I like to play poker but not for big money , but I find the low value cash games so frustrating due to all the callers and poor play. Due to kids I don't have the time to play long tournaments , have played in a few and did well on other sites . What is the best tournaments to play that are quick ( less than two hours ) and have a better standard of players?
I like to play poker but not for big money , but I find the low value cash games so frustrating due to all the callers and poor play. Due to kids I don't have the time to play long tournaments , have played in a few and did well on other sites . What is the best tournaments to play that are quick ( less than two hours ) and have a better standard of players? Posted by sdpd
id say your looking at some 10 seat sit and goes for the best value you want
most tournys are over 3 to 4 hours
and the quicker you do get a lot off chancers in and some loose play as the blinds raise quickly
I have been offline for 24 hours, so have some catching up to do, & I have the Live Show with his Orfulness Orford tonight. Into each life, a little rain must fall, eh?
Hi Guys, I'll try & update & answer this thread tomorrow. I have been offline for 24 hours, so have some catching up to do, & I have the Live Show with his Orfulness Orford tonight. Into each life, a little rain must fall, eh? Posted by Tikay10
Hi just a new player to this site,nd think its good so far.As iam a novice player,i am trying to improve my game all the time.was playing in a bounty game on the 18\10\.Thought this was such a shocking call,does not help any1 who is trying to learn the game.the hand number is
299463825 what do u think,could i have played it any different
Hi just a new player to this site,nd think its good so far.As iam a novice player,i am trying to improve my game all the time.was playing in a bounty game on the 18\10\.Thought this was such a shocking call,does not help any1 who is trying to learn the game.the hand number is 299463825 what do u think,could i have played it any different Posted by thejudge10
tikay, like us cannot get access to your hand history, can I suggets you copt and paste it into the Poker Clinic Setion where you will get good responses
assuming there are enough how about acompetition or freeroll for the over65s.being one myself{68} and seeing freerolls etc.for those on facebook think this would only be fair.naturally tk you would be barred on the grounds of your youth but your nemisis omford? would be allowed on the grounds of his supposed jokes being of pensionable age..a little sidebar to this{hopefull}competition 3 minite blinds ha ha.well 10 minsmight just be too long for some they could fall asleep or worse.seriously coming up to the xmas season something for tho coffin dodgers
assuming there are enough how about acompetition or freeroll for the over65s.being one myself{68} and seeing freerolls etc.for those on facebook think this would only be fair.naturally tk you would be barred on the grounds of your youth but your nemisis omford? would be allowed on the grounds of his supposed jokes being of pensionable age..a little sidebar to this{hopefull}competition 3 minite blinds ha ha.well 10 minsmight just be too long for some they could fall asleep or worse.seriously coming up to the xmas season something for tho coffin dodgers Posted by weemallet
Thank you Mr Mallet for hammering that point home.
In fact, it is a very interesting question, which I'm interested to hear other's views on.
It is possible, yes. The WSOP has a Seniors Event, & several poker organisations have Female Only Events.
So it begs the question - are these sort of Events Ageist, & Sexist? Both would be entirely improper & inappropraite if they were, & Sky Poker do not allow sexism or ageism. (Jibes about my age, or Welsh people, don't count, obv).
Personally, I think it's wrong to allow "female only" Tourneys. Why? Because imagine the hoohah if there were "Men Only" Poker Tourneys, from which females were barred. There'd be an outcry, & quite right too. So it should cut both ways.
"Seniors" Tourneys? Again, the problem is that other age groups might feel disenfranchised.
All these things have to be taken into account, & the problem is, there is no "one size fits all" answer.
Good question, Mr Mallett, & I'd be interested in feedback from others.
Hi Poker league points are now more important due to TeamSky, it dose not seem to be a level playing field where MTT points are concerned,a £5 tournament with 50 runners gives 30 points for being 1st,tournaments with 500 to 700 players only 50 to 80 points.
On the poker league display, what's the chances of being able to see your position when you sort by just MTT or STT please? I doubt I'll ever be rocking the volume in cash to top the league on big points alone, and am sure many are in the same boat.
Think it would help motivation towards working a relevant league position for TSP or other promotions. For the monthly league I usually just guess and then try to register for the end of month tourney. I'd hope it wouldn't take a Sky tech that long to code a better league view. And a 3 month view for TSP would be essential.
Anything you can put to the suits or techs much appreciated. Or an update if something like this is on the way.
It's the easiest fold ever pre flop judge. Even on the flop, after a bet and a raise, it's an easy fold. Quite amazing that the one hand that looks you up is 8 high. You had loads of opportunities to get off the hand, calling 5xbb pre with a 20xbb stack with only JQ off isn't gonna work long term. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
ive got position,the flop comes ive hit top pair,i push and he calls on a gut shot,was his not a bad call
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : i ive got position,the flop comes ive hit top pair,i push and he calls on a gut shot,was his not a bad call Posted by thejudge10
Hi Mr Judge,
As you've asked the question, I hope you don't mind if I give my honest view. You may not like it, though!
1) Forget - FORGET - what daft things other players may or may not do. It's their business, not ours. We play our hands with our money, they play their hands with their money. We will never improve our game if we focus on what the Villain did wrong - we should look at ourselves, not them.
2) Forget - FORGET, all the stuff from the Flop, "his bad call". You can never do anything about it, so forget it, it will not help us improve our game or results one jot or tickle.
3) As with almost ALL things in poker, the problem in this hand came pre-flop. At the time it was a little problem (if we call 25% of our stack "little"), but as is invariably the case, it just got bigger & bigger, & worse & worse. All because of OUR primary error pre-flop.
4) We must not, under almost any circumstances, be CALLING 25% of our stack pre-flop with J-Q. We only have two options in that spot, given the stack sizes. FOLD (I prefer) or SHOVE. Call is absolutely not an option. The default setting should be to prefer to be the Raiser or shover rather then the caller. I'd rather shove with 3-6, than Call with J-Q. All day, & all night.
Really, M'Lord, your game results will improve 50% overnight if you take that on board. In that spot, RAISING, or FOLDING, beats calling.And ignore what Matey Boy does, because we cannot do anything about his bad play.
Thanks for your advice on how to post a hand on here ace barry 10' here is the hand in question: birty964 Small blind 75.00 75.00 2450.00 DAVEPOLO64 Big blind 150.00 225.00 4595.00 Your hole cards J Q buggerital Call 150.00 375.00 4725.00 gills Raise 750.00 1125.00 5930.00 thejudge10 Call 750.00 1875.00 2845.00 birty964 Fold DAVEPOLO64 Call 600.00 2475.00 3995.00 buggerital Fold Flop J 9 6 DAVEPOLO64 Bet 150.00 2625.00 3845.00 gills Raise 300.00 2925.00 5630.00 thejudge10 All-in 2845.00 5770.00 0.00 DAVEPOLO64 Call 2695.00 8465.00 1150.00 gills Fold DAVEPOLO64 Show 5 7 thejudge10 Show J Q Turn 5 River 8 DAVEPOLO64 Win Straight to the 9 8465.00 9615.00 Posted by thejudge10
tikay is right about the preflop call but it was still a bad call!!! the same player did the same to me in a cash game today and lost his whole stack so it does balance out. just stick in there.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : tikay is right about the preflop call but it was still a bad call!!! the same player did the same to me in a cash game today and lost his whole stack so it does balance out. just stick in there. Posted by MOVER
Meaning, a bad call by the Villain. Yes, absolutely. And Villain will carry on making iffy calls.
But that completely misses my point - because we cannot control what Villain does. And we CAN control what WE do.
If we look elsewhere to blame someone when in fact we made a bad play ourself, we will be kidding ourselves. When we mangle a hand, (& most of us, do, & most days), we need to.....
1) Recognize our error.
2) Learn from it.
3) Implement what we learn, so we don't drop back into bad habits.
I absolutely guarantee that Mr Judge's game will improve enormously if he starts looking at his own play, rather than blaming bad calls by others as the excuse. And that applies to all of us.
I hope Mr Judge does not mind me being so honest here, but I really want him to take this on board.
Hi Tikay - wonder if you could perhaps enlighten us - it has taken forever for Sky to bring Omaha on board and as you know it is a bit of a transition for some Holdem players - however a few more every week are joining in the s n g tourneys etc.
A few of us have been encouraging players to have a go at Hi Lo with some success particularly using the Hi Lo tourneys which are a reasonable buy in especially for people who are completely new to Hi Lo.
So guess what we were just getting a few more regular participants ( admitting it has been a while for people to give it a go ) - nice little nucleus and a few new faces every few days - guess what - as from this morning they have been scrapped !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was nothing showing until nearly 3 p.m. !!!
A couple of us have tried really hard to help people at least understand the rudiments of Hi Lo ( not suggesting we are any good ! ) - but explaining things like the Lo end etc. - community spirit and all that malarkey - so please may we have them back ???? - or I am sorry to say the interest in the game will just vanish and so may some footfall ! - best - Peta ( aka Panache )
A good question, & one I expect to see a lot more of in the next 10 days or so.
In broad terms, they are cleaning up the Tourney Lobbies, in readiness for a fresher, cleaner, approach. This includes removing any Tourneys which don't attract runners, hence I guess some of the Omaha Tourneys have disappeared. I can't promise anything, as it needs doing, but I'll deffo word Adam, & let you know what he says.
The freshening up, &, we hope, improving of the Tournament range, selection, value, guarantees, & playability, is bound to please many, & displease some, too, it's inevitable. So Sky Poker WILL listen, & act upon, solid feedback, & adjust the schedule accordingly.
It's like when they move stuff to new places in Supermarkets, nobody likes it, & everyone gets uppity. I can't wait for the noise to start.
As to Omaha, jeez, I wish I could play Omaha non-stop, for ever more. Personally I prefer it, on so many levels, & the value there is incredible. Most Omaha players are really still playing Hold Em hands, & do not adjust to the nuances of a game that is fundamentally, in almost every way, different. When I'm King for a day, I'll make every game Omaha. I don't expect to reign for long, though. Not even 1 day, I guess.
Hi Peter Pan, A good question, & one I expect to see a lot more of in the next 10 days or so. In broad terms, they are cleaning up the Tourney Lobbies, in readiness for a fresher, cleaner, approach. This includes removing any Tourneys which don't attract runners, hence I guess some of the Omaha Tourneys have disappeared. I can't promise anything, as it needs doing, but I'll deffo word Adam, & let you know what he says. The freshening up, &, we hope, improving of the Tournament range, selection, value, guarantees, & playability, is bound to please many, & displease some, too, it's inevitable. So Sky Poker WILL listen, & act upon, solid feedback, & adjust the schedule accordingly. It's like when they move stuff to new places in Supermarkets, nobody likes it, & everyone gets uppity. I can't wait for the noise to start. As to Omaha, jeez, I wish I could play Omaha non-stop, for ever more. Personally I prefer it, on so many levels, & the value there is incredible. Most Omaha players are really still playing Hold Em hands, & do not adjust to the nuances of a game that is fundamentally, in almost every way, different. When I'm King for a day, I'll make every game Omaha. I don't expect to reign for long, though. Not even 1 day, I guess. Posted by Tikay10
Thank you so very much for the quick response - of course I understand the need but moan moan they really have slashed away all the day time games - please tell Adam like anything else in life it seems to take people ages to give it a go - if it isn't a problem perhaps they could slip a few more back ?? As for Omaha I stopped playing here at Sky as I told you for many many months because there was no Omaha - and I came back when you finally got your way Tikay !! Holdem has no interest for me anymore - there is just so much more to think about ( using the cerebral hemisphere may of course put some people off !! :-) ) in Omaha and I have started to really enjoy Hi Lo now - may you be granted your wish YOUR HIGHNESS - thanks again - Peta
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thank you so very much for the quick response - of course I understand the need but moan moan they really have slashed away all the day time games - please tell Adam like anything else in life it seems to take people ages to give it a go - if it isn't a problem perhaps they could slip a few more back ?? As for Omaha I stopped playing here at Sky as I told you for many many months because there was no Omaha - and I came back when you finally got your way Tikay !! Holdem has no interest for me anymore - there is just so much more to think about ( using the cerebral hemisphere may of course put some people off !! :-) ) in Omaha and I have started to really enjoy Hi Lo now - may you be granted your wish YOUR HIGHNESS - thanks again - Peta Posted by PANACHE
Just a quick explanation re your question mark last night!
Early on in the Take on Tikay (8.30) I was playing against some bloke pretending to be U.
U questioned my all-in with 108 on a JJ432 board when u had the appaling gaul to have a fullhouse.
This was not as crazy as it 1st seems as I had just had call from the missus that she had a puncture & I had to go do the White Knight & horse thing (or is it a white horse & knight - can never remember?)
So was totally pre-meditated that I was gonna 3 barrel next hand regardless hoping to have a stack left after my daring rescue when I returned.. When U called with trips (fish, lol?) thro flop & river I only had 1300 odd chip left gave up & that point & gifted u the remainder.
Shouldn't of bothered really, took me nearly 2 hours to change the dam wheel & froze me whatnots off!
Thought u deserved explanation though, hope the extra start helped.
Just a quick explanation re your question mark last night! Early on in the Take on Tikay (8.30) I was playing against some bloke pretending to be U. U questioned my all-in with 108 on a JJ432 board when u had the appaling gaul to have a fullhouse. This was not as crazy as it 1st seems as I had just had call from the missus that she had a puncture & I had to go do the White Knight & horse thing (or is it a white horse & knight - can never remember?) So was totally pre-meditated that I was gonna 3 barrel next hand regardless hoping to have a stack left after my daring rescue when I returned.. When U called with trips (fish, lol?) thro flop & river I only had 1300 odd chip left gave up & that point & gifted u the remainder. Shouldn't of bothered really, took me nearly 2 hours to change the dam wheel & froze me whatnots off! Thought u deserved explanation though, hope the extra start helped. Posted by Ploppy33
Ahh, NOW it makes sense. It made absolutely no sense to me at all at the time! I did put "?" in the Chat-box, as I was a bit confused by it all.
PS - Did you HAVE to Post it on the Forum? Now everyone knows how I got off on a flying start. Marv. Could you not have said "tikay thoroughly outplayed me & made a hero call"?
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Ahh, NOW it makes sense. It made absolutely no sense to me at all at the time! I did put "?" in the Chat-box, as I was a bit confused by it all. PS - Did you HAVE to Post it on the Forum? Now everyone knows how I got off on a flying start. Marv. Could you not have said "tikay thoroughly outplayed me & made a hero call"? Posted by Tikay10
in tournament play - 3 players in after river card - 1st player bets, 2nd player calls, 3rd player turns cards face up on table. - is this action considered a fold, 3rd player argued he could still make a bet, i argued no, as deliberate showing of hand is against rules.
As it is he has 6 outs twice, so will win this about 1/5th of the time.
Which makes his call a good one (obviously)
Im not sure why you raised half of your stack, when you only had 7 big blinds, it's a shove or check situation here, very much weighted towards a shove as you have an ace.
You kinda asked for it.........and once every 5 times, you're gonna get it.
Unlucky though, but you can play it better next time.
Ugh I hate answers like that, I feel bad now, only trying to help.......
But I'm sure TK would, and will say, that there's no point in trying to understand why opponents play like they do, as we can't stop them, that's entirely up to them.
All we can do, is make sure we play a good game, and that's the advice I was trying to give, to help you play your hand better next time you're in that situation.
Obviously you were V unlucky there....
Ugh, I feel bad. lol - Go win a tourny and post the result here to make me feel better
id say your looking at some 10 seat sit and goes for the best value you want
most tournys are over 3 to 4 hours
and the quicker you do get a lot off chancers in and some loose play as the blinds raise quickly
Hi Guys,
I'll try & update & answer this thread tomorrow.
I have been offline for 24 hours, so have some catching up to do, & I have the Live Show with his Orfulness Orford tonight. Into each life, a little rain must fall, eh?
299463825 what do u think,could i have played it any different
tikay, like us cannot get access to your hand history, can I suggets you copt and paste it into the Poker Clinic Setion where you will get good responses
In fact, it is a very interesting question, which I'm interested to hear other's views on.
It is possible, yes. The WSOP has a Seniors Event, & several poker organisations have Female Only Events.
So it begs the question - are these sort of Events Ageist, & Sexist? Both would be entirely improper & inappropraite if they were, & Sky Poker do not allow sexism or ageism. (Jibes about my age, or Welsh people, don't count, obv).
Personally, I think it's wrong to allow "female only" Tourneys. Why? Because imagine the hoohah if there were "Men Only" Poker Tourneys, from which females were barred. There'd be an outcry, & quite right too. So it should cut both ways.
"Seniors" Tourneys? Again, the problem is that other age groups might feel disenfranchised.
All these things have to be taken into account, & the problem is, there is no "one size fits all" answer.
Good question, Mr Mallett, & I'd be interested in feedback from others.
here is the hand in question:
On the poker league display, what's the chances of being able to see your position when you sort by just MTT or STT please? I doubt I'll ever be rocking the volume in cash to top the league on big points alone, and am sure many are in the same boat.
Think it would help motivation towards working a relevant league position for TSP or other promotions. For the monthly league I usually just guess and then try to register for the end of month tourney. I'd hope it wouldn't take a Sky tech that long to code a better league view. And a 3 month view for TSP would be essential.
Anything you can put to the suits or techs much appreciated. Or an update if something like this is on the way.
ive got position,the flop comes ive hit top pair,i push and he calls on a gut shot,was his not a bad call
As you've asked the question, I hope you don't mind if I give my honest view. You may not like it, though!
1) Forget - FORGET - what daft things other players may or may not do. It's their business, not ours. We play our hands with our money, they play their hands with their money. We will never improve our game if we focus on what the Villain did wrong - we should look at ourselves, not them.
2) Forget - FORGET, all the stuff from the Flop, "his bad call". You can never do anything about it, so forget it, it will not help us improve our game or results one jot or tickle.
3) As with almost ALL things in poker, the problem in this hand came pre-flop. At the time it was a little problem (if we call 25% of our stack "little"), but as is invariably the case, it just got bigger & bigger, & worse & worse. All because of OUR primary error pre-flop.
4) We must not, under almost any circumstances, be CALLING 25% of our stack pre-flop with J-Q. We only have two options in that spot, given the stack sizes. FOLD (I prefer) or SHOVE. Call is absolutely not an option. The default setting should be to prefer to be the Raiser or shover rather then the caller. I'd rather shove with 3-6, than Call with J-Q. All day, & all night.
Really, M'Lord, your game results will improve 50% overnight if you take that on board. In that spot, RAISING, or FOLDING, beats calling.And ignore what Matey Boy does, because we cannot do anything about his bad play.
But that completely misses my point - because we cannot control what Villain does. And we CAN control what WE do.
If we look elsewhere to blame someone when in fact we made a bad play ourself, we will be kidding ourselves. When we mangle a hand, (& most of us, do, & most days), we need to.....
1) Recognize our error.
2) Learn from it.
3) Implement what we learn, so we don't drop back into bad habits.
I absolutely guarantee that Mr Judge's game will improve enormously if he starts looking at his own play, rather than blaming bad calls by others as the excuse. And that applies to all of us.
I hope Mr Judge does not mind me being so honest here, but I really want him to take this on board.
Hi Peter Pan,
A good question, & one I expect to see a lot more of in the next 10 days or so.
In broad terms, they are cleaning up the Tourney Lobbies, in readiness for a fresher, cleaner, approach. This includes removing any Tourneys which don't attract runners, hence I guess some of the Omaha Tourneys have disappeared. I can't promise anything, as it needs doing, but I'll deffo word Adam, & let you know what he says.
The freshening up, &, we hope, improving of the Tournament range, selection, value, guarantees, & playability, is bound to please many, & displease some, too, it's inevitable. So Sky Poker WILL listen, & act upon, solid feedback, & adjust the schedule accordingly.
It's like when they move stuff to new places in Supermarkets, nobody likes it, & everyone gets uppity. I can't wait for the noise to start.
As to Omaha, jeez, I wish I could play Omaha non-stop, for ever more. Personally I prefer it, on so many levels, & the value there is incredible. Most Omaha players are really still playing Hold Em hands, & do not adjust to the nuances of a game that is fundamentally, in almost every way, different. When I'm King for a day, I'll make every game Omaha. I don't expect to reign for long, though. Not even 1 day, I guess.
Early on in the Take on Tikay (8.30) I was playing against some bloke pretending to be U.
U questioned my all-in with 108 on a JJ432 board when u had the appaling gaul to have a fullhouse.
This was not as crazy as it 1st seems as I had just had call from the missus that she had a puncture & I had to go do the White Knight & horse thing (or is it a white horse & knight - can never remember?)
So was totally pre-meditated that I was gonna 3 barrel next hand regardless hoping to have a stack left after my daring rescue when I returned.. When U called with trips (fish, lol?) thro flop & river I only had 1300 odd chip left gave up & that point & gifted u the remainder.
Shouldn't of bothered really, took me nearly 2 hours to change the dam wheel & froze me whatnots off!
Thought u deserved explanation though, hope the extra start helped.
PS - Did you HAVE to Post it on the Forum? Now everyone knows how I got off on a flying start. Marv. Could you not have said "tikay thoroughly outplayed me & made a hero call"?