Vegas satellites - issue not answered
Yes, I had a moan a couple of days ago about the minimum shot at the vegas prize. It was £52.50 which I thought was a bit steep. Log on tonight, and once again the minimum shot is £52.50! Apparently there was an earlier satellite for a tenth of this, but I missed it. Sky team, please get a grip! Run £5.50 satellites every…
building a bankroll
im trying to build a good bankroll i used to play on an other website and made good money but i always dipped into my br. now i moved to sky poker and moved to cash games from sit and gos and put in £100 and want to build my br up whats ur best advice? ive been multi tabling nl20 and been ok but i seem to find a few bad…
Just To Let You Know.. (forum DTDers/Regulars)
Hi All JUST TO LET YOU KNOW..... As the Chuckle Brothers are gonna be Playing SPT in Sunny Glasgow, This Weeks Forum DTDThread will be posted Sunday Night (not Fiday) Hope this is ok with you all
Just wanted to say I watched a late night show on another channel(Sorry),a couple of nights back. A 6 seater table 100k min.buy-in. 3 of the players were Doyle Brunson,Barry Greenstein,an Daniel Negreanu,plus a couple of younger ones and a guy who I think was an on line player. I got the impression that the youngsters…
Poker and Chardonnay (yidette9's delicious cocktail)
POKER AND CHARDONNAY (yidette9’s delicious cocktail) This, my 2nd thread, is dedicated to Denis, the IRISH ROVER to celebrate his return to the forum. Further to my 1st ever thread about how much I enjoy playing online skypoker, this is my HONEST account of my experience of LIVE poker play. My gorgeous better (???) half…
Thursday night live across Sky Poker with Richard Orford, Julian Thew and Sam Razavi ***official sho
looking forward to this! question for razavi; most memorable moment on the virtual felt pls, & how did you celebrate (if it warranted celebration obv)
Another year on the game - the ups and downs of a poker virgin
well done mate, many many have done a lot worse. keep it up and glad you are enjoying it phil
21 days of site seeing
After running bad on sky for a few days i decided to take a break and have a fish around a few other sites,so i picked five sites loaded them up,joined and away we go.Let me tell you after the first 3 days i was wishing i was back on sky. The first thing i noticed was some of the lobbies looked as if a spider had crawled…
SPT Glasgow - Direct Buy-in Available now!
As the title says. First come first served! Thanks Sky Poker
Is it Thursday today?
Question for SAM
Has he ever had an occasion were someone told him to shut up duting a tournament and if so how did he deal with it?
Transition to cash
Hi all I've been thinking about this for a while, and think the time has probably now come....... I rate my own tournament game as pretty good and over time I'm profiatble in this format, however my cash game has always been poor and I think it's time to start the transition. Looking for advice on the best way to make the…
Why Delete My Posts?
why have three posts of mine been deleted? the first said, "looks very good.. will there be an area52?" the second asked, "why has my post been deleted?" the third asked, "why have two posts of mine been deleted? it would be nice to know why?
Sky's Software Improvements
Long time has passed since the anouncements that some improvements will come to our software but silence has fell all over Skypoker... Any news? Come on Sky... Resizable tables are a MUST...Bring it on...
Sky Poker "Field Addresses"
Good morning. Field addresses are what appear under your avatar, on a Poker Table. You csn see them by hovering your mouse over the avatar. They are pre-set to show.... Screen-Name Home Town. (Where account is registered). Total amount of cash (in cash games) or chips (in Tourneys & STT's) currently in play. It is a quite…
SPT Brighton...
... is available for direct buy-in now. Only 5 seats available at the moment. First come first served. Thanks Sky Poker
CAN YOU PLEASE POST YOUR TEAM OR WHETHER YOUR INDEPENDENT ON THIS THREAD THANK YOU MONDAY FORUM DTD INCLUDING THE MARCH MONTHLY LEAGUE Welcome to the Forum DTD we've also got our own Facebook Page which so far has 156 Members, just search for Forum DTD your best 2 scores from 3 will count (YOU MUST PLAY ALL 3 TOURNEYS)…
Good luck to all Brighton Qualifiers
Good luck to all those playing at Brighton on Saturday, I managed to crash and burn in the Sats so will not be there. I was looking forward to having a go a live casino poker for the first time. Next time maybe. Someone beat Julian, its starting to get a bit boring ! lol
64 player heads up in sit n go section or under schelduled mtt section :)
Hi all i see lambert is doing a heads up tourney but i just had a good session with poker fail who is a good player may i add was just saying how great it would be to have a heads up tourney 64 players to fill up and play i see on the site when u click on sit n go section the most they have is 8 player sit n gos but i was…
Im new to sky poker and i really want to set a challenge i put in £100 and im going to try get to £1000 by end of april any pointers or tips on how to acheive this? so far i just been muti tabling nl20
Tonight its ARL with Mr H.
Its been a while so not to clog the ARL thread with pointless inane dribble, for fun we will have an update thread. So in the 19:30 Deep Stack we have 24 runners angie61085000 cgoldie5000 ChasePaper5000 EBBERDON5000 FINS5000 FLASHJONNY5000 GELDY5000 IDONKCALLU5000 imber5000 J-Hartigan5000 Kiwini4u5000 LEON15000…
Live poker allowed chat.
Hi, my live poker play is limited and I have a few questions about allowed chat at the table. 1) Lets say I have pocket Jacks. If the flop is 23Q and I am against one opponent who bets after the flop. Am I allowed to say if I want, "I have pocket Jacks" or even lie and say, "I have AQ" to see their reaction? 2) Also if…
Look...its fantastic
Chatbox topics ***LIVE SHOW 6th March***
Evening all! Here are the topics we're going to be discussing on tonight's Chat Box at 10pm. Feel free to post your thoughts below and join in! 1. The DTD Super-Sized Deepstack event in Nottingham got an unbelievable 648 runners, although this included “re-entries”. are re-entries a good thing for poker? The DTD also saw…
9.30 Brighton Semi????
Where has the £24 Brighton Semi gone, I seem to still be registered but it is not in the lobby ?
Just want to see how you lot feel about your skills now be honest and we can see what level players on the forum think there at! And get a glimps of the level we are overal.
FAO Dazler
Mind your own business and stop reading other peoples FAO threads :P
FAO SoLack and imber
I have sent you a pm about your FLOPS prizes. Please read and reply when you get a chance.
Ive not played these yet and am about to what is the best stratagy for them?
After playing since last Sunday for £1 in the survivor torny just gone out in forth place top three paid great value for money but gutted, well done to the three finalist, may be next week!!!!!! see you at the tables.