Quick summary of the evening before i go to bed...
Main i was doing well, managed to pick up a £16 bounty and was sitting with an ok stack not great but not desperate approaching the bubble, active player raises in the c/o, i 3bet the button with Js he tank shoves, i tank call and of course run into the top of his range AA, gg.
Mini wasn't getting anywhere fast had a smallish stack was looking to gamble as soon as possible, blind on blind with greghogg minraise 6s, he instashoves decided to take the gamble then and there hoping to see a smaller pair or two overs, standard flip against AQ so nothing exciting to talk about in that.
Played some hypers and turbos to end the evening, was pretty standard maybe losing a few more 60/40s than i would expect on average but nothing brutal. Saw a reg playing 21s who i felt like i had a good chance against, managed to win 3 out of 5, withdrew another £30 tonight and have now withdrawn £165 this week whilst still maintaining a 1k roll so happy with that and hopefully i will catch a break when i take a shot at one of the mains soon and pick up a decent cash, feel like i have run into two cooler situations both times i have bought it so not going to lose faith or use it as an excuse to not have a go when i have a good days profit behind me.
Find this thread really interesting Benc I've been playing poker for a long time now but never really played much heads-up. Your results are tremendous. If i do have a dabble, i will be avoiding you.
In the middle of doing some coursework, signed in quickly to go on the forum signed up to an all in sat for the roller with seconds to spare and won the ticket!!
Thanks Jac. In the middle of doing some coursework, signed in quickly to go on the forum signed up to an all in sat for the roller with seconds to spare and won the ticket!! Posted by benc
Why does that not surprise me after your 10s vs my ks earlier, clearly everything you touch is golden right now!
Haha i was running good earlier that was the second time i flopped a set against a better pair, rarely see a 4bet in a hyper but cudn't be laying down 10s to you of all people, probably one of the only people who may even 4bet bluff me lol
I did have another decent session on the hypers mainly 5,25 level today two tabling for an hour and a half. I think i was plus +£40 ishby the end of the session maybe a little more always nice to be winning when i got it in good and bad, gotta enjoy it when the cards fall your way in hypers as it's always a matter of time before that sick run of games where you can't win a game whatever you do.
Haha i was running good earlier that was the second time i flopped a set against a better pair, rarely see a 4bet in a hyper but cudn't be laying down 10s to you of all people, probably one of the only people who may even 4bet bluff me lol I did have another decent session on the hypers mainly 5,25 level today two tabling for an hour and a half. I think i was plus +£40 ishby the end of the session maybe a little more always nice to be winning when i got it in good and bad, gotta enjoy it when the cards fall your way in hypers as it's always a matter of time before that sick run of games where you can't win a game whatever you do. Posted by benc
I have learnt 4 bet bluff in a sky hyper is not good, unless your playing someone really good. Stars is different. Whats your opinion on the supersonic hu. I think its better for me, more play and a higher edge against weak passive players which has always been my downfall at hypers. Been playing all afternoon and enjoying it.
PS gl in the roller, I am at work tomorrow early so didnt consider it this time.
lol i don't think i have ever 4bet bluff in a hyper, general rule i have learned is that if someone 3bets they are never folding even if they were 3bet bluffing they just call off anyway. Supersonics i have played a few times, i agree they are definetly better in terms of being able to grind down weak passive players in comparison to hypers as most players don't adjust to the very quick blind increae due to there percieved comfort with what seems like a big stack if that makes sense. Thanks mate just trying to play my normal game and enjoy what is almost a freeroll.
lol i don't think i have ever 4bet bluff in a hyper, general rule i have learned is that if someone 3bets they are never folding even if they were 3bet bluffing they just call off anyway. Supersonics i have played a few times, i agree they are definetly better in terms of being able to grind down weak passive players in comparison to hypers as most players don't adjust to the very quick blind increae due to there percieved comfort with what seems like a big stack if that makes sense. Thanks mate just trying to play my normal game and enjoy what is almost a freeroll. Posted by benc
From memory you 3 bet to 100 ish, I didnt want to lose you so thats why I 4 bet rather than shoved. Perhaps I was over analysing but meta game comes into it when your op knows what they are doing !
yeah to be fair doesn't matter what you do all the chips are going in just a cooler, sure you will grind good profit long term if you keep grinding them games though mate.
In Response to Re: An insight into heads up grinding : I have learnt 4 bet bluff in a sky hyper is not good, unless your playing someone really good. Stars is different. Whats your opinion on the supersonic hu. I think its better for me, more play and a higher edge against weak passive players which has always been my downfall at hypers. Been playing all afternoon and enjoying it. PS gl in the roller, I am at work tomorrow early so didnt consider it this time. Posted by ACEGOONER
Went out of the roller AQ to AK not long after losing a decent sized pot with 99s against AJ, so nothing to really talk about. This hand preyed on my mind for the rest of the tournament though, player seemed to know what he was doing but i hadn't played him before and had no notes, it was also a snap all in like literally as soon as i put my raise in he was all in.... thoughts please?
Went out of the roller AQ to AK not long after losing a decent sized pot with 99s against AJ, so nothing to really talk about. This hand preyed on my mind for the rest of the tournament though, player seemed to know what he was doing but i hadn't played him before and had no notes, it was also a snap all in like literally as soon as i put my raise in he was all in.... thoughts please? yoji Small blind 100.00 100.00 9800.00 I_Hustle Big blind 200.00 300.00 7960.00 Your hole cards J J jamest6 Raise 400.00 700.00 11192.50 Oban Call 400.00 1100.00 5475.00 benc Raise 1400.00 2500.00 11915.00 jx All-in 11157.50 13657.50 0.00 yoji Fold I_Hustle Fold jamest6 Fold Oban Fold benc Fold x Muck x Win 3900.00 3900.00 x Return 9757.50 0.00 13657.50 Posted by benc
Its a close one mate tbh. Personally i would call as i feel he may have been tilting slighty as he had recently lost a decent pot but it is a close call.
Yeah it was tough, i figured i didn't need to gamble at that point as i still had a very good stack behind and the table seemed kind of weak so could try and pick some better spots. Also a 4bet shove in response to my first 3bet of the night seemed really strong, i hadn't been so active that he could really think i was putting in a steal or weak...
To me i think he was weak because he said in the chat box " i thought u were stealing" so if he did have a strong hand and he thought u were stealing, he would shorly want to trap you not scare you off.
Yeah thats why it preyed on my mind a bit, if he had an absolute monster surely he wouldn't of been so quick to shove and is more likely to just put a normal raise in than jam, still stuck in two minds about it was a really difficult situation.
Yeah thats why it preyed on my mind a bit, if he had an absolute monster surely he wouldn't of been so quick to shove and is more likely to just put a normal raise in than jam, still stuck in two minds about it was a really difficult situation. Posted by benc
Its done with now matey, get back to the grind as i know you will win plenty in the future.
Thanks Carl, posted the hand in the clinic so will move on from that.
I want to get back properly on the heads up grind and really put some decent sessions in rather than playing here and there, so i'm going to try and get in an hour or two each day or most days when i'm not too busy to just sit down with no distractions and play aload of games, i have been playing alot of mtts lately which doesn't allow for the same flexibility as HU in terms being able to stop and do other things, so will be focusing on just HU for the coming week. From today i will start posting a profit/loss again as i think it's good for the diary to include some figures in regards to how i'm getting on.
Decided to play for an hour before doing some coursework, i find it hard not to sign in and play a quick game when i'm working so thought scheduling hours would be better for helping me concentrate on both poker and my coursework.
Session time: 1 hour
Games played: 18
Structures/Stakes:£5.25 Hyper two tabling.
On a bit of a heater in the 5.25 hypers at the moment, playing well, running well. Obviously them kind of results are unattainable on a regular basis but i'm enjoying it whilst it lasts.
Got another hour in, started the session terribly think i lost 6 in a row or something, managed to win 7 in a row towards the end though. I'm going to watch the west ham game properly now as it probably distracts me when i'm playing, will maybe get another hour in later on.
Session time: 1 hour
Games played: 18
Structures/Stakes:£5.25 Hyper two tabling.
Profit/Loss: +£5.50
Pleased this turned into a profitable hour and at the amount of volume i can get in when i concentrate soley on playing and not doing other things. Looks like 15-20 games is the average i can get through in an hour playing hypers which is good.
West ham was a great game to watch, never nice to lose to tottenham but what a goal by bale throughougly deserved victory.
Played between half 10-11, very pleased to get 3 winning sessions in, i didn't start well again and then steamed in a couple of games due to a disconnection blinding me down and effectively costing me a game. I'm also pleased i managed to stick to the 5,25s in each session and got a very decent amount of volume in, i also managed to surpass the 4500c4p so am into the £70 figures now which is good.
I realise it is an overload of posts if i carry on this in this manner, so i wont carry on posting each hour i put in, instead i will continue to note down each hourly session as above with a total profit/loss games played in a word document and then post one complete day summary which summarizes each hour in the diary. The aim is to try put in between 12-15 hours a week as if it was a part time job and hopefully if i turn a profit withdraw a percentage of the profit every couple of weeks or so.
This is excellent mate, keep up the good work, just dont get down on yourself if u have a bad session or two as you at some stage will playing hypers, because we both know in the long term your a winner
Thanks Carl, i'm trying to think long term when i play and just concentrate on making the right decisions so hopefully when the brutal sessions come around instead of moving higher chasing losses i will finish the hour and stop. I'm also not looking at my profit/loss untill the end of the session which is is helping me alot more i think as the games come so thick and fast you cant really spend too much time contemplating how well your doing. I scoped my ROI and it was 15.6% for yesterday in total which is running way above average i'm hoping to see between 3-5% roi really over a large sample of games and even that is very optimistic, so bound to be very swingy hopefully i have the mentality to deal with it. I noticed you were playing some supersonics last night? what do you think of them?
First session went very well with another healthy profit, stuck to two tables most of the hour, was chatting to quickfeet as well during this hour so only had one table running at one point, so added an extra 10 mins to session to get to my target of 18 per hour.
This session had the potential to be brutal, was 3 tabling to try and hit the 100 game mark for the two days and hit 3 coolers in a row, obviously they were all calls that i wanted but i started button bashing for a a couple of mins lol i managed to regained composure and take down a small profit, running good against one particular reg who i bump into alot which helps but in general session wasn't great and i'm very happy to have come out of it with a profit. I will probably not 3 table hypers to often, a lot of fun but probably losing a fair bit of edge against the competent guys who occasionally appear.
Some of my figures may be off by a few pence as i'm doing it on notepad during sessions where i write my roll at the beggining and end of each hour and then add up, but i'm veryfying using scope since yesterday so the week total and day total should always be accurate.
Hello, been busyish today went for a jog which i'm trying to do regularly at the moment and been doing coursework/ wasting my time chatting on facebook. Anyway managed to get an hour in early afternoon and just completed another hour a few minutes ago. Got an assignment in tuesday so been working on that as going to norwich this weekend so no work going to be done then probably a couple of long library sessions next couple of days to get that done so i can enjoy the weekend, so that may mean a lack of hours over next few days will try hit a minimum of 10 hours for the week though which shouldn't be too difficult.
Another very good session to start the day,having no problem playing 3 tables when i'm refreshed as well which explains the high volume in this hour. I'm finding this new way of playing in a set time and concentrating fully on poker is helping me stay focused and its also beneficial to not be playing when i have umpteen other things going on.
Session 2: Time:1 hour Stakes/Game: £5.25 hyper 2-3 tabling Total Games: 16 Profit/Loss:+£15.96 Started off with 3 tables but cut down to 2 and then 1 by the end of the session as felt a bit tired and didn't want to start doing anything stupid, another good profitable session.
Total games for the day:44
Must be running very well at the moment to not yet have a losing hour, very pleased with how it is going at the moment but i'm already mentally prepared for the tough times ahead that will turn my roi into a more realistic figure but enjoying the heater whilst it lasts lol
Graph for the week so far. Also forgot to add i won £5 in the golden ticket draw, must be running good at the moment! lol I ahve no added that to the week figures though, i have so far only played £5.25 hypers this week.
Did not manage to find any time to play yesterday so that is why i didn't update. Today has been a really long day played 5 aside and spent hours in the library working on an assignment that is in next week. Going to norwich and meeting up with some friends tomorrow though for the first time in a while so that will be a welcome break.
I just finished a quick session, ended it after 50 minutes as i'm feeling tired and a bit mentally burned out, also felt like i was getting increasingly annoyed at losing some very standard preflop all ins and didn't want to tilt or play higher. Still despite thinking the session was going pretty awfully and that i was down a couple of buy ins at least, i was pleasently suprised to work out afterwards that it wasn't a losing session, maybe due to a mixture of tiredness and burn out i was overeacting to anything slightly negative in the session and ignoring the hands that fell in my favour.
I won't be playing tomorrow as im in norwich, maybe will get an hour or two in sunday night, would be nice to finish the week by completing 10 hours and not digging into the profit i have earned so far. I just need to ensure i pick the right times to play when i'm feeling refreshed and capable of playing to the best of my ability.
Hi benc, not posted here b4 as i've no idea about this game u play. great results from what i've read though,so well played buddy,you obviously i'm guessing anyway must enjoy playing them, and certainly your roi is very good. just a question,i noticed you seem to play relatively short sessions,about an hour or so typically. have you found this to be your optimal strategy or is it something you have always done,maybe because it is all the time you can spare for playing? the reason i'm asking is because although this is an area i've never really looked into,as yet anyway,it is a fact that as i am getting on a bit now (54 this year...aaagh),and like it or not,it's not getting any easier playing 4/6/8 hour sessions,well optimally anyway,so the possibility of playing 'timed sessions' could be something for me to think about,i feel. thanks in advance. 'be lucky' dev
Main i was doing well, managed to pick up a £16 bounty and was sitting with an ok stack not great but not desperate approaching the bubble, active player raises in the c/o, i 3bet the button with Js he tank shoves, i tank call and of course run into the top of his range AA, gg.
Mini wasn't getting anywhere fast had a smallish stack was looking to gamble as soon as possible, blind on blind with greghogg minraise 6s, he instashoves decided to take the gamble then and there hoping to see a smaller pair or two overs, standard flip against AQ so nothing exciting to talk about in that.
Played some hypers and turbos to end the evening, was pretty standard maybe losing a few more 60/40s than i would expect on average but nothing brutal. Saw a reg playing 21s who i felt like i had a good chance against, managed to win 3 out of 5, withdrew another £30 tonight and have now withdrawn £165 this week whilst still maintaining a 1k roll so happy with that and hopefully i will catch a break when i take a shot at one of the mains soon and pick up a decent cash, feel like i have run into two cooler situations both times i have bought it so not going to lose faith or use it as an excuse to not have a go when i have a good days profit behind me.
I've been playing poker for a long time now but never really played much heads-up.
Your results are tremendous.
If i do have a dabble, i will be avoiding you.
In the middle of doing some coursework, signed in quickly to go on the forum signed up to an all in sat for the roller with seconds to spare and won the ticket!!
I did have another decent session on the hypers mainly 5,25 level today two tabling for an hour and a half. I think i was plus +£40 ishby the end of the session maybe a little more always nice to be winning when i got it in good and bad, gotta enjoy it when the cards fall your way in hypers as it's always a matter of time before that sick run of games where you can't win a game whatever you do.
I want to get back properly on the heads up grind and really put some decent sessions in rather than playing here and there, so i'm going to try and get in an hour or two each day or most days when i'm not too busy to just sit down with no distractions and play aload of games, i have been playing alot of mtts lately which doesn't allow for the same flexibility as HU in terms being able to stop and do other things, so will be focusing on just HU for the coming week. From today i will start posting a profit/loss again as i think it's good for the diary to include some figures in regards to how i'm getting on.
Session time: 1 hour
Games played: 18
Structures/Stakes:£5.25 Hyper two tabling.
Profit/Loss: +£35.53
On a bit of a heater in the 5.25 hypers at the moment, playing well, running well. Obviously them kind of results are unattainable on a regular basis but i'm enjoying it whilst it lasts.
Session time: 1 hour
Games played: 18
Structures/Stakes:£5.25 Hyper two tabling.
Profit/Loss: +£5.50
Pleased this turned into a profitable hour and at the amount of volume i can get in when i concentrate soley on playing and not doing other things. Looks like 15-20 games is the average i can get through in an hour playing hypers which is good.
Games played: 20
Structures/Stakes:£5.25 Hyper two tabling.
Profit/Loss: +£5.05
West ham was a great game to watch, never nice to lose to tottenham but what a goal by bale throughougly deserved victory.
Played between half 10-11, very pleased to get 3 winning sessions in, i didn't start well again and then steamed in a couple of games due to a disconnection blinding me down and effectively costing me a game. I'm also pleased i managed to stick to the 5,25s in each session and got a very decent amount of volume in, i also managed to surpass the 4500c4p so am into the £70 figures now which is good.
I realise it is an overload of posts if i carry on this in this manner, so i wont carry on posting each hour i put in, instead i will continue to note down each hourly session as above with a total profit/loss games played in a word document and then post one complete day summary which summarizes each hour in the diary. The aim is to try put in between 12-15 hours a week as if it was a part time job and hopefully if i turn a profit withdraw a percentage of the profit every couple of weeks or so.
Day Total
Hours played: 3
Games played: 56
Stake: £5.25 hyper
Profit/Loss: +£46
Session 1:
Time: 1 hour 10minutes
Stakes/game: 5.25 hyper one/two tabling
Total games:19
Profit/loss: +£20.04
First session went very well with another healthy profit, stuck to two tables most of the hour, was chatting to quickfeet as well during this hour so only had one table running at one point, so added an extra 10 mins to session to get to my target of 18 per hour.
Session 2:
Time: 1 hour
Stakes/Game: £5.25 hyper 2-3 tabling
Total Games: 26
Profit/Loss: +£3.69
Total games for the day: 45
This session had the potential to be brutal, was 3 tabling to try and hit the 100 game mark for the two days and hit 3 coolers in a row, obviously they were all calls that i wanted but i started button bashing for a a couple of mins lol i managed to regained composure and take down a small profit, running good against one particular reg who i bump into alot which helps but in general session wasn't great and i'm very happy to have come out of it with a profit. I will probably not 3 table hypers to often, a lot of fun but probably losing a fair bit of edge against the competent guys who occasionally appear.
Some of my figures may be off by a few pence as i'm doing it on notepad during sessions where i write my roll at the beggining and end of each hour and then add up, but i'm veryfying using scope since yesterday so the week total and day total should always be accurate.
Day Total: £23.73
Total Hours: 5h 10m
Week Total: £69.67
Total Games Played: 101
I will try post an image/graph for so far..
Session 1:
Time: 1 hour
Stakes/game: 5.25 hyper two/three tabling
Total games:28
Profit/loss: +£23
Another very good session to start the day,having no problem playing 3 tables when i'm refreshed as well which explains the high volume in this hour. I'm finding this new way of playing in a set time and concentrating fully on poker is helping me stay focused and its also beneficial to not be playing when i have umpteen other things going on.
Session 2:
Time: 1 hour
Stakes/Game: £5.25 hyper 2-3 tabling
Total Games: 16
Profit/Loss: +£15.96
Started off with 3 tables but cut down to 2 and then 1 by the end of the session as felt a bit tired and didn't want to start doing anything stupid, another good profitable session.
Total games for the day: 44
Must be running very well at the moment to not yet have a losing hour, very pleased with how it is going at the moment but i'm already mentally prepared for the tough times ahead that will turn my roi into a more realistic figure but enjoying the heater whilst it lasts lol
Day Total: £38.96
Total Hours: 7h 10m
Week Total: £109
Total Games Played: 145
Also forgot to add i won £5 in the golden ticket draw, must be running good at the moment! lol I ahve no added that to the week figures though, i have so far only played £5.25 hypers this week.
I just finished a quick session, ended it after 50 minutes as i'm feeling tired and a bit mentally burned out, also felt like i was getting increasingly annoyed at losing some very standard preflop all ins and didn't want to tilt or play higher.
Still despite thinking the session was going pretty awfully and that i was down a couple of buy ins at least, i was pleasently suprised to work out afterwards that it wasn't a losing session, maybe due to a mixture of tiredness and burn out i was overeacting to anything slightly negative in the session and ignoring the hands that fell in my favour.
I won't be playing tomorrow as im in norwich, maybe will get an hour or two in sunday night, would be nice to finish the week by completing 10 hours and not digging into the profit i have earned so far. I just need to ensure i pick the right times to play when i'm feeling refreshed and capable of playing to the best of my ability.
Time: 50 minutes
Stakes/game: £5.25 hypers one/two tabling
Total games: 17
Profit/loss: +£0.75p
Day Total: £0.75p
Total Hours: 8hours
24/02/13 +: Week Total: £109.75p
Total Games Played: 162
not posted here b4 as i've no idea about this game u play.
great results from what i've read though,so well played buddy,you obviously i'm guessing anyway must enjoy playing them, and certainly your roi is very good.
just a question,i noticed you seem to play relatively short sessions,about an hour or so typically.
have you found this to be your optimal strategy or is it something you have always done,maybe because it is all the time you can spare for playing?
the reason i'm asking is because although this is an area i've never really looked into,as yet anyway,it is a fact that as i am getting on a bit now (54 this year...aaagh),and like it or not,it's not getting any easier playing 4/6/8 hour sessions,well optimally anyway,so the possibility of playing 'timed sessions' could be something for me to think about,i feel.
thanks in advance.
'be lucky'