In Response to Re: MEN are you sure.? : GENIUS!!!! Please shake your long-suffering husband's hand for me...Would be nice to think he grew a pair and rebelled but the poor love is probably so under the thumb that I recon it was a genuine mistake..still, it made me smile!!! Go Mr Longdon!!!!! xx Posted by TRIP5
So he comes in from the Garage having been under his old banger all day and comes to give me a cuddle. "Now don't get me wrong.! I do welcome a cuddle now and again, but,? he stank of engine oil and sweat." "Eeeek! "Go and take a shower." Men you need "Sure"
Ask a Man for help and what do you get. "Hi luv, I can't seem to enter my user name to register to join Sky Poker". Ha Ha very funny now change it. What do you mean I can't change it. What! you ba....... I know, Ill get Sky Mods to change it. What! Then, Ill start a "Change my user name" thread and shame Sky into changing it. What!
So he's got a belly ache, whinging all day. "So take something for it"! Our Neighbour Invited us to their Barbie, "well he said," must have been the sausages & burgers not cooked properly. Mmmm right, nothing to do with the barrel of beer you chucked down your throat. "Men don't expect any sympathy from me."?
So I go to Clean the Bath and there are lots and lots of little curly hairs in the plug hole. "Hello" did you clean the bath out after you. Long pause "yes" fiber "yes I did" no you didn't. " They must be yours" "What" !
You would be amazed at how many men enjoy being kicked there. I just love bringing men to their knee's, do you need yours kicked.! More's the Question do you have any to kick.? ! Oops I know "Footballers have them but women play that game to.? I'm quite good at keepsy upsy.? Could you handle a half hour session at my training ground.!
Men, I have been a very good girl lately and resisted the temptation to open my Dungeon Fetish Thread. You would not believe the Devilish degrading things I could inflict on mere men. Torture is my middle name and Agony is my Aunt. ? The Mods tremble at the thought of this Thread ever being launched on the Forum and monitor my every move in anticipation of it. Ready to Delete it before anyone can see it.! I know you Boys secretly want to participate in this thread and get involved in the seedy going on's but
At this time of the year a buddleia plant would help butterflies immensly as they continur their migration , the best thing you can do my dear is send your better half outside to prune the plants
Men, I have been a very good girl lately and resisted the temptation to open my Dungeon Fetish Thread. You would not believe the Devilish degrading things I could inflict on mere men. Torture is my middle name and Agony is my Aunt. ? The Mods tremble at the thought of this Thread ever being launched on the Forum and monitor my every move in anticipation of it. Ready to Delete it before anyone can see it.! I know you Boys secretly want to participate in this thread and get involved in the seedy going on's but Posted by logdon
At this time of the year a buddleia plantwould help butterflies immensly as they continur their migration , the best thing you can do my dear is send your better half outside to prune the plants See we do serve a purpose ;0) Posted by SighKO
Yes, we have a Buddleia tree in our garden and this did attract butterflies over the past years but what a shock when I started to check the numbers now. Also the type, more white one's very few others so far only twenty two and counting over the last few weeks and only of three types. I used to see lots of Tortoiseshell, Brimstone and Peacocks, Painted Ladies and if lucky Red Admiral now and again. I have left a patch of nettles because they lay their eggs in them for next year, well that's what I'm told, and that modern Farming is responsible for their decline by spraying pesticides and not leaving wild flower areas around the fields. We all need to do our bit or David Attenborough will be the only one that cares.
Men you cant resist ogling the young girl in the tight top or the hot pants. Excuse me what are you looking at.! "Nothing" "What do you mean nothing." "Your staring at that young girl." "No" "Yes you are" "OK I thought I recognized her"! "What from "Playboy" Magazine."?
Hubby really embarrassed me over the weekend. I have a friend with two cats and while we were out walking our dog she was coming towards us and just as I was about to say Hello. Hubby blurts out "Oh its the Lady with two Pusses"! Men.!
Hubby sitting there chuckling to himself and I asked, " whats so funny" ! "Ooh Nothing"! then why are you chuckling.! Just thinking of things. "Well , What are you thinking".! "Nothing"
Am I being a tiny bit cruel to Sporny by nagging him to stop Smoking. Well it is hard to get Men to do what you want, they can be so stubborn.
Take Trish's problem she's having trouble getting her Hubby to do jobs round the house so I have devised a Baldric cunning plan to help her. ?
First you write a list of all the jobs you need fixed, then next to each job you put a carrot.! No, not a real carrot a incentive to get the job completed. i,e,
Bath Panel fixed; 1 beer
Tiles on the floor; 2 beer's
Get the Idea, it worked for me, all the jobs were done in a week. word of warning don't give him the beer's till after the job is completed or the tiles wont be straight. Hugs x
Hi logdon good idea,but my husband does not drink,does not smoke,any other idea,s would be he does not watch football,or any kind of sport.he does go out once a month with his mates.
Logdon signing off.?
Life is NOT fair with MEN in it.!
! Oops I know "Footballers have them but women play that game to.? I'm quite good at keepsy upsy.? Could you handle a half hour session at my training ground.!
Take Trish's problem she's having trouble getting her Hubby to do jobs round the house so I have devised a Baldric cunning plan to help her. ?
First you write a list of all the jobs you need fixed, then next to each job you put a carrot.! No, not a real carrot a incentive to get the job completed. i,e,
Bath Panel fixed; 1 beer
Tiles on the floor; 2 beer's
Get the Idea, it worked for me, all the jobs were done in a week. word of warning don't give him the beer's till after the job is completed or the tiles wont be straight. Hugs x
-------------------------------------- yes you guest it. Hugs x