another cash session over and my bankroll is £163 as i have enter a few tournements this evening and tried a few sats the cash sessions got me +£4.37 +£1.75 +£3.43 +3.04 +£6.25 i did suffer two losses of £2.91 and £5.44 also earlier i suffered a big loss of £12 all thanks to a calling station who thinks 1 over card is enough to call and so got a flush
tonight has been another good night for me both tournaments and cash tables i entered a £300 BH for 5.75 a 1K BH for £11 £2K mini rebuy £500BH for 5.75 £200 hurricane BH for 3.45 and the 4K main rebuy for £11 overall i failed in both the rebuys the £500BH £300BH but i managed to finish 3rd in th hurricane BH and won 29.94 while i finished 5th in the 1KBH winning 71.89 so my profit overall was 53.88 the have that got me knockout the others were my KK lost to 222 in the 4K rebuy
as for my cash session in that i managed £7.24, 43p £3.23 and £2.27 my only loss was £2.27 the big wins were £3.45 £3.23x2 £2.65 £1.11 my only loss was from a villian who expects me to call shoves with flush draws top pair weak kicker or smaller pairs when it will be so unlikely so i just got unlucky when he hit the J
Saw you a couple of times at the tables tonight, pleasure doing business with you with your A8 ;o) then saw you run sickly well towards the end of the 3.45 BH and I went out 7th aipf AQ vs 33 gg.
That 99 hand where you shoved 1445 into a 525 pot on the flop - do you think you're ever getting called by worse??
Saw you a couple of times at the tables tonight, pleasure doing business with you with your A8 ;o) then saw you run sickly well towards the end of the 3.45 BH and I went out 7th aipf AQ vs 33 gg. That 99 hand where you shoved 1445 into a 525 pot on the flop - do you think you're ever getting called by worse?? Posted by bbMike
no ididn't expect to be called by worse but what i thought was with preflop showing no sign of a premium pair while the board is still fairly dry with only flush draw showing much of a threat this could be my chance to avoid loosing my chips if the villian has two over cards he could hit and or flush draw but TBH if villians are willing to call raggy aces when a shove is make preflop the chances are they would have still called with hands containing two over cards this is a cheap BH.
this afternoon has been a bit unual compared to most days the reason i say that is my tables have had more tight play than usual one alone had 3 including myself together overall i managed got losses -71p -74p & -£2.30 and profits, £3.19 £4.75 £2.27. although it was tight i did still get some big pots most of which came during the first 30 mins when they were looser the hands were £2.74 £2.53 £1-£2 5 hands losses were £2.17 £1-£2 3 hands
Whats the plan moving forwards, any intentions to hit 10nl? Not read all of the diary, apologies if this has already been mentioned. Posted by calcalfold
well i might just stay on the nl4 because i just read on the post where i hit my FH the guy would fold a flush for sure because he would be too scared on me meaning i could take advantage knowing lots of them probably are like this so i can steal pots easy. and well i have went for a few cheap tournaments too as i managed to finish 3rd and 5th on two on monday.
after a good start in the 2KBHmini i managed to finish 17 and would a total of 24.95 which included 5 head prizes totaling about £15 thanks to a sattelite i also got into the main and although i missed out on the positional prizes i still won 24.95 thanks to two head prizes one thing i will say about the main was atleast i went out through an easy to take loss
after my 1st chance of playing at a nl10p table things went sort of ok i did suffer 1 heave loss of £10 but part of that was with KK calling a shove preflop where villian held AK and hit the A i tried a master cash table too and that as well did get a loss but it too was when the BB called my button raise with K8 and got 888kk i held QQ at the time and ended up shoving the turn. i still won profit of 3.33 on a nl10p table too. as for my hands well losses were 8.07 6.60 4.80 3.23 £2-£3 5 hands £1-£2 7 hands winnings were 6.28 5.37 4.21 4.15 £2-£3 4 hands £1-£2 5 hands
the nl10 tables were better today and although i didn't manage to gain anything i avoided getting too much a loss and my bankroll is currently £300.45 the way my hand went profits were £9-£10 3 hands £7.72 £7.56 £6.75 £4-£5 6 hands £3.09 £3.02 £2-£3 15 hands £1-£2 42 hands losses £8.41 £8.07 £7.52 £4-£5 4 hands £3-£4 9 hands £2-£3 15 hands £1-£2 26 hands
been hit heavy with my tables this afternoon lost in them all £10 £4.37 £1.34 £8.13 £6.29 and £12.60 the hands got me -£13.70 -£9.10 -£8.01 -£7.21 -£4.89 -£3.80 -£2-£3 4 hands -£1-£2 11 hands wins got me 8.96 6.10 4.99 3.03 £2-£3 4 hands £1-£2 7 hands
Hey Craig i played with you for a little while on the mastercash tables yesterday, have you moved up to 10nl permenantly now? if so how comes you skipped 4-8p and what differences have you encountered so far would you say to nl4?
Hi Craig, been following with interest,always entertaining. the jump up fron nl4 to nl10 doesn't look very big but it is or can be when it comes to how much more you can lose,especially when multi-tabling,as i know you are. i've dabbled myself playing nl10 losing £100 in a single session,not long ago. so just be carefull m8,that's all i'm saying. that £300 or so you have could easily take a bashing,or you could double it up in 1 or 2 sessions. i'm playing just 2 tables atm at nl4 and really enjoying my poker again.when/if lol i can get my b/roll up to around the £500 mark,i might move up to nl10 for another try,and hopefully i'll see you there. best wishes dev
it did look a big step up and TBH the reason for moving up to the nl10 is their only seem to be 1-3 nl8p tables as for my bankroll i will be stepping back down if it is £200 after that bad session i managed to regain my money again when i managed to get -£1.50 £5.73 £8.41 £6.76 -£10 and best of all £26.96 so my bankroll reached £294 my hands themselvs got £10.61 £9.24 £6.08 £4-£5 3 hands £3.98 £2-£3 2 hands £1-£2 9 hands losses £5.78 £2.23 £1-£2 7 hands
this evening i went into 4 tournament the 5K freeroll the top of the posts and a 350 and 750BH for 5.75 each in the £350Bh and freeroll i got nothing in the £750 i won 1.12 the top of the posts i won £50 finishing 1st although i was lucky when i jammed with Kj and needed to hit one which i did as my villian held A10. in cash tables i lost 2.01 in a action table won 69p on a nl10 and lost £10 on one but my worst loss was 15.73 on a nl8 with one loss came very quick leading to a top up right away when i shoved the flop and got called by bottom pair which hit a third card and rivered me.
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Three 4s
overall my losses were 7.69 5.33 3.07 2.40 2.30 2.20 1.32 my only wins were 3.58 1.94 1.81 1.26 and 1.05 two of which came from a bluff on the river the first was perfectly set up because with me miss i did a cbet and he called then check the turn only for him to bet so i call knowing their is a flush and then miss mine but attempt a bluff for the heart flush which he fell for
Big blind
Your hole cards
my second one was very simular this time the villian decided to jump in with a bet so i went with the call on the flop and turn but missed it but the villian himself then went for a check which i was thought looked odd so i went for a shove hoping he folded and that was just what he did so again i won with Khigh
my last session is now over my bank roll hasn't changed much as what i won on one table made up for losses on another my bankroll is £304 i played 2 nl10 and got losses of £8.64 and £14.30 2 nl8 which got me +3.60 and -2.56 and a 5p action table which was where i made up for my 10p losses with profit here of £19.64 my biggest loss was 7.65
my losses over all were £3-£4 3 hands £2-£3 2 hands £1-£2 6 hands my profits were £7.06 AAvsQQ lucky for me it wasn't KK as the 3rd came on the board £4.65 £3-£4 3hands £2.03 £1-£2 5hands so my tables from now on will probably be 2 nl10 2 nl8 and 2 action or nl4 tables which is £46
my bankroll now is 278.13 after some heavy losses the 10p tables were consisting of a lot of tight passive players. my tables got me -19p -£6.68 -£8 -12.76 and -3.48 i got one profit of 4.14
i did make a good start thanks to the amount of bluffs i was making but later things changed and my good hands give me more problems that i could avoid on a nl8 this hand cost me dear in this hand i should have checked the turn and if the villian bet i could then bluff the river knowing he would fold
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
another costly hand was this one the flop alone showed the sign of a top two pair or set as he was too passive and tight so on the turn i thought to myself the only way i can win large with my flush is if i shove and i was holding two pair unfortunately i missed
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
i should have folded this on the flop as he shown no signs of a good hand preflop so to bet the flop and then reraise was a set or straight or two pair.
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Straight to the 7
overall my hands got losses of £10.41 £9.87 £6.03 £5-£6 3 hands £4.70 £3.63 £2-£3 3 hands £1-£2 8 hands as for my wins well they were £4.02 £3.97 £3.20 £2-£3 8 hands £1-£2 12 hands basically when i was running well it was thanks to so many folds
i think i will be going back down to ml4 for now as the nl10 seem to be just as bad with loose play and have cost me nearly £100 first a32 just didn't want to fold
the 1st 2 hands kk and qq your 3bet sizing is far 2 small imo and especially vs that villian they just don`t fold ever so you can make it even bigger vs these type of players.
hand no.3 your vul on river with the backdoor flush getting there it`s hard to think of a hand the opponent can have that beats you apart from the flush think you done well 2 lose min here I prob go broke being honest
hand no.4 is againist the same player from 1st 2 hands as I said they don`t fold so never limping with aa but yeah you do need a little bit of luck sometimes nh.
also if you are dropping down don`t just play 4nl mix in some 5nl action/8nl tables gl grinding it back up.
"seem to be just as bad with loose play and have cost me nearly £100"
Dude, the first two hands, yes they have made loose calls but you are the one playing loose post flop. As pretty as they look, they are both just one pair (well I suppose technically h1 is KK22 but thats beside the point). Big pots with big hands and small pots with small hands, one pair is not a big hand.
consider that you might be exploitable if playing a very snug range. Some players at 10nl migfht be able to pick up on your range and make it profitable to play relative junk against you, because they know you will stack off with an overpair.
Hand 1, ok I dont mind stacking off too much, its unlikely he has a 2, and its a cooler
Hand2, poor, you are check calling the turn, why? looks like you didnt know what to do, didnt know if you were ahead, yet was still unable to fold pocket queens. Would you have called AJ for that amount on the turn? I doubt it - even though it is pretty much the same as QQ in that spot.
Hand 3, Why raise when there is an ace. Pot control!
Hand 4, a bit of a cooler, but if they were a competent player you were behind 100%
Perhaps loosen up your range in late position, will mean you have to stop relying on big PPs to win hands, and will save you money when you learn when to fold them.
4nl auto stack off with overpair is fine usually, 10nl this isnt always the case.
And that Ace jack hand that you shoved vs 2pr. Horrible horrible shove, Bet big to protect your hand. But dont shove your generally only getting called by a better hand, and very rarely the flush draw.
One pair is not a hand to stack off with.
Some work needed I think before you can crush 8/10nl
If you are raised holding a one pair hand then re evalute the strength of your hand against the oppo and board texture At this level you want people calling you down when you hold one pr hands. No shame in folding one pair hands where at this level you are never being expolited Your need specific reads that oppo will raise with worse one prs for you to continue, because apart from draws/bluffs this is all you beat.
Hand 1 - Definitely raise more, when someone @ 10NL raises 5x, they're very unlikely to fold to a 3bet, so I'd be going to like £1.80 here. FWIW the 2nd 2 does make a difference because you are now beating T9. I don't go full pot on the turn but happy to get it in V his raise.
Hand 2 - Even worse 3bet size in this hand, again they've opened 5x so again you can 3bet big cos they probably aint folding, I'd go to £1.80ish again. As played, it's hard cos your 3bet is SO small that he could be pretty much calling with ATC. I probably call the flop raise, turn is a pretty bad card and he full pots, think you definitely have to fold here.
Hand 3 - Imo you need to either check the turn or make a 'proper' sized bet. Your turn bet looks so weak in a 'I hate that Ace' kinda way, and aside from that you give him a much better price to hit his draws than if you'd bet say £1.20. FWIW that was a pretty good card for him without hitting, he's now open ended and picked up the FD so you're never getting fold, but you're still favourite to win so charge him!
P.S. Not having a go, just something really wierd I've been meaning to ask about for ages... Why do you bother keep track of every lost pot size and every wont pot size (above a certain amount)?
Just seems a strange thing to do, it doesn't really serve a purpose.
P.S. Not having a go, just something really wierd I've been meaning to ask about for ages... Why do you bother keep track of every lost pot size and every wont pot size (above a certain amount)? Just seems a strange thing to do, it doesn't really serve a purpose. Posted by Lambert180
it generally is just a way of saying what the day has been like for me sometimes it might only be bad pot sizes i get on a certain day and any good pots i end up loosing and vis versa.
"seem to be just as bad with loose play and have cost me nearly £100" Dude, the first two hands, yes they have made loose calls but you are the one playing loose post flop. As pretty as they look, they are both just one pair (well I suppose technically h1 is KK22 but thats beside the point). Big pots with big hands and small pots with small hands, one pair is not a big hand. consider that you might be exploitable if playing a very snug range. Some players at 10nl migfht be able to pick up on your range and make it profitable to play relative junk against you, because they know you will stack off with an overpair. Hand 1, ok I dont mind stacking off too much, its unlikely he has a 2, and its a cooler Hand2, poor, you are check calling the turn, why? looks like you didn't know what to do, didn't know if you were ahead, yet was still unable to fold pocket queens. Would you have called AJ for that amount on the turn? I doubt it - even though it is pretty much the same as QQ in that spot. Hand 3, Why raise when there is an ace. Pot control! Hand 4, a bit of a cooler, but if they were a competent player you were behind 100% Perhaps loosen up your range in late position, will mean you have to stop relying on big PPs to win hands, and will save you money when you learn when to fold them. 4nl auto stack off with overpair is fine usually, 10nl this isnt always the case. Posted by calcalfold
not wanting to be rude but it's as if you are saying that any pair even the premium pair is not worth much if i miss a set because that is what it sounds like and so i guess AKs must be the best hand as it can hit two pair a flush or a straight as well as top pair top kicker unlike AA KK and QQ hand 1 1092 why should i be expecting myself to be behind to a 2 when i have shown the sign of a top pair or over pair so when that two comes on the turn i am not behind much at all only set and AA but not 23 hand 2 maybe my mistake was calling the raise i should just put him on a K but if i fold every time a bigger card comes then i will never win because on bigger stakes get what you call bluffs more often so QQ is still worth calling here as he could so easily hold QJ and raised for the straight. hand 3 why should i expect him to hold an A for sure again this is just giving the villain a chance to scare me away with rubbish hands just like i did with them bluffs i did when i missed the flushes. you say auto stack with pair is usually fine well what's different between AA and KK with just a 2 paired that 2 should never be expected. only 1 of them 4 hands i think i should fold and that was the QQ on an K107J board because TBH i could well be behind two pair now such as KJ or J10 a flush a straight or a set
another cash session over and my bankroll is £163 as i have enter a few tournements this evening and tried a few sats
the cash sessions got me +£4.37 +£1.75 +£3.43 +3.04 +£6.25 i did suffer two losses of £2.91 and £5.44 also earlier i suffered a big loss of £12 all thanks to a calling station who thinks 1 over card is enough to call and so got a flush
£3.85 £3.41
£2.97 £2.17
£1-£2 4 hands
losses were
£3.94 £3.14
£1-£2 3 hands
tonight has been another good night for me both tournaments and cash tables
i entered a £300 BH for 5.75 a 1K BH for £11 £2K mini rebuy £500BH for 5.75 £200 hurricane BH for 3.45 and the 4K main rebuy for £11 overall i failed in both the rebuys the £500BH £300BH but i managed to finish 3rd in th hurricane BH and won 29.94 while i finished 5th in the 1KBH winning 71.89 so my profit overall was 53.88
the have that got me knockout the others were
my KK lost to 222 in the 4K rebuy
the big wins were £3.45 £3.23x2 £2.65 £1.11
my only loss was from a villian who expects me to call shoves with flush draws top pair weak kicker or smaller pairs
when it will be so unlikely so i just got unlucky when he hit the J
That 99 hand where you shoved 1445 into a 525 pot on the flop - do you think you're ever getting called by worse??
overall i managed got losses -71p -74p & -£2.30 and profits, £3.19 £4.75 £2.27.
although it was tight i did still get some big pots most of which came during the first 30 mins when they were looser
the hands were
£2.74 £2.53
£1-£2 5 hands
losses were
£1-£2 3 hands
well at the end of another day my bankroll is £322
Not read all of the diary, apologies if this has already been mentioned.
after a good start in the 2KBHmini i managed to finish 17 and would a total of 24.95 which included 5 head prizes totaling about £15
thanks to a sattelite i also got into the main and although i missed out on the positional prizes i still won 24.95 thanks to two head prizes one thing i will say about the main was atleast i went out through an easy to take loss
after my 1st chance of playing at a nl10p table things went sort of ok i did suffer 1 heave loss of £10 but part of that was with KK calling a shove preflop where villian held AK and hit the A i tried a master cash table too and that as well did get a loss but it too was when the BB called my button raise with K8 and got 888kk i held QQ at the time and ended up shoving the turn. i still won profit of 3.33 on a nl10p table too.
as for my hands well
losses were 8.07
£2-£3 5 hands
£1-£2 7 hands
winnings were
4.21 4.15
£2-£3 4 hands
£1-£2 5 hands
the nl10 tables were better today and although i didn't manage to gain anything i avoided getting too much a loss and my bankroll is currently £300.45
the way my hand went
profits were
£9-£10 3 hands
£7.72 £7.56
£4-£5 6 hands
£3.09 £3.02
£2-£3 15 hands
£1-£2 42 hands
£8.41 £8.07
£4-£5 4 hands
£3-£4 9 hands
£2-£3 15 hands
£1-£2 26 hands
lost in them all £10 £4.37 £1.34 £8.13 £6.29 and £12.60
the hands got me
-£2-£3 4 hands
-£1-£2 11 hands
wins got me
£2-£3 4 hands
£1-£2 7 hands
been following with interest,always entertaining.
the jump up fron nl4 to nl10 doesn't look very big but it is or can be when it comes to how much more you can lose,especially when multi-tabling,as i know you are.
i've dabbled myself playing nl10 losing £100 in a single session,not long ago.
so just be carefull m8,that's all i'm saying.
that £300 or so you have could easily take a bashing,or you could double it up in 1 or 2 sessions.
i'm playing just 2 tables atm at nl4 and really enjoying my poker again.when/if lol i can get my b/roll up to around the £500 mark,i might move up to nl10 for another try,and hopefully i'll see you there.
best wishes
it did look a big step up and TBH the reason for moving up to the nl10 is their only seem to be 1-3 nl8p tables as for my bankroll i will be stepping back down if it is £200
after that bad session i managed to regain my money again when i managed to get -£1.50 £5.73 £8.41 £6.76 -£10 and best of all £26.96 so my bankroll reached £294
my hands themselvs got
£4-£5 3 hands
£2-£3 2 hands
£1-£2 9 hands
£1-£2 7 hands
in the £350Bh and freeroll i got nothing in the £750 i won 1.12 the top of the posts i won £50 finishing 1st although i was lucky when i jammed with Kj and needed to hit one which i did as my villian held A10.
in cash tables i lost 2.01 in a action table won 69p on a nl10 and lost £10 on one but my worst loss was 15.73 on a nl8 with one loss came very quick leading to a top up right away when i shoved the flop and got called by bottom pair which hit a third card and rivered me.
my only wins were 3.58 1.94 1.81 1.26 and 1.05
two of which came from a bluff on the river
the first was perfectly set up because with me miss i did a cbet and he called then check the turn only for him to bet so i call knowing their is a flush and then miss mine but attempt a bluff for the heart flush which he fell for
Good luck at NL10, i can't wait until/if i get the sufficient bankroll to start playing there lol.
i played 2 nl10 and got losses of £8.64 and £14.30 2 nl8 which got me +3.60 and -2.56 and a 5p action table which was where i made up for my 10p losses with profit here of £19.64
my biggest loss was 7.65
my losses over all were
£3-£4 3 hands
£2-£3 2 hands
£1-£2 6 hands
my profits were
£7.06 AAvsQQ lucky for me it wasn't KK as the 3rd came on the board
£3-£4 3hands
£1-£2 5hands
so my tables from now on will probably be 2 nl10 2 nl8 and 2 action or nl4 tables which is £46
the 10p tables were consisting of a lot of tight passive players.
my tables got me -19p -£6.68 -£8 -12.76 and -3.48 i got one profit of 4.14
i did make a good start thanks to the amount of bluffs i was making but later things changed and my good hands give me more problems that i could avoid
on a nl8 this hand cost me dear
in this hand i should have checked the turn and if the villian bet i could then bluff the river knowing he would fold
unfortunately i missed
£5-£6 3 hands
£2-£3 3 hands
£1-£2 8 hands
as for my wins well they were
£2-£3 8 hands
£1-£2 12 hands
basically when i was running well it was thanks to so many folds
i think i will be going back down to ml4 for now as the nl10 seem to be just as bad with loose play and have cost me nearly £100
first a32 just didn't want to fold
Dude, the first two hands, yes they have made loose calls but you are the one playing loose post flop. As pretty as they look, they are both just one pair (well I suppose technically h1 is KK22 but thats beside the point). Big pots with big hands and small pots with small hands, one pair is not a big hand.
consider that you might be exploitable if playing a very snug range. Some players at 10nl migfht be able to pick up on your range and make it profitable to play relative junk against you, because they know you will stack off with an overpair.
Hand 1, ok I dont mind stacking off too much, its unlikely he has a 2, and its a cooler
Hand2, poor, you are check calling the turn, why? looks like you didnt know what to do, didnt know if you were ahead, yet was still unable to fold pocket queens. Would you have called AJ for that amount on the turn? I doubt it - even though it is pretty much the same as QQ in that spot.
Hand 3, Why raise when there is an ace. Pot control!
Hand 4, a bit of a cooler, but if they were a competent player you were behind 100%
Perhaps loosen up your range in late position, will mean you have to stop relying on big PPs to win hands, and will save you money when you learn when to fold them.
4nl auto stack off with overpair is fine usually, 10nl this isnt always the case.
One pair is not a hand to stack off with.
Some work needed I think before you can crush 8/10nl
But im sure it will come.
At this level you want people calling you down when you hold one pr hands.
No shame in folding one pair hands where at this level you are never being expolited
Your need specific reads that oppo will raise with worse one prs for you to continue, because apart from draws/bluffs this is all you beat.
Hand 2 - Even worse 3bet size in this hand, again they've opened 5x so again you can 3bet big cos they probably aint folding, I'd go to £1.80ish again. As played, it's hard cos your 3bet is SO small that he could be pretty much calling with ATC. I probably call the flop raise, turn is a pretty bad card and he full pots, think you definitely have to fold here.
Hand 3 - Imo you need to either check the turn or make a 'proper' sized bet. Your turn bet looks so weak in a 'I hate that Ace' kinda way, and aside from that you give him a much better price to hit his draws than if you'd bet say £1.20. FWIW that was a pretty good card for him without hitting, he's now open ended and picked up the FD so you're never getting fold, but you're still favourite to win so charge him!
Just seems a strange thing to do, it doesn't really serve a purpose.
hand 1 1092 why should i be expecting myself to be behind to a 2 when i have shown the sign of a top pair or over pair so when that two comes on the turn i am not behind much at all only set and AA but not 23
hand 2 maybe my mistake was calling the raise i should just put him on a K but if i fold every time a bigger card comes then i will never win because on bigger stakes get what you call bluffs more often so QQ is still worth calling here as he could so easily hold QJ and raised for the straight.
hand 3 why should i expect him to hold an A for sure again this is just giving the villain a chance to scare me away with rubbish hands just like i did with them bluffs i did when i missed the flushes.
you say auto stack with pair is usually fine well what's different between AA and KK with just a 2 paired that 2 should never be expected.
only 1 of them 4 hands i think i should fold and that was the QQ on an K107J board because TBH i could well be behind two pair now such as KJ or J10 a flush a straight or a set