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Ask Tikay?



  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?

    Thanks DOH brill, in response to your ques, I aint got the foggy on the number of cans but my blooxx head hurts this morn. O and anythin thats goin, its a habit u know i picked it up whilst workin, I used to run pubs, infact my sons were born in pubs. and ive just seen my oldest has been postin threads on the site. he dint tell me, but ive just sin that the little bugxxx has won some dosh n he is gona be payin 4 the shopin this week ha ha that l teach him. hittin sets all the time.
  • edited October 2010
    Whats his sky poker name????
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    ... I can do the first bit - Variance is just another word for luck. ...
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    Effectively it's like a measure of luck, but if you wanted to be more precise.

    If you graphed a series of the results you'd expect to get in various poker situations you'd get a graph.

    The expected values generally speaking are the average values.

    If you graphed a series of the actual results you get in those situations you'd get a different graph.

    If you looked at the distance between the actual values and the average values - that is the variance.

    It's how much the actual results differ from the average ones.

  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Whats his sky poker name????
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Hi DOH he did set mine n you replied to it that was why i said hitting all these sets. If you want to upset him ask him if he thinks he will ever be able to beat his dad at pool, LMAO. I was a champ in 3 leagues with many trophies. he and his mates have never beat me and they never will.
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Effectively it's like a measure of luck, but if you wanted to be more precise. If you graphed a series of the results you'd expect to get in various poker situations you'd get a graph. The expected values generally speaking are the average values. If you graphed a series of the actual results you get in those situations you'd get a different graph. If you looked at the distance between the actual values and the average values - that is the variance. It's how much the actual results differ from the average ones.
    Posted by BelovedLtd
    Thanks very much that is a very good way of explaining it. Ive been under the impression that with bullits if u go all in pre flop you should expect to win 80% of the time. on F T though i was lucky to win 10%, in fact my group 1s nearly allways got beat. If I got two pair with picture cards I was nearly allways beat by a straight. If you ask my son he will say it was unbelievable because he watched it happen.

    now i dont mind loosing but when you get it taken from you. Would you think that a bad run may last 30,000 hand. I dont know. From what you say would the variance here be 70% 80-10. if this is the case it no wonder i lost my money. thank god im back on sky cus i would estimate my variance here is less than 15%. does that sound correct to you. Once again thanks. Lookes like DOH you n me have hijacked TKs thread lol.
  • edited October 2010
    hi tikay, me and a couple of friends went to casino for nite tournament, about 90 mins in is a hand i want to talk about, blinds 200/400 the short stack shoves allin utg for 675 there are 3 callers (one of which is my friend ) so there is only 1 pot so far flop comes 4h 4d 2d checked to my friend who bets out about 800 i know its a dead pot but i feel that if he has a hand its worth protecting against the flush draw or a straight draw. one of the other guys involved starts going mad saying he shouldnt be betting into a dead pot so i said to this guy about a hand in which he could be protecting he then folds and my friend turns over 8 8 and wins the pot, all i want to know is do you think my friend was right to bet out into a dead pot  i feel he did nothing wrong but just wanted confirmation thx!
  • edited October 2010
    hi tikay can u please play this had as im desperate to see what he had... i think it was around the q 10 area but might be miles out i dunno!   0296351650
  • edited October 2010
    Hi TK,

    Just had a guy (Wengene from Sudbury) flop a strt flush against me! What are the odds against that? I thought
    4K/1. I hoped he would hit his flush as I had FH ! ! Chip stack severely damaged. All the best, Phrank.
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay can u please play this had as im desperate to see what he had... i think it was around the q 10 area but might be miles out i dunno!   0296351650
    Posted by duffmon1
    Hi duffmon

    You may be better posting this in "The Sky Poker T.V. Channel", "Play My Hand Requests" :)

  • edited October 2010
    please could you explain position to me as i think thats my weakness thank you.
  • edited October 2010

    I'll catch up on the replies as soon as possible, guys. Keep the questions coming, please, I love them.

    Other people reply better than I ever can sometimes, too - did you see the reply by (I forget now, I'm sorry) about what "variance" really is? Super stuff.

    Keep the questions, AND answers coming, please.

  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    lol, I got hooked!!! I can do the first bit - Variance is just another word for luck. There is more action at a 6 handed table, so if you're playing more hands, there's more chance that you will succomb to variance short term.  This could mean getting flattering results (hitting a rush of cards) OR, losing when you got your money in ahead, (bad beats) Same as 10 handed though, long term, you will get what you deserve. The problem with your suggestion about playing the best players, is that even entry to a £100 tournament isn't much motivation for the big guns. As a lower stakes player myself, I was lucky to get the chance to play these big guns on an equal playing field, with the winner getting entry to the world series main event, worth 10 grand. This is the sort of motivation these guys would need to play hard against us lower guys.  It was in a competition sky run, which everyone who plays on the site was eligible for, so hopefully there will be another one, and you (and I) can have another shot!! I know nothing about trains, but what beer do you drink? and how many did you get down whilst typing that post??? lol Gud luk
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Hi DOH ive been thinking for a couple of days about what you say here and im getting a much more poker orientated mind now i think because of help like this. Ive just been playing the game before but now im thinking about it as well and that has only happened because of this community.

    I suppose Im going to have to play my son heads up because after the thrashings he's taken on the pool table i better alow him his moment. Anyway he wont shut up about it. I'll let u know when in case u want to watch. Bye  n thanks.
  • edited October 2010
    hi. just watched final table on tv and though i am extremly grateful and apreciate your constructive criticism i think you was overly harsh on my mickjenn1 a relative of yours because you never homed in on his perculier calls did you. i have been playing poker for only a short while and i learned everything i know from the guys at sky pokerit is never off the tv but i did not care for you analasis of my game it was full of criticism. i had been playing from 5oclock that night and played a lot of good poker wich you did not see ,and apart from that the way i play i like to see a lot of flops. is that wrong?.you said against a known bluffer(mj1)  i should be shoving i nhave never played him b4 so how do iknow hes a bluffer.out of 12 hands shown on tv of mine you found fault on 9 of them yet i won 7 of them yes iam passive and yes i do like to see flops but that is the way i play but i can mix it up as well.i have never played live and i was arranging to go to my local casino in blackpool very soon but after watching that on tv my confidence is low right now.anyway thanks for the advise and i will as usual take it on board maybe next time i play a relative of yours (lol) i will be a bit more aggresive. i also hope you can take it as well as give it tk.   regards  phil.
  • edited October 2010
    can you tell me please what is a "raked hand"
  • edited October 2010
    what does raked hand mean
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    can you tell me please what is a "raked hand"
    Posted by offerdahl

    A rake is an amount a poker site takes out of a bet for commision.
  • edited October 2010
    Why is it that whenever you take your/some cash off this site it then Bottom fooks you with whatever you have left on here..
    Everytime, and im not the the only Person either??!!!
    You get a decent hand soon after say KK AA, then the flop goes 827 you raise pre and people call..
    Then it goes Q 4 For EG, they hit set of 2's... EVERYTIME!!!
    Really makes you wanna go and stay on Pokerstars etc..
    This really cant be regulated????
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    ... Really makes you wanna go and stay on Pokerstars etc.. 
    Posted by Villanhall
    Go on then

    Nothing's forcing you to play on Sky
  • edited October 2010
    Hi Tikay, can you fold KK pre folp?  2 examples below where i said to myself i am about to run kings into bulits but i still did it
    DOHHHHHHH Small blind  £0.15 £0.15 £34.84
    Loosifer Big blind  £0.30 £0.45 £29.40
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    SoLack Raise  £0.90 £1.35 £76.03
    TommyD Fold     
    KKarlos93 Raise  £2.70 £4.05 £29.54
    jacko999 Raise  £6.30 £10.35 £38.28
    DOHHHHHHH Fold     
    Loosifer Fold     
    SoLack Fold     
    KKarlos93 All-in  £29.54 £39.89 £0.00
    jacko999 All-in  £38.28 £78.17 £0.00
    jacko999 Unmatched bet  £12.34 £65.83 £12.34
    KKarlos93 Show
    • K
    • K
    jacko999 Show
    • A
    • A
    • 5
    • Q
    • 3
    • 8
    • 2
    jacko999 Win Pair of Aces £64.03  £76.37
    jacko999 Small blind  £0.15 £0.15 £28.67
    KKarlos93 Big blind  £0.30 £0.45 £44.69
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    SoLack Raise  £0.60 £1.05 £54.29
    DOHHHHHHH Fold     
    Loosifer Fold     
    TommyD Fold     
    jacko999 Fold     
    KKarlos93 Raise  £1.50 £2.55 £43.19
    SoLack Raise  £3.60 £6.15 £50.69
    KKarlos93 All-in  £43.19 £49.34 £0.00
    SoLack Call  £40.79 £90.13 £9.90
    KKarlos93 Show
    • K
    • K
    SoLack Show
    • A
    • A
    • 3
    • 10
    • J
    • 9
    • 7
    SoLack Win Pair of Aces £88.33  £98.23
  • edited October 2010
    how do you enter the tournaments against the sky team .i.e reds vs oranges that kind of thing
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    how do you enter the tournaments against the sky team .i.e reds vs oranges that kind of thing
    Posted by greigstar1

    Unfortunately, registering for this closed about 3 weeks ago, sorry
  • edited October 2010
    Hello tikay , Im pretty new to sky been playing poker on and off for a couple of years but the last 2-3 months been trying to improve my game by watching 865. I satelitted into the 10k bh last week lasted 15 min playing to loose against better players, ive sat'd into 5k tonight any tips on how to start this kind of tourney. I tend to play loose-tight,  tight, then loosen up when in the money . is this a good tactic
  • edited October 2010
    Sorry also forgot to mention love you and orford on the box really make me laugh you 2.
  • edited October 2010
    why have your own tourny and not join it 3 times i have joined and no sign of you how can we improve our game if the best dont show up,regards suzie
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    why have your own tourny and not join it 3 times i have joined and no sign of you how can we improve our game if the best dont show up,regards suzie
    Posted by susie2pink
    Hi susie

    tikay, very, very rarely misses his brand named tournies, if he has missed 5 since they came out, im pushing it, I am sure he will play the next one if he is not working of course :)
  • edited October 2010
    hi tkay i asked you previously if this site was rigged 2 which you assired me it wasnt this will be the last time i annoy you but im tired of losing on your sit n go tables when i have a monster hand dont no why some home the big stack continuoesly wins heres a hand 4 you yet again i lose with kk might aswel bin aa would lose 2 72 i feel i lost 2 a q not his fault 4 calling but why is this happening so reguley
    2975498002010-10-11 21:42:122890.00
    • K
    • K
    • Q
    • 6
    • Q
    • 8
    • 4
    • sirklk06 won 2890.00 with a Three Queens

    last tourny i was busted by a big bluffer who hit a j on the flop n only had a pair ofjj i had pocket qq again he was big stacked and following a huge raise i put him all inn he calls and what happens another j y yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it cant seriousley be randomness because if it was i must be so unlucky i should already be dead i no sum1 who plays this game 4 a living and his opion is im just jinxed how you supposed 2 win when your dominating hands persistantly lose

  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tkay i asked you previously if this site was rigged 2 which you assired me it wasnt this will be the last time i annoy you but im tired of losing on your sit n go tables when i have a monster hand dont no why some home the big stack continuoesly wins heres a hand 4 you yet again i lose with kk might aswel bin aa would lose 2 72 i feel i lost 2 a q not his fault 4 calling but why is this happening so reguley 297549800 2010-10-11 21:42:12 2890.00 K K Q 6 Q 8 4 1345.00 sirklk06 won 2890.00 with a Three Queens last tourny i was busted by a big bluffer who hit a j on the flop n only had a pair ofjj i had pocket qq again he was big stacked and following a huge raise i put him all inn he calls and what happens another j y yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it cant seriousley be randomness because if it was i must be so unlucky i should already be dead i no sum1 who plays this game 4 a living and his opion is im just jinxed how you supposed 2 win when your dominating hands persistantly lose
    Posted by jolene1000
    What is your definition of, 'a monster hand'?

    It's unlucky. for example if a set loses to quads - but you seem to suggest that you include KK and AA as monster hands when they're evidently not.

    AA is one pair, the average winning hand in NLHE is 2 pair - so if you're getting your money in with hands like KK and AA it's not that surprising if you're not winning.
  • edited October 2010
    hi tikay iam new to sky poker ive played a bit before and i watch syk poker religiously i wa sjust woundering what do u think a good starting level for me would be on the cash tables
  • edited October 2010
    OTHER NIGHT FOR E.G   I WAS FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO GAIN THE HEAD OF ONE OF THE SO CALLED SELF CONFESSED SUPER TYPE PLAYERS ,  THE REACTION BY THIS PLAYER WAS TO POST MY SHARKSCOPE TOTALS ON OPEN CHAT FOR ALL TO SEE  AND FLANKING ME AS A JOKE PLAYER ,( not that it bothered me )    but why do certain players have this attitude that they shouldent be beaten ?          chris  aka reelspinne.
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