1st Royal Flush of the week.
Hi, I have been told that there was a promotion running for first royal flush of the week. Something about an SPT seat? I have had one today in the DTD3 and was wondering if it was still on? HERES MY HAND; PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceihopeufoldSmall blind 10.0010.002440.00gingericeBig blind 20.0030.00510.00 Your hole…
playing on iPhone
I was playing cash earlier and someone was playing on their iPhone.. I didn't yet know this was possible on Sky. Do I just log onto Sky through Safari browser and start playing? Or is there an app I need to buy/download? Thanks. edit: Feel free to direct me to a thread that has already answered these questions.
dongle capacity
Hi Guys Wondering if anyone can help me, as my grasp of technology is slippery at best. I am moving temporarily to a place with no broadband (not middle earth) . . and was wondering if using a dongle on my PC would provide enough data to allow me to play poker for a good few hours everyday? Or would it work out…
quick question
hi guys.. can someone please post a link to the following?? hellmuth has a loose cannon smashed and all in.. they run it 4 times and he loses 3!! iv looked on youtube but cant seem to find it thanks in advance
Siiting out the small blind.
This last week one paticular player on the Omaha cash tables has been sitting out every small blind then sitting back in for the next hand on the button. I am sure on most sites and definately live you can not do this without posting or waiting for the next Big blind to come. What are peoples views on this? Is the guy just…
watch and play on an ipad?
Hi all not sure if this is the right place to post, but can anyone tell me if its possible to watch the live feed and play sky poker on an ipad, im currently using a bulky laptop and just wounded if anyone here uses a ipad or something similar. many thanks in advance
thanks sky for the added £5 for the Birthday, I know there was some discussion about this a while ago but I am chuffed.
A FINAL SUMMARY from devonfish5...22/9/12......up-dated.
Amazing achievement and such a lovely gesture, well done!! Hopefully you will continue running well as you deserve to, karma ftw x
Sitting out?
why is it when you are sitting out on a mtt or other tourney are you still dealt cards yet at cash you aren't, even remember TK saying something about how it changes things, not having a go at sky as every other site is the same,it just doesn't happen live. I just think sky could take the lead on this and do something…
thats it for me
anyone recomend a better site to play on thanks?
SUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEERRRRRRTTTTIIILLLLTTTTTTEEEEEEED 3 hours totally card dead got drawn out against 3 times then went ccrrrrrrrrrrraaaazzzyyyyyy with a9 when knew was beat bad news I was playing a little higher so lost £16 back at £4 now aaarrgghhhhhh
£25,000 Guaranteed Super Roller this Sunday
Hold onto your hats everyone, incase you forgot it's the £25,000 Guaranteed Super Roller this Sunday (30th September) at 8pm. August's £20k Super Roller was a huge success and we hope Septembers will be even better with an extra £5,000 added to the prizepool! With a view to increasing the prizepool even more for future…
Bank Roll Management - it's the mutts nuts
I've always known, and always said that good bankroll management is crucial to sustainable poker playing, but I've never actually stuck to it. Always given in to the temptation to play the main and then bricking it on every major decision due to the 'gotta cash' situation I put myself in. Cue going busto time and again…
Week 2 Forum £2.20 @ 2:20 Afternoon League Win £11 Seat into next Sunday's Superstack
add me please woogie. If i'm available will give it a go. Thanks
Bankroll management
If I was to deposit 10 pound, what would you recommend to play? 60p DYM's? And if I was to be successful when should I go up another level?
Question for cash regs
how much volume of 40nl - 100 nl would need to be played to get 2k ack from C4P's im talking number of tables / hours of play??
Sunday's live show with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)
Thursday 20 September 2012: 1267: "James. NFL tips. Talk to me." James Hartigan: "...If you're looking for a tip for tonight, I take Carolina at home for the win." Hmmm... I'm glad I didn't take that particular tip. Not one of your best, James.
Can anyone give me a bit of advice please
Hi everyone This might sound strange to you, but i got a slight problem with one of my eyes, it could a dry eye, lately its been getting a bit of an irritation when playing poker or on pc for a time. I think there a screen you can get, a filter, I want to know if they any good and where i could get one from. Thank you Glen
DYM - John Connor
Can anyone post the link to JC's DYM blog. Cheers Paul
FF & S6 freeroll
i have a sky fantasy team, and i have a Super 6 weekly entry, so how do i get the password in order to play it?
Morning everyone hope you all well can anyone tell me how to reduce the brightness - resolution from the screen on my lap top please. Thanks Glen
Friday Orfordable League (September week 3) ALL WELCOME
I dont know Files!
The i dont know files by Howard Lederer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkZrFSQkM2M
Good luck to my mum in london 2moro in the gukipt main event
My mum alias on here angie6108 has qualified into the london event gukipt £550 buy in i believe qualifed from $5.50 i wish her the best of luck and take it down i beleive ryan spittles will be there amongst other sky player i would love to have gone but would need £200 for the weekend money inc travle somewhere to stay…
GUKPT London final day
Good luck to pagey1099 who currently lies fifth with 22 remaining. Come on mate take it down!!
Hi, just wondering what happened to guests on the show. Seems to have been very few since everyone went to Vegas. Cheers, Doug
Too many lagers and too much wine, off to bed. Cya all l8r.
forum cash game
were table LUTON 1P 4P TEN HANDED when NOW rules HAVE FUN come and join me NOW
My apologies for being a pain in the bum
I am very sorry what i wrote last night and if i have upset some people i just wrote things in the heat of the moment i am very passionate about poker so when i lose i do get upset i am only human i have a lot of anger in me but this is family issues as my dad is not well and i take it out on people and i am very sorry i…