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Real life.Hard times,they are over.



  • edited July 2014
    Evenin a bit of a loose end,so thought I'd update.After the feeling down in the dumps pre weekend post,things went really well yesterday and today for the weeman.Think this is in some small part to me n the missus accepting the "inevitable" autism prognosis.we know its early days yet but all the triggers are there and we know he'll be at the lower end of the spectrum. Think he picks up on this and behaves accordingly.Pokerwise,its a. Case of blah!!gonna read up and try n pick up some useful a fortnight off work from next week,so its concentration time.
    Be good all
  • edited July 2014
    How do folks?once again I'm in the middle of getting the weeman down,so thought I'd share a moment or 2 from earlier today.normally he's completely antisocial and shuns company his own age for that of adult of the many autism triggers ,so I've been a play date with a mates daughter really didn't fill me with positives.however!what a day,totally n utterly loved on famously with his `mate'and never shut up about it all day this may not be newsworthy to most but to basically see that much happy interaction for a sustained period makes me so happy. All the running around has knackered him out also,so a full nights kip ahead,yay!long may this continue.
    Be good all
  • edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.good times:
    How do folks?once again I'm in the middle of getting the weeman down,so thought I'd share a moment or 2 from earlier today.normally he's completely antisocial and shuns company his own age for that of adult of the many autism triggers ,so I've been a play date with a mates daughter really didn't fill me with positives.however!what a day,totally n utterly loved on famously with his `mate'and never shut up about it all day this may not be newsworthy to most but to basically see that much happy interaction for a sustained period makes me so happy. All the running around has knackered him out also,so a full nights kip ahead,yay!long may this continue. Be good all Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
    Nice heartwarming story Paul
    Long may it continue
  • edited July 2014
    Glad today was a good day mate...
    as Mick says, long may iy continue.
  • edited July 2014
    Hey folks,good and bad news to report.The good revolves around the weeman.Been off work this week,so had to entertain the monster!!while the good weather was with us.Had a great week at various fun fairs and themeparks which surprisingly made adam happy as normally big crowds totally freak him out.A probable side effect of autism.The frustratin thing is that we were told he was probably ok,then we should prepare for the worst,then prepare for the in between!!!In  reality it doesnt really matter cos after this week and the enjoyment on adams face,we as a family can only embrace the weemans differences and take each hurdle as it comes.
    The bad revolves around a dissapointin episode on sky poker tonight.A well known reg decided to interupt my tourney play with heinous allegations about my integrity at the table.Thankfully the table I was at gave him what for and I appreciate that greatfully.Terribly gutted about this as I had held the perpretrator in high regard previously.The thing is,I came 2nd in the tourney so if it was gamesmanship,it failed,and I cashed for a nice 70 notes.Hate any form of cheating,so to be accused without any proof,sucked big style.Im over it now,but baseless accusations can be very damaging.
    Be good all
  • edited July 2014
    Hi Paul,


    so don't let one idiot get to you & spoil what should have been a great night for you.
    you've won £70 fair and square... you know that, and that's all that matters.

    Remember, you can only control what you do, not what anyone else does, so next time just put something like lol lol lol in the chatbox or better still just ignore it completely, is my advice.

    Run golden mate... you deserve it!!!
  • edited July 2014
    Theres a lot of waffle about autism nowadays bignoise,  but the spectrum is so large that a diagnosis is next to useless if you dont know the individual concerned. Its only really useful as means you will get more help with schooling etc. Try everything and encourage the positives with your little man, he sounds really sociable and fun loving. He probably learned more about himself and how to behave around others from playing with your friends daughter and going to the funfair than any psychologist/specialist could have taught him. Stay positive!
  • edited August 2014
    Hey all.Been a while since I updated,so here goes.The weemans gonna be startin a new school in a few weeks time,so,excitin times as well as nervous times ahead on that score.Went shoppin with the missus for his new uniform,bag,pencil case,blah!you know the drill,lol.Makes us think,where the time has gone.Crazy.Been for a couple of consultations with therapists re the weemans behaviour due to "whatever it may be".We are none the wiser,is it just boys will be boys?is it a wee phase they all go through ?or another mystery explanation?either way,hes had a really cool week.In and among the therapy,he found time to get himself a girlfriend!!!Never shuts up about her,lol.Makes him smile,makes me smile.Thats basically it.Poker wise,it pretty much sucks atm,but I'm happier with how im reacting to it.Still dont like it,but have developed an inner resolve to accept the hits.That may not sound like big news,but its a step in the right direction for my good self.
    Be good all
    Ps.Quick edit,won a grand total of 6 notes tonight!!
    Iknow lol

  • edited August 2014
    Hi Paul,
    Now you know the wee man's growing up.... girlfriend already  lol
    I was 18 b4 I had my first girlfriend,  ha ha.
    They do start young these days!!!   :)

    glad all is good mate, one day at a time & all that.
    I'd have taken that £6 win last night mate... gladly,  ha ha
    be lucky mate, have a great Sunday bud,
  • edited August 2014
    life isn,t for the greedy, it isn,t for the needy, it isn,t for the takers of the bait, its for sunshine through the clouds, and the ups after the downs, because of these things life, my friend, is great.
  • edited August 2014
    The dev n rob.appreciate all responses to this thread.had a really good one today.took the family out for lunch.weemans behaviour was great,which isn't usually the case in big crowds.still bangin on about his girlfriend. So day at a time is the new mantra at chez bignoise.only way to go atm.Things are good atm,so i'll take that and run with it.
    Be good all
  • edited October 2014
    Hey all.Been such a while since I last posted,so here goes.As the new title suggests,its me and my story.I know many of you have read the weemans journey and this will still have many updates on his progression,but I'm comfortable enough  to give my side of the story(if anyones interested lol) while the weeman has his happiness at his new school.Cant say anything has hampered his enjoyment of life since his new start.New teachers,new mates new start.All is good atm re sessions and treatments.Hes still under observation,but his new lifestyle means progress is noticeable among al the professionals who deal with him.So!!!!I thought I'd take this opportunity to give up some of me to you.Ive been here quite a while.Won afew tourneys,lost abit and generally in the main moaned about it.Whe I started this diary way back,it was about not letting te bad beats take over and realising that other stuff matters!In the main Ive tackled this but deep inside thers still a resentment towards bad beats.Its in my character.Why me,Ive often asked myself.Be it from a loss goin in ahead or a loss goin in behind.Compared to years ago,I'm a massively different person re attitude to losses.But I think I can pinpoint the way forward.I havent really ventured towards the clinic or offered my input towards  other clinic issues(as i feel Ive nowt constructive to offer).TBH,this has been the way Ive lived most my life.Ive lived it in much of a shell,never really had anything to give a toss about until I met my missus,then subsequently,the weeman.Im freakishly good with numbers(according to my mates lol)and basically live my working life through numbers.At times Ive been lost in puzzles to such an extent that Ive been up all night and headed on to work like this was normal.I've gone 2/3 nights with no kip(handy when your kid first comes along,re night feeds etc lol),have had life issues,you know,work,money,bills,general nonsense,etc we all think through this cack every now and again.But since the arrival of the weeman,Ive had to put all thoughts about myself aside and give my all towards my kid.This is standard for every parent that has ever existed,bar the odd tool.Bu as I said ta the top of this post,Im happy with where the weeman is at so,this is my story.Im not settin a br challenge,but I sincerely hope to post good news re results and will deffo post up the bad uns to.
    Be good all

  • edited October 2014
    Hi again.Ever since my previous post,Ive been gettin battered at poker.Been losin all manner of flips,couldnt run deep in any tourney,even the small fields.And tbh was takin it really badly.This shouldnt be the case as all is goin well at home atm re the weeman and his sessions.School is wonderful for his self esteem and he has come outta his shell massively.My home life in general is good also,so to be takin my hits in a poor fashion was dissappointing to say the least.That was until a few days ago when the missus of all people had a go at me because of my grouchiness re poker.Normally she has no interest in the game,but made it her personal goal this week to try and make me see how much good is goin on in my life atm.Now either shes a bl**dy miracle worker,or I'm just a wee bit lucky,cos for the first time in a long,long time,I took down a biggish tourney(for my level I might add lol).Won the 10:40 bh for a cool 220 notes total.Not too bad.Thing ran for over 4 blinkin hours,lol.Now if I can keep the dark passenger at bay(anyone who watched dexter will know what I mean) I could enjoy my experiences a lot more at the table.Who knows?Myabe this is the kick up the backside I needed.Time will tell.
    Ok,off to bed on a good note.
    Be good all
  • edited October 2014
    Hey bignoise,

    Congrats on winning the 2240 last night, poker gods seemed to be with u late on in the tourney, very well played, I finished 5th after running 88 into JJ n missing.
  • edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life......just me...A big win...(ish):
    Hey bignoise, Congrats on winning the 2240 last night, poker gods seemed to be with u late on in the tourney, very well played, I finished 5th after running 88 into JJ n missing.
    Posted by myrrdhin
    Cheers buddy.Have to admit,I was smiled on throughout the tourney.But usually never take total advantage of the situation,until last night/htis mornin!Hope it continues!
    Be good 

  • edited November 2014
    Ah well,the time has come.Big win during the week,busto as I write this post.Cant help goin for the big money when I have a pound or 2 in the br.It aint good for the old noggin.Gonna give it a miss till I get the old demons sorted.will say this though.Ive made some really decent mates on this forum,so hope you all run good and who knows,maybe in the new year I'll learn some brm!!Arrgghh,tis so sad that Im writin this but there are underlyin issues that exist that need dealin with before I play any more poker.I,m gonna enjoy havin more time with the weeman.Gotta get perspective.
    Be good,run good and enjoy.I know I'll certainlly be tryin to do the latter.
  • edited November 2014
    We all been there m8 i have terrible brm i won over 3 grand spu nked the lot within couple of months couple years back take it easy m8 more important things in life like family :)
  • edited December 2014
    Hello all.Been nearly 8 weeks since last post when things werent goin so well on and off the poker table.Was really struggling to deal with defeat to such an extent that it was makin me ill!! I know!this game which has the ability to excite and frustrate in equal measure was to blame for everything that was going wrong in my life(tongue firmly in cheek there btw).But to a dgree it was annoyin me so bad.Now I have still been readin threads and keepin up to date etc,but I want to tell you all why Im back in such a positive frame of mind this time round.For a 3 week period in the last 7 weeks,the weeman,who along with the missus provide me with the sanity to go about day to day stuff was in hospital constantly.A simple cold turned into the most horrendous episode of breathing complications Ive ever seen in the weemans short life.Without boring you all too much we spent so much time in the hosi that I seen more of that place and my work than home.Thankfully hes the other side of the trouble and is slowly gettin to full health just in time for crimbo.Yay!!!Now it was probably to do with major lack of kip but I havent had time to think,which probably is a good thing,this makin me focus all my energy on the weeman and not beatin myself up all the live long day bout the small stuff.Glad to be lookin forward to a game rather than worryin whether or not Im gonna win.Crimbos around the corner and with all seemin really good atm at home re weeman and my own"demons" I can say with massive confidence that Im on the road to peacedom.Dont think thats an actual word,but you get my drift lol.Im gonna give everyone I come across at the tables  achance to "out" me on this thread if Im becomin a bad loser again.But hear this.Im confident enough to say that the bad old days are behind me and there wont be any need to give me stick,maybe apart from my play lol.Oh,and even better news on top of all that.4 weeks ago the weeman was formally discharged from all his appointments with a clean bill of health.No autism present,no underlyin mental issues etc.The new school has been a dream so far.So you see,life is good atm,very good.Ive given myself a second chance here as ive been given a second chance to enjoy life at home,life with the weeman,with the missus etc.It aint all bad.Sorry for the ramble,but its been a long time.Hope I havent bored you all.Those that continue to read,thanks a lot.
    Be good folks
  • edited December 2014
    Happy Chrimbo Paul and a fantastic peaceful 2015 to you xxx
  • edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.second chance at it all:
    Happy Chrimbo Paul and a fantastic peaceful 2015 to you xxx
    Posted by mrsduck
    Cheers ducky.Funnily enough,yours is one of the threads Ive been enjoyin durin my embargo!!cheery to say the least.Played the mini earlier and took 3 heads,got my buy in back and then bust.Normally thats a time for ****!!1;;''';;' etc but hey,free poker.Not exactly,made 14p lol.Its all good.
    Have a good crimbo

  • edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.Second chance at it all.:
    Hello all.Been nearly 8 weeks since last post when things werent goin so well on and off the poker table.Was really struggling to deal with defeat to such an extent that it was makin me ill!! I know!this game which has the ability to excite and frustrate in equal measure was to blame for everything that was going wrong in my life(tongue firmly in cheek there btw).But to a dgree it was annoyin me so bad.Now I have still been readin threads and keepin up to date etc,but I want to tell you all why Im back in such a positive frame of mind this time round.For a 3 week period in the last 7 weeks,the weeman,who along with the missus provide me with the sanity to go about day to day stuff was in hospital constantly.A simple cold turned into the most horrendous episode of breathing complications Ive ever seen in the weemans short life.Without boring you all too much we spent so much time in the hosi that I seen more of that place and my work than home.Thankfully hes the other side of the trouble and is slowly gettin to full health just in time for crimbo.Yay!!!Now it was probably to do with major lack of kip but I havent had time to think,which probably is a good thing,this makin me focus all my energy on the weeman and not beatin myself up all the live long day bout the small stuff.Glad to be lookin forward to a game rather than worryin whether or not Im gonna win.Crimbos around the corner and with all seemin really good atm at home re weeman and my own"demons" I can say with massive confidence that Im on the road to peacedom.Dont think thats an actual word,but you get my drift lol.Im gonna give everyone I come across at the tables  achance to "out" me on this thread if Im becomin a bad loser again.But hear this.Im confident enough to say that the bad old days are behind me and there wont be any need to give me stick,maybe apart from my play lol.Oh,and even better news on top of all that.4 weeks ago the weeman was formally discharged from all his appointments with a clean bill of health.No autism present,no underlyin mental issues etc.The new school has been a dream so far.So you see,life is good atm,very good.Ive given myself a second chance here as ive been given a second chance to enjoy life at home,life with the weeman,with the missus etc.It aint all bad.Sorry for the ramble,but its been a long time.Hope I havent bored you all.Those that continue to read,thanks a lot. Be good folks Paul 
    Posted by bignoise10
    it's a long paragraph but contains a lot of good info - Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year to you. May 2015 be everything you want it to be.
  • edited December 2014
    Yay!!!The power of positive thinkin.On my return to this wonderful site,I come 2nd in a wee 2 note speed tourney for a 77 note prize!!!Aint much to some but really could feel like cryin.tried my best tonite.Was selectful,played the right cards and most of all,enjoyed it!!!!!!Most may scoff,but I think this may be a turnin point for me.realisation has well and truly kicked in.Watch out all.Im gonna crush left,right and bloomin centre from now on,lollololool
    Be good all 
  • edited December 2014
    Peacedom is a good place Paul!  Paragraphs are good also.   ;-))
    Your the only person in the community i wouldn't give a TLDR to! 

    Glad life&poker is on the up. Life does suck sometimes.  
     It's how we deal with it that makes us......

  • edited December 2014
    Hi Paul

    So good to see things may be improving for you and your family,I wish you the best of luck , you are a really nice guy and it brings me great happiness to see there are still some good guys who care about their family left.

    Good luck in poker and life my good man.
  • edited December 2014
    Glad the wee man is feeling better & you too.
    Nice cash mate, well done.

    Hope the wee man the missus & yourself all have a lovely Christmas & a happy new year,
    best wishes mate,
  • edited December 2014
    Cheers guys for all the responses.Glad its still of interest.Re the long paragraph,I just got carried away with the ramble and paid no heed to it.Slap on the wrists for me there lol.Now heres the thing.Since my "new found inner calm!" I had a nice wee 77 note cash in a speed tourney on friday night.But,the run good continues.Folks,tonight Ive had probably my best result on here,winning the  £11 buyin bh for a tidy w


    Tournament ID: 10306974

    Start Date/Time
    Cash Prize Pool
    Heads Prize Pool
    Buyin + Fee
    £10 + £1
    Total prize contribution is split equally between the tournament prize pool and player bounties. If you win a bounty you keep 75% with 25% added to your own head value. Late Reg will be open for 40 minutes.

    Chip Stacks


    Rebuys and Addons



    Players Remaining: 0 / 100') 0px -2325px" scope="col">Player Name') 100% -2380px" scope="col">Chips') 0px -2325px" scope="col">Rank') 0px -2325px" scope="col">Prize') 0px -2325px" scope="col">Heads') 0px -2325px" scope="col">Value
    bignoise102000001£139.75 + £111.29 Head Prizes11£31.56
    louca0102£85.25 + £4.69 Head Prizes1 
    Metlad103£52.50 + £14.77 Head Prizes3 
    gubster04£42.25 + £24.08 Head Prizes4 
    babyboy01505£36 + £36.56 Head Prizes7
    in of over £240!!!!I know,me winnin again.Got lucky once or twice if I remember rightly,but who doesnt when they run deep?So happy atm its unreal.

    Night all.Buzzin!!!
  • edited December 2014

  • edited December 2014
    Hi,hope you all had a merry crimbo,I know I did.Got back into proper poker tonight and lifted another 70 quid.Final tabled the 1230 11 quid bh.came 4t after being short stacked for most of the game.Pretty pleased with how I played considerin in the past when I got shorted,I woul generally just shove it in and load up again.Not now though.Wee bit of resilience maybe,who knows?Readin a lot more of the forum posts and tryin to work offf that.Deffo a change in the old noggin.
    Anyway,Ive had a glass or two of a very nice cab sauv and am feelin quite merry.Got the munchies now,so off for a bite then hit the hay.
    Peace all
  • edited January 2015
    Hi all and a a merry new year my good folks.This is a strange one.Im full to the gillls with red wine and have a house full of nutters runnin around causin drunken merriment atm.Im gonna do somethin that I never htought Id even contemplate tryin on htis site.Not necesserally a br thread,but a see how long paul can make it last thread,Ive been a d*ck at times this year,blamin all and sundry for my beats when obv it was my own stupidity.Iv shared many a story about my personal life and posted the odd oturney win.
    The thing is,I know I can play tourneys.Ive had a few decent wins in the past year or so.It just so happens that I also like to get into the red wine a wee bit too much.It is in these situations that I become the biggest tool on the tables and dont take my beats too well.That was back then.In recent times Ive had a good few months family and poker wise.Ie been well behaved and coincidentelly have much enjoyed my poker in this time.
    Ive spent tthe crimbo period watchin multiple box sets,think my brains gone into overload lol.Tryin somethin diff from the norm to take my mind off the mundane stuff.Lovin the walkin dead and the blacklist atm btw.
    Ive got £295 in my account.
    How long will this last?
    Frankly,who knows.the way I play the game,it could be a day or 2!!
    Not likely though.This is the new and improved me.I wont be goin for 30 quid russian roulettes on adrunken whim etc.
    I know Ive got the basics sorted to a certain degree.I know I can play the game,I know if I can cut out the stupidity,I can be decent here.Make no mistakes,Im a losin player atm,but I can and I think I will turn it around and become a +ve player.
    Wish me luck folks.Ill keep an interestin if not usccessful journal.There will be many a hole to pick in this thread lol.
    Be good and hope2015 bring all you desire
    p.s. Red wine is AWSOME!!!!!!
  • edited January 2015
    Hole picked. Red wine sucks!   Chardonnay rules.  ;-)  The very best to you & Mrs, & the weeman in 2015.
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