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After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play



  • edited July 2012

     I like Cheese  i win :)
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : Your arrogance is unbelievable................. You still have not explained how you think I am challenged either, but I will save you the long winded response. Your failed attempt at humour related to a completely different thread that was part of a year long CHALLENGE that us minnows took time out of our sad lives to do. If you would take the time out to read the said challenge, you would also notice that around 100 minnows took part in a game tonight to celebrate the challenge being achieved. Yes, you have a point, but that doesn't mean others don't. And fyi I don't skip along, I stand by my post that your initial contribution was ill thought out and stupid.
    Posted by kaymac
    I was disappointed with your comments implying we didn't experience problems and were moaning for the sake of it.
    I know for a fact that at least one person did experience technical problems he did not receive an apology nor a refund.
    Judging by the frequency of posts he was not alone and I know he's paid to have an independent expert examine his set up. the inspection was carried out and passed with flying colours.
    He didn't ask for any compensation but wanted to ensure the problem never happened again!
    His anger was at being treated as guilty before proven innocent.
    You are a lucky man to be so talented at the game. I'm sure you are a decent bloke and your opinions are as valid as anyone elses but it would be appreciated by me if you didn't judge my life by your experiences.
    I don't think you're arrogant just naive
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : lol i agree with most points you all have to say. But you get nowhere when you post gung ho on forums slating it.
    Posted by hurst05

    so if like me you have two emails ignored (both over a week ago) and arent getting anywere with live chat

    what would you suggest please?

    you seem to have all the answers
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : WHAT ARE YOU ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT!? 1) never called you challenged, that was a lighthearted comment about the guy who made the thread 'Sort it our sky!!!!!' so wind your neck in. 2) I have zero clue what year long challenge your talking about, my comment about people with sad lives is based soley about this thread. so again, wind your neck in. 3) Quite funny, im certain in my last post to you and to another. I actually said 'you all have points'. gees you have a long neck. 4) My comments are perfectly justifiyable, if people decide to comment about skys problems in an arrogant way then they can expect the same from me, i know alot of people agree with me, and have told me they do. but obv they dont wanna get into agruments so most likely wont post to say so.  you have nothing constructive to say, hence your closing statement. This means you obviously dont have anything else to say so BUUUUUH-BYYYYYYYYE
    Posted by hurst05

    I neither know you or have spoken to you in the past. I have tried to be sensible regarding all my posts in this and other threads. I also think that despite everything that goes wrong, SKY is a pretty good dite to play poker on. Obviously, I do not play at the nosebleed levels you play at, but hey ho, I work and pay tax.

    This thread was started by the Op and had some very good points. Some will agree, some wont, but thats the way of the world that we live in.

    You say you do not know what I am talking about. May I suggest you look back at everything you have posted to me and others in this thread and then you might comprehend. My main point was to disagree with you about the need for people to post in threads like this. I suggested that business needs feedback, good or bad. You may agree, you may not, that is neither here nor there.

    I can assure you my neck is not very large, and neither does it need winding in, but perhaps, and this is just a perhaps, if some of the larger b/r players on this site would take time to read what the little guys are doing, you may understand more. It's not that long ago, you were asking this very forum for advice, yet these are the same people you are berating for still playing on a site they are unhappy with.

    My conctructive point was regarding the need for feedback, maybe you missed it, but never mind, one day maybe you will understand about business, because without customers, you do not have one!!

    My apologies to the OP for derailing a very good thread, but sometimes this is necessary

  • edited July 2012

    Well, first posts well-constucted & looking to be positive, by it seems, opening some discussions about problems, which seems are defo there!!

    'PR Chance', I spoke about seems to have been missed again, giving the oppurtunity to de-rail this interesting debate!!

    Shame that some comments, probably not worded entirley correctly, and again, arguments ensued!!

    Hursty, you are great lad, and i offer you the chance to take one of my Hitsquad Diplomacy Courses, look what they did for emilyegg & Delta, LOL!!

    DJ,  i'd offer you a spot, but you i dont think even i canna help!! lol

    obviously just injecting a bit of fun, so please all take NO Offence, FFS,.... or HitPup will make you an offer you canna refuse!!

    NOW PLEASE ALL!! Back to Mr Burns & OP Debate, also i suggest as it's sunday nite, it may be difficult for sky to communicate in full or with authority...maybe...???

    also i am not a 'forum copper' or a Mod.....I AM A ROCKER, OK!!! [hursty Knows]

    Now Have fun & Play Nice!!

  • edited July 2012
    Good housekeeping is important if you are going to stay connected. The ways to keep a clean machine have been posted many times so I won't bore you all with them all.

    If your connection problems seem to happen at the same time each day, check if you have a security scan taking place at that time. If you have re-schedule it for a time when you are not playing.

    Take a broadband speed test - it's free and will show you how you compare to your neighbours and what IP they are using. Not all IP's are equal.

    If after all that you still have problems - join the club - so do I. (just occassionally)
  • edited July 2012
    In reply to DUNMIDOSH:

    I understand people have had problems and bad experiences with customer care, but people dont need to air their aggrevences in such a harsh way. a calm collected query on the forum is fine. none of the 'SORT THIS OUT SKY STUFF' etc. 

    Just want to say my comment about peoples 'sad lives' was completely in jest. people truly need to stop being pedantic. i like to incorporate light hearted humour in my posts so please take it in its intended way.

    In reply to BUGALOO:

    Duno how many more times youd like me to say 'People have a right to post on the forum with aggrevances' but do it in an adult manner. Lifes too short for heated abuse on forums (Even if you yourself havent done, my point remains to all)

    In reply to KAYMAC:

    I read this forum regular, just rarely post. i know alot about whats going on in peopls poker games. And through the fact i read this forum is why i bothered to reply. because people step way out of line when it comes to sorting out their problems. Ive said numerous times i agree with alot of points the OP made, but you and others continue to fail to recognise this. But im able to see the argument from both ends. My comment about why people still play here is aimed at those who week after week still moan, 'oh its fixed' etc. 

    Your last paragraph isnt just one way traffic though, yes you need customers with feedback, but you also need said customers and feedback that is discussed as adults. not in childish one sentence posts. 
  • edited July 2012
    I think Hursty has had a few tonight, if not your light hearted remark about peoples lives is sick itself and doesn't say much about your respect of other players.

    This thread is ridiculous it isn't going anywhere Mr Burns I personally don't think you should go as this site is coming on leaps and bounds it's just hit a glitch which they will soon take responsibilty for. (Or blame it on sporney)

    I wish you all gl on the felt and hope that this comes to an end before more pointless online arguments break out, as it's completely pointless and falling on deaf ears.


    Kalie x
  • edited July 2012

    Good afternoon gentlemen.

    There has been, perhaps with good reason, some adverse comment about the thread being closed, then re-opened. 

    For the most part, you are decent people, & so are we. Good reasoned debate is absolutely fine, always was, always will be.
    However, personal attacks & mud-slinging is not reasoned debate, & if it continues, the thread will have to be closed again. That would detract from the OP, but perhaps that is what some wish. 

    Can we just conduct the debate in a reasonable manner, please?

  • edited July 2012
    ? is this the same hurst who posted up a week or so ago, asking how he could skank the state.. god blees.
  • edited July 2012
    FIRSTLY this post is ROFLMAO material of the highest standard
    Please stop arguing we need to proceed to the life boats.
    Posted by logdon
    SECONDLY kaymac and hurst need to call it a day on this pointless forum dissagreement or take it to Pms stop dragging the thread down

    THIRDLY - Having temp left SKY a few months back on break from poker when it was seriously booming, smashing guarantees, heaps on new players etc etc, I sit here, head in my hands despairing at whats happened to this place, sad indeed.

    FINALLY - The community needs to stick together but a revolution style stance may not be the best strategy, SKY seems the sort to not listen to threats/friendly warnings etc, in fact in the face of any disrespect they seem they could live up the like of recent toppled dictators, half expect to come back tomorrow and see Kofi Annan posting to resolve the issue

    Its our version of the arab spring = THE SKY SUMMER
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    ? is this the same hurst who posted up a week or so ago, asking how he could skank the state.. god blees.
    Posted by wayne1958
    i truly hope this isnt a serious post...
  • edited July 2012
    hurst i suspect you may have a sore head in the morning

    good luck to all hopefully sky will look again at the problems being experienced by what seems to be a fair few players anyway

  • edited July 2012

    Guys, PLEASE.
    If the thread gets closed again, you'll only have yourslves to blame.

    Can you please swerve the personal stuff, then we can have a good debate. 

  • edited July 2012
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    ? is this the same hurst who posted up a week or so ago, asking how he could skank the state.. god blees.
    Posted by wayne1958

    There was nothing wrong with that thread, the lad wanted genuine advice. From Hurst's point of view, if the few times he posts on this forum, he gets such stupid posts as this one (there's no other word for it, I'm afraid), then it's no wonder he can't be bothered posting on here anymore.

    EDIT: Wow, 6 posts in the time it took me to write that.
  • edited July 2012
    I a also aware of the new software due to come out but it's communication that's wrong so I won't go into the ins and outs of the connection probs and yes I have had a lot of refunds but that is also very bad for the site. Let's face it even though they are asks brand I doubt they are run as anything but a separate business unit living and dying by P and L.

    I myself have run teams companies and currently have a small business and know that I have seen over the years many excellent corporate products get binned when communication with their customer base fall down. I also feel very able to talk about these problems after having to deal with them with companies many times.

    I except everybody has their own views but this communication problem comes up time and time again so something is going very badly wrong.

    As players and yes even though I have mainly moved away I want to come back  or again I wouldn't bother doing this, can we suggest to sky to help them see it from the customer side of the fence.

    Look at the great work hitman and others have done in DTD couldn't somebody like them be a players rep for example

    We can moan but far better to suggest a way forward even if sky are unsure themselves what to do we can be the ones to find a solution as it is all our benefits at any level to make this work and keep a great site with something unique a community in poker. 

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : i truly hope this isnt a serious post...
    Posted by hurst05

    can i have your baby?

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    ? is this the same hurst who posted up a week or so ago, asking how he could skank the state.. god blees.
    Posted by wayne1958

    From ridiculous....

    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : can i have your baby?
    Posted by kelly1990 sublime! 

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : WHAT ARE YOU ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT!? 1) never called you challenged, that was a lighthearted comment about the guy who made the thread 'Sort it our sky!!!!!' so wind your neck in. 2) I have zero clue what year long challenge your talking about, my comment about people with sad lives is based soley about this thread. so again, wind your neck in. 3) Quite funny, im certain in my last post to you and to another. I actually said 'you all have points'. gees you have a long neck. 4) My comments are perfectly justifiyable, if people decide to comment about skys problems in an arrogant way then they can expect the same from me, i know alot of people agree with me, and have told me they do. but obv they dont wanna get into agruments so most likely wont post to say so.  you have nothing constructive to say, hence your closing statement. This means you obviously dont have anything else to say so BUUUUUH-BYYYYYYYYE
    Posted by hurst05
    Apologies if this detracts from the OP but I feel it has to be said for the good of the community.

    Your not replying to my original question spoke volumes however you went on to confirm what I thought with the above remark.

    To allude that someone is in some way "Challenged" purely based on their words or your interpretation of them is derogatory and is classed as 'discrimatory language'. This type of language in the words of various bullying charities has 'potential to be very offensive' and while obviously intended as a joke and not aimed directly at an individual with learning difficulties, the comment could easily be understood as ridiculing people in society with a particular physical disability or learning difficulty.

    The reason that this is more pertinent on THIS forum is because there is a very highly regarded thread called "Real Life". The thread includes stories and life experiences of Sky poker customers, some of those customers are or have loved ones who face "Challenges". As someone who seems to be well regarded on this site I would hope that you appreciate how simple "Light Hearted" comments could actually have a deeper impact on the reader.

    I implore you that before making anymore throwaway comments on a public forum you consider your words and how they affect others. 
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    Guys, PLEASE.   If the thread gets closed again, you'll only have yourslves to blame. Can you please swerve the personal stuff, then we can have a good debate.  Thanks.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Please chaps and chapesses, listen to teeks

  • edited July 2012
    Just an FYI.

    I was one of the people complaining about the Sky software and connection issues. Now i'm not saying we should all have to upgrade our PC and internet connections, but, it works.

    If you have windows 7 then you need 6gb+ of ram to not experience issues if multitabling - and also means you'll need 64bit windows 7 to run />4gb ram.

    Another thing that seems needed is a 1gb+ dedicated graphics card, inbuilt graphics cards just can't handle all the adobe animations.

    My old laptop was fast for most things with an i3 processor and 4gb ram but still suffered lag on more than 4 tables, possibly due to not having dedicated graphics.

    My new PC is a Quad core i5, 8gb ram, 2gb graphics. I also upgraded my ethernet cable to a Cat 6. Internet Ping of 25ms, 8mbps D/L speed.

    I can now run 20 tables without a single bit of lag and I left all tables open for 16 hours today and yesterday during peak times and didn't get disconnected once. This would seem to confirm that problems are mostly on the user end as I had terrible problems on my old laptop with the same internet connection.

    (I do however think Skypoker should obviously be able to run on much lower spec computers, and without so many disconnects when using wi-fi or 3g dongles. I know that on pokerstars I have played with terribly patchy 3g connections and only been disconnected for a few seconds at the worst, whereas skypoker wouldn't stand a chance.)

    If your Internet ping is high when using a Cat6 ethernet cable then upgrading your computer won't really achieve much. If however your ping and D/L speed are good then it is nearly always a problem with your PC/laptop.

    Hopefully some of these tips will help you guys. I've been tearing my hair out for months trying to get my old laptop to multitable without lag, and my new £350 PC fixed all my problems instantly.

  • edited July 2012
     OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
    Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
    Other OS Description Not Available
    OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
    System Name 7-PC
    System Manufacturer System manufacturer
    System Model System Product Name
    System Type x64-based PC
    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz, 2933 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
    BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 0303, 25/05/2010
    SMBIOS Version 2.5
    Windows Directory C:\Windows
    System Directory C:\Windows\system32
    Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
    Locale United Kingdom
    Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514"
    User Name 7-PC
    Time Zone GMT Daylight Time
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 6.00 GB
    Total Physical Memory 5.99 GB
    Available Physical Memory 4.37 GB
    Total Virtual Memory 12.0 GB
    Available Virtual Memory 10.3 GB
    Page File Space 5.99 GB
    Page File C:\pagefile.sys  nvida 470-gtx 1.25 gb... and still get disconiction probs,
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : Apologies if this detracts from the OP but I feel it has to be said for the good of the community. Your not replying to my original question spoke volumes however you went on to confirm what I thought with the above remark. To allude that someone is in some way "Challenged" purely based on their words or your interpretation of them is derogatory and is classed as 'discrimatory language'. This type of language in the words of various bullying charities has 'potential to be very offensive' and while obviously intended as a joke and not aimed directly at an individual with learning difficulties, the comment could easily be understood as ridiculing people in society with a particular physical disability or learning difficulty. The reason that this is more pertinent on THIS forum is because there is a very highly regarded thread called " Real Life ". The thread includes stories and life experiences of Sky poker customers, some of those customers are or have loved ones who face "Challenges". As someone who seems to be well regarded on this site I would hope that you appreciate how simple "Light Hearted" comments could actually have a deeper impact on the reader. I implore you that before making anymore throwaway comments on a public forum you consider your words and how they affect others. 
    Posted by MyZo
    apologies, i genuinly did not see your post. It was genuinly a joke, anyone has aggrevances with it then PM me. FWIW i have a close family member with learning difficulties.
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
     OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 Other OS Description Not Available OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation System Name 7-PC System Manufacturer System manufacturer System Model System Product Name System Type x64-based PC Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz, 2933 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 0303, 25/05/2010 SMBIOS Version 2.5 Windows Directory C:\Windows System Directory C:\Windows\system32 Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1 Locale United Kingdom Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514" User Name 7-PC Time Zone GMT Daylight Time Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 6.00 GB Total Physical Memory 5.99 GB Available Physical Memory 4.37 GB Total Virtual Memory 12.0 GB Available Virtual Memory 10.3 GB Page File Space 5.99 GB Page File C:\pagefile.sys  nvida 470-gtx 1.25 gb... and still get disconiction probs,
    Posted by wayne1958
    i see your problem wayne... Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514", no, no.  Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17515"

    schoolboy error.

  • _G__G_
    edited July 2012
    Hi Everyone
    This post started so well, MRBurns comments were imop a valid statement, some of us agree some disagree that's how it should be when you debate something, the problem started when some started to use a bit of abuse, not major i have herd worse.
    I think mrburns want Sky to be more open, sky need to be more responsive to any changes they may be doing, communicate sooner, point being, poker league, all they had to do was state a few days before that it was going to end, and say there's a replacement was in pipe line, bear with us.
    Its all down to communication no company can work offisantly  with out communicating with its customers and we are it customers. hope this isn't abusive its just an observation, Good luck to everyone
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    Hi Everyone This post started so well, MRBurns comments were imop a valid statement, some of us agree some disagree that's how it should be when you debate something, the problem started when some started to use a bit of abuse, not major i have herd worse. I think mrburns want Sky to be more open, sky need to be more responsive to any changes they may be doing, communicate sooner, point being, poker league, all they had to do was state a few days before that it was going to end, and say there's a replacement was in pipe line, bear with us. Its all down to communication no company can work offisantly  with out communicating with its customers and we are it customers. hope this isn't abusive its just an observation, Good luck to everyone Glen
    Posted by _G_
    Couldn't agree more, the withdrawel of tournaments with no notice such as the Survivor, and the 30p DYMs, are other examples of lack of communication with customers. 
  • edited July 2012

    I think we need to remember that no poker site's software is perfect

    Sky Poker is it's own entity (its not a skin), the software is unique and has been improved and updated 100s of times while i have been a player on Sky

    The fact is, there will be glitches from time to time and i have also been affected by some of the disconnections and issues, but... tbh, it would only bother me if my sole source of income was poker... any isolated issues i have had have always been resolved by me contacting customer care.

    As a recreational player, playing the Monday night DTD, or playing a few mtts, dyms and cash it really doesn't bother me if its not 100% smooth all the time. I accept it.

    If you are not willing to accept the odd glitch, or disconnection, then that's fine. There are other sites out there as Hursty said. 

    One thing i would say tho, is that Sky Poker do care about their loyal customers, and they are happy to listen to eveyone's views. I don't know of any other sites that have the luxury of their own tikay, or the site themselves responding to any points raised personally. I think communication could be a little bit better in some areas tho, like on the community suggestions thread...

    Constructive OP's like this are great, as are the constructive replies. But we have something unique here on this community. Let's not ruin it with petty squabbles or pointless moaning eh.

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play : Couldn't agree more, the withdrawel of tournaments with no notice such as the Survivor, and the 30p DYMs, are other examples of lack of communication with customers. 
    Posted by 67Bhoys
    Hi 67bhoys - of course communication can always be improved but just as many new things come along, others will end (some of which will come back). We always do things for a reason and with the customer in mind - not doing so wouldn't work for all of us. Where possible, we try to give reasonable notice.
    Of course, as you will have seen on other debates on the community, not everyone agrees on how things should work. That will mean that inevetably, every decision we make will have fans and detractors. We accept this. Even something like late reg which many people love, others dont like.

    One of the reasons we have the community (which few poker sites have) is to be able to communicate with our customers. We really do listen.

    Sky Poker
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: After over 4 years on Sky having to leave the site for 90% of my play:
    I think we need to remember that no poker site's software is perfect Sky Poker is it's own entity (its not a skin), the software is unique and has been improved and updated 100s of times while i have been a player on Sky The fact is, there will be glitches from time to time and i have also been affected by some of the disconnections and issues, but... tbh, it would only bother me if my sole source of income was poker... any isolated issues i have had have always been resolved by me contacting customer care. As a recreational player, playing the Monday night DTD, or playing a few mtts, dyms and cash it really doesn't bother me if its not 100% smooth all the time. I accept it. If you are not willing to accept the odd glitch, or disconnection, then that's fine. There are other sites out there as Hursty said.  One thing i would say tho, is that Sky Poker do care about their loyal customers, and they are happy to listen to eveyone's views. I don't know of any sites that have the luxury of their own tikay, or the site themselves responding to any points raised personally. I think communication could be a little bit better in some areas tho, like on the community suggestions thread... Constructive OP's like this are great, as are the constructive replies. But we have something unique here on this community. Let's not ruin it with petty squabbles or pointless moaning eh.
    Posted by GREGHOGG

    Thanks Greg - we will make a point of looking at the suggestions thread more regularly.
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