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After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play

edited July 2012 in Poker Chat
I just wanted to say a semi goodbye to all the great people I have spoken to over the last few years.

Over the last few months particularly since the sync breaks download came in evey day I am losing hands which is now become to the stage I cannot realy play the site.

Just to make it clear I can at the same time be multi on my new site I have joined with NO disconection issues when sky may only have 1 or 2 tables on the go and disconnect. I have even tried just running 1 sky table no others and still lose hands.

I must say the guys in Priorty have been great but as this has gone on for so long and is getting worse not better I will only play the odd MTTs on here and I will try 1 more DTD this week but if it happens again in the DTD I will have to drop that as well.

I am sad to be doing this as not only have I been with sky so long I started playing when I lived in the country with only dial up and used to have to play the Velocity on TV when it was the main event.

I have been a big supporter of what Sky are trying to acheive here.Of course other sites offer better rake back and even payout structure however I for one was happy to not take the better rakes etc for these reasons

1. The community on here is 2nd to none and the players have taken this to such a level it is something to be very proud of.

2. The DTD and teams again have been brilliant great banter at the tables and created a friendly healty competive spirit 2nd to none.

3. The league was a great idea which did create again competition between players which did used to lead to great banter I am proud to have been the last MTT winner before it was withdrawn.

4. The sky TV show amazing you have created a very good show which I have enjoyed for years and considering you have little budjet if the rest of TV could follow your example the quality of TV would go leaps and bounds.

5. It has been exciting to be part of a growing site which I hope I have also done my micro part to help grow.

But the bad points.

1. The lag disconection problems

2. The poor communication by Sky esp recently has been terriable and I would urge senior managment at sky to take a very long hard look at what is going wrong. I have run many companies and teams and  this is so easy to fix its page 1 of any managment for dummies book. 

just a couple of examples.

The way the league was withdrawn terriable and nobody even stoped to think would it upset anyone not giving a reward for winning the league

During this major problem of disconnections instead of facing up to you customers you put a post out saying you have excellent monitoring system so there is no problems come on poor customer relations there to say the least and very insulting.

The other night when the site stopped for over an hour and half at least you left the players just sitting there instead of sending a message out to all the tables.

As mentioned just examples. 

It shows how much I think of my team mates and the really good people on this site that I am not closing my account totaly because I would love the problems to get fixed and then I may move my full bankroll back but the trouble with anything like this in life you let your customers wander they find better products. I am loving the new site I have joined for the structure and software so the danger is more players like me that do wander if it goes on too long will the benfits of Sky make you come back?

Good luck all


  • edited July 2012
    Listen to the man, Sky.

    Not a rant.

    Not a moan from a losing player.

    This fella can see that the King is naked........
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    Listen to the man, Sky. Not a rant. Not a moan from a losing player. This fella can see that the King is naked........
    Posted by Maggiesdad
  • edited July 2012
    Sky Please take note!!!

    An Articulate & Constructive Crittique, from One of the most respected players on Sky and the DTD Community!!

    We have all helped with the good points noted above!!! but....The areas raised have to be assesed & addressed!!

    Any good business learns to accept constuctive criticism, respond politley, state action that it can possibly take & finally, with help, technical or financial,  address the problem!

    Doing Nothing causes the problem to fester, and gives ammunition to competitors & enemies!!

    THIS Is an oppurtunity to listen, address & Improve relations in areas....

    I would meet this challenge Head On, and turn this to a PR success....

    But I know not to teach ma grandma how to Suck Eggs!!

    GL, Challenges are there, overcome them with Success!!

  • edited July 2012
    Nice post, best of luck! 

    some very good points there IMO 
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    Listen to the man, Sky. Not a rant. Not a moan from a losing player. This fella can see that the King is naked........
    Posted by Maggiesdad

  • edited July 2012
    If Sky run to form they will offer to run a freeroll, that will make everything better.........
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : +2
    Posted by _ARAZI_

    If this was a complaint from a customer of my business I would put my highest qualified technician on a train to the customer's premises to see at first hand these problems.

    Sky response lately is so poor, there is obviously a problem that is affecting a number of customers and it is so sad that players like MRBURNS is leaving the site

  • edited July 2012

    nice post mrb

    hope sky do take note and do something about it,there are alot more players on here that are having the same problems as you, but there not posting anything up.if the others players on here do post up there problems with what you are having i think the site would be full of complaints.lets hope they listen mrb gl


  • edited July 2012
    I vote Sky management offer you a job swap for a month.
    Excellent points, well structured and imposssible not to understand the frustration being experienced at the moment!
    Shame you're leaving I used to enjoy railing regulars like spornybol (banned) and yourself in the Monday DTD.
    Noone can say you're a player just whingeing about bad beats, your record speaks for itself!
    Good Luck run good wherever you play!
  • edited July 2012
    well said mrburns. i don't have the same amount of disconnections as most just the odd one that started after the update. but i see it every night on all of the tables i play. i feel sorry for these players and can understand their frustration with sky. i to have started to wander to other sites and am getting close to joining you mrburns. i have already removed 3/4 of my bankroll and put sky on probation regarding the rest. its up to you sky find a solution or lose a big chunk of your client base.
  • edited July 2012
    "Delete cookies, nothing at our end" !!!
  • edited July 2012
    Very sad to see you go MrBurns. At least I got to meet you at Blackpool before you left.

    Best of luck in the future.
  • edited July 2012
    Been away for a few months so didnt know that this was going on and frankly im surprised its this bad that mr b would have to make the move, sky bosses obv need to step up, maybe tikay being in vegas has made a difference cos he wouldnt have let it get this bad.

    Shame i was going to start playing on here but might just wait and see what happens.

    Hi mr b was great playing with u so many times and railing u more :) best of luck on new site maybe pm me and il join u if SKY dont want my business ......

    Well SKY .....
  • edited July 2012

    I like you Mr B have been on Sky for 4 or so years now.  And I agree that the community is a major part of the reason I continue playing. 

    But as you say, there are problems that cannot be overlooked.  

    I too am seriously considering playing elsewhere, as I feel that there has been a series of problems and some decisions made by Sky have left me feeling a tad disillusioned. 

    The community spirit is second to none, but cannot be relied upon to keep customers playing here.

    So Best of luck Mr B, wherever you play, and keep the old luckbox polished up. 

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    I like you Mr B have been on Sky for 4 or so years now.  And I agree that the community is a major part of the reason I continue playing.  But as you say, there are problems that cannot be overlooked.   I too am seriously considering playing elsewhere, as I feel that there has been a series of problems and some decisions made by Sky have left me feeling a tad disillusioned.  The community spirit is second to none, but cannot be relied upon to keep customers playing here. So Best of luck Mr B, wherever you play, and keep the old luckbox polished up. 
    Posted by 67Bhoys
    + 1.   Think shed loadz of people are considering this , and when a few start to go, the rest will follow.
  • edited July 2012

    if you go they'll start calling skypoker soft.

  • edited July 2012
    The technical staff can point to peoples computers/internet connections all they want but if I can play up to 24 tables elsewhere free of lag completely AND still be able to run other programs at the same time, then it's obvious what the focus needs to be on.

    I can reach 5 on sky then I experience lag on my decisions, the 6th table sparks numerous timeouts particularly when posting blinds. Adobe air/flash whatever it is, its just not good/stable enough.

    The deteriation of the MTT schedule is dissappointing, and its not just because it's summer, several tournaments that were in place for YEARS have dissappeared these past few months.
  • edited July 2012
    i wrote a similar thread not long still here tho..:)

    the thing is no matter what the tech guys say we cannot all be wrong.
    yes some of us might need to upgrade/clean our pc's more often
    but the most common response is"i have no problem with any other site"

    Im sure its a hard task to get this sort of thing bug free and the techie's are working on it but it gets frustrating to see pockets aces and not being able to act because of lag....

    at the moment i am just playing sats into main events and only 1 table(alongside a couple of stars tables) and all seems well for now.

    p.s....i have new lappy just for poker but i still get the same probs as many players..
  • edited July 2012
    I got 1,200 points last month which is my lowest in 2 years of playing here.

    Wont even get 500 this month.

    Nowt to do with connection for me though (touch wood) just unless you're playing cash games, like I used to, there are much better options elsewhere. 

    T'will turn around again though, when they sort everything out. which they will.....eventually.
  • edited July 2012
    The worst part of this thread is that majority of the commenters are regs in the forum and on the table. I hope sky do take notice as although I don't suffer too much with connection I still get the red bar come up but I can still act which is odd! But every table has people disconnecting saw it on a FT bubble a min ago in 2pm BH he kept disconnecting reconnecting and then he was left with 1bb!!!
    Already noticed the clinic going down hill hardly any posts now there used to be loads throughout the day I dont think there has been more than two woday and one was mine.
  • edited July 2012

    MrBurns - please see the PM we have sent you.

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    I got 1,200 points last month which is my lowest in 2 years of playing here. Wont even get 500 this month. Nowt to do with connection for me though (touch wood) just unless you're playing cash games, like I used to, there are much better options elsewhere.  T'will turn around again though, when they sort everything out. which they will.....eventually.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    As Mr Burns has pointed out, Sky has some good pluspoints, but will lose stalwarts such as yourself to other sites that offer you better terms and have no connection problems.

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : As Mr Burns has pointed out, Sky has some good pluspoints, but will lose stalwarts such as yourself to other sites that offer you better terms and have no connection problems.  
    Posted by 67Bhoys

    Thread locked and now unlocked ???

  • edited July 2012
    Surely, if you have sent Mrburns a PM why not respond back to the rest of us? I too get alot of connection problems but only seems to be on sky, one of the main reasons i prefer to go live lately. 
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : Thread locked and now unlocked ???
    Posted by Boxster
    Locked as they don't want people to talk about it (because there's "nowt wrong at our end" lol) then unlocked because they know it will annoy people even more ;)
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    Surely, if you have sent Mrburns a PM why not respond back to the rest of us? I too get alot of connection problems but only seems to be on sky, one of the main reasons i prefer to go live lately. 
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
  • edited July 2012

    iv been reliably informed by sky poker there is no problems with there soft wear as most people don't suffer connection problems. On a more serious note I don't think you're on your own regarding singing up to new poker sites, most don't want to(inc  myself) but have no choose if you want a trouble free game of poker .best of luck m8..

  • edited July 2012
    Mr B that is a very erudite post and Sky should be aware now that there is a real danger of them losing their best players. I fear you may be the first of many. Good luck on the tables and I hope we see you return someday.
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    Surely, if you have sent Mrburns a PM why not respond back to the rest of us? I too get alot of connection problems but only seems to be on sky, one of the main reasons i prefer to go live lately. 
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    Hi Young_Gun

    We are just trying to help him with something specific.

    Anybody else who has a problem with connections should read this which might help. Then if that does not work, please contact customer care. As we've said previously, the best way for us to help somebody is via customer care.

    We cant discuss individual cases on the community unfortunately.

    Sky Poker
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