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Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's



  • edited June 2012
    Anyone else still waiting.?   I can get my poker fix in free play..............  yep !              What do Sky get.?
  • edited June 2012
    If Skypoker were seen to be reversing decisions because of the wishes of it's micro stakes players, where would that lead us eh?---- not into temptation anyway!
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    If Skypoker were seen to be reversing decisions because of the wishes of it's micro stakes players, where would that lead us eh?---- not into temptation anyway!
    Posted by oynutter
    You made the Mistake by starting Smoking.?   Ignore the advice you are given .......  reap the consequences.  ?
  • edited June 2012
    If they come back, can we have 10% rake, can we have 10% rake on all games maximum ?
     I for one would gladly grind a load of DYMs alongside my low stake MTTs that I play if I didnt have to beat 15 and 20% rakes before I made a profit. Not sure what others think but if we are looking at this from a business perspective would that not make sense?
     I could be wrong and often am but I think if it was given a go, perhaps that 10% rake would entice enough extra players to offset those like me who wont grind a load of games where the rake makes it very difficult to make a profit.
  • edited June 2012
    Are Sky that Arrogant they would ignore their Customers.!
  • edited June 2012
     May I refer you to a little play I wrote about sky vegas
    Posts: 3611
    First: 10/6/2009
    Last: 1/6/2012
     Here's a little play I wrote for you---- It's set in England, just before the launch of Sky vegas--

    Scene 1--- Big bedroom, very posh--- Mr big boss Sky man yawns as he is woken by his wife---

    Mrs Sky-- "good morning dear-- You'll never guess what just happened-- I went to buy you a new ferrari this morning, so I checked our bank account first, and found out we have loads of money!!

    Mr sky--- "That's right darling, we do, I just thought it would be nice to wake up one morning and find out you have loads of money"--

    Mrs sky---"Well that's all very nice dear, but it's really not fair is it?-- All this money came from the people of England, how can we look poor people in the eye?

    Mr Sky,-- "Don't worry darling, I'll figure out a way to give it back, first thing tomorrow morning"

    Mrs Sky-- "why don't you just set up an internet gambling site that works the opposite way to all the other ones and gives away loads of money to everybody?"

    Mr sky-- "that's a very interesting idea darling, I'll look into it right away"
  • edited June 2012
    Didn't Anna mention how she enjoyed playing Machka in 30p DYM's after her shows?
    She must be gutted they've gone!
    And maybe Machka's not winning The show competitions as a protest! for spoiling his early morning treats!
  • edited June 2012
    All good, I was just looking at a way to make the rich man a little richer and also make the proletariat happy to donk more 10%s to him than less 15%s , but maybe its like those infernal crapshoots the Bounty Hunters when the rich man was asked why he charged more, it was because they were popular....
    A swimming pool would look nice dear, tell the butler to make a call for me.......
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Are Sky that Arrogant they would ignore their Customers.!
    Posted by logdon
    I'm sure they are taking your constructive criticism on board.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : I'm sure they are taking your constructive criticism on board.
    Posted by hawk7112
      Are you sure. ?    How sure are you.?   Really sure.?   Positively sure.?   Mmm  Not sure are you.!
  • edited June 2012
    Let's not turn this into a drunken Friday night rant.

    We do want them back and this probably aint the way to go about it :)
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Let's not turn this into a drunken Friday night rant. We do want them back and this probably aint the way to go about it :)
    Posted by Lambert180
       Then please tell us .......  show us the way.?     Customer Care ......... it is not.!    Community Suggestions ...... it is not.! 
  • edited June 2012
    We won`t get them back sadly these big companys don`t listen to their  customers! fighting a losing battle

    if we were to get them bk surely we would have got them back by now
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    If they come back, can we have 10% rake, can we have 10% rake on all games maximum ?  I for one would gladly grind a load of DYMs alongside my low stake MTTs that I play if I didnt have to beat 15 and 20% rakes before I made a profit. Not sure what others think but if we are looking at this from a business perspective would that not make sense?  I could be wrong and often am but I think if it was given a go, perhaps that 10% rake would entice enough extra players to offset those like me who wont grind a load of games where the rake makes it very difficult to make a profit.
    Posted by Oopnorth
    This has been asked for on several occasions for lower stakes DYMs, but has fallen on deaf ears.  Why should micro stakes players be paying a higher rake than everyone else?

    I agree that lower rakes would see an increase in numbers at these tables, and generate more income. 

    We as customers of this business are providing feedback through the forum on these matters.  If we are not satisfied with the products provided or the amount we are being charged in rake, then it is our prerogative to take our business elsewhere.

    So for my tuppence worth, I think that all DYMs should have the same rake%, and that the 30p games should be brought back. 
  • edited June 2012
    @ Logdon - The way, is to wait until Tuesday/Wednesday when Tikay has his meeting with management and gets back to us with what their view on the matter is.

    @67bhoys - I'd love lower rake, we all would but it is industry standard that rake will always be lower at higher stakes. The rake at 30p and 60p is the same and they both run pretty much non-stop all day, so I'm not sure they really need to entice people to play them by lowering rake. Much in the same way that lots of people love to play BHs so the rake is higher. Supply and Demand and all that jive.
  • edited June 2012
    Blimey, i'm away for a few weeks and it's all change
    shame if they are gone forever, used to like them as a "quick fix" while waiting to get on tables
    always seemed to fill up quick
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    @ Logdon - The way, is to wait until Tuesday/Wednesday when Tikay has his meeting with management and gets back to us with what their view on the matter is. @67bhoys - I'd love lower rake, we all would but it is industry standard that rake will always be lower at higher stakes. The rake at 30p and 60p is the same and they both run pretty much non-stop all day, so I'm not sure they really need to entice people to play them by lowering rake. Much in the same way that lots of people love to play BHs so the rake is higher. Supply and Demand and all that jive.
    Posted by Lambert180
    There is a demand for the 30p DYMs and they have been scrapped.  Also just because some games are more popular than others, doesn't make it right to charge more.  It may be generate income, but may leave those customers who are charged a higher rake feeling slightly aggrieved. 

    It may be profitable, but is it fair and equitable?
  • edited June 2012

    Law of supply and demand are one thing and in that I do not agree, if a product is cheaper,, ie the rake , elsewhere, people will then travel there and buy their goods. These higher rakes are a nonsensical business model, charge people more because they are popular. Carry on then and someone will undercut you. And dont say you werent warned.
    Also this is not an inelastic market, the kind where you can 'price fix' to an extent, in areas like fuel prices.
    And God its been a while but I do remember vaguely one of the laws of economics being that it is a much cheaper business model to retain customers you have gained through good customer service than it can ever be once they leave. Something around 5x more perhaps to get a customer back that you have lost than to retain that customer in the first place.
    I dont and wont accept that it is good business practice to charge your  customer more for a product simply because it is popular if that was the reason given for areas of higher rake.
     That is just fundamentally  bad business practice.

  • edited June 2012
    The following is something that I put on my thread 1 week ago, however I feel it has a relevance to this thread & as "the suits" decision might still be reversible I have posted here as well to add whatever weight I can to the case.

    "A different start to today, no 30p Dym. For the past few days I have been starting the morning off with the ladder challenge before I start playing on the £11 Dym tables. for 2 reasons really 1) that I am happy with my game before i sit on an £11 table. 2) £11 tables dont fill up quickly at that time of the day.I have already said on a previous post what I thought about the standard of play on the 30p tables.

    I presume the cost to Sky of putting on that table exceeds the 30p it recieves in rake. Personally I think it is a big shame, I started on sky with £10 & learnt my way around the poker on sky playing these tables, feeling comfortable with the 33 BI I had, now it would only be 16. Even when I suffered a crisis of confidence, I dropped back to that level. However playing that level was far better standard than any "freeroll" table I have ever played. Never did I have to wait long for the table to fill (unlike other levels). Tikay himself said that the behind the scenes changes to the software meant that Sky had more capacity than would ever be needed (unless of course sky is to go global & needs the capacity). 

    I hope the recreational players who have no intention of performing a bankroll challenge & are quite happy to play the game we all love at the lower levels are not forced away with Sky's decision to Double the minimum cost of a game of poker.
    If it hadn't been for the 30p Dym tables I don't think I would still be playing & enjoying my time on Sky poker. "  
  • edited June 2012
    Because there is almost near silence from Sky  (apart from Tikays answer), then I take this as Sky are seriously taken aback by the response to  their decsion and reassessing the situation seriously. The 30p DYM might be gone or/and they may be planning to bring something else in to appease the lower stake player.
    I think Im more annoyed at the way it was done without warning, and no logical reason which stacks up and then the lack of response after it has been done. What is also  baffling is Ive heard several of the 865 presenters and experts over the years say how good the 30p DYM's are as an introduction to learning the skills of the game etc. They must be cringing at the "suits" decision to axe them ?

  • edited June 2012

    Good morning.

    Several comments that Sky Poker are not listening to the feedback.

    That is incorrect - that is why I have commented on the thread several times, & I have written to the Suits about it a lot, too, & sent them a link to the thread.

    I have also explained that it is a trial, is being evaluated, & will be reviewed, weekly, in the Management Meeting. I believe I gave you the result of the evaluation after the first week.

    The analysis is done weekly, & to suit the way the Business measures site performance, is measured every week, on a Friday. Numbers are reported daily, but it is sensible to measure them weekly, to dilute daily variations. The "Sky Poker Business Week" is Friday to Thursday, so the week ends at Midnight on Thursday.

    The figures are therefore evaluated on a Friday, when the week's numbers are readily to hand, in the Weekly Report.

    I have this morning (Saturday) been sent (as have all members of the Management Team) the numbers for the week which ended at Midnight on Thursday, drawn from Friday's Weekly Report, which is disseminated internally on Friday afternoon. So it is clearly being examined  within reasonable timescales.

    These numbers will be discussed in the next Management Meeting. There are usually 10am every Tuesday, but I'm not sure if that will be delayed this coming week, as Tuesday is a Bank Holiday, & I assume most of the Management Team will be on Holiday, so it may be Wednesday next week. 

    I will try & update you as and when I have further news to report on this matter.

    I hope you all have a peaceful & enjoyable Jubilee Weeklend.
  • edited June 2012
    i am still struggling to see were sky are coming from with this?>

    the games run all the time

    they charge a higher rake than competitors for the equivalent game (that is there choice i have no problem with this it is a free world)

    if the 30p games come back i will return to the site to some degree and split my playing time half with ps were the games are definitley a little tougher but the rake is less (swings and roundabouts) 

    i fear that the suits may not change the decision as the immediate monetary loss is probably very minimal , however as others have pointed out the bigger picture is todays small stakes player may be tommorows mid/high stakes player. Again as already stated i am not entirely comfortable with were the removal of these sits with skys constant assertion of correct bankroll management and promotion of responsible gambling.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Because there is almost near silence from Sky  (apart from Tikays answer), then I take this as Sky are seriously taken aback by the response to  their decsion and reassessing the situation seriously. The 30p DYM might be gone or/and they may be planning to bring something else in to appease the lower stake player. I think Im more annoyed at the way it was done without warning, and no logical reason which stacks up and then the lack of response after it has been done. What is also  baffling is Ive heard several of the 865 presenters and experts over the years say how good the 30p DYM's are as an introduction to learning the skills of the game etc. They must be cringing at the "suits" decision to axe them ?
    Posted by JPW33
    This may just be the right time for Sky to re-evaluate the micro stakes.

    If you play 30p DYMs, you have to at the moment win 2/3, a 66% win rate,to get 10p. Sky get 15p.

    Cost 3x30p=90p
    win 2x50p= 100p (100p-90p=10p)
    Rake 3x5p= 15p

    If Sky were to reduce the rake to 10%, the figures would be:

    Cost 3x27.5p= 82.5p
    Win 2x50p= 100p (100p-82.5p=17.5p)
    Rake 3x2.5p= 7.5p

    If Sky reckon that the loss of 7.5p is a tad expensive for them, may I suggest 33p DYMs:

    Cost 3x33p= 99p
    win  2x60p= 120p (-99p=21p)
    Rake 3x3p= 9p

    I reckon that this would encourage more players to play, therefore, although Sky have in theory lost 6p per player, the total rake may increase.

    Also, if players at this level can achieve a 66% win rate, their bankroll will increase at a faster rate, enabling them to move up to the next level more quickly, generating more rake at that level.

    I would also suggest changing 60p to 66p and so on up the levels, to enable a fair and equitable rake for all players no matter what level they play.

    This would also enhance Sky pokers reputation within the industry, and encourage new players to join the site.

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : This may just be the right time for Sky to re-evaluate the micro stakes. If you play 30p DYMs, you have to at the moment win 2/3, a 66% win rate,to get 10p. Sky get 15p. Cost 3x30p=90p win 2x50p= 100p (100p-90p=10p) Rake 3x5p= 15p If Sky were to reduce the rake to 10%, the figures would be: Cost 3x27.5p= 82.5p Win 2x50p= 100p (100p-82.5p=17.5p) Rake 3x2.5p= 7.5p If Sky reckon that the loss of 7.5p is a tad expensive for them, may I suggest 33p DYMs: Cost 3x33p= 99p win  2x60p= 120p (-99p=21p) Rake 3x3p= 9p I reckon that this would encourage more players to play, therefore, although Sky have in theory lost 6p per player, the total rake may increase. Also, if players at this level can achieve a 66% win rate, their bankroll will increase at a faster rate, enabling them to move up to the next level more quickly, generating more rake at that level. I would also suggest changing 60p to 66p and so on up the levels, to enable a fair and equitable rake for all players no matter what level they play. This would also enhance Sky pokers reputation within the industry, and encourage new players to join the site.
    Posted by 67Bhoys
    +1 to this

    I would still rarely play any new  33p games but I would certainly run a couple of 1.10 over even 2.20 games alongside what I play already, I am only a small sgakes player but when I see the challenges in diaries to play x games a month, I would have a go, perhaps 100/200 a month at first and see if I can grow up and be Devonfish ;) and grind a million a month. I am not a computer geek so cant coment on threads about the sorfware drop outs and the likes. However I like how the tables look, how it sounds and how it plays on here and enjoy the community aspects, here and in the teams, I would just like to play more and have a chance to make a few more pennies. And in making those pennies because I would then increase my total gameplay, make SKY some more pennies. Lefts have a trial and if traffic doesnt increase I will give up my 10% quest.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    , & I have written to the Suits about it a lot, too, & sent them a link to the thread.. 

    Wasn,t going to comment ( but seen as the suits are reading)  as i don,t play them and never would .

    The reason as others have mentioned is the rake. In my opinion whether its 30p , £30 or £300 the rake should be the same. Its clearly discrimination against micro stakes players and Sky arn,t the only site who do it

    Theres another site which i won,t mention but they charge 20% on STT,s and DYM,s up to $5, hence i would never play those either.

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    Law of supply and demand are one thing and in that I do not agree, if a product is cheaper,, ie the rake , elsewhere, people will then travel there and buy their goods. These higher rakes are a nonsensical business model, charge people more because they are popular. Carry on then and someone will undercut you. And dont say you werent warned. Also this is not an inelastic market, the kind where you can 'price fix' to an extent, in areas like fuel prices. And God its been a while but I do remember vaguely one of the laws of economics being that it is a much cheaper business model to retain customers you have gained through good customer service than it can ever be once they leave. Something around 5x more perhaps to get a customer back that you have lost than to retain that customer in the first place. I dont and wont accept that it is good business practice to charge your  customer more for a product simply because it is popular if that was the reason given for areas of higher rake.  That is just fundamentally  bad business practice.
    Posted by Oopnorth
    To be fair, Sky has not been the cheapest rake around during the entire time I've played on the site and the majority of people haven't left and went to the sites with lower rake. Like with alot of things (bank accounts, mortgages etc.) people tend to be stuck in their ways, they find something they feel comfortable with and it's easier to just stick with it, than go into the unknown. Obviously if you take the game very seriously (like play for a living), people would not be so lazy about it.

    I'm not saying Sky are tricking us or anything, just making the point that Sky's rake has been higher than others for as long as I can remember, but then on the flip side, they offer so much that some sites don't...

    1. They have a TV channel which is not only entertaining but can also give great analysis and help with your game.

    2. They have a great forum where they are constantly giving away free prizes.

    3. Tikay and other Sky staff are always about on the forum answering questions and looking into things for people.

    4. And many more that I can't think of right now.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's : Did I miss something? Paul have you been appointed head of Sky Customer Services? You seem to  appear on every thread! If the answer's yes, Can we have our 30p DYM's Back please?
    Posted by cleansweep
    he is,but at least he talks sense and gives out valid opinions anyway lets hope they bring them back or something similar which i think they will
  • edited June 2012
    keep this on topic please

    this is an important topic that needs resolving

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's:
    keep this on topic please this is an important topic that needs resolving
    Posted by bugaloo
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