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Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's



  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    The Micro DYM's aren't something I get involved in but I do see the concerns of those who play them regularly, and I sympathise. From what I've read here the reason is that they aren't popular and it's assumed that there is a cost implication to running them. That gives me a problem in understanding why they would be dropped. Another area I don't visit is the play tables (free tables). Now I can't see that a 30p table or a £200 table cost any more or less to run than a play table. Have the play tables been reduced or done away with? Before someone reads half the post and gets the wrong end of the stick I'm not suggesting they should be. It's just that if Sky can run free tables then surely 30p or even 5p tables are worth more to them. I think this is a way of increasing rake, pure and simple. The main event tournaments had all the buy-ins doubled(or made rebuys) last year. The guarantees increased accordingly but have since dropped back so that we now pay double the buy-in for approximately the same prize-money. I think the demise of the 30p DYM is the same thing - increased rake or a way of maintaining rake from reduced numbers.
    Posted by elsadog
  • edited May 2012
    I don't know why people think Sky are just going to explain things and everything's going to be ok.

    This is a company and it's going to make money wherever it can, Tikay isn't in charge of Sky Poker, if he were, I'm sure he'd listen to everybody and do everything he can, but like all businesses throughout the world, it's the fat cats who control things. However, for whatever reason, Sky are still abusing its loyal players, it astounds me that people still play on this site. They're lucky they have such a loyal base of players because other sites offer better tournaments, cash games with more traffic, less rake, better rakeback and it's clear the people in charge of Sky, or more in particularly Sky Poker, don't give a poo about the players
  • edited May 2012
    I think Tikay is a huge reason for the loyal customer base here but as you said, there's only so much he can do to appease people.
  • edited May 2012
    Well Im down to 34p on my BR so thats me done until 30p DYM's come back!!!
  • edited May 2012
    tikay is seen as sky by a lot of people and i believe he is the customer relation manager?

    i believe some people are a bit frustated he has not even mentioned this thread or commented on it after a fair while.

    which i think is fair

    i have sent an email to customer care about this and have not had a reply to that either (3 days ago)

    never mind i will keep playing on ps with lower rake and games for my buy in level. (and rapid response customer support)
  • edited May 2012
    It's not that I necessarily expect Tikay to answer personally. Obviously he will need to speak to the suits about this and then reply, or someone on the Sky_Poker account could reply, but for such a serious matter some sort of response is clearly needed.
  • edited May 2012

    Good morning all.

    I'm sorry, but I don't read all the threads, & though I saw this one at the start, I had not visited it since.

    I'll try & reply sometime today.

    As a matter of record, I cannot reply to EVERY complaint, if I did, I might be here a while..... ;)

    And yes, I am the Relations Manager (but NOT "Customer" Relations Manager), but no individual can reply personally to every Forum Thread or complaint, I'm afraid, it's just not possible.

    As a general rule, Sky Poker believe that Customer Care is the route if players are unhappy about anything, & don't encourage me to try & deal with these things personally, though I do when I can.
    The reason we have a Forum though is just to have somewhere that like-minded people, poker enthusiasts, can chill, chat, & enjoy ourselves. It was never intended to be a replacement for Customer Care.

    Anyway, I'll try to reply to the specifics on this thread later today.


  • edited May 2012
    Thanks Mr Kendall,

    I know the forum shouldn't be used as a 'customer care' but I felt this came under the topic of 'Community Suggestions'. I would have posted in that thread but I know things tend to get more traffic in GPC.

    I just hope Sky realise how invaluable these games are to those lower BR and recreational players (which is probably 80% of the site).


  • edited May 2012
    I always assumed that Sky's aim was to attract micro stakes players to the sight in the hope that, as they became more experienced, they would move up to the higher levels and thereby increase profitability through higher rake. If new players are discouraged from joining the sight, or leave because it's become too expensive for them to play, what are the implications for future growth and profitability? How many of the high stakes players currently on the sight started at the low levels and moved up over time and how many of the current low stakes players would do the same? If sky drive them away now they are potentially depriving themselves of much greater profits in the future. Come on, sky, think long-term, your removal of the 30p dym is cutting off your nose to spite your face.
  • edited May 2012
    Very good point 4Evergreen.

    (blatant Bump :p)
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Very good point 4Evergreen. (blatant Bump :p)
    Posted by Lambert180
    Not forgotten Sir, just nearing the top of a very long list. There have been some fun & games overnight, & the texts, e-Mails & phone calls have been rather more numerous than I would have wished.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : Not forgotten Sir, just nearing the top of a very long list. There have been some fun & games overnight, & the texts, e-Mails & phone calls have been rather more numerous than I would have wished.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I'll Bet!!

    GL mate!!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : I'll Bet!! GL mate!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV

    Don't wanna start a big discussion about it here, but you've made some good points recently Dave that in parts the community seems to be falling apart at the seems. Just seems to be so much anger, moaning etc... I know this always existed but just seems to be getting more widespread. It's sad to see because Sky don't have to offer and maintain the forum and all this crying can only be bad for the future of it.
  • edited May 2012

    Good afternoon.

    This was discussed at length in Tuesday's Management Meeting, and no definite decision has been made as of yet, things will conmtinue "as are" for another week or two at least, I believe.
    Detailed stats & numbers were produced from an analysis of all the traffic on both 30p & 60p DYM's in the preceding 3 months, then compared with the current week, when 30p DYM's were removed.

    It clearly showed much increased traffic at the 60p level, more than offsetting overall the loss of traffic from the 30p DYM's. Some players did not move up, obviously, but most appeared to have done so, perhaps playing less games at the higher level.

    This was a bit of a surprise (to me), because overall site traffic in the last week or two has been the lowest since late August last year, due to the lovely weather. As you know, I assume, online poker is extremely seasonal, & good & bad weather have massive affect on traffic. For online poker volume, sunshine is bad, snow is good. ;)

    So to see the aggregate margin increase on 60p DYM's compared to the combined 30p & 60p DYM's despite the good weather suggests it has not met with much Client disapproval, though obviously not everyone will be happy. 

    It's quite a balancing act this. It's a business, & as such, has a duty to grow. It does that by making customers happy (or trying to....), by ensuring a steady flow of new customers, trying to keep as many as possible happy, such that they stay, jiggling & refreshing the product range offered to customers, maintaining a flow of new & different stuff, keeping up the stream of different Promotions, & ensuring it pays attention to it's USP's.  

    Customers come & go, just like in any business, the key is to provide a suite of products that ensure growth, by keeping existing customers happy, & bringing in new ones.
    Thanks to the loyalty of our core customers, that y-o-y growth has been unbroken since we opened, so we will continue to listen seriously to any & all concerns as to the products, & try to make the right decisions along the way. 

    It will be discussed again in next Tuesday's Management Meeting, & I'll let you all know what is decided. 

    In the interim, keep the feedback coming please.

    Thank you.  
  • edited May 2012
    thanks for replying tikay

    "As a general rule, Sky Poker believe that Customer Care is the route if players are unhappy about anything, & don't encourage me to try & deal with these things personally, though I do when I can."

    i appreciate this which is why i emailed customer care 5 days ago asking why and were the games had gone and whether they were coming back

    still no reply

    it is probably folly comparing the service to ps but i will anyway. I have played there less than here but have had the need to send two messages. One was replied to within fifteen minutes the other five and both were settled immediately (both occasions the tables "froze" on me and my buy ins were refunded without question or me even asking for them to be)

    The other time i have used sky live help it took 45 minutes for the issue to be resolved (same as the ps problem) and the operative did not even no what a dym was (thought it was a vegas game for twenty minutes) The service was friendly but seemed to have no knowledge of poker.

    thanks tikay

  • edited May 2012

    Well i think i will be M.I.A. playing wise until the new DL is up and running.The 30p dym's were all i was willing to risk with my set-up as is.The only other option is the 35p BH which i sat in the lobby for over an hour and still only 3 players 7 more needed before giving up the other day(could have played 2 dym's in that time).
    C'est la vie 5504 games 3270 of them 30p dym's.

  • edited May 2012
    No effort is being spared to drive away the micro-stakes players. Why? It does not make any business sense whatsoever imo.
  • edited May 2012
    I do agree, and alot of business do have loss-leaders specifically designed to draw people in even if they're not making a killing/profit on them.

    30p DYMs do exactly this job, I still doubt they can cause much of a negative affect for Sky but even if it does, it's something that helps draw players in. For example some people play on particular sites because they offer more generous freerolls than others and once a player is on a site doing that, it's only a certain amount of time before they love the game and do deposit.

    All this aside, I think the best thing to do is wait for next Tuesday for Tikay to take part in the management meeting and then get back to us on their conclusions.
  • edited May 2012
    In other words, most of the 30p players are now playing the 60p games so we dont care about the ones who haven't followed suit....very nice!
  • edited May 2012
    I wonder how long it will take the powers that be to scrap the 60p games and force those people on to the 1.15p tables and so on...what happened to responsible gambling?
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    I wonder how long it will take the powers that be to scrap the 60p games and force those people on to the 1.15p tables and so on...what happened to responsible gambling?
    Posted by CAMPER18
    I agree, this could be the thin end of the wedge.
  • edited June 2012
     All the best camper and every one else to get the 30p dyms back .
  • edited June 2012
    Wow not very often Im disappointed with a Tikay reply but that really was a fob off !!!

    They had a LENGTHY meeting but no decision as yet for a week or two at LEAST. Sounds like they are hoping the complaints die down and we go away quietly ??

    Well my fiver will not be put on my BR until the 30p DYM is back. That should get them worrying lol !!
  • edited June 2012
     I can't comment. !   Like Sky I never make mistakes.?     Only errors of judgement. !
  • edited June 2012
    here`s why i think the 30p dyms have been removed        if u grind say 2000 in a month then u get £24 c4p back and generate £100 pounds for sky thus netting them £76, now that 60p dyms are the lowest u still grind 2000 games u get £24 c4p back and generate £200 for sky thus netting them £176 at 30ps u get 24% rake back and at 60ps u get 12%,so there u have it................
  • edited June 2012
     An execellent observation there Freshener, you could well be right.

     Are there really people that grind 2000  30p dyms in a month? I would like to give them some advice
  • edited June 2012
    i dont know if people do this it is just an example of the maths involved
  • edited June 2012
    Certainly a strange anomaly, but why did sky not just halve the points for these?
  • edited June 2012
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