scope i7axa on stars. low stakes player binks 150k then blows it all on 5k hypers within a few hundred games. his last 10 tournament entires include 5 freeroll sats and a $0.23+.02 mtt. Posted by TeddyBloat
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : wp Henrik. But you left out a couple of key details. What did you have for dinner? & what compliment did rainman pay you to get you to enter in the first place? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
scope i7axa on stars. low stakes player binks 150k then blows it all on 5k hypers within a few hundred games. his last 10 tournament entires include 5 freeroll sats and a $0.23+.02 mtt. Posted by TeddyBloat
Was that the one who won the big 1 or 2 dollar buy in tourney? If it's the one I'm thinking of there was a big thread on 2 +2 forum.
Bloody hell Trev, pulling Dohhhhh and Arazi out the bag! Nice coup for TPT, but, as predicted a few pages back, your collective team still couldn't stop me last night in the DTD
However, the less said about me being a forgetful dunce, the better!
OK, So I am in profit by £151 for today...question for you guys!! Do I enter the £4k bounty hunter for £55? whats your opinion of the standard? Posted by k8cyke
Standard is very good. It's a great tourney though, doesn't really play like a BH (at least in the early stages) due to the larger starting stack and slow levels.
Last time I played it, my table started 5 handed....I had Jakally, NoGoooood, Stayorgo and Solack for company. I feel I can generally hold my own in most tourneys on Sky, but I knew I was the table value that night!
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Standard is very good. It's a great tourney though, doesn't really play like a BH (at least in the early stages) due to the larger starting stack and slow levels. Last time I played it, my table started 5 handed....I had Jakally, NoGoooood, Stayorgo and another very good MTT player who's name escapes me. I feel I can generally hold my own in most tourneys on Sky, but I knew I was the table value that night! Posted by hhyftrftdr
Cheers Harry, I think I will give it a spin. I am running pretty well today and this is the level I would probably be playing at if I invested my live stakes into online poker, so lets test myself eh!
as for unlucky results and diarys have a look at mine,
deposited a massive £60 and down to £8 sad stuff lol.
meant too last the month lol.
i would play bigger stakes if i won that amount but would defo buy a house paid for, for the family would have to invest some, but miby just keep miby 2k in my account and have a serious go at some of the lower cash games, 6x 20 nl , something like that.
well a cash too post for a change, from the main Chris_Mc 0 13 £63.5 good profit being i got in for free thanks too mr ricorford. thanks for the rail guys, cbiscuit who was there from very early on, jjack arazi, geldy and of course captain trev. hope i didnt forget anyone. gl at the tables guys.
Posted by Chris_Mc
Got yourself a nice little mention on Sky poker TV too TPT taking over the airways!
2 cashes from the main and mini 73rd place £25.69 68th place £5.55 1hp £2.81 and ty and im regd for the main tomorrow I haven't got a clue how I got in that lol and ty for the rail jj as always
Cashed in main for £25.61 and won about 800 russian roulettes lol
Been playing loads of them today to boost my points in the promo thing and ended up losing only £14 on the day all cash/mtt/stt included to get me 1300 points onto my total
Wont be trying to make a living at these things by any means but if i could make 1300 points everyday for only £14 loss i would take that everyday of the week with £850 for first place in the promo and obvi all the rakeback i will generate.
Prob be back on the cash tables tomorrow though cos my head is pounding playing those things lol
Thanks for the rails from Geldy, Mattprawn (TID m8) Trev and anyone I missed. Also from my buddy Jonjo75, am gonna try and recruit him, top player i used to play live tourneys with down in Torquay
Nice game in the £4k bh, trying to follow up last nights ft, but messed up. still, some nice heads and enjoyed sitting next to k8cyke for an hour or two (apart from having my blinds stolen!).
I'm in the Turbo and the Mini!
Lets get some TPT cashes tonight
As long is it wasn't the smelly side of town of course.
Great result for him though, but with over $1m for first, he's probably really gutted and thinking about 'what might've been'!
low stakes player binks 150k then blows it all on 5k hypers within a few hundred games.
his last 10 tournament entires include 5 freeroll sats and a $0.23+.02 mtt.
And RMan is persuasive!
Well i'm outta the Main
My 2 pair KJ on a KJQ board vs DAIW's AA
River a Q
A little one is no consolation...
£250 Bounty Hunter
So I am in profit by £151 for today...question for you guys!!
Do I enter the £4k bounty hunter for £55? whats your opinion of the standard?
Cheers Harry, I think I will give it a spin. I am running pretty well today and this is the level I would probably be playing at if I invested my live stakes into online poker, so lets test myself eh!
I took a strange line in the mini, which kind of ended up over-repping my hand, so I was fearing the worst when he shoved in the end.
Probably a cooler however it plays out, but not overly impressed with my fish line.
Whenever I have to sigh call off w/ the 2nd nuts, it suggests DONKKKK
gl this next hour all!
Got yourself a nice little mention on Sky poker TV too
TPT taking over the airways!
Ugh Finished 20th in the £4k
15 bigs ran AQspades into KK and AK.... #cooler!
Been playing loads of them today to boost my points in the promo thing and ended up losing only £14 on the day all cash/mtt/stt included to get me 1300 points onto my total
Wont be trying to make a living at these things by any means
Prob be back on the cash tables tomorrow though cos my head is pounding playing those things lol
GL all tpters and wd on all cashes
mattprawn017£114.84 Head Prizes5
Cheers all