since i have played on sky poker i have trouble winning on 2p/4p cash i have set myself a goal
hi all i have deposit some money and set myself a goal to overcome the 2p/4p cash games i started with a bankroll of £50 and all through end this month and may i am going to play 4nl cash 3-4 hrs a day and try and beat this level as i have found it hard to do so in the past wish me luck from steve aka idonkcallu
Sky version of Sharkscope?
I have noticed recently that a lot of players are looking for someone to get their stats off SS. I was just wondering whether Sky could do their own cut down, Sky only, version and players either pay cash or their points to access it. What do you think?
The 'Shuffle' Challenge! - THREE Sky Sports BH seats on offer!
Hi all Further to our competition to invent a challenge (see here). The winning idea was by 'shuv' (with a couple of tweaks) and here it is: The first person to win three shuffle tournaments gets a £33 Sky Sports BH seat. In fact, lets me more generous, the first three people who get to three wins get a seat. The wins do…
Poker Points
Hi guys i joined the site a few weeks ago and so far its been great enjoying plaing here. I have gathered up a few thousand poker points. I know you can use these points in the £100 freeroll but was wondering if theres any other way i can use them. As in freerolls i find people just going allin as its free anyway. Would be…
new player
WHERE'S the free £10 then
Thoughts on watching VIVA LAS VEGAS final table...two questions...see what MattBates(came 2nd) think
Great post profman, I enjoyed the comments on the rail except for 2 instances. One was when we were down to two tables and people were telling a player (I forget which one, they finished about 4th or 5th) how to play with his 10BB stack. The player had got that far and has paid their entrance fee so can play however they…
Separate Clinic For Cash and Tours
Just a suggestion that came up to my mind as I was going through the Poker Clinic and read some posts. Wouldn't be more easier to navigate and far more clear if there were seperate categories for Cash hands and SNG/MTT hands? Imo it would be better for players like me who play more cash to see a category where only cash…
FAO Rancid
I've PM'd you Rancid. Was gonna message you via the FB squaddie group but I don't think I've ever seen you on there.
90 poker points in a day? Advice needed.
What is the best way to attempt to get another 90 poker points today? I need this amount for my next ladder up for my months poker points total. I usually play micro stakes tournaments (£1 - £5), but I know I will not get enough by just playing these later. I am not a cash player BTW, so that just leaves SnG's. So, which…
Lower money omaha hi lo games
I would very much like some lower money omaha hi low games. A £1.15 game at least would make me play much more. £30p or 60p would be even better for me. Anybody agree?
Not able to see hole cards!
I had a situation last night during the £500 Bh, where I was not able to see my hole cards to have an option of betting. Has any body else experienced this problem. I have had it before, but have not mentioned it! I have reported this to Sky by e-mail.
FAO Sharkscope members - A request
As I don't have Sharkscope membership, could somebody search my £5.50 NLHE DYM and £11 NLHE DYM results separately, and post both of them in here for me please? No time frame (If you need one, just click last year or something as I've only been playing 6 months), and just regular ones - No turbos. Thanks in advance :)
£11 Vegas sats...
....will they be running anymore in May? I really liked the idea of these but wasn't able to play them. Would like to have a go if they run again.
Found this one on the tube by the real hustle very interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHXLCkh-bZ0&feature=related
just an idea in dyms if people agree would be good a bonus and a incentive to play more
i play on another site i wont mention where but they do sit n go jackpots 12 players if u win 3 in a row u get a 1 k bonus i know it wouldnt work on sky as the sit n go 10 player tables take an age to fill up so was thinking if the sky guys think its a good idea and that is that if i u play 10 dyms and win 10 dyms in a row…
RIP Slim
Before I was aware of the global culture of poker, and it was just another game to play during lunch time at school... I had heard the name and part of the legend that was Amarillo Slim!! He was a missing link between the old west and the modern game and his stories are as numerous as the punters he fleeced.. There will…
from the big game last year i dont like phil hellmuth but is this wrong what tony g i think its bad
a intrested video clip http://youtu.be/ybKh4omCTUA
Sunday night LIVE on 865: Sky Poker TV with Rich, Jen and guest star Kevin Williams!
29th old bean ;-)
just in a game and here we have a typical bad player moan, which really made me chuckle this morning. xxxxx "its so fixed" 00000 "Its fixed?" xxxxx "yes the board was rigged" 00000 "but you shoved on me" Dazler "LOL" PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDazler Small blind 100.00 100.00 3847.50 _xxxxx_ Big blind 200.00 300.00…
Why we play poker...
Player Action Cards Amount Pot BalanceEl_Mogul Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £11.98 Grevs08 Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £4.32 Your hole cards * A * A linkell69 Raise £0.12 £0.18 £4.48 El_Mogul Raise £0.36 £0.54 £11.62 Grevs08 Call £0.34 £0.88 £3.98 linkell69 Call £0.26 £1.14 £4.22 Flop * 8 * A * Q El_Mogul Bet £0.86 £2.00 £10.76…
Starting tables
Do Sky pay or reward certain players to start tables. I notice a few player going around starting tables and leaving when they fill.
Bad beats
Decided to start this post because I just got completly screwed over in only a few hands. Apologies if there's already a thread like this, but this is the first time I've been on the forum. This is within 3 hands: 1st hand - JJ I'm on the button so I naturally raise 3x min blind, everyone folds except one person. Flop - 8…
Cash games - the way forward to grind a consistent profit?
Hi all, Been playing on the site regularly for about a year or so, initially depositing £30 and thanks to some good MTT results and other bits and bobs have managed to build my roll up to £1,200 and it's been hovering around this figure for a couple of months now. Most of my success has been from MTT's and they're the…
ROFL courtesy of youtube
Brilliant watch it ppl im sure you all want to get on this game :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4XefJH-KOU&feature=b-vrec The chat on it, not the actual poker if u have 10 mins free.. Im in 1st place ur in 4th so therefore im better then you
colin bannatyne
When did Sky start letting people take their Sat entry in cash?
Never used to be allowed....if my work rota changed I would just have to lose the entry....what happened?
Why are the micro HU shuffles twice as fast as the 'big' HU shuffle?
Is this another case of discrimination against the micro players here? Why are there 2 diff sets of blind levels for what is, essentially, the same tournament? When we pay 2 quid extra, do u think we deserve an extra 2 minutes per level? Really wouldn't be surprised if that's your logic. So sigh. fwiiw I'd prefer faster…
had a mint time at the spt cardiff how did everyone else rate it
10 hi 1 low
Calling Sharkscope Members
Could someone who is a member of SS please search me and find out how many HU games I've played/won/lost today because I accidently lost track. Well I know I've played 18 games, cos my poker points have went up 18 points and it's 1 point per game, but I just not sure abuot wins/losses. If it doesn't say, then you could…
Help with c4p widget
Hi, My c4p widget is showing less points then when i go into my account, it has done all month but now im getting close to 500 points (mega points for me lol) i dont know whitch one to follow. I will try and get them both over 500 points but does any one else have this or know why its different. Thanks