Maybe I should dye my hair u think that will make me a better player? Please advise o wise Blackfish as at end of my tether. Posted by xFALLENx
i'm slightly worried that this thread may spiral out of control. please keep all posts friendly . i really don't want to have to take any action here. thanks everyone. Posted by Sky_Rich
i'm slightly worried that this thread may spiral out of control. please keep all posts friendly . i really don't want to have to take any action here. thanks everyone. Posted by Sky_Rich
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : over my dead body baby, now rover is grounded for the rest of today, knew he was up to no good on here . Posted by irishraver
oops soz irishraver did not mean to tread on any toes
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : over my dead body baby, now rover is grounded for the rest of today, knew he was up to no good on here . Posted by irishraver
dont think daves mrs will be to impressed either lol
please can you help, only caught the last 5 mins of horizon last night, they were talking about dark matter, dark energy and dark flow (in the context of the how the universe started). i am up to speed with dark matter but could you just bring me up to speed on the other 2. much appreciated pod1
i'm slightly worried that this thread may spiral out of control. please keep all posts friendly . i really don't want to have to take any action here. thanks everyone. Posted by Sky_Rich
Where is the problem rich, dont see where your coming from
. If your sock drawer has 6 black socks, 4 brown socks, 8 white socks, and 2 tan socks, how many socks would you have to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?
LOL at all these comments!!! sorry blackfish it may of been my fault for suggesting an ask blackfish thread on another post from area 51!! Posted by donkeyplop
Why b sorry he loves being centre of attention....just giving him what he wants
BF I just cant seem 2 stop following you....I just think ur totally wonderful. Should I hand myself in2 the police b4 it becomes stalking? Posted by xFALLENx
please keep all posts friendly.
i really don't want to have to take any action here.
thanks everyone.
sorry for stealing his thunder
PS he told me he was single
Should I hand myself in2 the police b4 it becomes stalking?
. If your sock drawer has 6 black socks, 4 brown socks, 8 white socks, and 2 tan socks, how many socks would you have to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?
Answer please. your best friend,
sorry blackfish it may of been my fault for suggesting an ask blackfish thread on another post from area 51!!
Dear blackfish...
What has a mouth but can't chew?
and no m8 it isent you,