He aint gonna fold getting 12/1 on his money., As it is he has 6 outs twice, so will win this about 1/5th of the time. Which makes his call a good one (obviously) Im not sure why you raised half of your stack, when you only had 7 big blinds, it's a shove or check situation here, very much weighted towards a shove as you have an ace. You kinda asked for it.........and once every 5 times, you're gonna get it. Unlucky though, but you can play it better next time. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Hi JJ, I agree that he was never going away for the price, following the all-in, but his calling of the raise pre flop is very dubious and these kind of calls do make me wonder how they can make them.
hav not won 4 weeks why last nite alone lost on 3 aces 3 kings 2 pair just put out 2 go in last 6 had 2 queens before flop is it true sky help all new players 2 get u hooked should they be reported 2 gamming board 2 investigate hands i loose on unreal no not sour grapes
If you're locked in a room for all eternity with Luke Schwartz and Andrew Feldman and you have a gun with only one bullet, what do you do? Posted by MereNovice
Pistol whip them to death then shoot yourself in the head i guess
hi dohhhhhh, i was playing uder my partner account mandy 614,my name is the judge 10,im on anther final table my 4th this week and not won yet,what im i doing wrong,please help
hi dohhhhhh, i was playing uder my partner account mandy 614,my name is the judge 10,im on anther final table my 4th this week and not won yet,what im i doing wrong,please help Posted by thejudge10
You should never ever play on someone elses account. You obviously don't know that what you've been doing is wrong, but this could lead to problems for both of you as most sites take that kinda thing really seriously even though its a genuine mistake.
hi tikay have just joined sky and open my account with £20,what level would be best for me to start playing at.(darkvioces) tony Posted by darkvoices
Hi Tony
Firstly, welcome to Sky Poker, and the forum, a lot of us on here use what we call the 5% rule, basically, we will not risk any more than 5% of out Bankroll, playing outside this usually means playing with scared money, and therefore making bad plays, I would suggest however, depending how new you are to poker, checking out the very good video tutorials on the site, and maybe even using the freeplay tables to get used the the feeling of the tables, and how to bet before going any further
There is no way this site is legit, i have been a massive favourite in so many pots recently and lost on the turn and river, and im so sick of it. I now realise why this site is getting a bad reputation. Thats me off this site for good.
Hi Peter Pan, A good question, & one I expect to see a lot more of in the next 10 days or so. In broad terms, they are cleaning up the Tourney Lobbies, in readiness for a fresher, cleaner, approach. This includes removing any Tourneys which don't attract runners, hence I guess some of the Omaha Tourneys have disappeared. I can't promise anything, as it needs doing, but I'll deffo word Adam, & let you know what he says. The freshening up, &, we hope, improving of the Tournament range, selection, value, guarantees, & playability, is bound to please many, & displease some, too, it's inevitable. So Sky Poker WILL listen, & act upon, solid feedback, & adjust the schedule accordingly. It's like when they move stuff to new places in Supermarkets, nobody likes it, & everyone gets uppity. I can't wait for the noise to start. As to Omaha, jeez, I wish I could play Omaha non-stop, for ever more. Personally I prefer it, on so many levels, & the value there is incredible. Most Omaha players are really still playing Hold Em hands, & do not adjust to the nuances of a game that is fundamentally, in almost every way, different. When I'm King for a day, I'll make every game Omaha. I don't expect to reign for long, though. Not even 1 day, I guess. Posted by Tikay10
On the subject of new tournaments I know the players seem to like the short handed tables but do you think sky would consider 8 handed tables also as I see accross the internet there is a shortage and it would be good if sky capitalized on that fact. Just a suggestion dont know how well it would go down.
There is no way this site is legit, i have been a massive favourite in so many pots recently and lost on the turn and river, and im so sick of it. I now realise why this site is getting a bad reputation. Thats me off this site for good. Posted by callumtres
Poker works that way believe me and its the same on all sites ive tried them you have to accept that you arent going to win every time you are a massive favourite. You probably dont realize that the hands youve won previous have balanced out your luck and it is only your time to go through a bad spell but if you hsve to leave then good luck elsewhere.
To all the non believers and the bad beat cmplainers heres two hands that are hard to believe could happen in a casino game . Im heads up in a qualifier only 1 qualifies and I get K K.I raise and my opponent re raises I go all in and my opponent calls he showsw A A. Nothing overly surprising about that but the flop came A K x x x whats the odds on both hands hitting trips. The next hand was a bit more sickening Final table 10 players left and a big chip leader who raised every hand. I get Q 10 on the button and I have plenty bb left so I decided to have a look at the flop after the inevitable raise from the chip leader. Flop comes 10 Q 10 happy days so my opponent raises cont bet which I call turn card is A my opponent raises again and I know my opponent has an ace so I flat call river comes 4 my opponent pushes me all in and I call he turns over A A. There would be an outrage if this happened on sky but this was else where so trust me it does happen on all sites. There are plenty more like that some for and some against me so they do even themselves out its part of the game. Sorry for taking up some of your space Tikay but it has to be said that it is part of poker so accept it.
hi tikay. there seems to be a malfunction but customer services don't seem to understand what i'm saying. i entered a £1 bh sat for the semi at 10pm, i and 8 other people got through. i then noticed i wasn't reg'd for the semi but thursdays m event.. the guy i spoke to didn't seem to understand what i was saying so i thought i'd seek out skys resident problem solver, cos obviously while not in my immediate interests to say so if the system does that with all the sats then that could cause havoc.. would appreciate you letting the relevant people know there may be a problem somewhere, thanks bob
hi tikay. there seems to be a malfunction but customer services don't seem to understand what i'm saying. i entered a £1 bh sat for the semi at 10pm, i and 8 other people got through. i then noticed i wasn't reg'd for the semi but thursdays m event.. the guy i spoke to didn't seem to understand what i was saying so i thought i'd seek out skys resident problem solver, cos obviously while not in my immediate interests to say so if the system does that with all the sats then that could cause havoc.. would appreciate you letting the relevant people know there may be a problem somewhere, thanks bob Posted by lordbobby
Hi lordbobby
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, unfortunately, I cannot sort this problem out, I have sent out a few emails to see if we cant get to the bottom of it.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi lordbobby Thank you for bringing this to our attention, unfortunately, I cannot sort this problem out, I have sent out a few emails to see if we cant get to the bottom of it. Many thanks Sky Mod Posted by Sky_Mod4
thanks for replying, i was told by cs that if i was taken out of the main event i would not automatically be put back in even if LEGITAMATELY gaining entry via a sat. while i appreciate you getting back to me i would like you to tell me where i stand as i would like to play thursdays ME but if i qualified would i be in? and as i am already reg'd would that muddy the waters when it comes to me being put in? if i am not in thursday having got in properly and basically am punished for honesty i truely will eat my kneecaps before using sky bet & it's affiliates again. because this isn't to do with winning or losing but being able to trust the site you use. thanks, bob
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : thanks for replying, i was told by cs that if i was taken out of the main event i would not automatically be put back in even if LEGITAMATELY gaining entry via a sat. while i appreciate you getting back to me i would like you to tell me where i stand as i would like to play thursdays ME but if i qualified would i be in? and as i am already reg'd would that muddy the waters when it comes to me being put in? if i am not in thursday having got in properly and basically am punished for honesty i truely will eat my kneecaps before using sky bet & it's affiliates again. because this isn't to do with winning or losing but being able to trust the site you use. thanks, bob Posted by lordbobby
Hi lordbobby
I am sorry, as I said earlier, all I can do is make someone know there seems to be an issue on the site and let them look into it. I am sure once it has been dealt with they will contact you.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : thanks for replying, i was told by cs that if i was taken out of the main event i would not automatically be put back in even if LEGITAMATELY gaining entry via a sat. while i appreciate you getting back to me i would like you to tell me where i stand as i would like to play thursdays ME but if i qualified would i be in? and as i am already reg'd would that muddy the waters when it comes to me being put in? if i am not in thursday having got in properly and basically am punished for honesty i truely will eat my kneecaps before using sky bet & it's affiliates again. because this isn't to do with winning or losing but being able to trust the site you use. thanks, bob Posted by lordbobby
Hi lordbobby
I am sorry, as I said earlier, all I can do is make someone know there seems to be an issue on the site and let them look into it. I am sure once it has been dealt with they will contact you.
Firstly, apologies, this was an error on our part. All those that won entry will be registered for tomorrow night's £10k Sky BH Semi-Final. All those affected will be contacted by customer care.
Hi Bob, Firstly, apologies, this was an error on our part. All those that won entry will be registered for tomorrow night's £10k Sky BH Semi-Final. All those affected will be contacted by customer care. Again, sorry about that, Regards Lee Posted by Sky_Lee
no probs, glad to help & thanks for the semi entry. bob
I agree that he was never going away for the price, following the all-in, but his calling of the raise pre flop is very dubious and these kind of calls do make me wonder how they can make them.
Pistol whip them to death then shoot yourself in the head ?
First of all congrats on winning the main event the other night. Couldnt happen to a nicer player.
I was just wondering if you "loosen up" a bit when playing on your PTP account and your normal "uber-tight" game on your personal account.
i was playing uder my partner account mandy 614,my name is the judge 10,im on anther final table my 4th this week and not won yet,what im i doing wrong,please help
Firstly, welcome to Sky Poker, and the forum, a lot of us on here use what we call the 5% rule, basically, we will not risk any more than 5% of out Bankroll, playing outside this usually means playing with scared money, and therefore making bad plays, I would suggest however, depending how new you are to poker, checking out the very good video tutorials on the site, and maybe even using the freeplay tables to get used the the feeling of the tables, and how to bet before going any further
There would be an outrage if this happened on sky but this was else where so trust me it does happen on all sites. There are plenty more like that some for and some against me so they do even themselves out its part of the game. Sorry for taking up some of your space Tikay but it has to be said that it is part of poker so accept it.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, unfortunately, I cannot sort this problem out, I have sent out a few emails to see if we cant get to the bottom of it.
Many thanks
Sky Mod
I am sorry, as I said earlier, all I can do is make someone know there seems to be an issue on the site and let them look into it. I am sure once it has been dealt with they will contact you.
Once again
Thank you for your patience and understanding
Sky Mod
I am sorry, as I said earlier, all I can do is make someone know there seems to be an issue on the site and let them look into it. I am sure once it has been dealt with they will contact you.
Once again
Thank you for your patience and understanding
Sky Mod
Firstly, apologies, this was an error on our part.
All those that won entry will be registered for tomorrow night's £10k Sky BH Semi-Final.
All those affected will be contacted by customer care.
Again, sorry about that,