Right, so August is almost upon us, and you all know what that means?....
Yep, that's right the start of the Premiership.
and at this time of the year i like nothing more than spending hours and hours constructing the ultimate fantasy football team (cough...only joking boss!)
So to Celebrate the start of what will undoubtedly be a fantastic premier league season, here it is the ultimate blend of poker and fantasy football.... THE SKY POKER FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE!! - fun or what!
(i can almost smell the excitement!)
to enter just click
HERE fill out your details (you don't have to buy anything, it is completely free) then select your team.
our league will be running through the sky sports fantasy league - just incase there is any confusion)
To join the sky poker league just go to your team overview page, scroll down to where it says 'PRIVATE LEAGUES' now click on 'ENTER NEW LEAGUE' look where it says 'JOIN EXISTING LEAGUE' and enter the pin
9721..... now just click on the league and make sure you enter....
hard work all that but defiantly worth it.
At the end of the year we will give out some 'MEGA' prizes to the top 3 managers. these will probably consist of sky poker merchandise, free tournament entry etc etc (i will announce more nearer the time.)
this should be a whole lot of fun and we should really get some good banter going when the points start rolling in.
make sure you leave all your posts about the league on this thread and see if we can get this idea pumping.
any questions just give me a shout.
All the best guys,
Your loving Community servant
(P.S. - we will be awarding monthly prizes for the top performing manager so it is never to late to enter and even if you do enter late you still have a great chance of wining a prize!)
lets hope more are to follow!
hi rich
i must be going blind clicked your link to Sky Poker Fantasy Football and it took me to sky sports fantasy football is that yours
how about a prize to the winner?? people in the league should donote things..
il be 1st, iv got a sky poker t-shirt size(m) which is too small for me which i won in the spukt for finishing unlucky 13th
i will give this to the leader after the 1st week!!!
lets have it
yeah that's right we are running our fantasy league through the sky sports fantasy football. - we're all one big happy family at sky
we might even do a manger of the month award...
Kev - phil nevile is a consistent performer i'll have you know!
hi rich
have entered the blue shed allsorts they are pending at mo hope they get in
cheers m8
follow the instructions above (start of the thread) and see if they help. if not just give me a shout and i'll see if i can walk you through how to enter. - the season doesn't start for another couple of weeks so we still have lots of time.
all the best,
hi rich
are sky or your good self gonna be doing team odds through the season
just a thought
michael alias DTWBANDIT
have entered the blue devils they are pending at mo hope they get in thanks
Got my team in. MOCK THE WEAK.
i want to change 1 of my players b4 season starts have tried to find pre-season unlimited transfer button but i can't find it anywhere
can somebody point me in the right direction
many thanks
be lucky