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Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary

edited April 2016 in Poker Chat
This should be an interesting read
Good luck


  • edited March 2016

    Good Morning,

    21st January 2016 this is the day I commit to making a full time diary on Sky. I will pull no punches I will hide no lows and I will share any highs. Everyday I will try to document results and my thoughts.

    About me

    by nature I am a gambler not really the best trait to have as a poker player, I found poker through a combination of a friend introducing me and me deciding I liked the idea of being able to gamble whilst actually making money instead of feeding it to a slot machine.

    To give you the kind of scale of my gambling issues back in the day I once lost £1650 playing UNO... I s * * t you not.... UNO

    I class myself as a decent poker player who still has a ton to learn, I would say my learning is possibly slower than what it should be as I have never been able to dedicate myself to one format..... I will play Holdem omaha razz stud Cash/SNG/Tourney.

    I have had a few decent results with MTTs lately including 2 five figure scores Half of which has been withdraw and half of which is now my bankroll.


    No real goals just to make as much as I can and add more volume that I put in in 2015 - I have a full time job so have to rely on the ability to play 10+ tables to get decet volume in an evening.

    To post all results including when I lose my head and take shots at £5 / £10

    To make sure I play the UKPC live event (ideally would love to play the high roller also.... my girlfriend may have different views on this)

    The only real goal I have is to make the top 5 of the sharkscope leaderboard which could be pretty hard as I play probably 1/10th the volume of some of the regs but I do have the advantage of not being a rake grinder. (19th on the board at time of writing so work to do)

    The majority of my volume will be Heads up Hypers and DYM mid to high stakes.

    In the words of Mike Sexton.... may your cards be live and your pots be monsters
  • edited January 2016

    Hi Steve - be great if you could be at the UKPC. If you do, make sure you come & say hi.  
  • edited January 2016

    Steve, I'm 100% not mocking, as I know you struggle a little with grammar & the like, but the way you have set out the OP is spot on, & makes it so much more readable. It does take a little effort at first, but it soon becomes a habit, & is worth the effort.

    Well done bud, & it will result in a far wider readership. It's so hard to read a wall of text, & paragraphs etc make such a difference.
  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary:
    Steve, I'm 100% not mocking, as I know you struggle a little with grammar & the like, but the way you have set out the OP is spot on, & makes it so much more readable. It does take a little effort at first, but it soon becomes a habit, & is worth the effort. Well done bud, & it will result in a far wider readership. It's so hard to read a wall of text, & paragraphs etc make such a difference.  
    Posted by Tikay10

    Thansk Tikay yeah my spelling etc is not great but improving that is part of my life goals for this year.... I am over reliant on spellcheck etc.

    Also my name is Danny :) Steve is my middle name
  • edited January 2016

    I hear you Danny Steve.

    Over-reliant on spellcheck? Not possible. Keep using it, no shame in that.

    I have a different problem, I spell wonderfully, but I type terribly, (fat fingers, age-related loss of dexterity), so typos creep in all the time, &, human nature being what it is, Team SmartAlec always point them out.

    A well known poker player, & a close personal friend of mine, Alex Goulder, wrote just about THE most beautiful article for me on another site about 2 years ago, it was breathtakingly good. And Team SmartAlec (who had never ONCE wrote anything of note) replied to that 700 word masterpiece with this.....

    "You wrote "its", but it should be "it's". 

    That was it. I swear to God, I could chin those sorts, they never do anything themselves, but nit-pick those who do.   
  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary:
    I hear you Danny Steve. Over-reliant on spellcheck? Not possible. Keep using it, no shame in that. I have a different problem, I spell wonderfully, but I type terribly, (fat fingers, age-related loss of dexterity), so typos creep in all the time, &, human nature being what it is, Team SmartAlec always point them out. A well known poker player, & a close personal friend of mine, Alex Goulder, wrote just about THE most beautiful article for me on another site about 2 years ago, it was breathtakingly good. And Team SmartAlec (who had never ONCE wrote anything of note) replied to that 700 word masterpiece with this..... "You wrote "its", but it should be "it's".   That was it. I swear to God, I could chin those sorts, they never do anything themselves, but nit-pick those who do.   
    Posted by Tikay10

    Haha I feel the same. In my line of work (I am an education recruitment consultant) I have to send everything to be proof read before being sent out.... My boss is awseoeme most people just would not put up with me.

    Will update tonight hopefully can start with a +

    As a back story to tonight I have been playing some epic HU sessions at 200NL lately against two opponents in particular with mixed results.

    The one guy I am sure has an edge on me but I continue to play him as I am convinced I can get the edge on him although I have doubts he will continue playing when this happens.

    Moral of the story I keep playing opponents even when they are better than me which is -EV but as long as I am learning and not just tilting off buyins I figure it to be + EV long term.
  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary:
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary : Thansk Tikay yeah my spelling etc is not great but improving that is part of my life goals for this year.... I am over reliant on spellcheck etc. Also my name is Danny :) Steve is my middle name
    Posted by Itsover4u

    Also my name is Danny :) Steve is my middle name

    Book him Danno says Steve McGarret

    good luck with the good foldng
  • edited January 2016
    Gd luck with the diary buddy I will be following with interest :)
  • edited January 2016
    Looking forward to this good luck buddy.
  • edited January 2016 the cool kids say
  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary: the cool kids say
    Posted by bromley04
    I'll do one of those +1 things as well, that the cool kids do.
  • edited January 2016
    Haha thanks gents.... as the cool kids also say I have put in some sick volume tonight!!

    1 single hu hyper turbo to be precise... although we did win so +£19 for the night.

    Unfortunately life has got in the way but will look to get some better volume in before bed.

    As a disclaimer this thread will not be a great BR management thread as I love taking big shots but I have no intention of going broke as I am pretty good at dropping levels and grinding when it all goes bad.

  • edited January 2016
    Small update im super tired and time has not been kind to me tonight

    +57 for the night playing a mix of hyper and DYM. I should try to set some volume goals I think 50 sngs per night would be pretty reasonable.

    Good night see you all tomorrow
  • edited January 2016
    Hi Danny, I shall be following with interest, am not a cool kid like those above though :) good luck.
  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary:
    Posted by VespaPX
    Dear sky,please add a like button. 
  • edited January 2016
    gl Dan tear it up brother
  • edited January 2016
    Before I start tonight session (I will no longer be calling it a grind) I will give you a fact about me so you can get to know me more and I can hopefully get to know you better.

    I am a lifelong Aston Villa fan.... rib away
  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary:
    Before I start tonight session (I will no longer be calling it a grind) I will give you a fact about me so you can get to know me more and I can hopefully get to know you better. I am a lifelong Aston Villa fan.... rib away
    Posted by Itsover4u;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N/AABEIAHwAkAMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQMGAgQHAQj/xAA+EAABAwMBBQQIBAQFBQAAAAABAgMEAAURBhIhMUFREyJhcQcUMkKBkaGxFVJiwSMkcvAzksLR4RZDVGOi/8QAGwEBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQFAgMGAQf/xAA2EQACAgECAwUGBQMFAQAAAAAAAQIDBBExBRIhE0FRYXEGFIGxwdEiMpGh4ULw8RUkM0OCI/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A7jQBQBQBQCbUd3XbWmmorXbTZCtllvj5k+AqJlZDqSUFrJ7ImYeKr5NzekI7sr02Lq5qMZi5pKh3lMskZSPLGD9ar7YcQjHn5vgizqs4XKfZ8nTxY20dfXbxHeRKCe3ZxlSRgLBzvxyO6pXD8x5EWpboh8TwY4s04bMd3KT6nb5EnZ2i02pYT1wKm2z5K3LwIFNfaWRh4soNsiXrUzypD011mOP+4kkJz0SkEfOqKivJzJc8pNL+9jo8i3E4fHkjBOXw/foxvHXdNOzWm7jJVLtz6w32xyS0o8M54fapcHfiTSslzQff4EGxY+bW5VR5Zrrp4lvHAVbFMe0AUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUAjuzjNvlOXJ1vtXygMxm+fEk4887/ACqBlWRofatayfRIm48ZXR7FPRbtisJ1Ao+s+uJS57XYe7jpjh/fGoao4k12vOtfAldrgL/58nTxJYd8YZ23I1mWhxw/xlI2EhShx+ua0/63i0vrDSXf6ntmBOWinbqltu+htf8AUgxhy2ysc9koV+9ZL2hxX3M0vhr7pr9/sL3kPX1wvB1yLDT3WWhuKupIz1rYqZ8QfaKTjDu07/M2dpDCXJyqU+8kjqej5td0cL8OSOzaePFKjwBz9KygrMd+73vmhLon9GeSddy94oWko9Wi1tghtIJyQACauF0WhVvqzKvTwKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAR3jUDUNz1WK36zMI9hPBP9R/aqzN4nVirTdk7GwZXLnm+WHj9jQsrUq5PqnXFxKlIJS3sjCUDmR9q1cOU8l+9W/8Ak250q6Y9hTtu/MaxLpZZr6ocS4Q3305y228lSvkDV26pxXM09CqUlshcuKGbnIa4BYDg+x+wPxr5/wC0tHZZKsW0i2qtcqY+XT7HkxnYjOKTja2cJ8zuFUOMnbdGC72bK56yWpty7padL2xpy5ykR2yAhGQVKUQOSQCT8BX1vGx5cqrrWyKi23mk5ye5rxrnZtV295VqlpeAHfRslC0HkSlQBH/FeZeJJwddi01PcfI5JqcHsTWi/Bx0QZ6eykoOwFn2XSOh6+FVmLxCMp9hb0munqTsnC0j21XWL6+aHwOatCvPaAKAKAKAKAKAKADuoCuajvLiHPw63EesrGXHM/4Sf96pOK8TWNFwhv8AIs8HDjJdtb+Xu8xUxDTEiuKbyXCMlZ4qV4/GuIdksi5R8WTrLXOa12+gq9Jk1VrsUCzR3C0mUFKfUDglpAGRnxJGfjX1zhePCuPlFHM5l0pyb72yhaegt3awXC/QJKYv4a+ltojurKzjvAjhxGOOfCp0c2Nk+TToyM6ZQXNrsdasV0N7tFpua/8AGdbWy/gY/iIOFfVJ+dcL7Y46rhF+D/ZotsOXNU/gxi6nbWw3j2nkfQ5/auS4HWp59evj8iTrpGT8mc1ursDUOs7wq8XVuEzGbdRFU6oBI7IhJG/dx2ieZ+FfY+f3bHjourKJx7Wxp9xV9A6k2L3BuLaSypL6GJCAdym1kJ39Rvz5prNWRyaZJrqjzldM113Oz3iA2ZzqFIBS6kL4cxu/cV819o4um+F0e/6HR4d0lX0ez+ZLZLo6w+i33BZUFbmH1e9+lXj486seD8W7ddlbuY5eLGUXdUvVfVFkBzXRFWek4oBLddU2m1SDGkvuLkBIUpmMwt9aAeBUEAkA43Z40BtWi9W68srdtslDwbVsuJGQptXRSTvSfAigGFAFAFAKtQ3T8LgKdSMvLOw0nqo/tUPOyvdqnLv7iVh43vFvK9u/0K5a4im0lbqip5w7TijxJr5zl5Dtm22XF9qb0jsthopsdmjPDtUZ8toV5wtr36rm21RBlLf0fyKf6Y4HbTbU86tTUV5tyKt0Jz2ZODnHXAVu54r7HhvmrnDvKG/o4yOKRLQ4xqNbbBeXCjSCUPrQUdohJOyrB6jl4mtWPRZ2q1WxnbZHkejPoHQsdxjRloU6kpL0h50A/lUXCD8Rg/Gua9tZKVPxXyJeAtIP0+pYkD+bi9O13/5TXIez2n+oQ+PyJcvyS9PqjgPpFskn8YuURCSX2prjyUq3baHCVAjPmPlX122DvohKG6KWMuzsfMZ6MsLK5FoiR25abjLkIMxLpSUBKF7WUbO8DZznJ415RW6a5zn4Hk5KyaUTv9z2VzmR7waXnwyU4+x+VfPvaucezrj36suMbpCT819RTcIiX21IVkdCOIPWuUotdclJFhTZyvUb6duKpcVTMk/zUchLn6uivjX0jhmasqlPvW5X5uOqp6x/LLb7GOqLg/CgNswCkXCc8mNEKk5CVqBJURzCUhSvHZqxIZsWKzxbJb0xIgWo52nXnDtOPuHitZ5qNAKNPOC8ahn36K1sQuxEJl3gZRQtRUv+kHupJ/UeBFAWigCgPCcCgKVdpH4nqFSOLEIbI8V8/wC/CuM49l88+SOy6fcv8WvsMXXvn8hhHRXJzZomzGZD7VJ/mH05GMBWB8sVux7OuyFVvK/yoU3hh64W1y3Tz65GVgjPdcQRwUlXUeOa6/C41l40lLXmXmLcPHvjtyvy2EVj9HjE6XmbeFPRWyCuMGezcWM8FHJ3eI+ldjRx2vKr1qWku/yKW3h0qJay28TolwCEOxI7SQlDaVKCUjckABI+5rj/AGqtXYQhr1b1JmMtIyfojXfV2SUO8OzcQonoMjP0zXKcJuVObXN+PzJCXNrHxTNPWmmrPemUSbg85FkNDZbkskBZH5ce95V9WXEFhRcpP8JWLGd75YrqV2w2RuyuOO28updWnZVKkYU6U9ABuSPLf41zvEPaDJy/w1/giWuNw+ihay/FL9h7GgNOLK3y48s+8tZNcnl22N6uWr8+pJndKK0j0RvOtpSjCc4HU5qqUm3qyPF9Re076hdo0obkLPYuj9KuB+BrouB5jpvSezJE4dtRKHeuq+G/6jK7oQ7qrT6F7+zEl5PgoICc/JavnXflEPyMpI60BX9AvbelYbK0hLsQriOpHJbSyg/PZz8aAsNAFAa89/1aG8+eDbalfIVrtnyQcvBGdUO0moeLKPYUExy8s5W6sqJ6180zbHKx6nSZbXNyrZD9gVWSK2ZMtO0MGvIS5Xqa09DUcjZNWdWYkjfGw8EJC8FW0lafZWg4UnyNY2Zs4TU63o0Ha1sTRmXG1LW+8t5xWB2i8cBwG6tObm2ZclKx6s1ScX0itETKAUkpIBBGCDzqGno9TE1GLe0zlQ2lL4BSiTsjoM8BUuzNtta53qkbZXSl07j1EMrXgCpleRKxqEOrPXdoguUiPZISpc9wNtAhIIGSpR4JSkb1KPIDfW2zhOfZJJR38yPK+LEk65ahEAz3LfDtEIAfxbi4t1xAPvLbaBCR5r3c8VdY/srBJdtZ8F/P2NDyH3IW6jl3CzxWl3Wdap7Uvuobt7a0vjIylaEFai4nOOG/fnhUmz2dqrjzUSfMvH/BIx85wsTkuhZbB+L3q4W+7XCAbdGix1obafUC+8pYTlSgNyANngcnfvxXRwTUUnuQZuLk3HYttZGJWreo2nVs+C4cR7oBMi5O7tUpCHUD4BC8c9pR5GgLLQBQCbV7pZ0/KI4q2UfNQBqBxKfLiyJ3DYc2VDy6iG1p2YbA/QDXzjIetjLTIetkhu1UORCkbjCGzvc+VXPC8XGkue/r5EacpbI8eLZOEAVp4nLFctKIpeh7DXvIqqDYFAFAFABJTvTnI6VtqscJcyZ41qJLOpd11tIN3ZbQ5bIra4LO3tgdoVhbvAd7uhPPGTv71fSuC2xtxudS16+GmxEuSjLSJdCApJHUVbmoTWLS1nsbjj8KG2Jbme0lLAU4vJyd/IfpGAOQoB1igCgFWo7Om827sEuGPKaUHYklI7zDyfZUPsRzBI50Bjpe8G9WpMh1sMy2lqYlsg57J5BwtPlnePAigG9AItbJJ08+RyWg/wD0KruKr/ay+HzLHhT0y4/H5Ce3H+VYP/rT9q+cXfnZYXfnl6jJo1GZEkINV216TDlTlfzHqqUuMRF95pYTvVtJ94nePDAxVvw/JhCUal05tdX39dtPDQkYlqjNQ216N9/Xz7hhYZ8NxtEVtkQ39kL9VVu3H3kclJPUfQ1r4ng5VE9beq8TRdXJPm11Xj9/McZqo0NIUAUAU0Bo3G5NwyhltJfmO57GMj2l+J/Knqo7hVhgcOuzLOWC6ePcZwrcur6Jbv8Avv8AIrOh7Q/qGRM1ZMm7M5TymLetgnYZbbUQe77yVEEEHl0JyPpGBiV4lCrgR8yxOzkitFHp5+evxLxbrnJclGDcLe9GkJBUlxKSth1IxvSscOPsqweOAQM1NIY2oAoAoAoCtwUiBrq4x0kJauUNuWlPV1BLbh+KSz8qAslAK9Tsl+wzEJG8I2vkc/tUPiEOfGmvL5dSXgT5MmD8ysWdzbgteA2flXzfJjpYy6yo6WMatqqG0QpInGFDBGRzFYp8r1NTRTI13sUKWdJarSloMLP4dNdOyNg70pDnFCgDgHODjFfTeG3wzcSLl1M8qVlUlk1vRS39Vvr67lhXYL7Dwuz3puYxjKWbkjaOPB1O8/EH41GyPZ/FtesVoYRzMef/ACw0fjH7MjXP1TF7q9Ksyj+Zi4JAPwKajx4BVD+nUzUcOf8A3NesfszFN11Q+dlGjkM/rduCCPoK2PglMunZJHrrw49e319IsmFn1NcCPXrlEtrPvIgNlxZH9a+HwFZV+zuKnrJGDysWv8kHJ+fRfojG826Hp+zLiW1KzcLosRfWHV7by9r2lFR3nZTtGrHIdWFjSlFaJI8ptsyblKx/hh107vTTzYs0+1PtNyv6bKntkRZDSjashIWyplGFtHglZUlfgogg441q4Nc7sGE5PV9fmyDe3Kxt7vqXazXeFeYQlwHCtG0ULSoFK2ljihaTvSodDVoahhQBQBQBQFeuqAjWNgfGdosy2dw5ENq/0fWgLCKAweQlxtSFjKVAgjqK8klJaM9TaeqKDbkKhypVvXxZcOM8x1+3zr5zxKh1WteHT7HTXS7WELl3obNqqpkiHJGwhVa2jU0UL0u6cF1tKbg0nLscbLmPycj8D9Ca6T2ezuxsdMtnt6/ySsaMb4yxp/1dV5M5ZprXuptIqMeDMKo6DviSR2jY8hxT8CK7xNNaoorK5VzcJLRo6lY/TciSwFXHT0rbG5S4a0qSfIKx9zWMrIR6NkijByb481UG0b1w9NVrjtbcexXd04ye0ShAHmQo/avFdW+iZ7bw7LqjzTraXoUi++nO/wAwqas8OLbkHcHFDtXB0O/u/Q1sIY19EjVxvVylaivcp+W+hHZtOPKzjPTpu6fmrk/abL0hGiL3+hcVVunFXjPr8Ft+r6l5L7sLXCJUdG22bcfXG071rbDndWkcygk5HRfXFbPZZyePNa9E/oV+QtJIsKrNDk3WPfbe+piQoJ7VyOoFEtvkFjgrjuVxHXG6uoI47oAoAoAoCl6niy73qJLVpnOxJFohOPB1Hsh9wp7NKuShsoXlPRQO44oB5pC9DUOmoF22A2qQ1lxAO5CwSlQ+CgRQDjjQFP1fFMOczdWk5Qf4bwH0P99BXN8dxOddovR/QvOF2qyuWPL1Riy4laEqScpIyDXFTi09GZyi09GbKVVqaNTRmQlxBQ4kKQoYUk8CDypFuMk0YaabHJb5pS02e8qN7trsuzyThuSytSHI/hkHBIzwVx5c673hXFY3w0e63X1XkWNtEOJ18yelq/cfwPRvarhCQ7pe/h6OBubfSFKR4EjBHkRVnZjRufPGR7icav4bBY99e3w+nUnZ9E8s5Mm7R2kjjsMlf3IrCOC09XIlWe1UHHSFX6sQXCx6N05mHZ4wv98eJQHHwHWmiTyQO6T4b8c/HddkwqjvsU2Hwud8ndeuWG/hr/BftK2lNjsjEPA7b23iOazx+W4fCvnHEcr3q9zW3d6GzJt7a1yW2y9DO6xJDr0efbH0sXGISWVrHccScbTa8b9hWB5EA8ql8J4lLBs8Yvf7kS2ntF5nlnuYny1ptLgtF3TlcizTRlp053rRjkT76NxzlSc19BoyKr4KdctUV0ouL0ZdIq3lx21SW0NPFALiEL20pVjeArAyM88DyFbjEloBTc9R2m2O9hJmoMkjKYrILryvJtOVH5UAucueoLsOzs9rNuZUN825gbSfFLAOSf6ijFAQXh+BoHR8yQFrekKCiFvK2nZklQwMnmSccBuA3DAoDd9H9pesejbVb5QIkNs7TwPJayVqHzUaAsNAQTIzUuM4w+nabcThQrXZXGyDjLZmddkq5Kcd0UUNvWaaqBLJ7MnLDp4KH9/WuD4ngTos2/lHSKcMqvtob96GKVVSNEZolSusWjBoxfaZlMLYktpcacGFoUMgis65yrkpRejR4uaL5k+pSrjoBLT/AG9juKoiuSHFEY8Aob/vV/jccltbH4otK+J8y5bocxpO6M1HKHZ3C9JUwT3u0kOODHXB3VLfHaWtEpM2RzsSHWurr6ItGmtMW6yJ7ZnL8lQ3vuDh4JHIVSZvEbsj8D6R8CDlZduQ9JdF4fceldVqRFUSNSqySM0hVcbW1fnWrd2e06FBwPIUUqjY99KhvSemOPlV9wWGS706Xou/0PLa6lW527d3myr6g1/qv0eXldrvEZq7wVAqhS3v4bjrfLaUkYKhkA93PPnXelGQ2L0oHWN7Fsvs42G3u4CExDgvq/It470A/pA8xzAt6LvF9Ha5ES42h5mzFanItyhs9onZUc7D2O8FAnAUc7QxvzmgNK7em/S8WMpVuRLnP+6hLXZj4lXLyBoDj121hd9a6ttz1wWA2mW2I8ZvchoFY4dT1J3/AGoD6woAoAoDRu9sYusYsvjxSscUHqKj5ONDIhyz/wAG/HyJ48+eH+SnOiVZnkxrkCponDchPBQ8fGuH4hwuyiW38l9CVeUuenfvRuIcCkgpIIPMVTyi0+ppa0JAqsNDHQ9J2gQQCOhoug0I+wYzkMt/5az7Se2p7zS8SQqrDQ80MCuvUjLQgZL898x7ekLUNy3T7Dfn1PhVtgcMtypdF0MpuFMee34LvZabVbGrcxsNkrWo5cdV7Sz1P+1d1i4leNDkgUuRkTvlrLbuXgaer9L27Vlmcttzb3HvNOpHeZXyUn+99SjQfK2sNK3LSV3ct9zb3byy+kdx5P5k/uOVAWjSHpHcZssnS+p1uyLRMZVHRIztORAoYB3+0kcccRjdnhQHPHU7DikbSVbJI2k8D4igH3o8iGbrqwsD/wA5pZ8kqCj9AaA+wRQBQBQBQEUiO1IaU0+2lxtXFKhkGsZwjNcslqjKMpQfNF6MrMvSrrCy5Z5JbB4svb0/A1Q5fAq7OtX6MtquKKS5ciOvmtzQeNwhbp1veSPztYWnz3Vz1/Bsir+klQdNv/HNej6MhF0icFOFJ6KSRVfLFtW6Nvu1nctTL8TicndrwCSf2pHFteyPPd7O9E7XrkrHqcB9efecAbT8zU+jg2Vb/Sapyqr/ADzXw6jCNpt98hV0k9zj2DGQk+auJq/xPZ+uv8Vr1IlnEYx6Ux+L+xYY0ZmKwlmO2lttI3JSN1dBCuFcVGK0RWTnKyXNN6smrMwCgE2qtNWzVNpXbrsx2jZO0hady2lfmSeR+/A0B8za79H940dIUuS2X7eVENTWx3T0Ch7qvA/AmgKgc86A6X6ArMqfrcT1IJZtzKnCrkFqBSkfVR+FAfS1AFAFAFAFAFAeEZoDBTaFe0hKvMZrxxR6m1sCW0JxsoSPIUUUtjxtvczxXoPaAKAKAKAKAhkxmJbDkeUy28w4kpW24kKSsHiCDuIoDkGvvRZpphaZkFEmGXDvZZcHZjyCgcfA4oDoehNN23TNhZjWxtQDoDrrjhytxRA3k0BYqA/2Q==" alt="Image result for picture of thumbs up" />
  • edited January 2016
    I say find a new poker site sky poker is a joke. . Register an wen the game starts table won't open.!! Wtf

  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary:
    I say find a new poker site sky poker is a joke. . Register an wen the game starts table won't open.!! Wtf
    Posted by zobo996

    Thanks for your input - I can assure you if you take your time you will end up enjoying the site.

    Small update on last night small amount of volume again ended -35 mainly due to bricking a bunch of MTTs but hopefully can rectify that tonight.

    I was not playing very good at all last night so probably a good thing volume was low. I found myself trying to force things instead of letting plays develop naturally and with logical reasoning behing them.... something to work on today.
  • edited January 2016
    I did mention this thread would not be a great BR management thread.... and so it proves on saturday afternoon.

    So I scroll through the lobby and see a DYM game I see as + ev only problem is it is a £220 buyin... but +ev is +ev so we reg....

  • edited January 2016
    Also had a cracking game of golf today and backed liverpool at 2-1 down.... good morning

    See you at the tables
  • edited January 2016
    so today was a good day got much better volume and took my rakeback over £50 for the week. Ended the day +£365 with £180 coming from the £220 DYM and the rest as more modest stakes playing HU cash, 6max PLO and Hyper turbo HU.

    Had a little battle at 200PL HU vs CELTICFAN which ended up roughly break even... He left the game & I was thinking the same also as it was getting a little nitty pre flop when out of position.

    Aston villa drew when only wins will do.

    But all in all happy with today but my eyes are turning square so thats enough for the day.

    Have a great night and my the poker gods be with you

  • edited January 2016
    Aw I wish I had seen the £220 DYM filling! I assume it wasn't too reg filled as you said you saw value?
  • edited January 2016
    I think me and timmy were the only 2 showing profit.... 1 guy sat out the entire sng ... felt bad for him
  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary:
    Before I start tonight session (I will no longer be calling it a grind) I will give you a fact about me so you can get to know me more and I can hopefully get to know you better. I am a lifelong Aston Villa fan.... rib away
    Posted by Itsover4u
    Well done Danny, pleased to hear that.

    It's not an expression that does poker any favours, Heaven knows what outsiders & newbies must think when they see poker referred to as a "grind".

    Well done on that £220 DYM win. How often do they run?
  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary:
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary : Well done Danny, pleased to hear that. It's not an expression that does poker any favours, Heaven knows what outsiders & newbies must think when they see poker referred to as a "grind". Well done on that £220 DYM win. How often do they run?  
    Posted by Tikay10

    Morning Tikay, it is the first I have seen run personally. Was quite fun as it was the first sng I have seen have a rail.
  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary:
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary : Morning Tikay, it is the first I have seen run personally. Was quite fun as it was the first sng I have seen have a rail.
    Posted by Itsover4u
    Gotta feel for the lad who was "AWAY". Oucho.

    When we play a DYM with an Away player, quite apart from it being quite sad for Mr Away, it introduces quite a complex new dynamic, as everyone vies to nick his Blinds, & our position can make such a difference, especially if sat to his immediate left.
    4 handed, of course, if everyone is being sensible, it gets somewhat easier...... 
  • edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary:
    In Response to Re: Itsover4u Itsover4me Diary : Gotta feel for the lad who was "AWAY". Oucho. When we play a DYM with an Away player, quite apart from it being quite sad for Mr Away, it introduces quite a complex new dynamic, as everyone vies to nick his Blinds, & our position can make such a difference, especially if sat to his immediate left.   4 handed, of course, if everyone is being sensible, it gets somewhat easier......   
    Posted by Tikay10

    Usually this is the case...weirdly in the £200 it only appeared to be me trying to attack the dead blind which i found strange.

    Not a great day today -£96 playing various games.

    Played okay so not overly aggrivated.

    work tomorrow so going to watch the last quater of the NFL then hit the sack... night
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