Yes, I have your PM, & your Facebook note about the same thing, & this, & I'm fully up to speed on the threads on THM, & all the circumstances pertaining to the individual.
TK can I go to blackpoll and sign up for a spt game or do you i need to win a seat? (just bubbled the semi tonight AAAAHHHHH) told the wife we could have a weekend in blackpool (didnt tell her abot the poker bit) Posted by JONONZIE
Hi Jon,
No, you need to win your Seat Online first!
Sky Poker usually allocate 5 or 10 Seats to the Host venue for a Live Super-Sat to be organised by the Venue on a date convenient to them, too, they usually run that a week or two ahead of the actual Event.
Sometimes - though you cannot rely on it - a few odd seats become available "on the day", but this cannot be guaranteed.
It's pretty certain that the Event will max out, so try to win your SEAT asap is my advice.
please could you look at hand 293346813 and tell me what i should of done. thank you Posted by Hulk100
Hi Hulk
I am afraid tikay, like us cannot see other peoples hand histories, could I suggest you copy and paste the hand into the poker clinic, you will get some good replies.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Hulk I am afraid tikay, like us cannot see other peoples hand histories, could I suggest you copy and paste the hand into the poker clinic, you will get some good replies. Posted by acebarry10
Breaking bad new to him Barry? You'll just make him angry. ;-)
Hey Tikay, Saw your wonderment at Charles having a personal harpist on Mastercash. Are you aware she was found guilty of a drug fuelled burglary spree last year. Do you think she has kept her job ?
Hey Tikay, Saw your wonderment at Charles having a personal harpist on Mastercash. Are you aware she was found guilty of a drug fuelled burglary spree last year. Do you think she has kept her job ? Posted by tiercel
No, I was not aware - you know my views on drugs - & I have no idea if still has her job. If true, it's a very sad demonstration of the power & awfulness of drug addiction, & a terrible waste of talent.
When I see kids boasting about drug use, especially Celebs, the Pete Doherty types, I could weep. If only they would open their eyes, & maybe utilise one of their handful of brain cells.
Totally agree my friend , totally agree . n Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : No, I was not aware - you know my views on drugs - & I have no idea if still has her job. If true, it's a very sad demonstration of the power & awfulness of drug addiction, & a terrible waste of talent. When I see kids boasting about drug use, especially Celebs, the Pete Doherty types, I could weep. If only they would open their eyes, & maybe utilise one of their handful of brain cells. Posted by Tikay10
y is this site messed up people always hit ridiculous 1 outers do people working 4 sky rigg the site Posted by jolene1000
Hi jolene, jolene, jolene.
How would they manage to do that, & why, exactly?
I'm sorry you've had a bad poker experience, but you've been seriously misled by someone if you think that 1 outers are anything to do with software, or Sky Poker. If 1 outers did NOT hit, then there would be something seriously amiss.
It's just how poker works, Live & Online, & wherever it's played.
I trust you don't mind if I do not reply to the Message you also sent me. Essentially, it was the same question, & I'd have to give the same answer.
PS - Half-full glasses are MUCH better than half-empty ones, btw.
Take care now.
PPS - Do you know what the odds of hitting a number at roulette are? The chance of a one-outer in poker are not much greater.
hi tikay , is there any chanse in me gettin a sky poker t.shirt for vegas Posted by bbystanks
Hi bbystanks,
I don't believe we have any available at present, but if you send me your name & address via Personal Message - NOT on this Thread - I'll see if I can sort something out for you.
Enjoy your trip, & if you have not been before, do not stray "off-strip" at night, please, except to go Downtown. A LOT of UK Tourists are being mugged "off-Strip" at nights.
this may sound saft, but i noticed in the freeroll section of mtt, there are colored teams v coloured team comps..with a do you qualify or enter these...thanks in advance
this may sound saft, but i noticed in the freeroll section of mtt, there are colored teams v coloured team comps..with a do you qualify or enter these...thanks in advance Posted by thomas1957
Not daft at all Thomas, but I'm a bit wobbly on the answer - maybe someone else can reply for me?
I assume it's part of the Sky Poker Premiership, which, I confess, I am not as across as I might or ought to be.
this may sound saft, but i noticed in the freeroll section of mtt, there are colored teams v coloured team comps..with a do you qualify or enter these...thanks in advance Posted by thomas1957
Hi thomas
As tikay said, it is part of the premiership freerolls, unfortunately, registration closed for those about 2 weeks ago i'm afraid.
Keep you eyes open, when this finishes, they may do more, although, I cannot guarantee this.
this may sound saft, but i noticed in the freeroll section of mtt, there are colored teams v coloured team comps..with a do you qualify or enter these...thanks in advance Posted by thomas1957
tikay is correct, it is in relation to the Sky Poker Premiership, click HERE for more info.
Unfortunatley though Thomas the entries for this closed on 16th September and therefore you wont be able to enter these freerolls this time round, but i'm sure there will be other promotions/freerolls in the future.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : tikay is correct, it is in relation to the Sky Poker Premiership, click HERE for more info. Unfortunatley though Thomas the entries for this closed on 16th September and therefore you wont be able to enter these freerolls this time round, but i'm sure there will be other promotions/freerolls in the future. hoggers Posted by GREGHOGG
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi jolene, jolene, jolene. How would they manage to do that, & why, exactly? I'm sorry you've had a bad poker experience, but you've been seriously misled by someone if you think that 1 outers are anything to do with software, or Sky Poker. If 1 outers did NOT hit, then there would be something seriously amiss. It's just how poker works, Live & Online, & wherever it's played. I trust you don't mind if I do not reply to the Message you also sent me. Essentially, it was the same question, & I'd have to give the same answer. PS - Half-full glasses are MUCH better than half-empty ones, btw. Take care now. PPS - Do you know what the odds of hitting a number at roulette are? The chance of a one-outer in poker are not much greater. Posted by Tikay10
ty for your reply please dont take my man lol just must be me shouldnt play at a level of gamblers instead of skill my fault just hurts 2 keep loseing 2 donkys with stupid calls will have 2 step up and play better players not your fault just steaming at time river chasers lol still learning hoping 2 step up and see what happens ps 36 2 1 on hitting a numba on roulette lol
AA vs 92 92 wins on two pair how? thats a folding hand all day long? Posted by hulk24
Hi hulk
Unfortunatley, it is their money, and they may play as they wish i'm afraid, I would love them to keep calling my AA with 92, the next 9 times I win, send em over here
Hi tikay is there any chance of havin some £1.50 sats for the primo on of a morning.Its a nice time to play with the kids at school and they r in bed for the semi final sats could u look in to it for me and let me know how u get on Thanks
Hi TK.I play on this site since 4years and something stange going on now.The sky cancelled my visa card because is not from UK bank.So ur new policy from 1 October is not allowed to play foreigners on this site.did i deserve this after years with sky time to move on fult tilt they don t mind where i coming from.they simply do bussines.ty
Hi TK.I play on this site since 4years and something stange going on now.The sky cancelled my visa card because is not from UK bank.So ur new policy from 1 October is not allowed to play foreigners on this site.did i deserve this after years with sky time to move on fult tilt they don t mind where i coming from.they simply do bussines.ty Posted by izabel
Hi Izabel,
I cannot comment on these individual matters, you must take it up with Customer Care.
However, the legality of which domains Sky Poker may or may not operate in is outwith our control, but Sky Poker will always be squeaky clean in these matters, & will not operate in "grey" areas. This is Company policy, & I'm quite sure our super-strict Regulators would hold the same view. I cannot go nto detail, but we are not, as a general example, allowed to operate "US-Facing". The European lndscape as to Online Poker is also changing & evolving rapidly, Italy & Germany have recently put up barriers to overseas players, & Germany are about to follow.
It's a complex legal issue, & I'm sorry if it has affected you. However, we can only operate within the Law, & we don't make the Laws. I'm also sorry if you think, as it would appear, that this is Sky Poker fault.
hello TK its arni me. ive got 2 question for u but there may be more before ive finished typin. As u know ive started playin on sky again, to be honest i wish ide never cashed out of sky cus i lost quite a bit of money where i went n im skint. its takin forever to get it back on there im havin to play so tight my vpip is always less than 10%. this is so borerin, on sky even playing tight its still so much more enjoyable. i can see why people listen to music on headphones, yes that bloke who upset me on sky n made me leave cost me dosh, and i punched my monitor up the wall to boot. Anyway one of the pro's on full tilt said it was a mistake to play 6 max because of the variance and somone who has played less than a year should stick to full ring. I asked 5 different people to explain exactly variance in poker and got 5 different answers. So as i trust you compleetely and know i will get the correct version from you, my first question is can you explain variance please. I do ok on sky so I reckon I can play 6 max.
Incidently I sent an E-mail n said now look my accountant is going threw my hand history n the math just does not look write. When I went back to download the rest of my history it vanished. 30,000 hands.I got a shirty E back tellin me about random number generators. Little did they know that over 30 years ago when i did a proper appreticship a 5 year one, it was in radio and TV electrical engineering, ie electronics. then i was head hunted by one of the biggest computer manufacturers in the world n spent a few years as a hardware engineer. I wont tell you what I said when I read it but lets just say that nowt in the universe is random.
Now my next question has nothing to do with poker except for the fact that the other night I was watching my son play on sky on his lap top and at the same time we were watching you on tele. He thinks he is quite good n when I say he is just a lucky xxxxxxx we end up havin a arguement so its best i dont talk poker to him. Anyway I said, bet TK knows what the fastest steam train was. I expected him to shout Scottsman but no he said Mallard. I was quite supprised because although I was brought up with a massive steam train childhood because it was my dads passion, my son was not.
I was a bit peeved cus I just love correcting him, Its my duty u know lol. So I sat quietly contemplating my next words. At the time you were goin on bout big brother n I said bang on TK ita a pile of poo spealt with an S.
Anyway deep in the not very often visited depths of my mind I recalled being sat with my dad several decades ago listing all my trains, I had loads compounds, black 5s, dukes, duchesses, princesses, trains that were blinkered, panier tanks, I had the flying scottsman in two different greens and so on. He started talking to me about a marroon Gresley he was holding and said u know the scott and the mallard are not the fastest. He paused and said somthing about, a beyer- garrett i think very slow but massively powerfull, then said there is a specially kitted Gresley specifically done to break the speed record. He went on tellin me about the fire box n an extra cylinder in the middle of the axle, a special 5 cylinder that would have blown the others away.
Now i am fully aware that my mind is not what it was and this was a long time ago. So my question is do you know about this train did it run or have i bin dreamin agen.
I have built some pretty nice working steam models u know, allways at my happiest stood at a lathe or milling m/c.
I have just remembered I was supposed to send you a photo of my bike. I will get round to this.
Oh ive been goin on a bit agen and slipin into brumie speak, so before I go I have thort about somthing, an idea that u might like. Not long after I started playing on Sky I was sat at the lowest blinds where I still am because that bloke launched a racist attack on me n called my city Zoo land. He must av thort I was couloured, but anyway I hate racists. N dont get me started on polititions. OMG I need a beer, hang on a min.
Ah thats better, so where, o yea I was sat at the low blinds n a very well known player sat down n went all in every hand for ages. I was praying for some hole cards but they never came. I felt sorry for the people on the table because it wiped some out, beginers like me. We did not know who this was at the time and to be honest I thort they were pixxxx I mean drunk. And now of course i have seen this person on TV many times playing big guns. I have been thinking for months just you wait till I get up there. But it lookes like Im destined to just enjoy playing, as I do not think it will be possible to ever compeet at that level, maybe 20 years ago but its so difficult now.
So I think us poor low blinders, I nearly said somat else ten, should be given the chance to take on these big uns. n obviously the bankroll situation need to be taken out of the equestran, o dear ive gone a bit horse. LMAO. As u can tell i had more than 1 beer. Hang on om avin nover 1.
ok its fine dont tell! i mean worry. omg im pxxxx agen. Why is my moter blurd o yea I puched it up the wall.
Sorry TK i was sidetracked by the fridge or rather its contents. So low blinders vs big guns no bye in. But there must be a fine prize one that will apeall to rich and poor alike, maybe an SPT entry or Primo. Its time to get ur own back OMG the prestige.
So my Question is TK can we have this.
There is no doubt in my mind who I want to play against, except you of course TK. I want to play best of 3 with LOLUFOLD what an achievment at the WSOP he really is great, if only I could play like that, lets find out.
In case I never speak to LOLU pass on my best and if you would like to pay my entrance for Take On Tikay I will split my winings 50/50 with you. Oh n I, hang on thats enough for now.
Cheers TK you r a star. I cant get the spell checker to work, blast.
I can do the first bit - Variance is just another word for luck.
There is more action at a 6 handed table, so if you're playing more hands, there's more chance that you will succomb to variance short term.
This could mean getting flattering results (hitting a rush of cards)
OR, losing when you got your money in ahead, (bad beats)
Same as 10 handed though, long term, you will get what you deserve.
The problem with your suggestion about playing the best players, is that even entry to a £100 tournament isn't much motivation for the big guns. As a lower stakes player myself, I was lucky to get the chance to play these big guns on an equal playing field, with the winner getting entry to the world series main event, worth 10 grand. This is the sort of motivation these guys would need to play hard against us lower guys.
It was in a competition sky run, which everyone who plays on the site was eligible for, so hopefully there will be another one, and you (and I) can have another shot!!
I know nothing about trains, but what beer do you drink? and how many did you get down whilst typing that post??? lol
Hi John (YoungGun).
Yes, I have your PM, & your Facebook note about the same thing, & this, & I'm fully up to speed on the threads on THM, & all the circumstances pertaining to the individual.
No, you need to win your Seat Online first!
Sky Poker usually allocate 5 or 10 Seats to the Host venue for a Live Super-Sat to be organised by the Venue on a date convenient to them, too, they usually run that a week or two ahead of the actual Event.
Sometimes - though you cannot rely on it - a few odd seats become available "on the day", but this cannot be guaranteed.
It's pretty certain that the Event will max out, so try to win your SEAT asap is my advice.
Hope to see you in Blackpool.
thank you
I am afraid tikay, like us cannot see other peoples hand histories, could I suggest you copy and paste the hand into the poker clinic, you will get some good replies.
is there any chanse in me gettin a sky poker t.shirt for vegas
Saw your wonderment at Charles having a personal harpist on Mastercash. Are you aware she was found guilty of a drug fuelled burglary spree last year. Do you think she has kept her job ?
When I see kids boasting about drug use, especially Celebs, the Pete Doherty types, I could weep. If only they would open their eyes, & maybe utilise one of their handful of brain cells.
n Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
How would they manage to do that, & why, exactly?
I'm sorry you've had a bad poker experience, but you've been seriously misled by someone if you think that 1 outers are anything to do with software, or Sky Poker. If 1 outers did NOT hit, then there would be something seriously amiss.
It's just how poker works, Live & Online, & wherever it's played.
I trust you don't mind if I do not reply to the Message you also sent me. Essentially, it was the same question, & I'd have to give the same answer.
PS - Half-full glasses are MUCH better than half-empty ones, btw.
Take care now.
PPS - Do you know what the odds of hitting a number at roulette are? The chance of a one-outer in poker are not much greater.
I don't believe we have any available at present, but if you send me your name & address via Personal Message - NOT on this Thread - I'll see if I can sort something out for you.
Enjoy your trip, & if you have not been before, do not stray "off-strip" at night, please, except to go Downtown. A LOT of UK Tourists are being mugged "off-Strip" at nights.
what has happened with the down load have they had more probs or is it on your to do list
all the best
Nothing has happened "as such", everything is proceeding smoothly, & according to plan.
That one never got through, did it, Dai?
How about "smoothly-ish"?
Yeah, that works better. I'd fold if I were you, you know I never bluff.
I assume it's part of the Sky Poker Premiership, which, I confess, I am not as across as I might or ought to be.
As tikay said, it is part of the premiership freerolls, unfortunately, registration closed for those about 2 weeks ago i'm afraid.
Keep you eyes open, when this finishes, they may do more, although, I cannot guarantee this.
tikay is correct, it is in relation to the Sky Poker Premiership, click HERE for more info.
Unfortunatley though Thomas the entries for this closed on 16th September and therefore you wont be able to enter these freerolls this time round, but i'm sure there will be other promotions/freerolls in the future.
Unfortunatley, it is their money, and they may play as they wish i'm afraid, I would love them to keep calling my AA with 92, the next 9 times I win, send em over here
Hi tikay is there any chance of havin some £1.50 sats for the primo on of a morning.Its a nice time to play with the kids at school and they r in bed for the semi final sats could u look in to it for me and let me know how u get on Thanks
I cannot comment on these individual matters, you must take it up with Customer Care.
However, the legality of which domains Sky Poker may or may not operate in is outwith our control, but Sky Poker will always be squeaky clean in these matters, & will not operate in "grey" areas. This is Company policy, & I'm quite sure our super-strict Regulators would hold the same view. I cannot go nto detail, but we are not, as a general example, allowed to operate "US-Facing". The European lndscape as to Online Poker is also changing & evolving rapidly, Italy & Germany have recently put up barriers to overseas players, & Germany are about to follow.
It's a complex legal issue, & I'm sorry if it has affected you. However, we can only operate within the Law, & we don't make the Laws. I'm also sorry if you think, as it would appear, that this is Sky Poker fault.
Anyway one of the pro's on full tilt said it was a mistake to play 6 max because of the variance and somone who has played less than a year should stick to full ring. I asked 5 different people to explain exactly variance in poker and got 5 different answers.
So as i trust you compleetely and know i will get the correct version from you, my first question is can you explain variance please. I do ok on sky so I reckon I can play 6 max.
Incidently I sent an E-mail n said now look my accountant is going threw my hand history n the math just does not look write. When I went back to download the rest of my history it vanished. 30,000 hands.I got a shirty E back tellin me about random number generators. Little did they know that over 30 years ago when i did a proper appreticship a 5 year one, it was in radio and TV electrical engineering, ie electronics. then i was head hunted by one of the biggest computer manufacturers in the world n spent a few years as a hardware engineer.
I wont tell you what I said when I read it but lets just say that nowt in the universe is random.
Now my next question has nothing to do with poker except for the fact that the other night I was watching my son play on sky on his lap top and at the same time we were watching you on tele. He thinks he is quite good n when I say he is just a lucky xxxxxxx we end up havin a arguement so its best i dont talk poker to him.
Anyway I said, bet TK knows what the fastest steam train was. I expected him to shout Scottsman but no he said Mallard. I was quite supprised because although I was brought up with a massive steam train childhood because it was my dads passion, my son was not.
I was a bit peeved cus I just love correcting him, Its my duty u know lol. So I sat quietly contemplating my next words. At the time you were goin on bout big brother n I said bang on TK ita a pile of poo spealt with an S.
Anyway deep in the not very often visited depths of my mind I recalled being sat with my dad several decades ago listing all my trains, I had loads compounds, black 5s, dukes, duchesses, princesses, trains that were blinkered, panier tanks, I had the flying scottsman in two different greens and so on. He started talking to me about a marroon Gresley he was holding and said u know the scott and the mallard are not the fastest.
He paused and said somthing about, a beyer- garrett i think very slow but massively powerfull, then said there is a specially kitted Gresley specifically done to break the speed record. He went on tellin me about the fire box n an extra cylinder in the middle of the axle, a special 5 cylinder that would have blown the others away.
Now i am fully aware that my mind is not what it was and this was a long time ago. So my question is do you know about this train did it run or have i bin dreamin agen.
I have built some pretty nice working steam models u know, allways at my happiest stood at a lathe or milling m/c.
I have just remembered I was supposed to send you a photo of my bike. I will get round to this.
Oh ive been goin on a bit agen and slipin into brumie speak, so before I go I have thort about somthing, an idea that u might like.
Not long after I started playing on Sky I was sat at the lowest blinds where I still am because that bloke launched a racist attack on me n called my city Zoo land. He must av thort I was couloured, but anyway I hate racists. N dont get me started on polititions. OMG I need a beer, hang on a min.
Ah thats better, so where, o yea I was sat at the low blinds n a very well known player sat down n went all in every hand for ages. I was praying for some hole cards but they never came. I felt sorry for the people on the table because it wiped some out, beginers like me. We did not know who this was at the time and to be honest I thort they were pixxxx I mean drunk. And now of course i have seen this person on TV many times playing big guns. I have been thinking for months just you wait till I get up there. But it lookes like Im destined to just enjoy playing, as I do not think it will be possible to ever compeet at that level, maybe 20 years ago but its so difficult now.
So I think us poor low blinders, I nearly said somat else ten, should be given the chance to take on these big uns. n obviously the bankroll situation need to be taken out of the equestran, o dear ive gone a bit horse. LMAO. As u can tell i had more than 1 beer. Hang on om avin nover 1.
ok its fine dont tell! i mean worry. omg im pxxxx agen. Why is my moter blurd o yea I puched it up the wall.
Sorry TK i was sidetracked by the fridge or rather its contents. So low blinders vs big guns no bye in. But there must be a fine prize one that will apeall to rich and poor alike, maybe an SPT entry or Primo. Its time to get ur own back OMG the prestige.
So my Question is TK can we have this.
There is no doubt in my mind who I want to play against, except you of course TK. I want to play best of 3 with LOLUFOLD what an achievment at the WSOP he really is great, if only I could play like that, lets find out.
In case I never speak to LOLU pass on my best and if you would like to pay my entrance for Take On Tikay I will split my winings 50/50 with you. Oh n I, hang on thats enough for now.
Cheers TK you r a star. I cant get the spell checker to work, blast.