So just going to approach it like it’s my weekly poker budget.
I can’t see this being of much interest to anyone, but if your going to read this journey of amazing poker play by me then I suggest you at least post to give me the motivation to win lots of money so I can buy my kids some xmas presents.
No pressure on you but if you don’t post, then I lose motivation and my kids will go without this xmas.
If I do really well then I may buy the kids a dog, but as dogs are not just for xmas I will have to win more money just to feed the dam thing. So this futile challenge may turn into a life saving exercise just to keep the dog alive, so do your bit and post!
Just tell your kids that Christmas is a scam invented by Coca-Cola & they're lucky to have birthdays (that's what I'll be telling any future mini-jingles anyway).
As insurance, buy a cat before you start down this path, that way you have something to kick when you donk your £50 away, or something for the dog to eat if it goes well, simples!
hey ho Mini lunchtime session didn't go very well, lost £5.35 Bad news for the kids, future doesn't look so bright ! This must be similar to how the pro's feel when they have to provide for their families ! Cross fingers, hope I run well l8tr Posted by rancid
you could always go carol singing if it dosnt work out
.... Rancid, I know you posted this as a lighthearted and good intentioned bit of fun, power to your elbow for doing so BUT, I really wish that you would just go to the local dogs home and give a deserving dog an early christmas to your equally deserving children.
You know what they say about poker, "never play with scared money" and I think the whole community will be on the edge of their seats around christmas time if it looks like you are going tho, good luck........miaow.
Ok no worries, back up to £45 - I am out for the day - back online this evening no doubt - please god I need drunks at my tables tonight - donations will be greatly received - thanks
Keep it simple, going to take £50 and play NL10.
I have no BRM, it’s just a bit of Friday fun.
So just going to approach it like it’s my weekly poker budget.
I can’t see this being of much interest to anyone, but if your going to read this journey of amazing poker play by me then I suggest you at least post to give me the motivation to win lots of money so I can buy my kids some xmas presents.
No pressure on you but if you don’t post, then I lose motivation and my kids will go without this xmas.
If I do really well then I may buy the kids a dog, but as dogs are not just for xmas I will have to win more money just to feed the dam thing. So this futile challenge may turn into a life saving exercise just to keep the dog alive, so do your bit and post!
So this is not the same as your challenge where you attempted to blow £50 as quick as possible?
do the kids want a poodle or great dane?!
Hi Rancid,
Just tell your kids that Christmas is a scam invented by Coca-Cola & they're lucky to have birthdays (that's what I'll be telling any future mini-jingles anyway).
As insurance, buy a cat before you start down this path, that way you have something to kick when you donk your £50 away, or something for the dog to eat if it goes well, simples!
Give the Dog a Bone - Good Luck M8y
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all your dosh awayyyyyy, Oh what fun we didnt have cos - 'rancid' threw it all away!
Mini lunchtime session didn't go very well, lost £5.35
Bad news for the kids, future doesn't look so bright !
This must be similar to how the pro's feel when they have to provide for their families !
Cross fingers, hope I run well l8tr
I think having a 6ft 40 y/old man turning up at your door carol singing would be too much for anyone to handle
may get the kids to dress me up as a guy and go out for fireworks night and do penny for the guy, if I get really desperate.
Lets hope for some Friday night freaky drunk people online tonight !
Failing that I'll settle for IDONKU turning up at one of my tables, hihi )
.... Rancid, I know you posted this as a lighthearted and good intentioned bit of fun, power to your elbow for doing so BUT, I really wish that you would just go to the local dogs home and give a deserving dog an early christmas to your equally deserving children.
You know what they say about poker, "never play with scared money" and I think the whole community will be on the edge of their seats around christmas time if it looks like you are going tho, good luck........miaow.
Sorry kids Daddy ain't playing so good
just about broke even, I know it's just not good enough!
Will try harder )
Don't think I will be able to look my kids in the face later today :S
Sod it ice cream always wins em round
seriously tho.... GL Rancid!!!!!
Run better!! [like u always do in DTD Monday!!]
saves on food and you'll not have to take it for a walk?:)
current £75
plus met some donks in a forum game )
come on!