Not sure Barry and Jared would reccommend this as optimal mental game strategy, but gonna start todays session by depressing and tilting myself, looking back on Tuesdays near miss. obvvvv.
Dont think your snooker bet will come in, i told you before its always hard to predict. Bet the bookies have made a fortune this week on the accumulators
Dont think your snooker bet will come in, i told you before its always hard to predict. Bet the bookies have made a fortune this week on the accumulators Davis over Stevens, i dont think so pet Posted by YOUNG_GUN
ugh, need to improve my 'paint' skills, can hardly see that lobby! Nevermind.
Better news yesterday, finally had a decent winning day on Sky.
Didn't play much as usual, as there isn't much to play really, but had 4 good cashes of £110, £110, £50 and £33.
First one was a £9.60 2 in 25 sat to the roller, worth £110.
Prob the most brutal bubble I've ever played, we were 3 handed for at least 15 minutes, with even stacks for the most part.
Thought it was going to go against me when I tried to break the stalemate and Jam over a min raise with 75o, but the guy called with A8 and held, leaving me short and with little choice but to jam tonnes of hands!
Managed to hold on though, I would have been so tilted had I failed!
£5,000 Sky Roller
£5,000 Sky Roller
Well done to kalin68, who I believe went on to win the main event? Congratz!
I got through the main event 6pm semi also, pretty un-eventful, just got an early double up v a maniac then stayed out of bother for the most part.
£15k Sky Sports BH
One of the easiest £25 quids I'll ever win!
Then, won my first ever all in sat.
£5,000 Sky Roller
Obv gonna get stick for playing them, will justify it by saying there's 36 entrants @ £3 trying for a £110 seat, 36x3=108, so it's +ev :P
Ha, wud have played it had it max'd out too but whatever
Finished a good day off with a 2nd in the £5 velocity freezeout.
Normally I'd be very disappointed to come 2nd in an MTT, having gotten that far I always expect to win....
But this one was v different, we got to the final table with a HUGE chip leader, and everyone else was in danger of bubbling at first and then busting early on, so I had to try and be smart and ladder as high as possible, as a win was always unlikely.
Got to HU with 20k v 80k @ 2k/4k. Meh, 1 double and it's game on, but I jammed the T4s straight in to pocket Kings!
The guy just bossed the whole comp, thoroughly deserved!
More days like that plz!
Got my hugeeeeeeeeeeeeee c4p payment through, £8.85, so freerolling tonights takeaway. wiiii.
They're still 8 down, maybe I should go back to bed till they're fully skittled? ha.
Nailed on to go 2-1 up anyway, incredible stuff inspired by Captain Cook!!!!
Today has to be a good day after this ?
I predict my 4 horses are going to win, my football acca is gonna come in for the first time in God knows how long, I'm going to win at least 4 poker tournaments, and FT 3 others, Hoggers will ship the SPT and send me 10% of a large amount of money, and finally I'll get at least 4 numbers on the lottery tonight.
Donny might even get something away @ Swindon, although that might be abit too optimistic
wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii What a performance from England. Woke up an hour ago to see India 150-8. They're still 8 down, maybe I should go back to bed till they're fully skittled? ha. Nailed on to go 2-1 up anyway, incredible stuff inspired by Captain Cook!!!! Today has to be a good day after this ? I predict my 4 horses are going to win, my football acca is gonna come in for the first time in God knows how long, I'm going to win at least 4 poker tournaments, and FT 3 others, Hoggers will ship the SPT and send me 10% of a large amount of money, and finally I'll get at least 4 numbers on the lottery tonight. Donny might even get something away @ Swindon, although that might be abit too optimistic fwiw, my bet is............ QPR. Chelsea. Palace. Leicester. Millwall. 43/1. Good luck all playing today Posted by DOHHHHHHH
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : Sick life. Ahha, just thought I'd show my face. Nice results so far this month JJ. Edit: But really <400 pp's by the 10th of December? My dog has earnt as many points than that, and he single tables freerolls :P Posted by patwalshh
I was making a big effort this month too! Maybe nxt year eh
I will have wayyyyyy more now, I'll check at the end of this post! It will shock you.
Just a quick update today, couple of scores yesterday.
Aced the afternoon £2.20 scary MTT freezeout, 1st/45 or something.
Then played DTD and got third in one of them.
I had like 800k v 150k v 150k 3 handed.
I'm not even sure what happened, and I don't want to know tbh, that's 1 hand history I wont be re-visiting!
Played some good stuff throughout the comp tho, my mtt game is definitely improving.
WP maxally and skitaly who pwnd me 3 handed.
Playing mtts on *'s through the day then changing over to sky at night, the difference in standard is incredible. You have to play so different. Anyone who complains about too many bad players should spend a few days over there
I had no money on that site on Friday morning, I'd withdrawn most and lost the last bit I left on to donk around with as I had deposited on the site, not knowing about the verification process which has taken aggggggges.
But I wanted to play a few comps, so found some fpp's (their version of poker points) which I used to enter a 1 in 6 sat to a $11 comp. I got through that, and unregistered to take the $$$$$ to play a $1 mtt and $4 mtt, and cashed for a total of $450
Spinnnnnnnnn! I'm so tight. haha.
More today plz.
Played abit on sky afterwards, obv used up all my run good for the day and couldn't get anything else going.
Up n Down session on Monday, mainly playing HU sngs again all day accross both sites.
Was struggling to get any motivation to play so just to try and get started I decided to x off all other browsers and stuff, turn the TV off, and play 10x $7 HU sngs in a row.
Doesn't sound alot but It's maybe 40 minutes worth, which is tough for me!
7 games & 7 losses later, I was starting to regret it!
Changed playlists on spotify and the run good came tho
Over to sky, played just 2x speed mtts and won 1.
Annoying that the payout structure was wrong and they paid 5 instead of 3, prob cost me about £30.
Ofc I wouldn't be complaining if I cam 4th, so swingz n roundabouts etc.
Went on to Sky HU sngs, hypers, which are so much easier. I spose playing on *'s is good for my game, if not my bankroll. Splashies will prob disagree but the players over there are so much tougher.
Wasn't 'getting much' @ 10's so moved up to £21s and won 9 out of 12. It makes a very pleasent change to move up (albeit to a level I've played loads before) and not run awful/get destroyed.
Think today I'm just going to play HU on sky all day, with 2/3 turbo mtts here and elsewhere If I can find them, see if I can play 100 HU sngs in a day.
Will obviously start on £3 and £5 games and move up as I drink more beer
Hope I run rubbish @ 3s and great tonight @ 20s.
Unless running rubbish @ 3s tilts me into playing terrible @ 20s.
Up n Down session on Monday, mainly playing HU sngs again all day accross both sites. Was struggling to get any motivation to play so just to try and get started I decided to x off all other browsers and stuff, turn the TV off, and play 10x $7 HU sngs in a row. Doesn't sound alot but It's maybe 40 minutes worth, which is tough for me! 7 games & 7 losses later, I was starting to regret it! Changed playlists on spotify and the run good came tho Over to sky, played just 2x speed mtts and won 1. DOHHHHHHH 95000 1 £54 shiftie805 0 2 £33.75 craig271081 0 3 £20.25 Vraictwo 0 4 £14.85 Doctor 0 5 £12.15 Annoying that the payout structure was wrong and they paid 5 instead of 3, prob cost me about £30. Ofc I wouldn't be complaining if I cam 4th, so swingz n roundabouts etc. Went on to Sky HU sngs, hypers, which are so much easier. I spose playing on *'s is good for my game, if not my bankroll. Splashies will prob disagree but the players over there are so much tougher. Wasn't 'getting much' @ 10's so moved up to £21s and won 9 out of 12. It makes a very pleasent change to move up (albeit to a level I've played loads before) and not run awful/get destroyed. Think today I'm just going to play HU on sky all day, with 2/3 turbo mtts here and elsewhere If I can find them, see if I can play 100 HU sngs in a day. Will obviously start on £3 and £5 games and move up as I drink more beer Hope I run rubbish @ 3s and great tonight @ 20s. Unless running rubbish @ 3s tilts me into playing terrible @ 20s. aghhhh. can't win. Dec Sky Stats. +£482.76 1049 Points Posted by DOHHHHHHH
In my experience there a lot more maniacs on there than on sky. Obv in general Sky standard is worse, but @ double the rake on Sky, it's def more profitable to play on *'s
Just checked ur progress today as i type.... uh ohhhh 7/7...get on the 21s and win it bk.
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : In my experience there a lot more maniacs on there than on sky. Obv in general Sky standard is worse, but @ double the rake on Sky, it's def more profitable to play on *'s Just checked ur progress today as i type.... uh ohhhh 7/7...get on the 21s and win it bk. Posted by splashies
Changed Spotify? I do hope ya been taking notes??? "Alfalfa, will you swing me before we have lunch? Sure, Darla. -Say, Romeo? What about your promise to the he-man-woman-haters-club? ;-( - I’m sorry Spanky, Ive got to live my own life…………………" P.s. Enjoying da read! Posted by Glenelg
Whoooooooooooooooooshhhhhh PAD!
Absolutely no idea what any of that is about. It's not Star Wars/Trek is it? Or Lord of the Rings or something weird/rubbish???
Did manage to turn it around last night, spose a graph is the best way to illustrate the HU sngs Swingz!
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : Day. Jaaaaaaaaaa. Vu! D Day tomorrow! How much r u guna owe me again? HHs for later 599635583 599622859 599635583 Posted by DOHHHHHHH
You owe me $3 ))
As if it was dirty derek though...soaps are so tilting and unrealistic.
Cant believe I had to wait 6 months to win the bet. Keep the money until I ask for it, won't be playing on *'s in near future.
Problem is I'm running insanely good, just to keep around even. I'm not neccesserily playing 'too bad', not playing great either, but the deck is crushing me pre flop and saving me post flop.
See if we can improve, couple of hours left before I pass out!
The way they played out the episode, with Kat calling the phone and kept going to Tanya, I actually thought it was gonna be mental and Doh would win with Tanya lol
Played boxing day, was going alright in he daytime, i cashed in maybe 6 out of 10 mtts, which is really good going.
Unfortunately I couldn't convert any into a deep run or final table, just kept busting around 15th-25th. They were effectively 2/3 hour tripple your moneys!
Deepest run was 9th in a sky BH for £55 from £10, so going into the night session I was sitting with a bankroll (in my account) of £1.25k.
Regular readers will have noticed I've been updating my proft/loss in actual £££ this month.
Thats because at the start of the month, I decided to deposit £600, which is 20 buy ins for 30nl (the initial plan for the month) I
Instead of withdrawing profits like usual, I thought I'd just leave it all in, thus making it easier to just give a monetry figure in the updates as it would be balance - 600 = profit!
This was going really well, averaging around £350 profit per 1,000 poker points, albeit only over a sample of 1.8k points, lol. But it's pretty consistant with how this diary has been going for the last 5/6 months.
It got to about 10pm. About the time I'd normally start closing off the session, I was tired and didnt fancy drinking anymore beer.
Made what would prove to be a very expensive decision, and decided that a few V& RBs would see me right for 3/4 more hours and I could grind some HU hypers, prob make another £100 or so if I ran close to expectation with the soft players about.
After cashing the afternoon BH, I had exactly £1250 in my account.
At 11.15pm, after losing 2 successive £21 HU sngs, I had £1,210.
Dunno if it was losing £40 (!) or necking several voddbullz that made me think playing some HU cash was a good idea.
Started 100nl.
Got totally owned by this guy. As you can see from the HH, I'm down loads already, but this hand didn't help!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDOHHHHHHH Small blind £0.50 £0.50 £104.95 CELTICFAN Big blind £1.00 £1.50 £290.20 Your hole cards 9 A DOHHHHHHH Raise £2.00 £3.50 £102.95 CELTICFAN Raise £8.00 £11.50 £282.20 DOHHHHHHH Call £6.50 £18.00 £96.45 Flop A 6 9 CELTICFAN Bet £11.00 £29.00 £271.20 DOHHHHHHH Raise £27.00 £56.00 £69.45 CELTICFAN All-in £271.20 £327.20 £0.00 DOHHHHHHH All-in £69.45 £396.65 £0.00 CELTICFAN Unmatched bet £185.75 £210.90 £185.75 DOHHHHHHH Show 9 A CELTICFAN Show J A Turn 4 River 5 CELTICFAN Win Flush to the Ace £209.90 £395.65
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Two Pairs, Aces and Kings
Copy and paste job!....
Got totally owned by this guy. As you can see from the HH, I'm down loads already, but this hand didn't help!
£750 flip. lol.
tbf, just showing 2 hands doesn't even get close to telling the whole story. If I had won both of those hands I'd still have lost the lot as I was way out of my depth.
There are other hands in my HH which just show me spewing off a stack down 3 streets with no pair and no equity.
I've done stuff like this before. Done £300/400/500 on a few occasions.
£1k+ is a new spew record for me though, that's like seriousssssssssssss money. For most people I'd imagine, in poker and life. Can be life changing money for some people.
Pretty worrying that I can be stupid enough to do that. The feeling the day after is the worst.
Nevermind, another poker regret to add to the list! sighhhhhh.
Spose if it had to happen, late December is the best time.
I know why it happened, I have to address the problems that caused me to be so wreckless and care-free.
In a way it's a weight off my mind, if it hadn't happened I'd probably have continued to brush them under the carpet, and they'd get worse.
So yaahhhh, in 2013, putting a blanket ban on redbull in the house!
1 more session left this year, hopefully I can win a couple of hundred quid and start eating in to the huge 1.2k sized hole
I'm not sure if I'm gonna continue this diary after Jan 1st. It's got really stale lately with me just posting the same things most days, lets face it with the exception of blow ups like that, which thankfully are few and far between, not alot happens here!
Coming up to 1k posts, and the end of a calander year, so might be a good time to call it a day. May come back to it in future as I have done before.
Apologies for the huggggeee post, onwards and upwards!
meh... well played for posting this up, i was watching ur spew session live and couldnt do anything about it. I wanted to stop you, but couldnt get hold of you and i couldnt put anything in the chat out of respect for your opponants!
really wanted u to do a bink, was tough watching you spew away.. But, as you know, i did a relatively similar thing last night... At least you have the balls to put it on your diary lol
my diary will be updated at an appropriate moment....
Davis over Stevens, i dont think so pet
I want days like this...but i'm not in 'em to win 'em. @nuff said. Well played m8. Glad to see Spurs isn't one of your bets...asi'm a Blue!!
Stars donk/shovefest success! - ish.
Still haven't 'done a Don' and managed to win a 3,500+ runner comp but I came about as close as I could come without actually doing it!
(Click to enlarge^^^)
Reallyyyyyyyy tough fields in those $1 turbos
9million v 1.5million Heads Up.
......I had the 9m
100/200k, the guy open jams. And I have AK. yessssssssss. Plz have a worse ace.
He has A7. yesssssssss.
Plz give me a safe flop.
Safe turn?
And a safe river 1 time ftw!!!!!!!!!..................
A8 < 99 very next hand.
K9s < A9o to finish me off.
How I didn't win that I'll never know! sighhhhhhhhhh.
2nd gets me back to even for that comp overall though
Couple of cool hands from earlier in the tournament.
Love it when your river card makes the other guys hand look sooooooooo much stronger.
Here's my standard attempt to blow up & throw it all away. This happens at least twice a tournament when I run deep.
Hope the links are ok. Modzzzzzzzzzzzz!
I had no money on that site on Friday morning, I'd withdrawn most and lost the last bit I left on to donk around with as I had deposited on the site, not knowing about the verification process which has taken aggggggges.
But I wanted to play a few comps, so found some fpp's (their version of poker points) which I used to enter a 1 in 6 sat to a $11 comp. I got through that, and unregistered to take the $$$$$ to play a $1 mtt and $4 mtt, and cashed for a total of $450
Spinnnnnnnnn! I'm so tight. haha.
More today plz.
Played abit on sky afterwards, obv used up all my run good for the day and couldn't get anything else going.
Dropped about 35 quid.
897 Points.
A 517 k pot....niiiiiiice!
Up n Down session on Monday, mainly playing HU sngs again all day accross both sites.
Was struggling to get any motivation to play so just to try and get started I decided to x off all other browsers and stuff, turn the TV off, and play 10x $7 HU sngs in a row.
Doesn't sound alot but It's maybe 40 minutes worth, which is tough for me!
7 games & 7 losses later, I was starting to regret it!
Changed playlists on spotify and the run good came tho
Over to sky, played just 2x speed mtts and won 1.
Ofc I wouldn't be complaining if I cam 4th, so swingz n roundabouts etc.
Went on to Sky HU sngs, hypers, which are so much easier. I spose playing on *'s is good for my game, if not my bankroll. Splashies will prob disagree but the players over there are so much tougher.
Wasn't 'getting much' @ 10's so moved up to £21s and won 9 out of 12. It makes a very pleasent change to move up (albeit to a level I've played loads before) and not run awful/get destroyed.
Think today I'm just going to play HU on sky all day, with 2/3 turbo mtts here and elsewhere If I can find them, see if I can play 100 HU sngs in a day.
Will obviously start on £3 and £5 games and move up as I drink more beer
Hope I run rubbish @ 3s and great tonight @ 20s.
Unless running rubbish @ 3s tilts me into playing terrible @ 20s.
aghhhh. can't win.
1049 Points
"Alfalfa, will you swing me before we have lunch?
Sure, Darla.
-Say, Romeo? What about your promise to the he-man-woman-haters-club? ;-(
- I’m sorry Spanky, Ive got to live my own life…………………"
P.s. Enjoying da read!
Absolutely no idea what any of that is about. It's not Star Wars/Trek is it? Or Lord of the Rings or something weird/rubbish???
Did manage to turn it around last night, spose a graph is the best way to illustrate the HU sngs Swingz!
Had some tough opponents in Percival and Boonicon. gtfo back to cash!
I also ran insanely good against Kidwiz.
He bokked himself when the game started, by saying "don't 2 outer me again"
Ofc I went on to 2 outer him.
All against the same guy this time too.
Profit = £546.90
Points = 1354
Guess which will come first....the 6ooooooo hand or Dohhhhhhh's 1000 th post. Good luck!!!!
Nice one D
WP Splashman ^ They let me down, felt there wud be a twist for sure. Maybe the twist was they went with the obvious guy 1 time
Thanx Prof and Pad for your continued support, and welcome to the diary Jac!
It's always nice to see new people posting on here, hope u continue to enjoy it!
Been trying to think of ways to mix it up abit for the last few months, so thought I'd put a mid session update in.
Pretty drunk. obv (or I wudnt be playing)
Here's where we are at currently on the HU hypers.
Swings right!
Win 3
Lose 2
Win 2
Lose 3
Thats 9 beers and a double!
Problem is I'm running insanely good, just to keep around even. I'm not neccesserily playing 'too bad', not playing great either, but the deck is crushing me pre flop and saving me post flop.
See if we can improve, couple of hours left before I pass out!
Up to 20s!!!!!!!!
Profit = £607.84
Points = 1614
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDOHHHHHHH Small blind £0.50 £0.50 £104.95 CELTICFAN Big blind £1.00 £1.50 £290.20 Your hole cards 9 A DOHHHHHHH Raise £2.00 £3.50 £102.95 CELTICFAN Raise £8.00 £11.50 £282.20 DOHHHHHHH Call £6.50 £18.00 £96.45 Flop A 6 9 CELTICFAN Bet £11.00 £29.00 £271.20 DOHHHHHHH Raise £27.00 £56.00 £69.45 CELTICFAN All-in £271.20 £327.20 £0.00 DOHHHHHHH All-in £69.45 £396.65 £0.00 CELTICFAN Unmatched bet £185.75 £210.90 £185.75 DOHHHHHHH Show 9 A CELTICFAN Show J A Turn 4 River 5 CELTICFAN Win Flush to the Ace £209.90 £395.65
Got totally owned by this guy. As you can see from the HH, I'm down loads already, but this hand didn't help!
Profit = -£600 exactly.
Points = 1890
really wanted u to do a bink, was tough watching you spew away.. But, as you know, i did a relatively similar thing last night... At least you have the balls to put it on your diary lol