IMPORTANT Changes to Rebuy Tourneys on Sky Poker.
Good afternoon. With the "Synched Breaks" now being rolled out across the entire Tourney schedule, as previously announced, & following the successful soft launch, some tweaks have been made to the Rebuy Tourneys starting immediately. Some of these are a TRIAL, for THIS WEEKEND ONLY, & will be further modified, refined,…
I love fridays because.......
Pub lunch followed by an hour at work (before i finish) doing very little. Then get home to play fireman sam with my son unitl the wife gets home, have some dinner (Curry tonight please) and then hit the poker tables until my eyes tell me its time to go to bed.And not getting out of my pit before 9 (that is a lie in for…
Here is what I've Learned after nearly two years on sky poker.
If you have a big hand, someone else does. Honestly, that's it.
tonights mini open
is it a rebuy ?
Pro players on the dole
Just a general question... Do pro players sign on? As the extra £50 or so it's small but it's something, just wondering
Hosepipe Ban 8:55pm to 9pm
local authorities have announced a five minute hosepipe ban to coincide with the unusual increase in mains water demand at 9pm every evening. it is reported that skypoker have just introduced synchronised breaks.
Odd glitch?
PLaying tonight nl4, player on my left was sat out for both blinds but was then sat back in between my button and the small blind and able to play the hand from that position. Surely there's something wrong there?
Download client bug since update
since the 'sync breaks' update my download client takes 2-3+ attempts to launch, it goes... 'Initialising...' 'Loading CM Menu...' then just hangs the the lil loading 'dial' just keeps goin round n round, not majopr problem, i just click 'Quit Sky Poker' then try it again, just thought the dev's should b aware any1 else…
Thread/Post creation on Android
i got a Samsung S2 can login/read and view all aspects of the site but cant post threads, normally if i tap a 'text box' my keyboard appears and does so with my Login but for this actual text box here it dont, any1 else have this problem? what about on Iphone/HTC/BB? any ways round it?
Live show competitions
Those who watched tonight's live show will know that there was a competition. The aim of the competition was to guess which of James Hartigan's 5 statements were false. There were 2 draws: Draw 1 - Anyone who guessed correctly which statement was false went into the first draw Draw 2 - Ryan was asked which of the 5…
Thursday's live show with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)
The next five-hour sequence of live programming on channel 865 will feature everyone's favourite Ryan... No, not that one. Not even close. Who he? That's a bingo!!! Bizarrely, this will actually be the first time Mr Spittles and I have worked together. So, I'm sure we can incorporate a little "getting to know you"…
Using satellites to qualify for tournaments and to win money
Once upon a time when i played on Pokerstars.........I was using teh chatbox for the right reasons and was referred to this article online. It basically tells us how to play satellites both online and live to reach the goal of qualification to a larger event. Its quite possibly the best article about poker i have read…
Joshlarr's 'free' bank roll challenge! (£69.70 17/5/2012)
Oh, and another thing. I managed to win free entry to the 5K open coming up on Tuesday (15th May) so you never know, I might run good in that! I highly doubt it though, but I'll be trying my best with a few cups of tea at hands (in hope that I can last a few cups that is)
New sng lobby filters....
They're good.... But when I drill down into the HU filters, and click 'fast'.... I get.... Turbo Hyper Russian Roulette. I change my search to 'quick'..... And I get "4 player HU" games. Dunno whats going on, maybe need a re-think here?
Poker Trackers?
Whats the best poker tracker, and are they worth it ??
Earn 50% More Poker Points - Tonight!
Hi everyone Something we launched yesterday was the ability for 'Early Bird Promotions' Tonight's the first one and you can see the details of it here - from 7pm to 11pm You earn 50% extra points when there's 2 or 3 active players dealt into a hand. This applies to 6-max tables. Thanks Sky Poker
Cash for Points and Bonus
A few things on my mind I would like to share with Sky Poker and fellow players..... I'm a recreational player, who up to now has only played online at SkyPoker. Over the last 2 years Sky Poker have been very good at keeping my attention and loyalty, with their various promotions, bonuses and competitions, plus I'm always…
poker point/rake
how does sky points compare to other sites ?
Shaun84 is back!
Hi everyone. I have missed the Sky Community so much that I have decided to come back. The fact that it coincides with Sky offering to boost the Jackpot is mere coincidence. I hope to be back better than ever and winning again. Looking forward to all the fun of the greatest community on the web. I'm toying with the idea of…
Well done, sorry, & thank you!
Afternoon. The "Well Done" As many of you know, the "Coach Kendall Freeroll" was last night, & I believe it maxed out at 1,000 runners, which is incredible. BIG congrats to the winner, who was "ntg84". He gets £50 cash to play on the MasterCash Tables next week, & a free Entry to Sunday's £55 Primo, as well as a Sky Poker…
Poker points?
Wanna play Tikay's free role but only got 27! need 200, how do you get them?
Synchronised breaks
I don't think this worked. I was in 3 tourneys at 8:55 (the main event, the mini and coach kendall) Only the mini stopped at 8:55 and it looked like the blind limit clock was still counting down during it as the table said in the middle of the break that the blind limits had gone up. Good luck with making this work as I…
What are you going to do....?
... now during Syncronised breaks? As announced today, we're rolling our Synchronised breaks at 5mins to the hour. So for you tournament players, how will you fill those few minutes? We'll exclude those obvious 'comfort' breaks!
Happy Birthday to Eyeman.......Sky Poker's present to you is here....
b) We’ve amended the table balancing rules for scheduled tournaments. Once a table has been selected for table balancing the player who is to the left of the Big Blind (Under the Gun) on this table will be chosen to be moved to the new table at the end of the hand. ☺ Have a good day Sir and many many many happy returns.
I have noticed of late there has been a lot of discussion on the forum about improper use of the chat facility on the tables. Now then, most of us have (at one time or another) used words or language that we would not have used if we were playing heads up against the Queen of England. Abuse of chat privileges cannot be…
Is this true or just unsubstantiated forum nonsense:
Just read on another poker forum: Online poker is allowed to be manipulated so long as: a) Neither player is favoured more than the other b) Once a result is generated (ie before the hand is played out) the result is not changed at any point throughout the hand. c) Overall the realistic poker statistics hold true over at…
My best ever moment in poker...
Hi everyone. Poker is a great game, loved by many across the world. So here's a nice thread to celebrate poker. We often talk about your favourite football match, best film, holiday or whatever, so... ...what's your own poker highlight? Whether it's a funny or touching story, a memorable game, biggest win or playing…
PMs on Sky in Firefox
Does anyone have any idea why when you try to send a PM on Sky and you're using Firefox, no textbox comes up for you to type your message. I find it most annoying having to use IE everytime I wanna send a PM!
Tonight's live show on 865 with Rich and Redmond! ***official show thread***
Beautiful Graham. Loving it aready. FLush! Ahhhhhhhhaaaaaaa! Saviour of the Universe!
forum vs ipad
Can any tech guys frow sky allow me to post on the forum using my ipad?? It will load the part so i can send a message, but won't let me post. I have not been able to post for months as I have only had an ipad to use the internet. I now have access to a pc so can post, but seing that the presenters on sky now use ipads for…