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Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's



  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : Profman i dont think however if we take people who have a BR like myself and yourself, many people who are new to poker they deposit a fiver to learn. Some people dont even do this they accept the welcome bonus' and enjoy what they can to learn. A small cash with any of the tokens they get or the new player freeroll would easily allow for learning at 30p dyms. I doupt it would comfortably allow for them learning at 60p dyms. If you consider most sites also offer a 0.01/0.02p level of cash which again isnt offered on sky, to be comfortable playing within a bankroll on sky you really need £40 ok thats maybe abit much for 60p dyms, but really is it? If your learning a doupt it. Again for NL4 10BIs is very small so you could say you want £80 for cash. Maybe £30 for dyms and mtyts obv the highest variance so we need more anyways but the lowest level any decent structure comes in regular is £2.20 (£1.10 ones do run but not on a regular enough basis) and obviously the 60p mtts are well just crayze and designed for 5 minutes fun rather than a tourny to win.  I posted in 2 places yesterday regards to this and as yet no reply but i really believe if your a low br player on sky, your fighting with very few buy ins and even worse your fighting with very high rake. So few BI's v high rake makes it difficut for anyone. I dont care how good they are, its going to be hard.  
    Posted by The_Don90
    well i have turn that 5 quid in to thousands form starting at that level so to get rid of it is mad BAD MOVE SKY
    and they are deffo not luck box games just very hard coz of rake on them
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Look Sky Poker, you dont make many mistakes but this is definately one of them. Its obviously all about money and getting people to play larger stakes.

    No it's not 

  • edited May 2012
    if you take into account how much it will cost and how many games you can play at the 60p level it aint many if your on a budget or just starting out and coming to the site for the first time. Imagine im a new player just come to skypoker and its a scary prospect playing for real money, im inexperienced and its gonna take me a while to get into the swing of things and make money against regular players so i only depostite £6. I lose 10 times and thats it im gone never coming back to sky poker again! shame sky arnt thinking that way because they will lose a lot of new trade coming to the site i reckon.

    60p buyin level
    # 30 BIs will cost you £18 (this is min you will need to get anywhere and progress)
    # 10 BIs will cost you £6 (this you aint really got a chance and prob wont stay or reload)

    30p buyin level
    # 60 BIs will cost you £18 (this is plenty and will last you a good while and keep traffic on the site)
    # 20 BIs will cost you £6 (this you still can enjoy poker and good taste and feel for the site, keeping you here and if you like it and lose the lot your more likely to reload because you had fun for the right amount of time)

    The whole object i would have thought would be to get new players on skypoker and give them a chance to learn or progress without them having to break the bank, taking the 30p level makes a huge diffence to this imo
  • edited May 2012
    Not a game I play any more, once I realised just how much rake I was paying, that said though  I have to back what many have said about these being useful to recreational players or those on a strict budget or those looking to improve and learn the game. So good luck in your campaign people, should get one those online petition things going, 100,000 signatures and it has to be debated on a Parliamentary basis.. I say go for it !
  • edited May 2012
    A very disappointing decision by Sky Poker. 30p dyms are obviously popular,as the tables always filled up quickly and, judging by the number of different names I came across, a large number of players agree. As founder and sole member of team LMS (Lose Money Slowly) I shall miss them badly. Think again Sky, we small stakes players deserve some consideration.
  • edited May 2012
    Does this mean the unpopulated "high" stakes games are going too as there is usually just 1 guy sat on them all day?
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's :   well i have turn that 5 quid in to thousands form starting at that level so to get rid of it is mad BAD MOVE SKY and they are deffo not luck box games just very hard coz of rake on them
    Posted by rob12345
    im not saying its impossible just hard. as proven by urself and i believe my partner was in the process of doing it is possible. She had a small bad run upon moving up to 60ps so we discussed moving down and i log onto the forums to find out their gone.

    Even the amount of players that play them to let out frustration aswell.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Does this mean the unpopulated "high" stakes games are going too as there is usually just 1 guy sat on them all day?
    Posted by VespaPX
    good luck with that theory
  • edited May 2012
    I've been thinking about this thread a bit.  I only caught a bit of the first thread, that being the beginning so i cannot comment on most of that.

    From a personal point of view I feel a bit funny about the 30pers being taken away.  For those of you that don't know I'm normally registered for every DYM £55-£220 most evenings.  The £165 and £220 very rarely run and sadly the £110 ones have ran a lot less lately.  I really want them to remain because when the DYM player pool does increase, and with the growth of SkyPoker I truly believe it will, the bigger bankroll players will want games in the three figure category.

    As, rightly or wrongly, I feel I have an edge in the DYMs, I'd quite like them to stay for the possible future player pool.  If they went I would be quite disappointed but I can hardly complain if they went when the 30pers which were running a lot more than these were taken away.  Therefore I feel the need to support everyone who has posted requesting the 30p DYMs return.  There is clearly a playerpool for it, as seen by this thread.  Personally with the rake I don't think they are beatable over a decent sample (1000+) unless you run like a red hot thing, but while there is interest there is point.  And not everyone plays poker just for money, thankfully most people still play for fun.

    To make my spot a little more complicated I'm also a Mod.  As such I would request everyone keep the debate respectful and no one individual 'over do it' by just repeating the same points, which would essentially be spamming.  So far I feel the thread is perfectly fine, but if it deteriorates (Friday night is coming, always an interesting night for a Mod) I'll shut it myself.  So please keep the debate fresh, respectful and intelligent as it has been.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    I've been thinking about this thread a bit.  I only caught a bit of the first thread, that being the beginning so i cannot comment on most of that. From a personal point of view I feel a bit funny about the 30pers being taken away.  For those of you that don't know I'm normally registered for every DYM £55-£220 most evenings.  The £165 and £220 very rarely run and sadly the £110 ones have ran a lot less lately.  I really want them to remain because when the DYM player pool does increase, and with the growth of SkyPoker I truly believe it will, the bigger bankroll players will want games in the three figure category. As, rightly or wrongly, I feel I have an edge in the DYMs, I'd quite like them to stay for the possible future player pool.  If they went I would be quite disappointed but I can hardly complain if they went when the 30pers which were running a lot more than these were taken away.  Therefore I feel the need to support everyone who has posted requesting the 30p DYMs return.  There is clearly a playerpool for it, as seen by this thread.  Personally with the rake I don't think they are beatable over a decent sample (1000+) unless you run like a red hot thing, but while there is interest there is point.  And not everyone plays poker just for money, thankfully most people still play for fun. To make my spot a little more complicated I'm also a Mod.  As such I would request everyone keep the debate respectful and no one individual 'over do it' by just repeating the same points, which would essentially be spamming.  So far I feel the thread is perfectly fine, but if it deteriorates (Friday night is coming, always an interesting night for a Mod) I'll shut it myself.  So please keep the debate fresh, respectful and intelligent as it has been.
    Posted by TommyD
    I might be wrong tommy and im not going to say this is the case but 30p dyms for each one that runs  sky make 30p for ever £220 Sky make £120. Now im no mathemathical expert as i should be (tutuor hint please) but by my calculators maths that means the 30p games require to play 400 games just to match. So even if only 1 £220 game runs per day (i dnt know how many do, well outa my BR and game type) its probably profitable. Where as 400 30p games probably is abit unrealistic no matter how strong the player pool is.

    Its disappointing to say the least i have no other comments. I think my opinion has been expressed.
  • edited May 2012
    I started out from scratch with a £5 deposit playing 30p DYM's and freerolls when they didn't need as many points to play, and am still spinning up that same £5 today. I very much doubt I could do that again today starting as a complete novice with no 30p DYM's and the points needed to enter a freeroll today, and feel it's a shame to let those 30p DYM's go.

    I also accept that Sky are running this as a business, and have to balance their profits against the capability of the site to run various options. If the site gets overloaded and crashes or gets too laggy then everyone complains. How they need to balance their business is up to them, if they get it wrong and too much money leaves the site then they'll have to rethink, but I doubt they'll change their minds based on forum demands.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    I started out from scratch with a £5 deposit playing 30p DYM's and freerolls when they didn't need as many points to play, and am still spinning up that same £5 today. I very much doubt I could do that again today starting as a complete novice with no 30p DYM's and the points needed to enter a freeroll today, and feel it's a shame to let those 30p DYM's go. I also accept that Sky are running this as a business, and have to balance their profits against the capability of the site to run various options. If the site gets overloaded and crashes or gets too laggy then everyone complains. How they need to balance their business is up to them, if they get it wrong and too much money leaves the site then they'll have to rethink, but I doubt they'll change their minds based on forum demands.
    Posted by harding10
    I do remember the topic of the system being overloaded when we had real trouble with the UKOPS BH and another really big freeroll (I think) that had thousands of runners and people were saying the site can't handle it. Then Tikay said that since the software updates the system could now handle about 10 times more traffic than it currently has, so that can't be a reason to get rid of them.
  • edited May 2012
    I've got the lobby open on 1 of my favorite little games(so i am not going to name & shame) which i only play when in the mood.I logged in at 10.08 opened the lobby str8 away 2hrs+ later 4 players reg'ed.
    So what i am i ment to think about this?If every sit & go that run's the same or less than the 30p dym's ran get scrapped where would that leave sit & go's let alone the site?
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : I might be wrong tommy and im not going to say this is the case but 30p dyms for each one that runs  sky make 30p for ever £220 Sky make £120. Now im no mathemathical expert as i should be (tutuor hint please) but by my calculators maths that means the 30p games require to play 400 games just to match. So even if only 1 £220 game runs per day (i dnt know how many do, well outa my BR and game type) its probably profitable. Where as 400 30p games probably is abit unrealistic no matter how strong the player pool is. Its disappointing to say the least i have no other comments. I think my opinion has been expressed.
    Posted by The_Don90
    Aww, your post started so well Don lol, as I was reading I thought I knew the direction you were going in, then it went the complete opposite direction.

    You're right that 1 £220 games makes sky £120 in rake and to make the equivelant from 30p games, it would be 400 games, so I agreed up to that point. But even bearing that in mind, I would be really surprised if Sky said they get more rake from £220s than from 30ps. The £220 I imagine (and from Tommy's post) probably runs once a day if you're lucky, maybe less than that. Whereas I would imagine they easy get 400 game 30p DYMs a day no problem.

    If I register in one at virtually any point of the day (excluding say 4am - 9am, never tried) you generally get a game in less than 3 mins. So if one game runs every 3 mins, that's 20 games an hour, I reckon that rate keeps up for at least 15-16 hours of the day. so 16 hours is 320 games, if they can get 80 games in the remaining 8 hours, job's a good 'un.

    Obviously these are all estimates and I don't have the figures, but I'd imagine my figures can't be THAT far from reality. It's almost like the old MTT v Cash debate... you can either have a big bink every now and then, but not realy sure when it's gonna come or even if it's gonna come at all, or you can have a slow steady trickle of constant, reliable profit. Easy pick if it was my business :)
  • edited May 2012
    Hi Guys  Just played 60p DYM  and made modest profit of 40p from my 60p investment.   In a 30p  game I got 25p back. 
    So Mathematicians I risk more for less is that correct.? 

    Point is are Sky by this implementation trying to force low stake players into Cash Games. ?  2p4p  just asking. Hugs xx
  • edited May 2012

    If people feel so strongly about something,sky usually listen.
    I would not be happy if the games i play were suddenly removed.
    Hopefully sky will reinstate these.

    All the best.

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Hi Guys  Just played 60p DYM  and made modest profit of 40p from my 60p investment.   In a 30p  game I got 25p back.  So Mathematicians I risk more for less is that correct.?  Point is are Sky by this implementation trying to force low stake players into Cash Games. ?  2p4p  just asking. Hugs xx
    Posted by logdon
    Well a 30p is actually 25p + 5p so you pay 20% rake.

    A 60p is actually 50p + 10p, also 20% rake.

    So it does work out exactly the same really in terms of risk/reward. Just that obviously people don't have the option now to risk less and win less if they want to.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : Aww, your post started so well Don lol, as I was reading I thought I knew the direction you were going in, then it went the complete opposite direction. You're right that 1 £220 games makes sky £120 in rake and to make the equivelant from 30p games, it would be 400 games, so I agreed up to that point. But even bearing that in mind, I would be really surprised if Sky said they get more rake from £220s than from 30ps. The £220 I imagine (and from Tommy's post) probably runs once a day if you're lucky, maybe less than that. Whereas I would imagine they easy get 400 game 30p DYMs a day no problem. If I register in one at virtually any point of the day (excluding say 4am - 9am, never tried) you generally get a game in less than 3 mins. So if one game runs every 3 mins, that's 20 games an hour, I reckon that rate keeps up for at least 15-16 hours of the day. so 16 hours is 320 games, if they can get 80 games in the remaining 8 hours, job's a good 'un. Obviously these are all estimates and I don't have the figures, but I'd imagine my figures can't be THAT far from reality. It's almost like the old MTT v Cash debate... you can either have a big bink every now and then, but not realy sure when it's gonna come or even if it's gonna come at all, or you can have a slow steady trickle of constant, reliable profit. Easy pick if it was my business :)
    Posted by Lambert180
    I was trying to be extremely causious with what i was trying to say mate. I didnt want to say that it was purley based on rake. I will say however during the night 1am - 9am it can take a while to get one running in my experiance - excluding friday nights.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : I was trying to be extremely causious with what i was trying to say mate. I didnt want to say that it was purley based on rake. I will say however during the night 1am - 9am it can take a while to get one running in my experiance - excluding friday nights.
    Posted by The_Don90
    Yeah definitely, they're probably the lowest 8 hours of the day, or maybe 2am - 10am.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : Well a 30p is actually 25p + 5p so you pay 20% rake. A 60p is actually 50p + 10p, also 20% rake. So it does work out exactly the same really in terms of risk/reward. Just that obviously people don't have the option now to risk less and win less if they want to.
    Posted by Lambert180
    That's Sky profit.  Rake is the same for them OK but.    My profit is 50p from two 30p games a 60p outlay.    From single 60p outlay profit is 40p  ....... that's not the same.?  please correct me if I'm wrong.  ta  Annie xx
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : That's Sky profit.  Rake is the same for them OK but.    My profit is 50p from two 30p games a 60p outlay.    From single 60p outlay profit is 40p  ....... that's not the same.?  please correct me if I'm wrong.  ta  Annie xx
    Posted by logdon
    if im in the bookies and you look at a horse

    horse a is called 30p dym, horse b is called 60p dym.

    horse a ins 3/5 meaning you invest 30p to win 50p

    horse b is 6/10 meaning you invest 60p to win £1 (100p) the bookie would then half those odds to make it more appealing ha;fing is 3/5.

    Exact same
  • edited May 2012
    When you play a 30p game and win you get 50p back, so you've made 20p profit, multiplied by 2 games = 40p

    If you play 1 X 60p game, you get £1 back and so you make 40p profit.

    So the rake is the same, the outlay is the same for you, the reward is the same for you. The only difference is that if you have say £10, you can only afford to play 16 games now rather than 33 games if they still had 30p DYMs
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    If people feel so strongly about something,sky usually listen. I would not be happy if the games i play were suddenly removed. Hopefully sky will reinstate these. All the best.
    Posted by FINS
    +1 to this.  When I joined Skypoker I learnt to play poker on 30p DYM's so I suppose I may be a bit biased in my views.  30p DYM's are fun and a GREAT way to learn poker from scratch.  Don't forget that when a new player joins Skypoker for the first time the set-up/software/tables are ALL new & can be VERY intimidating.  Physcologically, with so much to learn, losing 30p doesn't seem like a big deal and if you deposit £5 you can get a LOT of play for your money and gain valuable experience.  As initial investors new players want to get value for their money and 30p DYM's gave them this.
    I'm guessing, as always, decisions are made for good business reasons we are not party to but I think this decision may have been a mistake.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : That's Sky profit.  Rake is the same for them OK but.    My profit is 50p from two 30p games a 60p outlay.    From single 60p outlay profit is 40p  ....... that's not the same.?  please correct me if I'm wrong.  ta  Annie xx
    Posted by logdon
    Looks like your reign of owning me on the 30p dym's is over! Sigh!
    Thank goodness we've still got the caption comp! 
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    If people feel so strongly about something,sky usually listen. I would not be happy if the games i play were suddenly removed. Hopefully sky will reinstate these. All the best.
    Posted by FINS
    It would be nice to think so but, in my experience, deafness to customer dissatisfaction and a refusal to admit to mistakes is a fundamental characteristic of big business. I would like to think that Sky Poker were an honourable exception to this general rule but I doubt it.
  • edited May 2012
    I started with the 30p DYM as well. Great pity they have gone, used to enjoy the 35p Bounty hunters for 36 people, another great learning tool gone
  • edited May 2012
    I blame the people that keep making the suggestions.  Like wouldn't it be great to have Re-buy DYMs. ?  Oops !
  • edited May 2012
    please skypoker bring back the 30p DYM PLEASE XXX
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    I blame the people that keep making the suggestions.  Like wouldn't it be great to have Re-buy DYMs. ?  Oops !
    Posted by logdon
    You could be right. Let's all suggest 30p dyms are reinstated. As for rebuys, I think they're  a joke. In any  tournament in any other sport or game, if you're out you're out. It would be interesting to see what would happen if the next time Andy Murray is knocked out of Wimbledon he suggested being allowed to buy back in. The idea would be laughed out of court, literally.
  • edited May 2012
    sky are not saying anythings give us some answers
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