Right i'm done for the night.......vast improvement from last nights showing. Sat down to a cash session and 5 mins in things seemed to be progressing the same way when I lost a BI to a well known reg on here KK V AA......stone the crows here we go again....wont say who it was but dont tell ur mum I think the big difference was that I didn't tilt this time, I'm 5 minutes in and no need to lose my head. I'm learning more and more that tilt is prob the biggest killer in cash games. In a tourney tilt can get the better me but the worst that can happen is you lose ur stack and it's game over, but in cash tilt has caused me to reload out of stubborn pride and cost me more. Anyway, tilt free I stuck with it and sat down for a longer session than I usually would and managed to put myself back in profit for the night. Job done and I settled in for a few mtt's....luck was on my side and I cashed I all of them apart from the mini open. A 6th place in the Orfordble (which is a must for all forum regs) meant I had also won a free seat into next weeks open rebuy and 8th in a £400Bh brought some cash and much needed confidence back. I had satellited into the rebuy open tonight. I am not normally a fan of rebuys but this tourney has a great structure and for the buy in it has recently been a fav of mine, although I am yet to cash........until tonight. I sat in for 2.40, took the addon and pushed on from there. I have just busted out in 11th but for a player like me having a sniff of a big cash is always great....I was in reasonable shape but lost my stack in 2 hands where both times I was a favourite......sigh. Having said that I won a big pot A5 />AQ to get in good shape in the first place..........thats the beauty of poker, swings and roundabouts! Poker is one of 3 big loves in my life alongside football (GTFC) and most importantly the 3 girls in my life, my missus and my 2 daughters aged 9 and 5............well poker and football are taking a backseat tomorrow as I'm under strict instructions from my kids to take them to see Madagascar 3........and you know what, I can't wait..........beats and bad runs happen in poker, but in the real world when your doing things that really matter with people you love......who cares!! Win or lose at poker I know I'm already a lucky bloke 20nl Overall Profit = -£97.83 30nl Profit Today = +£27.39 Overall Profit = +£56.03 50nl Overall Profit = -£43.26 Total Profit = -£85.06 Posted by waller02
Hate stacking the nice guys :-(
How long did it take you to convince your girls to go and watch Madagascar with you? ;-)
Just a quick note to say that you're the man Waller. I think you're approaching this fantastically.
Good work on improving your mental game too. A way I look at coolers is to question myself. Would the hand have played the same if our hands were switched? If the answer is yes, then I just ignore it, knowing that sooner or later I'll cooler someone in the same mannor. If the answer is no, or you could have lost less, then I spend time to analyse it.
Hi, thanks for your comments guys, appreciated. I didn't even think anybody was reading this thread.......
The film yesterday was quality, not normally into kids films but this one was very funny.......besides, Grimsby lost at football so I def made the right choice!!
Got back home around 5pm and actually had the night to myself as the missus was going out. So I settled the kids into bed with a DVD at around 7, played poker and had time for MOTD too......so a perfect day all round!
The poker didn't go too well I'm afraid, played a few mtts and 2 sessions of cash. I had one min cash in the 2kBH and ended up slightly down at cash...no biggy. I was hoping to showing some profit at cash by now but I have given myself a limit of -200 before I drop back down a level or 2. My roll can handle it so I'm not too concerned.
Today is all about the UKOPS for me, I have already sat into the main and bought into the mini so I am gonna have a couple of attempts at satelliting into the sidey. Probs play some cash later too but dont want too many tables open just yet as I am watching super sunday atm......two BIG games and if the Chelsea v UTD game is as good as the first half of the liverpool game then we are in for a treat!
Worst session of the whole thread by a mile..........QQ<77, flopped set v rivered FH, missed the flop every time i raised pre....mixed in with some bad play.
Decision time as far as how I progress.......maybe it's time for me to throw in the towel as far as cash goes, but I'm not a quitter. I said when/if i got to -200 i would move down so I'm gonna move back down to 20nl until I get back above -200, I am still rolled for 30nl but my confidence is shot to pieces atm
In the UKOPS main tonight so here is hoping...........
Won't be playing tonight as I'm working just posting an update from last night where I managed to ft the ukops sidey...........when I run bad at cash I seem to run good in tourneys for some reason!
£1046.25 + £490.76 Head Prizes
£608.38 + £172.64 Head Prizes
£426.25 + £89.44 Head Prizes
£348.75 + £221.19 Head Prizes
£282.88 + £172.71 Head Prizes
£232.50 + £47.46 Head Prizes
Felt i could have gone further but made one mistake and on the ft one mistake is all it takes to end things!
Hi, thanks for your comments guys, appreciated. I didn't even think anybody was reading this thread....... The film yesterday was quality, not normally into kids films but this one was very funny.......besides, Grimsby lost at football so I def made the right choice!! Got back home around 5pm and actually had the night to myself as the missus was going out. So I settled the kids into bed with a DVD at around 7, played poker and had time for MOTD too......so a perfect day all round! The poker didn't go too well I'm afraid, played a few mtts and 2 sessions of cash. I had one min cash in the 2kBH and ended up slightly down at cash...no biggy. I was hoping to showing some profit at cash by now but I have given myself a limit of -200 before I drop back down a level or 2. My roll can handle it so I'm not too concerned. 20nl Overall Profit = -£97.83 30nl Profit Today = +£12.05 Overall Profit = +£43.98 50nl Overall Profit = -£43.26 Total Profit = -£97.11 Today is all about the UKOPS for me, I have already sat into the main and bought into the mini so I am gonna have a couple of attempts at satelliting into the sidey. Probs play some cash later too but dont want too many tables open just yet as I am watching super sunday atm......two BIG games and if the Chelsea v UTD game is as good as the first half of the liverpool game then we are in for a treat! Gl at the tables all. Posted by waller02
Congrats on your cash today. I watched Marmaduke last week with neices and nephew and actually enjoyed it myself. Haven,t posted on here but doesn,t mean to say i don,t read it. Its suprising how many ppl read some of these diarys but you don,t always realise as a lot ofppl don,t post - just read
I,m in a bit of the same predicament as yourself. Looked over my MTT results over last cpl of months and they seem to be where i do best , but still can,t get to grips with with NL10 and Nl20. With the variance of MTT,s being higher i,d like to improve my cash game so thats one of my aims for nxt month - Will probably watch a lot more mastercash for a start
Haven't played much cash for a while until today. I have mainly been playing sats to try and get into the numerous UKOPS events, this has been VERY frustrating. The amount I have spent on sats I may as well have just bought into one of the mains or sideys.
I am going to buy into tomorrows main event, it is £55 and a BH so there is always the chance to make the buyin back with a couple of head prizes.
So, played a session of cash today and made a small profit, I played 30nl. I know I said I was dropping down but I am comfortably rolled for it and besides if bad luck was with me for another session then it would still be with me if I dropped down to 20nl......since the cash promotion has finished there are obv a lot less tables running now and I am facing a few new names on the tables..I'm treating it as a fresh start, it was always going to be tough starting to play cash on regular basis during the promo as the tables were FULL of regs.
If I am still down overall after the end of this month then maybe I will face facts......I am not cut out to be a cash player...watch this space!
hi Ryan, i know u r rolled well,but i would be looking 2 beat nl20 first b4 moving up levels. it's like me playing £11 dym's when i am still trying to beat the £5's. but then again we all have our own opinions,don't we. just trying to help you buddy,and save you money. gl dev
Hi Dev, I think you may be right....just rinsed another 45 quid in a poor session.......I aint playing bad (I don't think)...I lost flopped straight over higher flopped straight and AK<88.
I dont know what to do tbh.....my 20nl stats are just as bad, I'm just running super bad. I lose small pots with marginal hands which I need to improve on but I have looked over all my hands where I have lost a big pot (£20+) and I have to say I would play them the same way everytime.....:(
I feel like ending the diary and quitting cash as a bad job ..............any cash players wanna dish out some advice????
maybe you should drop right down to 10nl for the month see how you get on and continue playing your mtts because that seems to be were you make your money.But yeah after each session just keep looking over your history making sure you are doing everything right and if you are (not saying your not lol) it will turn for you at some point m8.
There has to be some kind of issue with my cash game as losing session after session doesn't just come as a result of bad luck, there has to be some bad play in there as well.
I'm gonna drop back down to 10nl for a while and see if things improve.
Playing 10nl for a while as advised but bad luck is following me around BIGTIME....lost a buy in with the hand below....managed to claw a bit back towards the end of the session though to finish only slighty down
fish4worm Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £6.14 waller02 Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £10.89 Your hole cards A 7 cyall Raise £0.20 £0.35 £8.75 bensdad Call £0.20 £0.55 £14.76 thenewqpr Call £0.20 £0.75 £6.53 fish4worm Fold waller02 Call £0.10 £0.85 £10.79 Flop 7 7 2 waller02 Check cyall Check bensdad Check thenewqpr Check Turn J waller02 Bet £0.40 £1.25 £10.39 cyall Fold bensdad Raise £1.00 £2.25 £13.76 thenewqpr Fold waller02 Raise £2.20 £4.45 £8.19 bensdad All-in £13.76 £18.21 £0.00 waller02 All-in £8.19 £26.40 £0.00 bensdad Unmatched bet £3.97 £22.43 £3.97 waller02 Show A 7 bensdad Show 8 7 River Q bensdad Win Flush to the Queen £21.03
Gonna try some sats for the UKOPS now and probs play some more cash later, def sticking with 10nl until things start turning around for me. If they dont then I will have to admit defeat and that I can't play cash!!!
hi Ryan, glad u r playing nl10,nothing wrong with dropping down btw,i do it all the time when i'm running bad. losing £2.41 doesn't hurt does it. if i had given up dym's every time i had a losing session,that would have been many many times,but i stuck with it,as you should do if cash is where u r happy playing,which i am thinking it is. stick with it mate,i know u can do it. gl dev
Still sticking with 10nl and had a winning session today, this has been very rare of late. It's good to be on winning ways but I don't get the buzz that I had playing 30nl as being in a fairly big pot sure gets the heart pumping. Having said that though I had mainly been losing these big pots so the step down will do me good. I think I may have been caught up in the "don't run before you can walk" situation.......oh well I had a go at least
Sats for the ukops for the rest of the afternoon and maybe some more cash later.
I haven't updated for a few days but that has been because I haven't played........I seriously needed a break for a couple of reasons.
1. I was burnt out, running bad and playing worse. I must have rinsed 200 quid on the ukops sats and come last Sunday evening my love for poker had been tested to the limit!
2. Work......I am a trainee Distribution Fitter on the 33kV/11kV - 415/230V network and in the last week I have been having Trade tests. The pass mark for the theory test was 85% so little room for error, therefore poker has taken a back seat so I could revise.......I PASSED!!! I have got the practical on Thursday so probs wont be playing much next week either.
Anyway, played a few mtt's last night..no great joy just a couple of min cashes.
Played my first cash session just now. Still sticking to 10nl for the time being and managed another small winning session. Have to say though I'm still not really feeling it yet but I'm sure my love for the game will return soon!
Had enough.............running awful, just had a -4BI session. I get KK and run them into aces, I flop a set and get rivered....seriously dont know what to do anymore....quitting cash and this diary cos all I'm doing is showing myself up time after time. I have a week off, come back and I'm still getting done over
This hand below sums it up....I limp/call pre cos I want to set mine as cheap as I can...dunno if that is a mistake in itself??? Prob is but I'm all over the place atm......dream flop, get the lot in....and get done over as per.
I aint dropping any lower than 10nl......I obvs suck at cash so I guess I should jack it in as it aint fun no more!!!
dubzs Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £29.57 trevor1954 Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £9.69 Your hole cards 8 8 waller02 Call £0.10 £0.25 £12.65 Zotyo84_x Fold TINTIN Fold donkaster Raise £0.50 £0.75 £11.13 dubzs Fold trevor1954 Fold waller02 Call £0.40 £1.15 £12.25 Flop 8 Q 4 waller02 Check donkaster Bet £0.70 £1.85 £10.43 waller02 Raise £2.00 £3.85 £10.25 donkaster All-in £10.43 £14.28 £0.00 waller02 Call £9.13 £23.41 £1.12 waller02 Show 8 8 donkaster Show K K Turn A River K donkaster Win Three Kings £22.01
Hey mate, dont quit! Go and work on your game, maybe do something like Lmabert has done and try grind from nl4 and move up through the levels. Your not going to becaome amazing overnight you have to really work, read around, play play play and most importantly learn from your mistakes. From playing against you in the past it seems you suffer psycologically when your getting UL for longer periods. The more you play the more bearable this should become (this is what I found until now losing barely has an effect). If this isnt the case then you need to read some books, get yourself focuse don motivated and in the right min set. Your a good enough player to improve your game to a standard where you can win. It was only a few weeks back when you binked 4th or 3rd in a ME?!! Some people are still waiting for places like that. Chin up.
Go work on your game, come back a better player and you'll win Posted by percival09
yeah obvs.....I lose pots through my own poor play, that hand I've just posted I appreciate I should probs be raising pre and folding to the probable 3 bet......a bit of run good would be nice though....KK v AA unavoidable, going broke on that flop unavoidable.
I have honestly looked over all the big pots I have lost and hand on heart would play 90% of them the same way again...
Don't get me wrong I lose small pots by poor play but it's the big pots that hurt and I'm getting the chips in the middle as a big fav the majority of the time....what else can I do???
Hey mate, dont quit! Go and work on your game, maybe do something like Lmabert has done and try grind from nl4 and move up through the levels. Your not going to becaome amazing overnight you have to really work, read around, play play play and most importantly learn from your mistakes. From playing against you in the past it seems you suffer psycologically when your getting UL for longer periods. The more you play the more bearable this should become (this is what I found until now losing barely has an effect). If this isnt the case then you need to read some books, get yourself focuse don motivated and in the right min set. Your a good enough player to improve your game to a standard where you can win. It was only a few weeks back when you binked 4th or 3rd in a ME?!! Some people are still waiting for places like that. Chin up. Posted by Wacko90
I just have to face up to the fact that me and cash dont mix
good read m8 gl
The film yesterday was quality, not normally into kids films but this one was very funny.......besides, Grimsby lost at football so I def made the right choice!!
Got back home around 5pm and actually had the night to myself as the missus was going out. So I settled the kids into bed with a DVD at around 7, played poker and had time for MOTD too......so a perfect day all round!
The poker didn't go too well I'm afraid, played a few mtts and 2 sessions of cash. I had one min cash in the 2kBH and ended up slightly down at cash...no biggy. I was hoping to showing some profit at cash by now but I have given myself a limit of -200 before I drop back down a level or 2. My roll can handle it so I'm not too concerned.
Overall Profit = -£97.83
Profit Today = +£12.05
Overall Profit = +£43.98
Overall Profit = -£43.26
Total Profit = -£97.11
Today is all about the UKOPS for me, I have already sat into the main and bought into the mini so I am gonna have a couple of attempts at satelliting into the sidey. Probs play some cash later too but dont want too many tables open just yet as I am watching super sunday atm......two BIG games and if the Chelsea v UTD game is as good as the first half of the liverpool game then we are in for a treat!
Gl at the tables all.
waller02205551Entry to UKOPS 1 Side SemiTacklebery183452Entry to UKOPS 1 Side SemiTheDart121003Entry to UKOPS 1 Side Semicookie8304£9.60
will prob do a couple of the all in sats
EDIT: IN THE SIDEY!!!!!!!!.....won the very last all in sat lol......talk about scraping in!
Decision time as far as how I progress.......maybe it's time for me to throw in the towel as far as cash goes, but I'm not a quitter. I said when/if i got to -200 i would move down so I'm gonna move back down to 20nl until I get back above -200, I am still rolled for 30nl but my confidence is shot to pieces atm
In the UKOPS main tonight so here is hoping...........
Overall Profit = -£97.83
Profit Today = -£109.61
Overall Profit = -£65.63
Overall Profit = -£43.26
Total Profit = -£206.72
Gl at the tables all.........
Won't be playing tonight as I'm working just posting an update from last night where I managed to ft the ukops sidey...........when I run bad at cash I seem to run good in tourneys for some reason!
Congrats on your cash today. I watched Marmaduke last week with neices and nephew and actually enjoyed it myself. Haven,t posted on here but doesn,t mean to say i don,t read it. Its suprising how many ppl read some of these diarys but you don,t always realise as a lot ofppl don,t post - just read
I,m in a bit of the same predicament as yourself. Looked over my MTT results over last cpl of months and they seem to be where i do best , but still can,t get to grips with with NL10 and Nl20. With the variance of MTT,s being higher i,d like to improve my cash game so thats one of my aims for nxt month - Will probably watch a lot more mastercash for a start
I am going to buy into tomorrows main event, it is £55 and a BH so there is always the chance to make the buyin back with a couple of head prizes.
So, played a session of cash today and made a small profit, I played 30nl. I know I said I was dropping down but I am comfortably rolled for it and besides if bad luck was with me for another session then it would still be with me if I dropped down to 20nl......since the cash promotion has finished there are obv a lot less tables running now and I am facing a few new names on the tables..I'm treating it as a fresh start, it was always going to be tough starting to play cash on regular basis during the promo as the tables were FULL of regs.
If I am still down overall after the end of this month then maybe I will face facts......I am not cut out to be a cash player...watch this space!
Overall Profit = -£97.83
Profit Today = +14.89
Overall Profit = -£50.74
Overall Profit = -£43.26
Total Profit = -£191.83
i know u r rolled well,but i would be looking 2 beat nl20 first b4 moving up levels.
it's like me playing £11 dym's when i am still trying to beat the £5's.
but then again we all have our own opinions,don't we.
just trying to help you buddy,and save you money.
I dont know what to do tbh.....my 20nl stats are just as bad, I'm just running super bad. I lose small pots with marginal hands which I need to improve on but I have looked over all my hands where I have lost a big pot (£20+) and I have to say I would play them the same way everytime.....:(
I feel like ending the diary and quitting cash as a bad job
Overall Profit = -£97.83
Profit Today = -£46.68
Overall Profit = -£97.42
Overall Profit = -£43.26
Total Profit = -£238.51
take bad beats on the chin and move on!
beat nl10 over a period then beat nl20 and so on......
maybe you hitting too high
There has to be some kind of issue with my cash game as losing session after session doesn't just come as a result of bad luck, there has to be some bad play in there as well.
I'm gonna drop back down to 10nl for a while and see if things improve.
Thanks for the advice
fish4worm Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £6.14 waller02 Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £10.89 Your hole cards A 7 cyall Raise £0.20 £0.35 £8.75 bensdad Call £0.20 £0.55 £14.76 thenewqpr Call £0.20 £0.75 £6.53 fish4worm Fold waller02 Call £0.10 £0.85 £10.79 Flop 7 7 2 waller02 Check cyall Check bensdad Check thenewqpr Check Turn J waller02 Bet £0.40 £1.25 £10.39 cyall Fold bensdad Raise £1.00 £2.25 £13.76 thenewqpr Fold waller02 Raise £2.20 £4.45 £8.19 bensdad All-in £13.76 £18.21 £0.00 waller02 All-in £8.19 £26.40 £0.00 bensdad Unmatched bet £3.97 £22.43 £3.97 waller02 Show A 7 bensdad Show 8 7 River Q bensdad Win Flush to the Queen £21.03
Profit Today = -£2.41
Overall Profit = -£2.41
Overall Profit = -£97.83
Overall Profit = -£97.42
Overall Profit = -£43.26
Total Profit = -£240.91
Gonna try some sats for the UKOPS now and probs play some more cash later, def sticking with 10nl until things start turning around for me. If they dont then I will have to admit defeat and that I can't play cash!!!
Gl at the tables all
But if you're running bad, don't think that changing the game you play is gonna change your luck in any way.
glad u r playing nl10,nothing wrong with dropping down btw,i do it all the time when i'm running bad.
losing £2.41 doesn't hurt does it.
if i had given up dym's every time i had a losing session,that would have been many many times,but i stuck with it,as you should do if cash is where u r happy playing,which i am thinking it is.
stick with it mate,i know u can do it.
Sats for the ukops for the rest of the afternoon and maybe some more cash later.
Profit Today = +£9.08
Overall Profit = +£6.67
Overall Profit = -£97.83
Overall Profit = -£97.42
Overall Profit = -£43.26
Total Profit = -£231.84
GL at the tables all
Magicalman62827.501Entry to £50k UKOPS Semifrazzx66657172.502Entry to £50k UKOPS Semiwaller0203
1. I was burnt out, running bad and playing worse. I must have rinsed 200 quid on the ukops sats and come last Sunday evening my love for poker had been tested to the limit!
2. Work......I am a trainee Distribution Fitter on the 33kV/11kV - 415/230V network and in the last week I have been having Trade tests. The pass mark for the theory test was 85% so little room for error, therefore poker has taken a back seat so I could revise.......I PASSED!!! I have got the practical on Thursday so probs wont be playing much next week either.
Anyway, played a few mtt's last night..no great joy just a couple of min cashes.
Played my first cash session just now. Still sticking to 10nl for the time being and managed another small winning session. Have to say though I'm still not really feeling it yet but I'm sure my love for the game will return soon!
Profit Today = +£5.05
Overall Profit = +£11.72
Overall Profit = -£97.83
Overall Profit = -£97.42
Overall Profit = -£43.26
Total Profit = -£226.79
Gonna treat myself to the 12kBH now, I don't mind buying into these as there is always the chance to make your money back with a few heads.
GL at the tables all
This hand below sums it up....I limp/call pre cos I want to set mine as cheap as I can...dunno if that is a mistake in itself??? Prob is but I'm all over the place atm......dream flop, get the lot in....and get done over as per.
I aint dropping any lower than 10nl......I obvs suck at cash so I guess I should jack it in as it aint fun no more!!!
dubzs Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £29.57 trevor1954 Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £9.69 Your hole cards 8 8 waller02 Call £0.10 £0.25 £12.65 Zotyo84_x Fold TINTIN Fold donkaster Raise £0.50 £0.75 £11.13 dubzs Fold trevor1954 Fold waller02 Call £0.40 £1.15 £12.25 Flop 8 Q 4 waller02 Check donkaster Bet £0.70 £1.85 £10.43 waller02 Raise £2.00 £3.85 £10.25 donkaster All-in £10.43 £14.28 £0.00 waller02 Call £9.13 £23.41 £1.12 waller02 Show 8 8 donkaster Show K K Turn A River K donkaster Win Three Kings £22.01
Profit Today = -£39.64
Overall Profit = -£27.92
Overall Profit = -£97.83
Overall Profit = -£97.42
Overall Profit = -£43.26
Total Profit = -£266.43
I have honestly looked over all the big pots I have lost and hand on heart would play 90% of them the same way again...
Don't get me wrong I lose small pots by poor play but it's the big pots that hurt and I'm getting the chips in the middle as a big fav the majority of the time....what else can I do???