Question. I was playing a tourny live, and was listening to music (bad habit, I know). And I called when I didn't hear the raise, so I thought oh - bummer. So obviously I had to put my chips in, but when they told me it was raised, I had began to slip my cards as if to fold. So I didn't mind putting my chips in because of my mistake - what I did mind is that I called and they wouldn't let me play my cards for that hand. There were still other players in that round before it would come to my turn so I shouldn't have had to fold my cards as well as call with them. Can I get your opinion on this? Thanks.
TK . As you are one of the supremely highup people in Skypoker - grovel grovel - a request . I cannot hog the tv to watch you wonderful bunch of presenters until 10 or later which means I have to watch the repeats. But often as not I find I am watching the same repeat over and over. a) can you not display the date of original broadcast and / or b) can we not have rolling repeats of programmes from the 7 days just passed ? I'm sure your audience would be bigger.
Just wondered looking at a new career at the mo and wondered if you can give me advice, whats the best way to get into local casino's dont mind what i do preferably dealing. should i do a course first? any tips just looking at ventures and sure being a dealer i would enjoy as its endless learning poker and pick up on reads etc which will stand me in good stead
Hi Tikay, Just wondered looking at a new career at the mo and wondered if you can give me advice, whats the best way to get into local casino's dont mind what i do preferably dealing. should i do a course first? any tips just looking at ventures and sure being a dealer i would enjoy as its endless learning poker and pick up on reads etc which will stand me in good stead Regards John Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Hi John,
Contact one of the local Casinos, they are always looking for Staff.
However, think carefully first. Dealers are paid very poor wages, especially as they have to work unsociable hours, & poker players are not known for being kind to Dealers, they are inclined to blame Dealers for everything.
And it's like working for, say, Sky Poker, & suffering abuse/smart alec comments - we/you cannot reply in kind, you just have to take it on the chin, & smile. Everyone on the outside likes to "knock", & it's tough when you can't reply in kind, because of the nature of the job being customer-facing.
Having frequented casinos for far too long, & seen the abuse Dealers get from smart Alecs, I'd not recommend employment as a Dealer.
TK . As you are one of the supremely highup people in Skypoker - grovel grovel - a request . I cannot hog the tv to watch you wonderful bunch of presenters until 10 or later which means I have to watch the repeats. But often as not I find I am watching the same repeat over and over. a) can you not display the date of original broadcast and / or b) can we not have rolling repeats of programmes from the 7 days just passed ? I'm sure your audience would be bigger. Posted by tiercel
Flattery will get you nowhere, Mr Tier! I am at the very bottom of the Sky Poker food chain. Don't confuse my role in 865 - which is a very small & non-operational "arm" of Sky Poker, with the main company, where the real decisions are made.
I'll pass your suggestion as to displaying the original broadcast time to Mother Hen, & see what she says. To be honest, there has been no noise, or demand, suggesting that this would help.
What 865 ARE doing is trying to freshen things up, whilst at the same time keeping the budget manageable. Remember, 865 earns no direct revenue, it's all "dead" money. But we have got exclusive Interviews & "Top Tips" with, for example, today's WSOP Winner Jonathan Duhamel, & Phil Ivey, & many, many more, & personally, I think these are golden, real quality stuff, & nobody else has this.
We also have the TSP Guys doing Poker School, & appearing on Mastercash, etc, all of which we think is a bit special.
Good question though, & thank you.
OK, gotta go, 11am Tuesday is the weekly Management Meeting, followed by the wekly TSP Management Meeting. I'll return to cathing up on this thread this afternoon.
Cheers tikay i did guess it would not be pretty but im thick skinned so could take that, job at sky you say? lol worth a try so do you think that they would hire someone and train them or do you think i would have to take a course first? just looking at few things only problem with dealing means i would not be able to play as much poker im betting as would clash with peak spots (
Cheers tikay i did guess it would not be pretty but im thick skinned so could take that, job at sky you say? lol worth a try so do you think that they would hire someone and train them or do you think i would have to take a course first? just looking at few things only problem with dealing means i would not be able to play as much poker im betting as would clash with peak spots ( Thanks for the reply gramps top man! Posted by YOUNG_GUN
The Casinos provide the necessary training, but I honestly don't recommend working in a casino.
Very few Dealers last very long, as the pay is pants, & the customers tend to be so unforgiving of even the smallest Dealer Error. They'll call with spanners to win or lose a £1k pot, but moan if the Dealer makes a mistake. Go figure.
I'm afraid we live in a society where the moaners have the upper hand, & the front line of Casinos, & especially poker, is as bad as it gets for that.
Question. I was playing a tourny live, and was listening to music (bad habit, I know). And I called when I didn't hear the raise, so I thought oh - bummer. So obviously I had to put my chips in, but when they told me it was raised, I had began to slip my cards as if to fold. So I didn't mind putting my chips in because of my mistake - what I did mind is that I called and they wouldn't let me play my cards for that hand. There were still other players in that round before it would come to my turn so I shouldn't have had to fold my cards as well as call with them. Can I get your opinion on this? Thanks. Posted by Tooned
You have the choice. You can call the Raise, & keep your cards, or pass, & forfeit your hand. But if you said "call" to the Raise, you are obliged to put the chips in the middle, so you may as well keep your cards.
No way should you forfeit your hand if you accepted you made a mistake, & agreed to put your chips in to call the Raise. The fact that you "made to Pass", before you accepted the mistake, is not relevant. Your hand remains live if you have to make the call, which you do.
Better advice though, if you don't mind me saying so, is to pay better attention. We cannnot make such mistakes Online, but when we play Live, everything is different, & such mistakes are easy to make. But they are OUR fault, & OUR responsibility, so it's best to pay attention.
When I play Live Poker - & I admit, it's what I most enjoy - I can spot the Online players within the first two hands.
I sat next to the great Elky in his first major Live Tourney, the 2004 (or was it 2005?) EPT Deauville, & spotted his Online "tells" instantly, he was awful, acting & passing out of turn repeatedly, & knew he'd always be dead money. Ish.....
Tommorow is the one year anniversary of the ask Tikay thread :O Posted by TomB10
Wow, good spot.
I adore the Thread, I really do, I just wish I had more time, so as to answer the questions more promptly. It's got some way to go to match the Online Diary I keep elsewhere, which has close to 20,000 Posts, & 400,000 views, though, sadly, this Community does not show how many views each thread gets. I hope that as long as I'm involved with Sky Poker, the thread will continue, I really do.
Likes & dislikes of it?
I like that the Community as a whole, especially that the more seasoned, senior, Members, help out with the answers.
I like the variety of questions.
I like to help the less experienced players. Who would not?
I like it when people take the time & trouble to say "please" & "thank you".
I like motorway gantry's, & sticky buns.
I dislike serial-moaners. This is poker, a game, wotsamatterwivem?
I dislike "how could he call?" type Posts. How would I know?! They are really just disguised Bad-Beat tales. It's hard to know how to answer without being rude.
I dislike "I've had Aces beat 42 times in a row, the site is bent" type Posts. Baloney, they have NOT, it's utter bs. Why tells fibs & porkies to make a point? See previous dislike.
I dislike "yeah, look, see, my K-K got beat by A-3" type Posts. "Move on, you lost a hand of poker, get over it" is the answer I want to give, but of course, I can't. When did having K-K or A-A mean we are guaranteed to be a winning hand? See previous dislike.
I dislike brussel sprouts, bad manners, & moaning minnies.
Happy Aniversary to my thread, & thank you to everyone who has contributed to it.
what can you do ? lol Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance snakehips2 Small blind 75.00 75.00 13350.00 jojo2010 Big blind 150.00 225.00 8928.75 Your hole cards Q Q music1 Fold EGGHEAD82 Call 150.00 375.00 20568.75 snakehips2 Call 75.00 450.00 13275.00 jojo2010 Raise 300.00 750.00 8628.75 EGGHEAD82 Call 300.00 1050.00 20268.75 snakehips2 Fold Flop 7 6 2 jojo2010 Check EGGHEAD82 Bet 787.50 1837.50 19481.25 jojo2010 Raise 3412.50 5250.00 5216.25 EGGHEAD82 All-in 19481.25 24731.25 0.00 jojo2010 All-in 5216.25 29947.50 0.00 EGGHEAD82 Unmatched bet 11640.00 18307.50 11640.00 jojo2010 Show Q Q EGGHEAD82 Show 6 A Turn 5 River K EGGHEAD82 Win Flush to the King 18307.50 Posted by jojo2010
Unlucky, Mr jojo.
In answer to "what can you do?", I deffo, 100%, do NOT like the min-Raise pre-flop, & that is probably the cause of this piece of misfortune.
Very few players seem to understand the logic of Min-Raises, & I'm going to ask the Producers to get one of the TSP Boys, on the Saturday MasterCash shows, to do a teach-in on Min-Raising.
Essentially, when we min-raise, we are pricing marginal hands in. It's a pure & simple maths thing. Any half-decent player knows when they are priced in, & min-raising usually does EXACTLY that.
My advice is to quit min-raising pre-flop. Raise properly, & you'll achieve MUCH better results.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : The Casinos provide the necessary training, but I honestly don't recommend working in a casino. Very few Dealers last very long, as the pay is pants, & the customers tend to be so unforgiving of even the smallest Dealer Error. They'll call with spanners to win or lose a £1k pot, but moan if the Dealer makes a mistake. Go figure. I'm afraid we live in a society where the moaners have the upper hand, & the front line of Casinos, & especially poker, is as bad as it gets for that. But good luck if you go for it. Posted by Tikay10
thanks for your responses tikay, i probably wont just looking elsewhere for job and wanted your opinions
Hi tikay i cashed last week in the take on tikay £2.20 2500 chips 12 minute blinds and really enjoyed it just wondering what the chances of having this style of tourney daily ? Posted by jojo2010
Do you mean a Daily version of the £2.20 TOTTY? If so, I'll send the request upstairs.
Getting the balance of the Tourney Schedule "just so" is like painting the Forth Bridge, it's an open-ended task, but they do try to satisfy player-demand. It's easier to leave everything alone, there's less flak that way, but it's not a sustainable model, so changes will continue, & they'll get some right, & some wrong. Making a mistake in the pursuit of perfection is never a bad thing, & you'll never see a reluctance from the Sky Poker Team to own up to errors.
hi, just a little advice needed, when i am playing and i have the best hand after the flop, i try to get the most money i can out of the other players without scaring them off, when it comes to the river card it seemd as if i am losing the hand on this card all the time, is this just luck on there part or should i be playing it differently. Posted by fran406
It depends, really, Fran.
It's a balance thing, between protecting your hand, & gaining the most value from it.
The slower you play a hand, the more you stand to win - or lose. The faster you play a hand, the less you are likely to win, or lose.
Try a little experiment by playing small Omaha Tourney. In that game, you MUST bet your hands, as everyone is on the draw, & one pair, even Aces, rarely hold up. It teaches us the value of the risk/reward equation.
Slower = more dangerous, but more gain if it holds, faster means less gain but more likely to win.
Hi old man when is the team being picked for the APAT team champs and how will it be done? DAIgestive Posted by DAIBOOT
Hi Dai-gestive
Do you mean the Sky Poker APAT Team?
If so, I don't know, & because of my position within APAT, I keep out of such decisions, lest I get acused of not being even-handed. Remember, scores of Poker Forums are all trying to get into this thing, so I'm on a hiding to nothing if I show favour to any.
Sky Poker organised qualifiers for this a year ago, & to be honest, it was incredibly embarrassing to APAT, Sky Poker, & myself, as it all kicked off if you recall, with scandalous allegations of Sky-Bernie being shown favouiritism. It was one of the saddest days in Sky Poker & APAT ever, to be honest. Sky Bernie is THE most decent man you could ever meet, & the whole affair distressed him, & us, terribly.
I almost always loose an all in call, simply because hands that I think have the greatest chance of winning, never did. So, what's the best time to shove it all in?
Hi TiKay I almost always loose an all in call, simply because hands that I think have the greatest chance of winning, never did. So, what's the best time to shove it all in? Posted by pyt200916
Slightly confused by that, pyt.
You start by saying "an all-in CALL".
All-in SHOVES are FAR better than "all-in calls", but I suspect you mean shoves.
The best time to shove? When you think it will get through, usually!
Late in Tournies, I'm almost always shoving, & often, I don't WANT a Call. When we don't see flops, we never lose. That's why, late in Tourneys, A-K is such a lovely hand, because we can shove at will, knowing we have TWO ways to win, in that Villain can fold, or we can be ahead, or hit.
Remember, if played properly, & over time, A-K v an underpair is NOT 50/50, as most think, it's more like 75/25 in our favour."
* Assuming we get Villain to fold 50% of the time.
PS - If you "almost alway lose" all-ins, you are doing something seriously wrong. Remember, relative stack-sizes, position, hand range, etc, ALL make a big difference.
If you are shoving optimally, you MUST win more all-ins than you lose.
Perhaps you could give me some examples? I say this, because the problem sounds like it's an easy fix, to be honest, & hey presto, you'll be a winning player.
Tikay, I have been playing on Sky Poker for about 6 months now. I have been playing 6 seated Double Your Money generally, £11, £16.50 or £22 levels, but have done a couple of Bounty Hunters (won 1 and came 12th in the other out of 80 odd people so quite happy). I am showing a profit over these months (nothing to retire on but a profit is a profit) and want to raise my game. Can you suggest any good books to read about the theory and ways to improve my game. I have played some cash tables as well. Done OK but am trying to build my accout balance up before I get too involved in them. Thanks, TERRA295
Tikay, I have been playing on Sky Poker for about 6 months now. I have been playing 6 seated Double Your Money generally, £11, £16.50 or £22 levels, but have done a couple of Bounty Hunters (won 1 and came 12th in the other out of 80 odd people so quite happy). I am showing a profit over these months (nothing to retire on but a profit is a profit) and want to raise my game. Can you suggest any good books to read about the theory and ways to improve my game. I have played some cash tables as well. Done OK but am trying to build my accout balance up before I get too involved in them. Thanks, TERRA295 Posted by TERRA295
Well done on showing a profit.
Books that I can recommend? None, I'm afraid. Not because there are not good books out there, I'm sure there are. But I tried books, & for me, anyway, it never worked, & I'm not going to say anything I don't mean, contrary to what you may have read about me on here today.
So I'll ask some of the other Members to reply to "best book" if you don't mind.
How do I hone my game? Various, really.
1) I read all the Poker Clinic stuff.
2) I ask questions of good players.
3) I watch - & absorb - a lot of poker.
4) I am extremely self-critical. No matter how bad I consider my Oppo has played, I always look at myself for the answer to why I lost. And sometimes, nobody is to blame - it just happens.
Now, with all the above, one more thing, & it is THE most important of all.
Whatever you read, watch, or see, ask yourself a question. "How do I know that's true, or works?" It's a default mindset, I even use it when watching the news on telly, or reading a newspaper. Don't believe all that you are told - question it!
Add to that thinking things through carefully, & you'll be OK. There is some incredible dross & nonsense Posted by some, & it's dangerous to believe it all. But people DO!
In other words, a little effort will get you there. No effort will not.
I was wondering how I and some others played played a specific round. I can't remember the hand number, but it was an omaha cash game which went up to a massive pot which I won. It was played about 1-2 hours ago. Thanks. Posted by Tooned
Your Hand-Histories are available via your "My Account" page. It's easier to locate them if you have the hand id, though.
Why the fcuk would someone call a £4.80 raise preflop with 83 on a 20/40p table this happened to me today . the flop then came with two 8's very very dodgy indeed i'm getting really suspicious about this site as it always seems to pay off the same old players .it really is getting beyond a joke .dont get me wrong im not doing too bad myself . but some of the hands really are rediculous and its always the same old players that seem to get them . why is this Posted by argo
Hi Argo,
I've no idea why they called with 8-3, to tell the truth. A Gentleman called me for about 20 x BB all-in PRE-FLOP last night with 8-2, & busted me. I can't explain that, either, but I want him to keep doing that, as the maths never lie, & I'll beat him 9 times out of 10. I also make a note of him, because if I play cash, I want him on my Table every time.
I have no idea why you would be suspicious of the Site. As far as the Room is concerned, it's a zero-sum game. Players do NOT play the house, they play each other, & the House charges a fee for facilitating that.
It is therefore in the Rooms interest to ensure everything is fair, & to that end, the Room is regulated. The contact details of the Regulator are at the bottom of this, & every page, on the Site, & if you have any concerns at so it's fairness, you should contact them forthwith.
Hi my wife and i both play and when we first started we had fun playing on the sit and go tables but sky very politely asked if we could refrain from playing on the same table which we have done. we do play in the same tournaments though, my question is we both want to go to the sky poker tour our first was Blackpool a few weeks ago which was great can we both enter the satellites together or the semi final or both at the same time ? or do we have to qualify at different times
Hi my wife and i both play and when we first started we had fun playing on the sit and go tables but sky very politely asked if we could refrain from playing on the same table which we have done. we do play in the same tournaments though, my question is we both want to go to the sky poker tour our first was Blackpool a few weeks ago which was great can we both enter the satellites together or the semi final or both at the same time ? or do we have to qualify at different times cheers Posted by JONONZIE
Hi Jon,
Good question, & I'm not sure I know the answer.
In some cases - I can't recall if it's Tourneys, or Cash - it is prohibited for 2 players on the same IP addy to play at the same time, & this is for reasons of possible/potential collusion.
I'll find out the correct answer, & let you know.
Sorry I cannot be more helpful.
An alternative option would be to ask Customer Care, but either way, I need to know myself now, for the sake of curiosity, so I'll find out.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Jon, Good question, & I'm not sure I know the answer. In some cases - I can't recall if it's Tourneys, or Cash - it is prohibited for 2 players on the same IP addy to play at the same time, & this is for reasons of possible/potential collusion. I'll find out the correct answer, & let you know. Sorry I cannot be more helpful. An alternative option would be to ask Customer Care, but either way, I need to know myself now, for the sake of curiosity, so I'll find out. Posted by Tikay10
2 people with the same IP address can not play on the same cash table but can play in the same tournament using the same IP address - Goldenndog and Chirpychump will also verify this if needed
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : 2 people with the same IP address can not play on the same cash table but can play in the same tournament using the same IP address - Goldenndog and Chirpychump will also verify this if needed Posted by dylan12
Jon - I think Dyl's answer makes logical sense, so there you go.
I'd add that to the best of my knowledge, it (2 players on same IP addy) is prohibited in SNG's, too.
Just wondered looking at a new career at the mo and wondered if you can give me advice, whats the best way to get into local casino's dont mind what i do preferably dealing. should i do a course first? any tips just looking at ventures and sure being a dealer i would enjoy as its endless learning poker and pick up on reads etc which will stand me in good stead
Contact one of the local Casinos, they are always looking for Staff.
However, think carefully first. Dealers are paid very poor wages, especially as they have to work unsociable hours, & poker players are not known for being kind to Dealers, they are inclined to blame Dealers for everything.
And it's like working for, say, Sky Poker, & suffering abuse/smart alec comments - we/you cannot reply in kind, you just have to take it on the chin, & smile. Everyone on the outside likes to "knock", & it's tough when you can't reply in kind, because of the nature of the job being customer-facing.
Having frequented casinos for far too long, & seen the abuse Dealers get from smart Alecs, I'd not recommend employment as a Dealer.
I'll pass your suggestion as to displaying the original broadcast time to Mother Hen, & see what she says. To be honest, there has been no noise, or demand, suggesting that this would help.
What 865 ARE doing is trying to freshen things up, whilst at the same time keeping the budget manageable. Remember, 865 earns no direct revenue, it's all "dead" money. But we have got exclusive Interviews & "Top Tips" with, for example, today's WSOP Winner Jonathan Duhamel, & Phil Ivey, & many, many more, & personally, I think these are golden, real quality stuff, & nobody else has this.
We also have the TSP Guys doing Poker School, & appearing on Mastercash, etc, all of which we think is a bit special.
Good question though, & thank you.
OK, gotta go, 11am Tuesday is the weekly Management Meeting, followed by the wekly TSP Management Meeting. I'll return to cathing up on this thread this afternoon.
Thanks for the reply gramps top man!
Very few Dealers last very long, as the pay is pants, & the customers tend to be so unforgiving of even the smallest Dealer Error. They'll call with spanners to win or lose a £1k pot, but moan if the Dealer makes a mistake. Go figure.
I'm afraid we live in a society where the moaners have the upper hand, & the front line of Casinos, & especially poker, is as bad as it gets for that.
But good luck if you go for it.
No way should you forfeit your hand if you accepted you made a mistake, & agreed to put your chips in to call the Raise. The fact that you "made to Pass", before you accepted the mistake, is not relevant. Your hand remains live if you have to make the call, which you do.
Better advice though, if you don't mind me saying so, is to pay better attention. We cannnot make such mistakes Online, but when we play Live, everything is different, & such mistakes are easy to make. But they are OUR fault, & OUR responsibility, so it's best to pay attention.
When I play Live Poker - & I admit, it's what I most enjoy - I can spot the Online players within the first two hands.
I sat next to the great Elky in his first major Live Tourney, the 2004 (or was it 2005?) EPT Deauville, & spotted his Online "tells" instantly, he was awful, acting & passing out of turn repeatedly, & knew he'd always be dead money. Ish.....
I adore the Thread, I really do, I just wish I had more time, so as to answer the questions more promptly. It's got some way to go to match the Online Diary I keep elsewhere, which has close to 20,000 Posts, & 400,000 views, though, sadly, this Community does not show how many views each thread gets. I hope that as long as I'm involved with Sky Poker, the thread will continue, I really do.
Likes & dislikes of it?
I like that the Community as a whole, especially that the more seasoned, senior, Members, help out with the answers.
I like the variety of questions.
I like to help the less experienced players. Who would not?
I like it when people take the time & trouble to say "please" & "thank you".
I like motorway gantry's, & sticky buns.
I dislike serial-moaners. This is poker, a game, wotsamatterwivem?
I dislike "how could he call?" type Posts. How would I know?! They are really just disguised Bad-Beat tales. It's hard to know how to answer without being rude.
I dislike "I've had Aces beat 42 times in a row, the site is bent" type Posts. Baloney, they have NOT, it's utter bs. Why tells fibs & porkies to make a point? See previous dislike.
I dislike "yeah, look, see, my K-K got beat by A-3" type Posts. "Move on, you lost a hand of poker, get over it" is the answer I want to give, but of course, I can't. When did having K-K or A-A mean we are guaranteed to be a winning hand? See previous dislike.
I dislike brussel sprouts, bad manners, & moaning minnies.
Happy Aniversary to my thread, & thank you to everyone who has contributed to it.
In answer to "what can you do?", I deffo, 100%, do NOT like the min-Raise pre-flop, & that is probably the cause of this piece of misfortune.
Very few players seem to understand the logic of Min-Raises, & I'm going to ask the Producers to get one of the TSP Boys, on the Saturday MasterCash shows, to do a teach-in on Min-Raising.
Essentially, when we min-raise, we are pricing marginal hands in. It's a pure & simple maths thing. Any half-decent player knows when they are priced in, & min-raising usually does EXACTLY that.
My advice is to quit min-raising pre-flop. Raise properly, & you'll achieve MUCH better results.
have you looked at my question yet?
its on page.....124
I'm trying really hard to get this Thread up to date today, so bear with me please.
My daily time-allocation on the Forum is one hour, so I've taken today "off work" to try & get caught up.
thanks for your responses tikay, i probably wont just looking elsewhere for job and wanted your opinions
think ill give it a miss on that note
Getting the balance of the Tourney Schedule "just so" is like painting the Forth Bridge, it's an open-ended task, but they do try to satisfy player-demand. It's easier to leave everything alone, there's less flak that way, but it's not a sustainable model, so changes will continue, & they'll get some right, & some wrong. Making a mistake in the pursuit of perfection is never a bad thing, & you'll never see a reluctance from the Sky Poker Team to own up to errors.
It's a balance thing, between protecting your hand, & gaining the most value from it.
The slower you play a hand, the more you stand to win - or lose. The faster you play a hand, the less you are likely to win, or lose.
Try a little experiment by playing small Omaha Tourney. In that game, you MUST bet your hands, as everyone is on the draw, & one pair, even Aces, rarely hold up. It teaches us the value of the risk/reward equation.
Slower = more dangerous, but more gain if it holds, faster means less gain but more likely to win.
Do you mean the Sky Poker APAT Team?
If so, I don't know, & because of my position within APAT, I keep out of such decisions, lest I get acused of not being even-handed. Remember, scores of Poker Forums are all trying to get into this thing, so I'm on a hiding to nothing if I show favour to any.
Sky Poker organised qualifiers for this a year ago, & to be honest, it was incredibly embarrassing to APAT, Sky Poker, & myself, as it all kicked off if you recall, with scandalous allegations of Sky-Bernie being shown favouiritism. It was one of the saddest days in Sky Poker & APAT ever, to be honest. Sky Bernie is THE most decent man you could ever meet, & the whole affair distressed him, & us, terribly.
So "no idea" is my reply, sorry.
I almost always loose an all in call, simply because hands that I think have the greatest chance of winning, never did. So, what's the best time to shove it all in?
You start by saying "an all-in CALL".
All-in SHOVES are FAR better than "all-in calls", but I suspect you mean shoves.
The best time to shove? When you think it will get through, usually!
Late in Tournies, I'm almost always shoving, & often, I don't WANT a Call. When we don't see flops, we never lose. That's why, late in Tourneys, A-K is such a lovely hand, because we can shove at will, knowing we have TWO ways to win, in that Villain can fold, or we can be ahead, or hit.
Remember, if played properly, & over time, A-K v an underpair is NOT 50/50, as most think, it's more like 75/25 in our favour."
* Assuming we get Villain to fold 50% of the time.
PS - If you "almost alway lose" all-ins, you are doing something seriously wrong. Remember, relative stack-sizes, position, hand range, etc, ALL make a big difference.
If you are shoving optimally, you MUST win more all-ins than you lose.
Perhaps you could give me some examples? I say this, because the problem sounds like it's an easy fix, to be honest, & hey presto, you'll be a winning player.
I have been playing on Sky Poker for about 6 months now.
I have been playing 6 seated Double Your Money generally, £11, £16.50 or £22 levels, but have done a couple of Bounty Hunters (won 1 and came 12th in the other out of 80 odd people so quite happy).
I am showing a profit over these months (nothing to retire on but a profit is a profit) and want to raise my game.
Can you suggest any good books to read about the theory and ways to improve my game.
I have played some cash tables as well.
Done OK but am trying to build my accout balance up before I get too involved in them.
Well done on showing a profit.
Books that I can recommend? None, I'm afraid. Not because there are not good books out there, I'm sure there are. But I tried books, & for me, anyway, it never worked, & I'm not going to say anything I don't mean, contrary to what you may have read about me on here today.
So I'll ask some of the other Members to reply to "best book" if you don't mind.
How do I hone my game? Various, really.
1) I read all the Poker Clinic stuff.
2) I ask questions of good players.
3) I watch - & absorb - a lot of poker.
4) I am extremely self-critical. No matter how bad I consider my Oppo has played, I always look at myself for the answer to why I lost. And sometimes, nobody is to blame - it just happens.
Now, with all the above, one more thing, & it is THE most important of all.
Whatever you read, watch, or see, ask yourself a question. "How do I know that's true, or works?" It's a default mindset, I even use it when watching the news on telly, or reading a newspaper. Don't believe all that you are told - question it!
Add to that thinking things through carefully, & you'll be OK. There is some incredible dross & nonsense Posted by some, & it's dangerous to believe it all. But people DO!
In other words, a little effort will get you there. No effort will not.
Good Luck.
I've no idea why they called with 8-3, to tell the truth. A Gentleman called me for about 20 x BB all-in PRE-FLOP last night with 8-2, & busted me. I can't explain that, either, but I want him to keep doing that, as the maths never lie, & I'll beat him 9 times out of 10. I also make a note of him, because if I play cash, I want him on my Table every time.
I have no idea why you would be suspicious of the Site. As far as the Room is concerned, it's a zero-sum game. Players do NOT play the house, they play each other, & the House charges a fee for facilitating that.
It is therefore in the Rooms interest to ensure everything is fair, & to that end, the Room is regulated. The contact details of the Regulator are at the bottom of this, & every page, on the Site, & if you have any concerns at so it's fairness, you should contact them forthwith.
Good question, & I'm not sure I know the answer.
In some cases - I can't recall if it's Tourneys, or Cash - it is prohibited for 2 players on the same IP addy to play at the same time, & this is for reasons of possible/potential collusion.
I'll find out the correct answer, & let you know.
Sorry I cannot be more helpful.
An alternative option would be to ask Customer Care, but either way, I need to know myself now, for the sake of curiosity, so I'll find out.
I'd add that to the best of my knowledge, it (2 players on same IP addy) is prohibited in SNG's, too.