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Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's

edited June 2012 in Poker Chat
Then I'll start playing again...that is all<ok>


  • edited May 2012
    You do go on!-- Spornybol got banned for spamming the forum you know!
  • edited May 2012

    I dont fear any sort of internet police...Democracy rules!!

  • edited May 2012
     +1 bad move from sky
  • edited May 2012
    Has this decision really been thought through? I've just logged on for the first time in 2 days to re-start the DYM challenge and find that the 30p ones have been dropped. Then to make matters worse, the thread discussing this decision is closed "to stop the argument going round in circles"!

    The reasons given for this (sorry Sky) just don't seem to make sense. The 30p ones fill up quicker than at any other level (I sometimes log on for an hour at lunchtime and play the first low-level (i,e, £2+rake or lower) that fills up, 90% of the time it is a 30p one.

    Very disappointed by this decision.
  • edited May 2012
     I do understand why you would be upset about it old chap (was only joking in first post--- But they really were a waste of space those 30p dyms. Personally, I think there is too much luck involved in a 5 minute blinds game, at that level, to make them of any value in poker terms, and also in profit terms, so I fail to see the point in playing them.

     I would be interested in finding out why people play them however
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Has this decision really been thought through? I've just logged on for the first time in 2 days to re-start the DYM challenge and find that the 30p ones have been dropped. Then to make matters worse, the thread discussing this decision is closed "to stop the argument going round in circles"! The reasons given for this (sorry Sky) just don't seem to make sense. The 30p ones fill up quicker than at any other level (I sometimes log on for an hour at lunchtime and play the first low-level (i,e, £2+rake or lower) that fills up, 90% of the time it is a 30p one. Very disappointed by this decision.
    Posted by FCHD
    Spot on<applause />
  • edited May 2012
     I think it was bad form closing the thread that debated the issue though.

     Would'nt like to speculate why they did that. That might get this thread closed, and that would be going round in circles! Like when you are playing 30p dyms or something.
  • edited May 2012
     i can only speak for myself oynutter. i  just like to play for abit of fun ,without the risk of losing to much money .not everyones in it yo make loads of money . sky already descriminate against the micro players, with the highest rake. also with the non free freerolls 50 points to play, thats 50 winning 30 dyms. the value on this site is bad enough without sky doing this.
  • edited May 2012
    It's also another kick in the wotsits to micro-stakes players - we've already had the Cash 4 Points on 2p/4p cash tables halved, and that level now completely ignored on the TV Channel.
  • edited May 2012
    Thanks Epwb-- It's not easy to build a bankroll from nothing, and I have spent much time complaining on the forum about the low stakes rake. But, I do thinks it's reasonable for Sky to expect new players to make some initial investment. If you deposit 30 quid, then the 30p dyms are a waste of time and effort, even depositing a tenner would (imo) make these games a bad investment.

     So is it unreasonable of Sky to expect people to have to deposit 20 quid in order to build a bankroll?

     There are much better ways of learning how to play poker than these games surely.
  • edited May 2012

     yes you are right oynutter, sky are in it to make money. but it seems to me they are not catering for every level of it really to much for their system to leave afew 30p dyms for people to play. on another site i play on ,you can play a 60 seater tourny for 2 cents . i like this site, but my worry is if sky continue to alienate micro players they will find plenty of other sites witch are more than willing to have lots of low entry buy ins ,for the recreational players .

  • edited May 2012
    Sorry i think this goes deeper than just running costs.Sit & go's in general have taken a beating over last year or two.First its the browser version is limited so the 18 & 30 player games get the chop with the promise that when download is up & running it will be looked at again. 
    Now to start messing with the ground roots level seems very odd.
  • edited May 2012
    hi all personally i think sky was wrong to let them go. cos if a player depos a fiver if a player goes on a roll say 13 times thats 2.60 profit so the player depo a fiver is on 7.60. then can afford to lose 8 times before back to five but  could carry on winning and every little helps and should only be for beginners even tho everyone is welcome

    hope u low stakes players get them back

    gl all at the tables whereever it shall be
  • edited May 2012
    valid points by everyone, freerolls should be free as like in most other sites and when playing your poker points, there should be some kind better inCENTment for them games, not much but some, keeps people on here and this place needs it, 30p dym is bingo in poker form but they should've kept it going because it can be a good warm up before we play, heres another point of view....why waste £2.20 on 7 games of 30p dym when you can and buy into a bounty hunter and win your money back by just knocking out a few players.
  • edited May 2012
    Valid points all around really!!

    2/3 of the Squaddies are very dissapointed they have gone!!

    Good training & practice it seemed, at a cheap price, for the lower levels, YOUR FUTURE PROSPECTS!!

    Do many really play on the free tables now?? i would have thought maybe only a few people, getting used to the software!!

    Were sky losing money on the 30p DYM's, marginal if at all!!

    Arguments here have been well presented & constructed, i'd be intereseted to see if sky reply, sry if they had somewhere already!!

    BUT EVEN Better, I be full of respect for Sky if, on consideration, they put them back in, for maybe a trial period, THEN see how well they are supported!! I know it gave everyone a good start into DYM, & the DYM Challenge!!

    I challenge YOU Now SKY, think about the feelgood factor if you were shown to be listening & ACTING!!


    I'm trying, WILL YOU??
  • edited May 2012
  • edited May 2012
    Hi folks

    I suppose it all comes down to what floats your boat. 30p wouldn't do for me and i can say categorically that i play for fun. However, a goal is to make profit andi like the buzz that say a small overall gain on a night's entertainment or even just "hot" on sharkscope gives. £3.30 DYM occasionally £5.50, and a few MTT's of <£5.75 is my 'boat' especially single tables. There's no grind but there is a competitive flavour to it and usually players are well-schooled in strategy so not many maniacal plays.

    It really does come down to how you percieve your play and your attitude towards the money involved. I satellited into a !%k BH twice for £1.60. Absolutely chuffed but could not pull the trigger on either occasion as the weight of the £15 on my avatar was greater than the perception of my skill level. I just was uncomfortable and who would make a choice to be uncomfortable except those people who go to see a 'friendly' dominatrix(in some homes that's called 'the missus' by the way!!)

    All the best. Hope the next level will attract you and you will be comfortable....
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Hi folks I suppose it all comes down to what floats your boat. 30p wouldn't do for me and i can say categorically that i play for fun. However, a goal is to make profit andi like the buzz that say a small overall gain on a night's entertainment or even just "hot" on sharkscope gives. £3.30 DYM occasionally £5.50, and a few MTT's of <£5.75 is my 'boat' especially single tables. There's no grind but there is a competitive flavour to it and usually players are well-schooled in strategy so not many maniacal plays. It really does come down to how you percieve your play and your attitude towards the money involved. I satellited into a !%k BH twice for £1.60. Absolutely chuffed but could not pull the trigger on either occasion as the weight of the £15 on my avatar was greater than the perception of my skill level. I just was uncomfortable and who would make a choice to be uncomfortable except those people who go to see a 'friendly' dominatrix(in some homes that's called 'the missus' by the way!!) All the best. Hope the next level will attract you and you will be comfortable....
    Posted by profman15
    Profman i dont think however if we take people who have a BR like myself and yourself, many people who are new to poker they deposit a fiver to learn. Some people dont even do this they accept the welcome bonus' and enjoy what they can to learn. A small cash with any of the tokens they get or the new player freeroll would easily allow for learning at 30p dyms. I doupt it would comfortably allow for them learning at 60p dyms. If you consider most sites also offer a 0.01/0.02p level of cash which again isnt offered on sky, to be comfortable playing within a bankroll on sky you really need £40 ok thats maybe abit much for 60p dyms, but really is it? If your learning a doupt it. Again for NL4 10BIs is very small so you could say you want £80 for cash. Maybe £30 for dyms and mtyts obv the highest variance so we need more anyways but the lowest level any decent structure comes in regular is £2.20 (£1.10 ones do run but not on a regular enough basis) and obviously the 60p mtts are well just crayze and designed for 5 minutes fun rather than a tourny to win. 

    I posted in 2 places yesterday regards to this and as yet no reply but i really believe if your a low br player on sky, your fighting with very few buy ins and even worse your fighting with very high rake. So few BI's v high rake makes it difficut for anyone. I dont care how good they are, its going to be hard.  
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Then I'll start playing again...that is all<ok />
    Posted by CAMPER18
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    I dont fear any sort of internet police...Democracy rules!!
    Posted by CAMPER18
  • edited May 2012
    Well yeah I did think this myself last night Donald, about the fact other sites offer 1p/2p. I know sites I used to play on that also used to offer $0.01/$0.02 which is obviously the equivelent of 0.5p/1p.

    Not saying Sky could offer this, just making the point that once you deposit on a poker site, in reality it stops being actual money and is essentially a set number of BIs for any given level. So someone who puts £20 on sky to learn and play DYMs, gets about 30BIs at the 60p level. Whereas someone who deposits £20 on another site (not in £) would get about $40 and could play games easily as low as $0.30 and so suddenly has 130BIs which is a pretty enormous difference.

    Obviously they're playing lower stakes but most rec players couldn't care less, it's just a case of 'how many goes can I have for my money'. I'm not complaining about this mindset, I think it's fine, if you're not in it for the money, you just want as much value as possible, and as many chances to play the game you love for as cheap as possible. Getting rid of this level does nothing short of forcing players to play higher if they want to play the game.
  • edited May 2012
    I play 30p DYMs,  but not all the time.  I also play higher levels even £11   if in the mood.  I do however,  use the 30p games when my confidence takes a dive or to get over tilt from bad beats.    Without them the Garden gets my attention.?
  • edited May 2012
    I am a small bankroll rec who often played 30p dym's not to make money but because you new at worst it's 30p and you could get a game at any time.I've seen a few people on this and other threads referring to them as bingo games,when did you last play them?I admit there where still the odd all-in gamblers but there are at all levels.Most games went to blind level 7+ and there might be the problem.Most games running 35 mins + because people have learned how to play the games even the micro's.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Well yeah I did think this myself last night Donald, about the fact other sites offer 1p/2p. I know sites I used to play on that also used to offer $0.01/$0.02 which is obviously the equivelent of 0.5p/1p. Not saying Sky could offer this, just making the point that once you deposit on a poker site, in reality it stops being actual money and is essentially a set number of BIs for any given level. So someone who puts £20 on sky to learn and play DYMs, gets about 30BIs at the 60p level. Whereas someone who deposits £20 on another site (not in £) would get about $40 and could play games easily as low as $0.30 and so suddenly has 130BIs which is a pretty enormous difference. Obviously they're playing lower stakes but most rec players couldn't care less, it's just a case of 'how many goes can I have for my money'. I'm not complaining about this mindset, I think it's fine, if you're not in it for the money, you just want as much value as possible, and as many chances to play the game you love for as cheap as possible. Getting rid of this level does nothing short of forcing players to play higher if they want to play the game.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Indeed Paul. I imagine you an Emma discuss what games your both playing and offering eachother advice even though you both play for fun - although i i imagine slight profit too. I know i do with Mel. I actually recently suggested moving to 60p dyms and at first she done ok. But a slight bit of variance i said to her to move back down. At that point sky removed the 30p dyms.

    Im not any genuis but she said to me she wants to play cash, she said it looks more fun, but 4BIs just isnt enough. What i can say in mels favour is she has never deposited. Now i dont know if this can effect my arguement slightly, as obviously sky have gave her loads with tourny tickets and new player freerolls as a welcome bonus. But is that really why people play?
  • edited May 2012
    Look Sky Poker, you dont make many mistakes but this is definately one of them. Its obviously all about money and getting people to play larger stakes. I agree with all the points made above regarding this decision and Sky really do need to have a rethink.

    Your reasons do not stack up and the sneaky way it was done without notice and then closing the thread was all handled poorly.

    Ive just pposted about how great Sky Poker is being a true British site and true British values cater for all, so 30p DYM's back please Sky !!
  • edited May 2012
    I agree with the above post of JPW33, in regards with the handling of this issue and  the closure of the last thread. I'll reiterate (my last post) that if this is the mentality and reasoning of closing this game due to lack of demand then by your own logic you should close many of the high buy in games that do not run (facetious for the win) :).  I enjoyed these games very much and hope this decision is reconsidered.    
      I would hope you adjust the REG fee's on DYM's also, that maybe the sun stroke typing.  
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    You do go on!-- Spornybol got banned for spamming the forum you know!
    Posted by oynutter
    Was wondering where he was, ty :p
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Well yeah I did think this myself last night Donald, about the fact other sites offer 1p/2p. I know sites I used to play on that also used to offer $0.01/$0.02 which is obviously the equivelent of 0.5p/1p. Not saying Sky could offer this, just making the point that once you deposit on a poker site, in reality it stops being actual money and is essentially a set number of BIs for any given level. So someone who puts £20 on sky to learn and play DYMs, gets about 30BIs at the 60p level. Whereas someone who deposits £20 on another site (not in £) would get about $40 and could play games easily as low as $0.30 and so suddenly has 130BIs which is a pretty enormous difference. Obviously they're playing lower stakes but most rec players couldn't care less, it's just a case of 'how many goes can I have for my money'. I'm not complaining about this mindset, I think it's fine, if you're not in it for the money, you just want as much value as possible, and as many chances to play the game you love for as cheap as possible. Getting rid of this level does nothing short of forcing players to play higher if they want to play the game.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Nice post.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    I am a small bankroll rec who often played 30p dym's not to make money but because you new at worst it's 30p and you could get a game at any time. I've seen a few people on this and other threads referring to them as bingo games,when did you last play them?I admit there where still the odd all-in gamblers but there are at all levels.Most games went to blind level 7+ and there might be the problem.Most games running 35 mins + because people have learned how to play the games even the micro's.
    Posted by belsibub
  • edited May 2012
    Well, upon reflection, and because of the passion and outrage on this and other threads on the subject, I have changed my mind. I still think they were a waste of space in poker and profit terms, but that seems to be beside the point here. Not many changes have resulted in players threatening to leave the site, and I hope Sky poker recognizes this fact and reconsiders it's decision.

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