I've been thinking about this thread a bit. I only caught a bit of the first thread, that being the beginning so i cannot comment on most of that. From a personal point of view I feel a bit funny about the 30pers being taken away. For those of you that don't know I'm normally registered for every DYM £55-£220 most evenings. The £165 and £220 very rarely run and sadly the £110 ones have ran a lot less lately. I really want them to remain because when the DYM player pool does increase, and with the growth of SkyPoker I truly believe it will, the bigger bankroll players will want games in the three figure category. As, rightly or wrongly, I feel I have an edge in the DYMs, I'd quite like them to stay for the possible future player pool. If they went I would be quite disappointed but I can hardly complain if they went when the 30pers which were running a lot more than these were taken away. Therefore I feel the need to support everyone who has posted requesting the 30p DYMs return. There is clearly a playerpool for it, as seen by this thread. Personally with the rake I don't think they are beatable over a decent sample (1000+) unless you run like a red hot thing, but while there is interest there is point. And not everyone plays poker just for money, thankfully most people still play for fun. To make my spot a little more complicated I'm also a Mod. As such I would request everyone keep the debate respectful and no one individual 'over do it' by just repeating the same points, which would essentially be spamming. So far I feel the thread is perfectly fine, but if it deteriorates (Friday night is coming, always an interesting night for a Mod) I'll shut it myself. So please keep the debate fresh, respectful and intelligent as it has been. Posted by TommyD
Excellent post Tommy.. I agree 100%
There is a market for 30p dyms (they ran 24/7 as far as i am aware as i occaionally played the odd one to detilt), and not one for £220 dyms at the moment. Im finding the logic hard to understand as to why the 30p ones have been removed...
when bounty hunters were introduced and sky decided to kill some popular tournaments i.e £1000 velocity £5 buyin always 6/700 runners we were told that "bounty hunters are popular so hard luck" from what i see 30 dym were popular so why delete theM? also why are the £100 dym's still up if as tommy says "they hardly ever run"?
when bounty hunters were introduced and sky decided to kill some popular tournaments i.e £1000 velocity £5 buyin always 6/700 runners we were told that "bounty hunters are popular so hard luck" from what i see 30 dym were popular so why delete theM?also why are the £100 dym's still up if as tommy says "they hardly ever run"? Posted by DAVEYZZ
I never said the £100 DYMs hardly ever run, I was referring to the £165 and £220 games.
I also dislike the mood moving towards the 'these never run so why are they still up.' I posted to give my support to the 30p games returning as there was a clear market for it as well as many members of the community who were upset seeing them go. I want everyone to be catered for while there is interest and they are viable. I'd like everyone to continue to focus on the positives of 'Sky react to what the players say and we would like the 30p games back because we enjoy and play them' rather than 'Why do the bigger stake players get to keep their games?'
I support the players calling for the 30p DYMs to be reintroduced. Personally I never play in these any more, however I did when I was a green newbie. For many they are a stepping stone to bigger things.
I'd like to point out that the OP has played 2,241 30p DYMs on Sky Poker generating £112 of rake. He's stopped playing now. Do Sky really want to lose this and others business?
In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : I never said the £100 DYMs hardly ever run, I was referring to the £165 and £220 games. I also dislike the mood moving towards the 'these never run so why are they still up.' I posted to give my support to the 30p games returning as there was a clear market for it as well as many members of the community who were upset seeing them go. I want everyone to be catered for while there is interest and they are viable. I'd like everyone to continue to focus on the positives of 'Sky react to what the players say and we would like the 30p games back because we enjoy and play them' rather than 'Why do the bigger stake players get to keep their games?' Posted by TommyD
Yeah I agree Tommy. I think it should all stay civil. Everyone is capable of making mistakes, obviously Sky have removed these and perhaps not realised the real impact this would have on a massive amount of players currently on the site and potential new customers.
I think some people have probably chosen the wrong words and I assume (and hope) what they actually mean is, 'can we have the 30p DYMs back please' as appose to 'ok well lets get rid of the £220 games too'.
Perhaps I'm being naive but I suspect the £110, £165 and £220 games have virtually zero affect on liquidity because they appeal to a quite specific market that's currently on Sky so Sky (and the players) will gain nothing by taking them away. However I think Sky and the players (and potential new players) are losing something big by taking 30p games away.
What is the difference between this and saying 'we're getting rid of 4NL because it will increase the number of tables that run at 8NL'? That is probably true, but overall will reduce the number of micro cash players.
In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : I never said the £100 DYMs hardly ever run, I was referring to the £165 and £220 games. I also dislike the mood moving towards the 'these never run so why are they still up.' I posted to give my support to the 30p games returning as there was a clear market for it as well as many members of the community who were upset seeing them go. I want everyone to be catered for while there is interest and they are viable. I'd like everyone to continue to focus on the positives of 'Sky react to what the players say and we would like the 30p games back because we enjoy and play them' rather than 'Why do the bigger stake players get to keep their games?' Posted by TommyD
It's nothing personal and not trying to pick on the big games.Sky stated that 30p dym's popularity had declined quite abit and the scrapping of them would increase liquidity in the 60p dym's.We are just finding it hard to get our heads around this when at most times of the day you could get a game in minutes.
I support the players calling for the 30p DYMs to be reintroduced. Personally I never play in these any more, however I did when I was a green newbie. For many they are a stepping stone to bigger things. I'd like to point out that the OP has played 2,241 30p DYMs on Sky Poker generating £112 of rake. He's stopped playing now. Do Sky really want to lose this and others business? Posted by GaryQQQ
He's a member of Sharkscope so he can check pretty much any stat for a Sky player for any type of SnG or MTT, assuming someone hasn't blocked their stats.
He's a member of Sharkscope so he can check pretty much any stat for a Sky player for any type of SnG or MTT, assuming someone hasn't blocked their stats. Posted by Lambert180
Hi Lambert So they can look me up. cough! I either get respect or abuse. Jeessss no wonder they keep calling me fish.
In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : Hi Lambert So they can look me up. cough! I either get respect or abuse. Jeessss no wonder they keep calling me fish. Posted by logdon
just looked u up Annie, the positive thing is that you have had a nice upswing recently!
In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : just looked u up Annie, the positive thing is that you have had a nice upswing recently! long may it last gl Posted by GREGHOGG
In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : just looked u up Annie, the positive thing is that you have had a nice upswing recently! long may it last gl Posted by GREGHOGG
My new bra is responsible for the recent up swing Greg.! I do like to think that after two years on Sky I have improved. I mixed you up with JockBMW ? Are you having teaching lessons as well, and was it you on the TV show Analyse my hands last week. ? If not I'm losing it and may be on a down swing soon.! Hugs xxx
In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : Hi Gary how did you get that information on a player and can you say how many I have played. ??? Hugs xx Posted by logdon
In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : I never said the £100 DYMs hardly ever run, I was referring to the £165 and £220 games. I also dislike the mood moving towards the 'these never run so why are they still up.' I posted to give my support to the 30p games returning as there was a clear market for it as well as many members of the community who were upset seeing them go. I want everyone to be catered for while there is interest and they are viable. I'd like everyone to continue to focus on the positives of 'Sky react to what the players say and we would like the 30p games back because we enjoy and play them' rather than 'Why do the bigger stake players get to keep their games?' Posted by TommyD
ah sorry i missunderstood....it wasnt a "them v us" post.
I just dont understand why sky keep deleting popular games?
Maybe it logistics of running software?,i dont know anything about such stuff but if games are being played what is the harm in keeping them alongside any new ones?.
It seem that as soon as a new format gets introduced one of the old games has to be removed for it.
is it logistics or a case of "they will play them if we remove some others"?
Not being funny, I hate to moan about Sky when they provide such a great service but why has this been going on for so long without a single word of response from Sky?
No answers to any of the genuine logical questions that people have raised in both threads related to this topic.
Not being funny, I hate to moan about Sky when they provide such a great service but why has this been going on for so long without a single word of response from Sky? No answers to any of the genuine logical questions that people have raised in both threads related to this topic. Posted by Lambert180
You never know Paul, Sky might want to surprise everybody & make them appear as fast as they disappeared & without telling anyone.
Been thinking about this for a while and something Tikay mentioned last night sparked a thought.
As a business Sky would be looking at revenue forecasts moving forward and Tikay said last night that there is usually a downswing of people playing during the summer months, which would obviously lead to a drop in forecasted revenue. Maybe they took the decision that those who do play would have to play higher buy-in games to recover revenue.
I'm still convinced they probably bring in more rake than say the £220 games though. I see your point but as far as I'm aware it won't have any detrimental effect to the site speed etc to have more games available. The only negative could be lack of liquidity but I can't see that being a problem at all with micro DYMs.
Even if this is the case, it would be nice for Sky to explain this and not just ignore the threads.
On the topic of Tikay mentioning things on the show, I did mean to post in after he said it but didn't get round to it... they got a question from a guy who said he had a small BR and wanted some advice on what to play etc and Tikay suggested micro DYMs as a great way for new players to start. This has always been something Tikay has said (and I agree) as it's a great cheap way to learn the basics, and it now just got twice as expensive for every single new player
I'm still convinced they probably bring in more rake than say the £220 games though. I see your point but as far as I'm aware it won't have any detrimental effect to the site speed etc to have more games available. The only negative could be lack of liquidity but I can't see that being a problem at all with micro DYMs. Even if this is the case, it would be nice for Sky to explain this and not just ignore the threads. On the topic of Tikay mentioning things on the show, I did mean to post in after he said it but didn't get round to it... they got a question from a guy who said he had a small BR and wanted some advice on what to play etc and Tikay suggested micro DYMs as a great way for new players to start. This has always been something Tikay has said (and I agree) as it's a great cheap way to learn the basics, and it now just got twice as expensive for every single new player Posted by Lambert180
+1 Would put a stop to all this speculation.
Totally agree with your last point, pretty much every expert/analyst have advised starting at the micro stakes for new players with small B/R.
firstly pretty poor that sky or somebody who represents them has not posted at least to acknowledge this thread....
this makes no sense even from skys point of view
i fail to understand how these games have a more considerable cost to run than games a lot higher that rarely if ever run.
i have played a lot of these over the last few months aiming to move up the levels slowly through correct bankroll management (as is constantly preached on skys live shows nearly every show)
I have now moved onto the biggest site in the world which has more games running i pay a lot less rake and although the games appear a little tougher at least i can play them.
Overtime the value of things diminish and obviously someone as decide the 30p game as no longer any true value! I remember this kind of unrest when the half pence coin was withdrawn and I'm sure Tikay remembers it when the farthing was withdrawn. What I'm saying here, it is nothing about greed or anything of the like, but is just a natural progression as monetary value changes. Posted by Donut64
The point is though, people WANT to play them. It's like saying a £50 DYM is meaningless to Phil Ivey so let's get rid. Monetary value is all relative, and some people can only afford (or only want) to deposit £10 maybe £20 and want as much 'bang for their buck' as possible.
I definitely don't believe it was greed or anything of the sort by Sky, but I do think it's a mistake... we all make them, and Sky more than most set themselves up for it (don't mean that in a bad way) because they are so experimental and give things a go. So they will always be open to people disagreeing with them trying things out.
If sky had said the reason for removing these was running costs or the other reasons people keep coming up with i could just about accept that.They did not they said "demand for these had declined quite a bit recently".As i have played a lot of these this year and have never had a long wait(at a reasonable time 10am-1am) i find that statement hard to believe.
If sky had said the reason for removing these was running costs or the other reasons people keep coming up with i could just about accept that.They did not they said "demand for these had declined quite a bit recently".As i have played a lot of these this year and have never had a long wait(at a reasonable time 10am-1am) i find that statement hard to believe. Posted by belsibub
I couldn't agree more. I've never had to wait more than a few minutes for a table to be filled and not always by the same few players, Every game seems to have different people at the table which suggests that a lot of players like the game. Come on Sky, we micro stakes players are your customers, it's time you responded to the points raised on this forum.
The Micro DYM's aren't something I get involved in but I do see the concerns of those who play them regularly, and I sympathise.
From what I've read here the reason is that they aren't popular and it's assumed that there is a cost implication to running them. That gives me a problem in understanding why they would be dropped.
Another area I don't visit is the play tables (free tables). Now I can't see that a 30p table or a £200 table cost any more or less to run than a play table. Have the play tables been reduced or done away with? Before someone reads half the post and gets the wrong end of the stick I'm not suggesting they should be. It's just that if Sky can run free tables then surely 30p or even 5p tables are worth more to them.
I think this is a way of increasing rake, pure and simple. The main event tournaments had all the buy-ins doubled(or made rebuys) last year. The guarantees increased accordingly but have since dropped back so that we now pay double the buy-in for approximately the same prize-money.
I think the demise of the 30p DYM is the same thing - increased rake or a way of maintaining rake from reduced numbers.
In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : I couldn't agree more. I've never had to wait more than a few minutes for a table to be filled and not always by the same few players, Every game seems to have different people at the table which suggests that a lot of players like the game. Come on Sky, we micro stakes players are your customers, it's time you responded to the points raised on this forum. Posted by 4EVERGREEN
Got to agree I often played 5 or 6 30p dym's at the same time.
There is a market for 30p dyms (they ran 24/7 as far as i am aware as i occaionally played the odd one to detilt), and not one for £220 dyms at the moment. Im finding the logic hard to understand as to why the 30p ones have been removed...
from what i see 30 dym were popular so why delete theM?
also why are the £100 dym's still up if as tommy says "they hardly ever run"?
I also dislike the mood moving towards the 'these never run so why are they still up.' I posted to give my support to the 30p games returning as there was a clear market for it as well as many members of the community who were upset seeing them go. I want everyone to be catered for while there is interest and they are viable. I'd like everyone to continue to focus on the positives of 'Sky react to what the players say and we would like the 30p games back because we enjoy and play them' rather than 'Why do the bigger stake players get to keep their games?'
I'd like to point out that the OP has played 2,241 30p DYMs on Sky Poker generating £112 of rake. He's stopped playing now. Do Sky really want to lose this and others business?
I think some people have probably chosen the wrong words and I assume (and hope) what they actually mean is, 'can we have the 30p DYMs back please' as appose to 'ok well lets get rid of the £220 games too'.
Perhaps I'm being naive but I suspect the £110, £165 and £220 games have virtually zero affect on liquidity because they appeal to a quite specific market that's currently on Sky so Sky (and the players) will gain nothing by taking them away. However I think Sky and the players (and potential new players) are losing something big by taking 30p games away.
What is the difference between this and saying 'we're getting rid of 4NL because it will increase the number of tables that run at 8NL'? That is probably true, but overall will reduce the number of micro cash players.
3,270 x 5p = £163.50 paid in rake
long may it last gl
You've played 622 NLH and 205 PLO 30p DYMs.
I just dont understand why sky keep deleting popular games?
Maybe it logistics of running software?,i dont know anything about such stuff but if games are being played what is the harm in keeping them alongside any new ones?.
It seem that as soon as a new format gets introduced one of the old games has to be removed for it.
is it logistics or a case of "they will play them if we remove some others"?
No answers to any of the genuine logical questions that people have raised in both threads related to this topic.
As a business Sky would be looking at revenue forecasts moving forward and Tikay said last night that there is usually a downswing of people playing during the summer months, which would obviously lead to a drop in forecasted revenue.
Maybe they took the decision that those who do play would have to play higher buy-in games to recover revenue.
Perhaps they'll reinstate them in the Autumn???
Just my thoughts thats all.
Even if this is the case, it would be nice for Sky to explain this and not just ignore the threads.
On the topic of Tikay mentioning things on the show, I did mean to post in after he said it but didn't get round to it... they got a question from a guy who said he had a small BR and wanted some advice on what to play etc and Tikay suggested micro DYMs as a great way for new players to start. This has always been something Tikay has said (and I agree) as it's a great cheap way to learn the basics, and it now just got twice as expensive for every single new player
Would put a stop to all this speculation.
Totally agree with your last point, pretty much every expert/analyst have advised starting at the micro stakes for new players with small B/R.
I definitely don't believe it was greed or anything of the sort by Sky, but I do think it's a mistake... we all make them, and Sky more than most set themselves up for it (don't mean that in a bad way) because they are so experimental and give things a go. So they will always be open to people disagreeing with them trying things out.
From what I've read here the reason is that they aren't popular and it's assumed that there is a cost implication to running them. That gives me a problem in understanding why they would be dropped.
Another area I don't visit is the play tables (free tables). Now I can't see that a 30p table or a £200 table cost any more or less to run than a play table. Have the play tables been reduced or done away with? Before someone reads half the post and gets the wrong end of the stick I'm not suggesting they should be. It's just that if Sky can run free tables then surely 30p or even 5p tables are worth more to them.
I think this is a way of increasing rake, pure and simple. The main event tournaments had all the buy-ins doubled(or made rebuys) last year. The guarantees increased accordingly but have since dropped back so that we now pay double the buy-in for approximately the same prize-money.
I think the demise of the 30p DYM is the same thing - increased rake or a way of maintaining rake from reduced numbers.