I think it would be a mistake to not listen to advice, if it's good, just because we don't like someone.
You have said you are getting fed up with people being critical of your play. At the same time you're putting up hand histories asking for thoughts on how you've played. This doesn't really make sense. If you only want people to say you've played well then you're not going to get much out of it.
I think you have actually made some really decent points. However, with the way you put them across, belittling, mocking etc then you're not going to get much respect and people will concentrate on the unpleasant things you say. Rather than just to say something is awful, explain why, and what you think would have been a better approach.
Going to try and be objective here. Robbie I think it would be a mistake to not listen to advice, if it's good, just because we don't like someone. You have said you are getting fed up with people being critical of your play. At the same time you're putting up hand histories asking for thoughts on how you've played. This doesn't really make sense. If you only want people to say you've played well then you're not going to get much out of it. Calcalfold I think you have actually made some really decent points. However, with the way you put them across, belittling, mocking etc then you're not going to be much respect and people will concentrate on the unpleasant things you say. Rather than just to say something is awful, explain why, and what you think would have been a better approach. Posted by Jac35
No not critical, be critical but just put it in a polite way in which I can learn from. Everything you said is how I feel. I don't no anything about the guy so I cant judge how he plays and tbh I don't care any advice id listen to and see how I can use it. The fact is if he just said "oh sorry didn't mean to put it like that I was trying to help" I would of just said no problem its fine.
robbie1992 vs calcalfold heads ups cash grudge match 10nl (for rollz?) or just a few 2hr sessions 2/4 tabling would be good to watch and i`m rooting for robbie. just an idea though lol. Posted by liamboi11
This isn't an entertainment show LOL I would play him for a laugh tbh judging from peoples reactions I wouldn't come out with money but it would be fun ..
In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : This isn't an entertainment show LOL I would play him for a laugh tbh judging from peoples reactions I wouldn't come out with money but it would be fun .. Posted by robbie1992
I would certainly enjoy this, ccf talks a good game but i think it's unfair for people to just assume he is a better player than you. CCF out of interest i encountered youyesterday for the first time at HU turbos,was surprised that i couldn't access your stats on scope.. something to hide?
Why would I leave my scope open for people to take free information? I presume thats why you were there........
And for the record, I have never myself claimed to be a better player than Robbie,. That said (based on this thread) I have won a fair bit more money, and no, I dont intend to disclose my winnings.
To start with I was on this thread to post advice as I see it. Of course I have also been known to wind people up when they bite.
lol fair enough, i did say "unfair for people" and not yourself to be coming in and saying "x player is better than y player". I always assume people who lock there scope are just hiding the fact they are losing players, just a personal opinion not like you need to prove yourself to me or anyone else and i respect that you wouldn't want to be giving people like me extra information.
So best of 10 HUsngs or a couple of hours at HU cash between you and robbie for bragging rights...
Im not denying he is a better play I don't no the guy and I don't no his game. I just asked him to put his comment in a better way......that's it LOL talk about a mountain out of a mole hill.
He would batter me cause iv never played heads up but if he wants to play I will play him.
I appreciate your offer on behalf of robbie, but the challenge/bragging rights has no appeal to me. As FCHD wisely quoted "ego at the door" no game should this hold more true than in poker.
The door is open for the "scared"/"chicken" et al remarks to follow. Alas, water off a ducks back (or chickens you could say).
I just log in try and find some 6max cash tables I think I can beat, play until the value has gone, then log out again.
Plus of course, as you wintnessed yesterday, my HU SNG game is below feeble.
I also enjoy trying to offer my opinion on forum threads, or wind people up as some people would claim.
I dont have anything against robbie, How could I? I dont know the chap lol, but I cant help but be a wind up merchant at times.
That said I still think he has a strange line towards people trying to help - however blunt. Hey ho, each to their own etc...
Im not denying he is a better play I don't no the guy and I don't no his game. I just asked him to put his comment in a better way......that's it LOL talk about a mountain out of a mole hill. He would batter me cause iv never played heads up but if he wants to play I will play him. Posted by robbie1992
i`ve played both of yous,more you robbie but don`t think they would be much in it between the 2 of yous a just think be good entertainment for us readers and bit of banter and maybe when yous play each other you may actually have more respect for each others game and kiss and make up lol.
LOL what would the winner get ? I think id want my apology and cal to write a whole discussion on why he had lost to me
I don't know liam, I enjoyed the last one but it was my first time in one of these. It was a good profitable week but it means your life has too stop for a week really, and it also meant I couldn't do any studying which atm I need really. Plus I only play 4 tables so realistically the highest I could finish is 7th again. U going to play it?
LOL what would the winner get ? I think id want my apology and cal to write a whole discussion on why he had lost to me I don't know liam, I enjoyed the last one but it was my first time in one of these. It was a good profitable week but it means your life has too stop for a week really, and it also meant I couldn't do any studying which atm I need really. Plus I only play 4 tables so realistically the highest I could finish is 7th again. U going to play it? Posted by robbie1992
well last 1 finished 17th in middle tier and a missed 2 and half days due to spt brum.
I only plays 6 tables for a few hrs but im off work and college this week so see how i get on, also did you get through the semi for primo or you not put my chips to good use lol.
Played cash in the morning and didn't play amazing , was coming away even until I lost with QQ on 7 5 2 board when he had pocket 7's, so think it was fine. Struggled adapting to certain styles and couldn't quiet think of a way to exploit them, so I went on duececracked forum and took down some notes of what people said to others about it so then I can keep looking over them and hopefully it will go in. I played a £2.60 sat for the primo and got into the semi, where I then qualified for the actually primo, which I was happy about as its the only big tourney I havnt got into on sky. Decided to play the mini aswell for the jackpot and played well in both, got a disgusting beat in the mini which would of taken me top with about 160 left. Was always doing well in the primo, I finished 46th (26th was cash) so just missed out but just didn't have any decent spots and went card dead towards the end, after shoving on the blinds for about 5 rounds in a row the big blind called and had pocket 6's, so I was flipping with my a9s, no luck but I woulda taken a flip. Iv ended the day down but iv played well and enjoyed my deep run. Now I need to sort my cash game out !!!!
Yeah that's what I mean you have to miss a week of your life to have a good crack at that promotion, think ill just play normally and see what happens the last one tired me out lol yeah I qualified, that hand was bad I thought u had a lot less then KK in your range, im sure were meet on the tables again and it will happen the other way round lol
Played for about 3 hours today, was planning to play 4 but made a stupid mistake and I was feeling tired anyway. I studied in the morning as the house was empty so no distractions, I enjoy studying the game and missed it while I was doing the promo, I always feel like I no more after watching a video or going over notes.
I played 3 tables for 2 hours and 4 for one hour as I wanted better reads. Played more aggressive, 3 bet more, bluffed more, used my brain more and thought about my image more. Was a byin up on every table at one point without even having an all in, which I think proves I was exploiting my opponents fairly well. Got exploit myself at times but oh well that's why I work on my game to stop that happening lol lost in a stupid hand that im going to post in a minute....feel free to give abuse its deserved Happy with today, just need to stop the odd massive mistake!
Im going to play more for the promo as its free money really and I need to build my b/r so need to put in some hard work. Ill play more but I wont play a silly amount, just play the amount I want and see where It gets me.
B/r: £360.47
The day: +2.7 byins (£27)
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepaulrowy11 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £7.04 robbie1992 Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £23.36 Your hole cards J 5 Cash_Daddy Fold Donttelmum Fold _DOOLA_ Call £0.10 £0.25 £8.57 paulrowy11 Call £0.05 £0.30 £6.99 robbie1992 Check Flop J J 6 paulrowy11 Check robbie1992 Bet £0.30 £0.60 £23.06 _DOOLA_ Raise £1.20 £1.80 £7.37 paulrowy11 Fold robbie1992 All-in £23.06 £24.86 £0.00 _DOOLA_ All-in £7.37 £32.23 £0.00 robbie1992 Unmatched bet £14.79 £17.44 £14.79 robbie1992 Show J 5 _DOOLA_ Show 6 6 Turn 4 River 2 _DOOLA_ Win Full House, 6s and Jacks £16.13 £16.13 Just was not good enough to fold. sometimes he shows a flush draw/ some PP. But long term this is definatly a losing play.
such A frustrating day. Didn't play in morning, but done an hour watching a live play training video at about 4 then played 5-7. Played very well and felt confident in what I was doing, was 3 byins up. Had dinner come back and had a bad start I didn't adjust to playing different style players. Once I was relaxed and used to the dynamics of the table I start thinking and playing fairly decent...I done 2 moves which iv worked on and they worked which I was happy about. Lost a small pot on bluff after checking turn and potting river. Then tried calling down with middle pair because the guy was being quiete aggressive and I didn't see why he would min raise on a A 8 2 board?? if he has an ace he calls and If he has a set he calls, I called down and he shows 2 2 for bottom set......another lesson about not judging all players the same. Had 2 coolers aswell which is annoying but is part of the game , ended up 1.2 byin down, which isn't the end of the world but it did take the gloss off my first session. Oh well study and more player tomorrow!
Still not going mad for the promo, maybe I might leave it late until about 3 days left and play long days, not sure have to see the leaderboard closer the time.
same sort of schedule toda, study in morning and played 2 smallish session with dinner being the break inbetween. Thing went well i was happy with how i played, think im getting more value out of my hands then i have in a long while, hope i can just keep continuing to do the correct thing. Havnt tilted in ages aswell which is good and i read the mental game somemore today to help with performance anxiety as for some reason i was really nervous today. The exercise they gave today was helpful and i left it infront of me throughout my session just incase.
Balance is at £398, so near enough back to starting deposit!!! which 2 weeks ago seemed impossiable for that to happen. How do i get the £400 out that i deposited , keep winning and withdraw evertime i reach £100? not sure iv seen many people ask that, i want to get the £400 out asap so i got a full b/r of profit, then try and get 30-40 byins for 20nl....well thats the plan anyways....
Also football fixtures were out today, cant wait. Not what i wanted as palace will be buzzing for there first game back and there be up for it, so could be harder then it looks. Should have strikers/midfields/wingers by then tho so i think im confident. Arsenal away 3rd game in, cannot wait! theres no form 3 games in really so its anyone to win, but NORTH LONDON IS OURS, so hopefully it will stay that way. David moyes with a tough start, lump on Man u to finish outside the top 4 !
Update same sort of schedule toda, study in morning and played 2 smallish session with dinner being the break inbetween. Thing went well i was happy with how i played, think im getting more value out of my hands then i have in a long while, hope i can just keep continuing to do the correct thing. Havnt tilted in ages aswell which is good and i read the mental game somemore today to help with performance anxiety as for some reason i was really nervous today. The exercise they gave today was helpful and i left it infront of me throughout my session just incase. Balance is at £398, so near enough back to starting deposit!!! which 2 weeks ago seemed impossiable for that to happen. How do i get the £400 out that i deposited , keep winning and withdraw evertime i reach £100? not sure iv seen many people ask that, i want to get the £400 out asap so i got a full b/r of profit, then try and get 30-40 byins for 20nl....well thats the plan anyways.... Also football fixtures were out today, cant wait. Not what i wanted as palace will be buzzing for there first game back and there be up for it, so could be harder then it looks. Should have strikers/midfields/wingers by then tho so i think im confident. Arsenal away 3rd game in, cannot wait! theres no form 3 games in really so its anyone to win, but NORTH LONDON IS OURS, so hopefully it will stay that way. David moyes with a tough start, lump on Man u to finish outside the top 4 ! B/R: £398.17 DAY: +2 BYINS (£20) CALCALFOLD: "TICK TOCK TILL BUSTO" Posted by robbie1992
Well played in getting pretty much back to your original deposit, briefly shared the tables with you earlier made a pretty nitty fold when you raised me on turn in one hand dunno if you remember was a tricky spot, havn't been grinding much lately havn't done a plus 2 hour cash session for a while, might grind hard over weekend if i'm in with a chance of top 5. There seems to be a few new guys grinding in this promo, which is good bit of variety on some of the tables.
West ham fan myself gone halfs on a season ticket for next year so want to try and get tottenham at home sorted lol you reckon bale is going to hang around? watched that paulinho guy tonight he looks like a good player him and sandro would definetly be a solid base in midfield, should be an interesting season although i'm 100% sure mancs will be in the top 4 next season especially if they invest in a centre mid. Good luck at the tables, sure if i get grinding more over the weekend will meet alot more.
Yeah i sort of remember it benc, wanst the turn an action card, like a high 3rd flush card? oh really, yeah i havnt grinded as much as i did the first promo either, its too tough when i dont multitable as much as the other people on the leaderboard. Yeah i noticed them, theres always regs like that but i think when the promo starts they cbb to play each other all day so they dont play cash for as long as the promo is on. U back to the HU sngs?
Hopefully bale can score a 90th min winner again this season i think he will stay, because he seems to have a good relationship with avb and is only 23 still, he will stay 1 maybe 2 more seasons if weve not progressed to regular top4/ title challenge then he will go madrid i think. Ihavnt seen much of him, see his goal the other day, he sounds like what we need and £15m is a fair price for what he seems to do. Yeah sandro, dembele and paulhino fight for midfield is good. Need a left winger alot tho and maybe a right mid, lennon does nothing anymore in game.
Hmm i just feel like its not going to work out at man u, i dont even think there team is that great, just ferguson was a great manager. Unfortunatly i think chelsea will have a title challenge. What u think about signing carrol?
played a few hours yesterday and studied abit, played well won my biggest pot on 10 nl I think, and lost my biggest pot aswell, all on the same table. Think at one stage I must of been about 3/4 byins up but ended up coming away 1 byins up. Played in the morning made 2 byins, but I had to stop because there was too many distractions in my house, come back 2 hours ago, and just couldn't seem to think of stuff that would exploit my opponent, then got too spewy+didnt hit anything for about an hour. Really annoying that I played bad, not hitting anything or different style opponents are the challenges of poker, I cant just lose focus and feel fed up when its not happening, need to be patient in these moments. Oh well ended a byin down on that session after doing something silly....I 4 bet light on opponent who was 3 betting light, and ended up getting it in pre with KQo ill post the hand.....I don't mind the 4 bet by me, but I shouldn't be calling the shove. I think I was "trying to make things happen" because it wasn't happening in that session. Its stupid and a losing play overall but I think he can show up with worse on occasions, but long term its a losing play, so its bad play. (IV posted the hands below, is the big and small pot ones okay ? )
I didn't read over my notes or watch any videos today, Its annoying I have to constantly drill it into my head how to play the correct way. Some people are so knowledgable on this forum, feel so stupid sometimes lol I will get there eventually ! even if I have to watch vids or read notes until im 40!
BTW....I have 2000 points (£20) I see 2500 is £25 then 3000 is £45, so its quiet a boost up, how hard would I have to work to get 1000 this week?
BR: £412
Day: +1 byin (£10)
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Three Queens
This is just too light, what other options do I have here if I think his splashing, and how light is acceptable? If I was in the BB I don't think this is as bad, but when he shove on me, it narrows his range down so much that im crushed, even If I do think his playing a wide range....sigh.
No not critical, be critical but just put it in a polite way in which I can learn from. Everything you said is how I feel. I don't no anything about the guy so I cant judge how he plays and tbh I don't care any advice id listen to and see how I can use it. The fact is if he just said "oh sorry didn't mean to put it like that I was trying to help" I would of just said no problem its fine.
Why would I leave my scope open for people to take free information? I presume thats why you were there........
And for the record, I have never myself claimed to be a better player than Robbie,. That said (based on this thread) I have won a fair bit more money, and no, I dont intend to disclose my winnings.
To start with I was on this thread to post advice as I see it. Of course I have also been known to wind people up when they bite.
So best of 10 HUsngs or a couple of hours at HU cash between you and robbie for bragging rights...
Im not denying he is a better play I don't no the guy and I don't no his game. I just asked him to put his comment in a better way......that's it LOL talk about a mountain out of a mole hill.
He would batter me cause iv never played heads up but if he wants to play I will play him.
Comedy Gold.
Let us know when the "friendly" match is lol
The chatbox will be brilliant. We should have a community game later on (again) with calc and robbie playing.
I'm in!
I appreciate your offer on behalf of robbie, but the challenge/bragging rights has no appeal to me. As FCHD wisely quoted "ego at the door" no game should this hold more true than in poker.
The door is open for the "scared"/"chicken" et al remarks to follow. Alas, water off a ducks back (or chickens you could say).
I just log in try and find some 6max cash tables I think I can beat, play until the value has gone, then log out again.
Plus of course, as you wintnessed yesterday, my HU SNG game is below feeble.
I also enjoy trying to offer my opinion on forum threads, or wind people up as some people would claim.
I dont have anything against robbie, How could I? I dont know the chap lol, but I cant help but be a wind up merchant at times.
That said I still think he has a strange line towards people trying to help - however blunt. Hey ho, each to their own etc...
I don't know liam, I enjoyed the last one but it was my first time in one of these. It was a good profitable week but it means your life has too stop for a week really, and it also meant I couldn't do any studying which atm I need really. Plus I only play 4 tables so realistically the highest I could finish is 7th again. U going to play it?
Played cash in the morning and didn't play amazing , was coming away even until I lost with QQ on 7 5 2 board when he had pocket 7's, so think it was fine. Struggled adapting to certain styles and couldn't quiet think of a way to exploit them, so I went on duececracked forum and took down some notes of what people said to others about it so then I can keep looking over them and hopefully it will go in. I played a £2.60 sat for the primo and got into the semi, where I then qualified for the actually primo, which I was happy about as its the only big tourney I havnt got into on sky. Decided to play the mini aswell for the jackpot and played well in both, got a disgusting beat in the mini which would of taken me top with about 160 left. Was always doing well in the primo, I finished 46th (26th was cash) so just missed out but just didn't have any decent spots and went card dead towards the end, after shoving on the blinds for about 5 rounds in a row the big blind called and had pocket 6's, so I was flipping with my a9s, no luck but I woulda taken a flip. Iv ended the day down but iv played well and enjoyed my deep run. Now I need to sort my cash game out !!!!
Yeah that's what I mean you have to miss a week of your life to have a good crack at that promotion, think ill just play normally and see what happens the last one tired me out lol yeah I qualified, that hand was bad I thought u had a lot less then KK in your range, im sure were meet on the tables again and it will happen the other way round lol
BALANCE: £333.59
DAY: -£17.50
Happy with today, just need to stop the odd massive mistake!
Played for about 3 hours today, was planning to play 4 but made a stupid mistake and I was feeling tired anyway. I studied in the morning as the house was empty so no distractions, I enjoy studying the game and missed it while I was doing the promo, I always feel like I no more after watching a video or going over notes.
I played 3 tables for 2 hours and 4 for one hour as I wanted better reads. Played more aggressive, 3 bet more, bluffed more, used my brain more and thought about my image more. Was a byin up on every table at one point without even having an all in, which I think proves I was exploiting my opponents fairly well. Got exploit myself at times but oh well that's why I work on my game to stop that happening lol lost in a stupid hand that im going to post in a minute....feel free to give abuse its deserved
Im going to play more for the promo as its free money really and I need to build my b/r so need to put in some hard work. Ill play more but I wont play a silly amount, just play the amount I want and see where It gets me.
B/r: £360.47
The day: +2.7 byins (£27)
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepaulrowy11 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £7.04 robbie1992 Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £23.36 Your hole cards J 5 Cash_Daddy Fold Donttelmum Fold _DOOLA_ Call £0.10 £0.25 £8.57 paulrowy11 Call £0.05 £0.30 £6.99 robbie1992 Check Flop J J 6 paulrowy11 Check robbie1992 Bet £0.30 £0.60 £23.06 _DOOLA_ Raise £1.20 £1.80 £7.37 paulrowy11 Fold robbie1992 All-in £23.06 £24.86 £0.00 _DOOLA_ All-in £7.37 £32.23 £0.00 robbie1992 Unmatched bet £14.79 £17.44 £14.79 robbie1992 Show J 5 _DOOLA_ Show 6 6 Turn 4 River 2 _DOOLA_ Win Full House, 6s and Jacks £16.13 £16.13
Just was not good enough to fold. sometimes he shows a flush draw/ some PP. But long term this is definatly a losing play.
such A frustrating day. Didn't play in morning, but done an hour watching a live play training video at about 4 then played 5-7. Played very well and felt confident in what I was doing, was 3 byins up. Had dinner come back and had a bad start I didn't adjust to playing different style players. Once I was relaxed and used to the dynamics of the table I start thinking and playing fairly decent...I done 2 moves which iv worked on and they worked which I was happy about. Lost a small pot on bluff after checking turn and potting river. Then tried calling down with middle pair because the guy was being quiete aggressive and I didn't see why he would min raise on a A 8 2 board?? if he has an ace he calls and If he has a set he calls, I called down and he shows 2 2 for bottom set......another lesson about not judging all players the same. Had 2 coolers aswell which is annoying but is part of the game , ended up 1.2 byin down, which isn't the end of the world but it did take the gloss off my first session. Oh well study and more player tomorrow!
Still not going mad for the promo, maybe I might leave it late until about 3 days left and play long days, not sure have to see the leaderboard closer the time.
Balance: £378
Day +1.8 byins (£18)
same sort of schedule toda, study in morning and played 2 smallish session with dinner being the break inbetween. Thing went well i was happy with how i played, think im getting more value out of my hands then i have in a long while, hope i can just keep continuing to do the correct thing. Havnt tilted in ages aswell which is good and i read the mental game somemore today to help with performance anxiety as for some reason i was really nervous today. The exercise they gave today was helpful and i left it infront of me throughout my session just incase.
Balance is at £398, so near enough back to starting deposit!!! which 2 weeks ago seemed impossiable for that to happen. How do i get the £400 out that i deposited , keep winning and withdraw evertime i reach £100? not sure iv seen many people ask that, i want to get the £400 out asap so i got a full b/r of profit, then try and get 30-40 byins for 20nl....well thats the plan anyways....
Also football fixtures were out today, cant wait. Not what i wanted as palace will be buzzing for there first game back and there be up for it, so could be harder then it looks. Should have strikers/midfields/wingers by then tho so i think im confident. Arsenal away 3rd game in, cannot wait! theres no form 3 games in really so its anyone to win, but NORTH LONDON IS OURS, so hopefully it will stay that way. David moyes with a tough start, lump on Man u to finish outside the top 4 !
B/R: £398.17
DAY: +2 BYINS (£20)
nice steady progress Robbie, keep grinding.
West ham fan myself gone halfs on a season ticket for next year so want to try and get tottenham at home sorted lol you reckon bale is going to hang around? watched that paulinho guy tonight he looks like a good player him and sandro would definetly be a solid base in midfield, should be an interesting season although i'm 100% sure mancs will be in the top 4 next season especially if they invest in a centre mid. Good luck at the tables, sure if i get grinding more over the weekend will meet alot more.
Yeah i sort of remember it benc, wanst the turn an action card, like a high 3rd flush card?
oh really, yeah i havnt grinded as much as i did the first promo either, its too tough when i dont multitable as much as the other people on the leaderboard. Yeah i noticed them, theres always regs like that but i think when the promo starts they cbb to play each other all day so they dont play cash for as long as the promo is on. U back to the HU sngs?
Hopefully bale can score a 90th min winner again this season
Hmm i just feel like its not going to work out at man u, i dont even think there team is that great, just ferguson was a great manager. Unfortunatly i think chelsea will have a title challenge. What u think about signing carrol?
played a few hours yesterday and studied abit, played well won my biggest pot on 10 nl I think, and lost my biggest pot aswell, all on the same table. Think at one stage I must of been about 3/4 byins up but ended up coming away 1 byins up. Played in the morning made 2 byins, but I had to stop because there was too many distractions in my house, come back 2 hours ago, and just couldn't seem to think of stuff that would exploit my opponent, then got too spewy+didnt hit anything for about an hour. Really annoying that I played bad, not hitting anything or different style opponents are the challenges of poker, I cant just lose focus and feel fed up when its not happening, need to be patient in these moments. Oh well ended a byin down on that session after doing something silly....I 4 bet light on opponent who was 3 betting light, and ended up getting it in pre with KQo
I didn't read over my notes or watch any videos today, Its annoying I have to constantly drill it into my head how to play the correct way. Some people are so knowledgable on this forum, feel so stupid sometimes lol I will get there eventually ! even if I have to watch vids or read notes until im 40!
BTW....I have 2000 points (£20) I see 2500 is £25 then 3000 is £45, so its quiet a boost up, how hard would I have to work to get 1000 this week?
BR: £412
Day: +1 byin (£10)