109 DUNMIDOSHRaise £0.12£0.18£0.76cactusjacFold tc99Raise £0.52£0.70£2.03eagleeye17Fold DUNMIDOSHCall £0.42£1.12£0.34Flop 9A9…
Diaries Own Section
isn't it time for the diary threads to be given their own category? people will know where to find them unclutters general poker chat
Bank Holiday Weekend...
... so do you have any exciting / interesting plans?
'What would you do if you were sitting next to a wife/husband/loved one in the same house in an FT situation on SkyPoker?' If a one-handed lovely generous mod doesn't close it down quicker than Del's Bar, I will (attempt to) cannonball myself and shove a sun lolly up my bottom.
FORUM DTD Monday 30/4/2012 - Tonights Winner Was ELSADOG TEAM 51 CAPTAIN
Count me in dude SuperSnedd - Team51
Changes to £300/£500 Velocity Games
big changes to these, making them last nearly 2 1/2 hours hardly velocity!! Levels gone up from 4 mins to 5mins so now same as speed tourneys. 1st break at level 9 - only 45 mins!!! - obviously done so there are more players to buy add-ons, but makes the game even longer. The add-on gone up to 6000 chips, again making the…
Forget BUMHUNTING now folks(no offence)...let's talk poker!!!
Hi folks, Did anyone see PokerstarsTthe Big Game last night about midnight on channel 5? They have professionals and one 'loose cannon' that can win a sponsored seat into a series of events as well as keeping their profit. Anyway the cannon< David Fishman, is up against Phil Helmuth and catches a ten on the river beating…
Just had a dym game and every single player bar me took the whole of there time bar to make a decision every single hand. I really dont see the point its not hard to insta fold in 1 sec with rubbish cards and the blinds go up im on level 8 now and hardly played a hand and it just becomes bingo shoving at that point so it…
Ask Tikay - can you explain this rule please?
Hi Tikay This hand is from a £300 BH earlier tonight. QQ in the small blind for me and a shorty to my left. Standard raise, he re-raise shoves and the button calls. I was going to 4 bet all-in to isolate but my only options in the betting box were to call the 3 bet or fold. My first thought was there had been some sort of…
Impossible random cards
Now I'm not usually a rigtard but I've read on various sites that it's impossible to make cards random online and therefore I'm just wondering why that is? Is it actually impossible? If so why are we still playing? Sorry about this just need some helpful posts, thanks.
tony g vs hellmuth bad play or not i posted before for proffman to see
did make me laugh watching this http://youtu.be/ZHJsS0uEdvY
Raked hands
Just a general question, how many raked hands would you expect to see on a cash table per hour on average
who likes to see a hellmuth blow up meeeeeee :)
Favour from a Sharkscope subscriber please
I've been playing a few £3.15 HU hypers over the last 24 hrs to see how I got on with them. I know I'm definately making profit, just interested to see at what rate if anyone is able to run off the list for me. Thanks
Tech issue
I've noticed this for a while but never actually posted/reported it. Not sure how to explain this so hopefully others have noticed it too and can help out here.. If you are playing HU on a 6 handed table and a 3rd player sits, Sky try and deal them in straight away but if they are on the button it will not let them play as…
£10 Free Bet for Euro 2012 with Sky Bet...
Thought you might be interested in this in case you hadn't seen it: http://www.skybet.com/football/euro-2012-offer It's a good offer! Thanks Sky Poker
Thanks sky - great day
spt cardiff - where do i begin? after the heartache last year of qualifing and then not being able to get time off work, i was looking forward to today. things started well and was over double the average by the break... the only name i recognised on my opening table was nicky piper. i fished a few hands with him in, just…
Avatar Competition - win a Primo Seat
Hi everyone - a fun competition for you... One of the things we might be doing on a future Sky Poker product release is updating / adding to the player avatars at the table. Anyway, we wanted to run a fun competition on here for people to design a new one! The winner(s) will get a Primo seat and may even get their avatar…
Heads Up Sit & Go Advice
I was just wondering how many games out of 100 does the average player seem acceptable in heads up sit & go's. I know if you win 53 games out of 100 then you are in profit but what do you lot deem acceptable beofre moving up the levels. At the present time i am playing £2:10 games.
TONIGHT'S LIVE SHOW with Rich and Ryan on Channel 865 ***Show thread*** NB- New caption competition
Tikay: "I bet Thewy runs better than you..."
Priority Club Cash for Points
Hi guys just a quick question i managed to reach the priority club. It says that the bonus will be payed on the 1st business day on each month. I have not received it as yet will i receive this later on at some point? Thanks
50NL Heads up challenge. 2-4 tables. Any takers?
In order to get any such action at all and mybe accumulate points. I can play at any time during the day, as many tables as you like, against anyone at all on the site. 50NL. Coz its like trying to get blood out of a stone trying to get action from the bumhunters round here.
any 1 like tricks i wouldnt wanna play cards against dynamo lol
2 players fixing game
2 players from same area playing 3 dym at the same time never played the same hand together how do I report
Poker Videos
Does anyone know a good site for poker training vids that's free?
double your money. everyone all in first hand
if everybody was all in first hand how do sky decide the winners?if ranked hands counted would it then go to suit ranking for two hands the same, or even maybe alphabetical .does anyone have the definitive answer?
Buttons stop working on table
Anyone have this happen to them. Its happened to me a few times. I could have 8 tables open and all of a sudden the buttons on one of the 8 tables just stop working. I click fold or check etc, but nothing happens, the bet slider also doesnt work. You are just left watching yourself being forced to fold the hand. It will…
So who is the John Connor or DOHHHHHHH of scary STTs, and any advice on how to play them?
just typed out a very long post and the "happy hour" message has taken over my screen is there anyway of recovering my post? i click ok on the pop up and nothing happens thanks