hi my name is jord2110 wood just like to say hi to you all im new to sky poker but im sure you will be seeing alot off my hands soon . Posted by jord2110
I'm not clear on what your question is Mr Dash. Can you elaborate please?
If it relates to poker strategy or suchlike, this is the correct thread, if it's product-related, I suggest you contact Customer Care.
To a degree, the speed & tone of replies reflect the way the questions are posed. With due respect, referring to the addresses as "you lot" may not excactly get you to the front of the queue.
Nice to see you up and about this early. No late night Poker sessions for you last night I take it.
Idiot Question to start the day. I keep on hearing people, yourself included, talking about a player being 'Nit" from the discussions I'm assuming it's slang for a tight player.
Morning TK, Nice to see you up and about this early. No late night Poker sessions for you last night I take it. Idiot Question to start the day. I keep on hearing people, yourself included, talking about a player being 'Nit" from the discussions I'm assuming it's slang for a tight player. I just wondered what it stood for. if anything Posted by JockBMW
Morning MrJockBMW.
Firstly, 2 questions for you.
1) What nationality are you?
2) What make of car do you drive?
Now, to your question.
Yes, "nit" is kidz-speak for a tight player, or "rock". It's the current fashion to knock "nits", but the criticism usually comes from Lags, most of whom, unless they have a quite exceptional talent, eventually blow their bankroll, though they often survive in poker for as long as a year or two.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Morning MrJockBMW. Firstly, 2 questions for you. 1) What nationality are you? 2) What make of car do you drive? Now, to your question. Yes, "nit" is kidz-speak for a tight player, or "rock". It's the current fashion to knock "nits", but the criticism usually comes from Lags, most of whom, unless they have a quite exceptional talent, eventually blow their bankroll, though they often survive in poker for as long as a year or two. Posted by Tikay10
Thanks for the reply TK, but to be honest I've still got the mental picture of Lisa Marie "wrapped up in a cozy duvet" so I'm too distracted to read it just now ;o)
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thanks for the reply TK, but to be honest I've still got the mental picture of Lisa Marie "wrapped up in a cozy duvet" so I'm too distracted to read it just now ;o) Posted by JockBMW
Me too. Duvets are often filled with ducks "down". We like Ducks.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Morning MrJockBMW. Firstly, 2 questions for you. 1) What nationality are you? 2) What make of car do you drive? Now, to your question. Yes, "nit" is kidz-speak for a tight player, or "rock". It's the current fashion to knock "nits", but the criticism usually comes from Lags, most of whom, unless they have a quite exceptional talent, eventually blow their bankroll, though they often survive in poker for as long as a year or two. Posted by Tikay10
Ah! Not the one you'd expect...
To be fair, Pete - your poker alias should be JockToyota!!!
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Ah! Not the one you'd expect... To be fair, Pete - your poker alias should be JockToyota!!! Posted by J-Hartigan
Well Spotted James, all my subtle hints about how good Hybrid is has given me away
By the way James, Check out the new Prius Plug and Go, that comes out next year.
Same basic car, 1.8 Litre 136bhp petrol, but with improved battery and electric motor. Figures just released 110mpg and 59 g/km. and it will qualify for a government grant of up to £5000
Get your order in now mate
Oh and if you fancy something Hybrid, that's a bit more sporty. This comes out in March Next year
I didn't really know where to post this as i've only recently registered with the site, i am watching the show currently and I have to say that i COMPLETELY disagree with everything that has been said on the show today, to the point that I have literally laughed out loud at some comments. I do not say this to be rude but merely to lend some weight to how much i disagree.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with limping, saying you should never limp is rediculous as it is saying you will always play the same way - I have heard you say you love the play every time some one makes an overly aggressive move today.
Why do people limp, a few reasons - player image and past history, if you know how some one will react when you make a move after limping it can be beneficial.
Limping preflop IS NOT PASSIVE, it does not mean you will concede the hand as soon as the flop comes if you miss! With tactics now days soooo many people limp/min raise and do all kinds of crazy things with monsters. Because of this it has opened up alot of potential for representing after a limp or min raise. And indeed getting paid off when people either don't believe you or get irritated with the play and pay you off.
The reason for not playing overly aggressive in late stage tourny is there is no point in trying to get tricky with overconfident online players who will call you down alot of the time. If you raise every time you get a high ace you will more than likely find your stack dwindeling to a small M value and forcing you to shove.
And (taking a hand that just came up as an example) getting into a coinflip for all your stack... there is no need. QQ on AK, i don't mean to sound accusing here, i just want to understand if my take on this is correct - but you come off as wanting to be in this position - where as i would say i would NEVER want to see this.
Racing for my tournament life? I wouldn't be terribly upset if it turned out but i would never WANT to get in a situation where the stacks go in without a board here.
If you could comment on this or discuss i would be very appreciative.
I'm not entirely sure what your question is, but the fact that you completely disagree with me is absolutely fine. Poker is a game of opinions & imperfect solutions.
As to limping, yes, as a general rule - note the wording - I strongly discourage it. It depends, of course, at what stage of the Tourney, what one's stack is relative to the Blinds, position, &, as you allude, whether one is limping for a particular reason - perhaps trapping with a monster, or because of a particular table dynamic, etc. There CAN be LOTS of good reasons to limp, & I may well limp in many of them, especially early doors or with a view to limp-raising or limp-shoving, though this works better on 10 seaters than the 6 seaters which are all we show on 865.
But what I disagree with, & bang on about night after night, time after time, is limping out of an 8 or 9 BB stack with some sort of rag ace or suited connector. It's almost always wrong so to do.
I have done several Final Table pre-records recently, where the Average Stack has been 10 or 12 BB's. In such cases, I've advised the same thing every single time - nobody should be limping. A "make-up" in the SB with Aces if it's passed round to us unopened & the BB is seriously aggro might be a rare exception, but that's about it.
Limping to see a cheap flop in the late stages of Tourney when we have only 10 or 12 BB's is NOT something I would ever recommend to any newbie.
Please also remember that I do not preach to, or try to educate, the better players - they already now the basics, & would not listen to my advice, very wisely you might say. The "education" part of our remit as Analysts is aimed at relatively inexperienced players. And to them, I will continue to say the same thing - limping out of a 10 or 12 BB Stack in the late stages of a Tourney is usually a very bad thing to do.
I cannot begin to imagine any successful player would ever say otherwise. And that includes you - so I can only imagine there is a misunderstanding here, & in fact we are singing from the same hymn sheet.
I'm not really sure what you are saying here......
And (taking a hand that just came up as an example) getting into a coinflip for all your stack... there is no need. QQ on AK, i don't mean to sound accusing here, i just want to understand if my take on this is correct - but you come off as wanting to be in this position - where as i would say i would NEVER want to see this.
Racing for my tournament life? I wouldn't be terribly upset if it turned out but i would never WANT to get in a situation where the stacks go in without a board here.
I don't necessarily want to race. What I DO want with either Q-Q or A-K is to get my money in first, with either really, assuming we are in the late stages of a Tourney. What happens then is outwith my control. If the Villain wants to race, fine, so be it, that's his decision, not mine. My money went in first because I want TWO ways to win, he accepted the decision to have only ONE way to win. That's his decision, not mine, & there's nothing I can do about it, or even want to do about it.
Continuing with Mr Piesk...... I'm not really sure what you are saying here...... And (taking a hand that just came up as an example) getting into a coinflip for all your stack... there is no need. QQ on AK, i don't mean to sound accusing here, i just want to understand if my take on this is correct - but you come off as wanting to be in this position - where as i would say i would NEVER want to see this. Racing for my tournament life? I wouldn't be terribly upset if it turned out but i would never WANT to get in a situation where the stacks go in without a board here. I don't necessarily want to race. What I DO want with either Q-Q or A-K is to get my money in first, with either really, assuming we are in the late stages of a Tourney. What happens then is outwith my control. If the Villain wants to race, fine, so be it, that's his decision, not mine. My money went in first because I want TWO ways to win, he accepted the decision to have only ONE way to win. That's his decision, not mine, & there's nothing I can do about it, or even want to do about it. Posted by Tikay10
Also, the events currently televised on Sky Poker are six-max tournaments with a super-fast blind structure. If you're not prepared to race in these tournaments, you shouldn't be playing them imo!
Also when you're raising/shoving/calling an all-in with QQ or AK you aren't doing it just to be racing, you have very good equity against your opponents likely range (especially when the stack sizes are short) and a lot of the time you will have them dominated, and are rarely far behind.
And another point, when the blinds get big compared to the average stack size they are definitely worth stealing, but limping gives you no chance of taking them down uncontested. So by being passive you have to hit the flop to win the hand, and you will miss more than you hit. Also limping doesn't allow you to excercise fold equity, in that a player behind you might raise with a hand that he would have folded had you raised rather than limped, because of the gap concept. Its a lot easier and better to raise with a marginal hand than call with it, in fact a lot of the time you can get people to fold better hands than yours preflop by raising.
You also seem to think raising big aces is a bad move preflop, why is that? A lot of hands that will call raises you have dominated so they have reverse implied odds against you and can get paid off when you hit, and if you miss the flop a lot of players will still respect a cbet because of your preflop aggression. Obviously there are times when you miss and then have to b/f, but again by being passive you're opponent has to actually hit the flop to win the hand the majority of the time.
Many people say you shouldn't limp in the latter stages of tournies but I'd go further than that, I don't think limping is going to work out for you whenever you do it.
Thank you Mr Piesk. I'm not entirely sure what your question is, but the fact that you completely disagree with me is absolutely fine. Poker is a game of opinions & imperfect solutions. As to limping, yes, as a general rule - note the wording - I strongly discourage it. It depends, of course, at what stage of the Tourney, what one's stack is relative to the Blinds, position, &, as you allude, whether one is limping for a particular reason - perhaps trapping with a monster, or because of a particular table dynamic, etc. There CAN be LOTS of good reasons to limp, & I may well limp in many of them, especially early doors or with a view to limp-raising or limp-shoving, though this works better on 10 seaters than the 6 seaters which are all we show on 865. But what I disagree with, & bang on about night after night, time after time, is limping out of an 8 or 9 BB stack with some sort of rag ace or suited connector. It's almost always wrong so to do. I have done several Final Table pre-records recently, where the Average Stack has been 10 or 12 BB's. In such cases, I've advised the same thing every single time - nobody should be limping. A "make-up" in the SB with Aces if it's passed round to us unopened & the BB is seriously aggro might be a rare exception, but that's about it. Limping to see a cheap flop in the late stages of Tourney when we have only 10 or 12 BB's is NOT something I would ever recommend to any newbie. Please also remember that I do not preach to, or try to educate, the better players - they already now the basics, & would not listen to my advice, very wisely you might say. The "education" part of our remit as Analysts is aimed at relatively inexperienced players. And to them, I will continue to say the same thing - limping out of a 10 or 12 BB Stack in the late stages of a Tourney is usually a very bad thing to do. I cannot begin to imagine any successful player would ever say otherwise. And that includes you - so I can only imagine there is a misunderstanding here, & in fact we are singing from the same hymn sheet. Posted by Tikay10
Thanks very much for clarifying this, now i understand what you meant i completely agree with you, i admit i must have tuned in to take it out of context.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thanks very much for clarifying this, now i understand what you meant i completely agree with you, i admit i must have tuned in to take it out of context. Posted by piesk
im new and i want to know you think this was the correct move? 17/09/2010 16:40 290596469 Holdem Wells No Limit £0.02/£0.04 £1.75 £3.62 £1.60 Posted by Spence86
Hi Spencey,
I'm afraid none of us can look at your Hand Histories - only you can do that.
If you can C & P the hand up here, then I know you'll get plenty of feedback.
If you need help Copying the HH, just ask. I can't help, but most people will!
Hi pjbyoh, What is your question, please? Posted by Tikay10
could he play it differently.... u can play it differently but it would be wrong to, u got your chips in ahead, if you get in that spot enough you'll be a rich guy!!
I am in the "Greens" team tomorrow but I am not available to play. Is it better for the team to enter and be a no-show or to not register at all? Best regards, Phrank.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Simon, Welcome to Sky Poker. It's possible, but highly unlikely, that your hand will be televised. So many hands, so little time, I'm afraid! Posted by tikay1
ok thats cool, the way its been going in the last 1/2 hour that could be a blessing in disguise!
not to sound rude or anything, bt how the hell do i cancell my skypoker account i cant puit up with the rubbish bs that people get on this game it is stupid, i av been playin live poker for ages and never seen this kind of bs on live poker people raising with gd hand and people out of position calling with 2, 6 or something stupid and hiting runner runner straight it doesnt bloody happen, i want to now how to cancel my account so i dnt put up with this rubbish anymore
a very warm welcome to Sky Poker and the forum
If it relates to poker strategy or suchlike, this is the correct thread, if it's product-related, I suggest you contact Customer Care.
To a degree, the speed & tone of replies reflect the way the questions are posed. With due respect, referring to the addresses as "you lot" may not excactly get you to the front of the queue.
Firstly, 2 questions for you.
1) What nationality are you?
2) What make of car do you drive?
Now, to your question.
Yes, "nit" is kidz-speak for a tight player, or "rock". It's the current fashion to knock "nits", but the criticism usually comes from Lags, most of whom, unless they have a quite exceptional talent, eventually blow their bankroll, though they often survive in poker for as long as a year or two.
I didn't really know where to post this as i've only recently registered with the site, i am watching the show currently and I have to say that i COMPLETELY disagree with everything that has been said on the show today, to the point that I have literally laughed out loud at some comments. I do not say this to be rude but merely to lend some weight to how much i disagree.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with limping, saying you should never limp is rediculous as it is saying you will always play the same way - I have heard you say you love the play every time some one makes an overly aggressive move today.
Why do people limp, a few reasons - player image and past history, if you know how some one will react when you make a move after limping it can be beneficial.
Limping preflop IS NOT PASSIVE, it does not mean you will concede the hand as soon as the flop comes if you miss! With tactics now days soooo many people limp/min raise and do all kinds of crazy things with monsters. Because of this it has opened up alot of potential for representing after a limp or min raise. And indeed getting paid off when people either don't believe you or get irritated with the play and pay you off.
The reason for not playing overly aggressive in late stage tourny is there is no point in trying to get tricky with overconfident online players who will call you down alot of the time. If you raise every time you get a high ace you will more than likely find your stack dwindeling to a small M value and forcing you to shove.
And (taking a hand that just came up as an example) getting into a coinflip for all your stack... there is no need. QQ on AK, i don't mean to sound accusing here, i just want to understand if my take on this is correct - but you come off as wanting to be in this position - where as i would say i would NEVER want to see this.
Racing for my tournament life? I wouldn't be terribly upset if it turned out but i would never WANT to get in a situation where the stacks go in without a board here.
If you could comment on this or discuss i would be very appreciative.
Thank you Mr Piesk.
I'm not entirely sure what your question is, but the fact that you completely disagree with me is absolutely fine. Poker is a game of opinions & imperfect solutions.
As to limping, yes, as a general rule - note the wording - I strongly discourage it. It depends, of course, at what stage of the Tourney, what one's stack is relative to the Blinds, position, &, as you allude, whether one is limping for a particular reason - perhaps trapping with a monster, or because of a particular table dynamic, etc. There CAN be LOTS of good reasons to limp, & I may well limp in many of them, especially early doors or with a view to limp-raising or limp-shoving, though this works better on 10 seaters than the 6 seaters which are all we show on 865.
But what I disagree with, & bang on about night after night, time after time, is limping out of an 8 or 9 BB stack with some sort of rag ace or suited connector. It's almost always wrong so to do.
I have done several Final Table pre-records recently, where the Average Stack has been 10 or 12 BB's. In such cases, I've advised the same thing every single time - nobody should be limping. A "make-up" in the SB with Aces if it's passed round to us unopened & the BB is seriously aggro might be a rare exception, but that's about it.
Limping to see a cheap flop in the late stages of Tourney when we have only 10 or 12 BB's is NOT something I would ever recommend to any newbie.
Please also remember that I do not preach to, or try to educate, the better players - they already now the basics, & would not listen to my advice, very wisely you might say. The "education" part of our remit as Analysts is aimed at relatively inexperienced players. And to them, I will continue to say the same thing - limping out of a 10 or 12 BB Stack in the late stages of a Tourney is usually a very bad thing to do.
I cannot begin to imagine any successful player would ever say otherwise. And that includes you - so I can only imagine there is a misunderstanding here, & in fact we are singing from the same hymn sheet.
Continuing with Mr Piesk......
I'm not really sure what you are saying here......
And (taking a hand that just came up as an example) getting into a coinflip for all your stack... there is no need. QQ on AK, i don't mean to sound accusing here, i just want to understand if my take on this is correct - but you come off as wanting to be in this position - where as i would say i would NEVER want to see this.
Racing for my tournament life? I wouldn't be terribly upset if it turned out but i would never WANT to get in a situation where the stacks go in without a board here.
I don't necessarily want to race. What I DO want with either Q-Q or A-K is to get my money in first, with either really, assuming we are in the late stages of a Tourney. What happens then is outwith my control. If the Villain wants to race, fine, so be it, that's his decision, not mine. My money went in first because I want TWO ways to win, he accepted the decision to have only ONE way to win. That's his decision, not mine, & there's nothing I can do about it, or even want to do about it.
And another point, when the blinds get big compared to the average stack size they are definitely worth stealing, but limping gives you no chance of taking them down uncontested. So by being passive you have to hit the flop to win the hand, and you will miss more than you hit. Also limping doesn't allow you to excercise fold equity, in that a player behind you might raise with a hand that he would have folded had you raised rather than limped, because of the gap concept. Its a lot easier and better to raise with a marginal hand than call with it, in fact a lot of the time you can get people to fold better hands than yours preflop by raising.
You also seem to think raising big aces is a bad move preflop, why is that? A lot of hands that will call raises you have dominated so they have reverse implied odds against you and can get paid off when you hit, and if you miss the flop a lot of players will still respect a cbet because of your preflop aggression. Obviously there are times when you miss and then have to b/f, but again by being passive you're opponent has to actually hit the flop to win the hand the majority of the time.
Many people say you shouldn't limp in the latter stages of tournies but I'd go further than that, I don't think limping is going to work out for you whenever you do it.
Thanks very much for clarifying this, now i understand what you meant i completely agree with you, i admit i must have tuned in to take it out of context.
I wish I'd replied half as well as yb has above, or Dohhhhh has to the duplicate question on another Board.
yb's analysis of why limping is bad sums it up.
It's utter basics, really, except in very particular circumstances, which, perhaps, is what Mr Piesk is referring to.
On balance, I've yet to meet a serial-limper who is profitable. Most "stations" get through their bankroll pretty quickly!
I'm afraid none of us can look at your Hand Histories - only you can do that.
If you can C & P the hand up here, then I know you'll get plenty of feedback.
If you need help Copying the HH, just ask. I can't help, but most people will!
PS - Welcome to Sky Poker.
Hi pjbyoh,
What is your question, please?
Best regards, Phrank.
Welcome to Sky Poker.
It's possible, but highly unlikely, that your hand will be televised. So many hands, so little time, I'm afraid!