I am not happy as I played a £3.30 DYM and lost that was not the problem I had a pop up up on my screen that I thought was for the DYM I had just played so I clicked ok and it entered me in to another £3.30 DYM which I did not want to play when I clicked cancel there was only 2 players registered 1 was my self and the…
Couple of things
Does anybody know how long you can sit out at a cash table before it kicks you off? I didn't want to start a whole thread on this but I couldn't find an answer. Also, just a suggestion, I think it'd be good if the mini tonight could be like a £2.20 rebuy or something considering the main is a rebuy. Thanks.
DYM spot (please move to clinc)
check fold flop? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance matchew Small blind 50.00 50.00 2277.50 c23lee Big blind 100.00 150.00 2242.50 Your hole cards * K * K pokermask Fold jams88 Raise 300.00 450.00 1785.00 MITSUB Fold flushoff7 Call 300.00 750.00 2225.00 matchew Fold c23lee Fold Flop * 6 * 9 * A jams88 Check flushoff7 Bet…
How to get an overview?
Hi folks Can anyone tell me how to get a quick overview of my hands on the site with pics of the hand on a page...say in bunches of ten. This isn't the my hands things where i have to click on each individually to see it but a general sheet of my hands. I think i've seen it here before but now i'm wondering whether i've…
Whatever happened to
Whatever happened to the idea of ch861 showing cash table action without the commentary. Think it was originally going to be used during the day time instead of the numerous repeats currently shown. Last I heard they had test runned it a couple of times but nothing since.
Happy 65th to Tikay - Pics on page 4
Congratulations Tikay!! Hope Sky have put a 'Birthday Bonus' into your account :)
I have PM's in my inbox - Testing to see whether this means I'm unbanned from the forum, let me know if you can see this thread please :D
sky poker is r igged to f uck
bad beat you think? lol
Says it all??????????????????????
Hooray! All the silly low-stakes poker myths have now been busted!
Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?
I've noticed this happens quite alot, in the later stages of tournaments as players are moved tables / tables are broken, it always seems to happen that a large proportion of the bigger stacks end up on the same table rather than being evenly distributed amongst all the tables as you would expect. Is it just me imgaining…
Friday Facebook Giveaway...
Hello fellow poker players! It's that time of the week again when we throw free stuff at you! Bit of a change to the prizes this week. Many of you have asked that we change the way we credit prizes, we listened! This week's prizes are as follows: 1st - £20 non-withdrawable cash2nd - £15 non-withdrawable cash3rd -…
Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)
The trilogy continues, with... Episode II: Attack of the Kendall Yes, Sky Poker is live again at 7pm on 861, and at 10pm on Sky Sports 4 / HD4. tikay and I will start the show with live coverage of a £600 Gtd Timed Tournament. At 8pm, it's the Poker Clinic, so please send in your Hand IDs. And, at 9pm, we'll spend sixty…
cash table rake %?
hi all im new to the site , but was just wondering what the rake % is on the cash tables as the link on the site is broken . many thanks in advance.
My Low Stakes SNG Grind Diary £2--->£107.98 so far
GOOD LUCK (* *) ^ dev
Should this site be called bad beat poker??
Or joker poker maybe........ Its a joke site...
howard lederer files pfff
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g1wFJx461U&feature=relmfu this part one
What happened / is happening with his challenge, I was looking forward to folowing his progress but not seen anything on here.
How many of us are winning players? Truthfully.
Thread title says it all. When i started on here last year, i played DYM's and Tournies and sucked really badly, and lost about £300. (Check my sharkscope, lol.) I only play cash now and had massive BR swings before finally becoming a winning player consistently about 5 months ago. So do you actually win money, break even,…
hit n runners (rant alert)
i apologize in advance but i just need to let of a bit of steam for 5 mins. i just had possibly the worst hour of poker that i can recall. ive managed to drop 7 buyins at the cash tables in that time. the money isnt the issue before people jump on the bandwagon, i made 1 bad call, ran ak into aces on another occasion and…
Rules Question: String Bet
Hi This query discusses this week's episode of Premier League V so if you have Sky plussed it and dont want to know what happened, then look away now. Jungleman is short stacked. He has 99. He starts to move his chips in. It is obvious he is going all in, because nobody would have raised less than all in with his stack.…
hi proberly my fault for not reading these issues when did poker points get reduced for mtts as the primo now only gives you 50 rather than the 175 it used to i know this was a promotion but did sky announce the end off it? total player sky said it would return when? the poker league from sky it would return bigger and…
Tables Lagging
Just deregged from tonights tournaments the bounty hunter and the roller as tables lagging and keep timing out. Anyone else having this?
Well in an effort to inject a bit of fun to GPC... I talk to IDCU a fair bit on FB chat and just can't pass up the opportunity to emulate Doh's 'Donism' thread to share some of Donk's pearls of wisdom with a wider audience. I'm sure he'll take it in the fun, light-hearted way it is intended. So to get us started off, a…
Hard decisions in poker
I was just in the 5 minute break-- 9 players left--- 2nd in chips with over 30 bbs---- and I dropped half a cream donut on the toilet seat!! What's been your hardest decision in a poker game?
Help with a live mtt structure please?
Hi all I am helping to organise a fun poker/games night at my work The evening will allow only about 3 hours for poker and we expect at least 30 players. Hopefully 50. Can anyone suggest an mtt format and blind structure that would be suitable for this fast an mtt? I was thinking about making it a "shootout" possibly as it…
Annoying short stacks!!!
Okai this is a bit of a rant so be nice on the replies! Sky you need to introduce tables where the game is NL50 make the max buy in equal to the minumum buy in. Nothing worse than having 4 players sat with £10 each it ruins the whole structure of the the game big time Plus the worse part that keeps happening on my tables…
Can you get better from free play
I hate playing in play money games. People just call anything, throw allin for with anything. Doesnt give someone like me who wants to get better a chance to get better :/ . I love the free rolls but even then you get daft moves. Only got 15 poker points left and still want to participate in more tournaments before making…
Sky Poker Spotify Mixtape
Hi all, We know that many of you like to listen to music while you’re at tables. But what kind of music do you listen to? Don’t you think it would be great to compile a massive list of all the community’s favourite poker tracks for everyone to share? Well now’s your chance!... For all the Spotify users out there, we’re…
How much does my range has to change from 9max to 6 max
Iv played on different sites most of them 9max, when i play 6 max i struggle to find the boundary between being loose and opening my range more to adapt to 6 max....what sort of changes should i be making?