In Response to Re: THE CHURCH OF DAZLER : Hi Sister Candi I am indeed still here I am spending 23 hours in a bath of ice cubes thanks to sister Annie and you Waiting for Father Dazlers wisdom BRRRRRR LOL Brother Gary Posted by IAMALLIN2
Hi Brother Gary, i am sorry to hear of you`re predick amont hunni the sins of the flesh can be a devil of a ting. Sit tight brother, Father Dazler`s ray of Light will warm you up. If not, i`m sure we can ting of another way!
Oh my Poker gods what has been happening in the Church of Dazler! Ive been away for a couple of days with the great poker Pope to gain some much needed advise to up my bankroll. And look what i have come back too!! I think a few people will have to go to Dazlers Dungeon of Doom after some of the comments on here! after me of course. A few Sisters are ordaned and it turns into a house of ill repute. Now Brothers control yourself i know its HARD! (cough cough) but remember I shall punish the sisters if there is anymore talk of whips and chains i have been to Sister Ann Summers. Anyway I hope you heed my advice and will post the poker 10 comandmants to keep you all in check soon. Brother Golden all orphans are welcome and you may become a brother if you leave the sisters alone and stop talking about there burning bushes. Until you prove your self and repent the sins and naughtyness you have brought to the Church of Dazler, you may only be a deciple for now. Brother Gary it sounds like you need a cold shower of holy water and those ice cubes will do you good. Its warm in h ell and also in your underpants it seems. Now im sorry i have not been here for a while but thought i would leave it to my parish to fend for them selves and i will not be doing this again. Some great posts on here and even been put on the popular forums thanks to my deciples. And let me here an ALL INNN
Oh my Poker gods what has been happening in the Church of Dazler! Ive been away for a couple of days with the great poker Pope to gain some much needed advise to up my bankroll. And look what i have come back too!! I think a few people will have to go to Dazlers Dungeon of Doom after some of the comments on here! after me of course. A few Sisters are ordaned and it turns into a house of ill repute. Now Brothers control yourself i know its HARD! (cough cough) but remember I shall punish the sisters if there is anymore talk of whips and chains i have been to Sister Ann Summers. Anyway I hope you heed my advice and will post the poker 10 comandmants to keep you all in check soon. Brother Golden all orphans are welcome and you may become a brother if you leave the sisters alone and stop talking about there burning bushes. Until you prove your self and repent the sins and naughtyness you have brought to the Church of Dazler, you may only be a deciple for now. Brother Gary it sounds like you need a cold shower of holy water and those ice cubes will do you good. Its warm in h ell and also in your underpants it seems. Now im sorry i have not been here for a while but thought i would leave it to my parish to fend for them selves and i will not be doing this again. Some great posts on here and even been put on the popular forums thanks to my deciples. And let me here an ALL INNN Posted by Dazler
Awwww praise be to God your back Father Dazler, i thank the good lord himself for your safe return. Please be assured we were allllll tempted and it was hard without your wing but all i can say is.. welcome home! xxxxx
In Response to Re: THE CHURCH OF DAZLER : Sister Candi Father Dazler has made me a Disciple provided I leave the Nuns cherries alone. Should I fold or play the Queens. What Disciple should I be. Goldon the baptist Mmmmm has a ring to it. Will need Father Dazlers holy water. But I cant turn it into wine. d amm can he.? You were getting very excited about Father Dazlers return and cant wait to see him again. Are you sure your familiar with the immaculate conception principal ---- Your in Bethlehem and he's in Birmingham. No fun having his baby. Posted by goldon
AHHA! but you see brother Golden i have relatives in birmingham.. its where i originate you see and with my wings and father Dazlers poker will the immaculate poker conception is a biiiigggggggg possibility! Ans cherries??? i think that is Sky bet not poke her lol
just a quick note... there have been a couple of posts on this thread that could be seen as abusive and have been removed. please keep things clean - this is a church after all
OK I'm off to beachy head Thelma and Louise offered me a lift, say a prayer for me sisters see you all in the next life at the poker tables. GOD BLESS [ last post ] Posted by goldon
Awwwwww Bleesssssssss my flock has missed me. Sorry ive been away had other things to do like get a job But im back and hopfully with avengence my brothers and sisters. Ill explain all in my Blogg which should go up over the weekend. So check it out
Have you been having a run of bad luck by so called donks or fish or maybe you are one. If so id like you to tell me all about it. Consider me your parishioner of poker and tell me your sins or if you just want to air off some of that anger that we all know puts us on tilt and dosnt help our play! come here to calm down or scream and shout about it. You will feel better and we can learn how to deal with these monsters of bad beats. Get mad and get even this is the place to chat about it no matter how trivial. was the all in a sin let me know 0:) }:( BACK BY CHOICE OF MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE SKY POKER COMMUNITYPraise be the lord of the poker gods its been a year since my last confession. I have neglected my flock at sky poker and there fore am going to make every effort to listen and answer any Sins my fellow poker players have been making over the past year and im sure there are a lot of them. I want each and every one of you to think hard about what you have done to those players you have taken chips from and not even said thank you too or gg wp when you knock them out, and for every time you have called someone a donk when the little bugg ers have hit there runner runner and knocked you out (me included). Lets all look at the good runs and nuns as well as the bad and reflect upon our good nature and positive play. If you have something other than poker on your mind that you just cant live with out sharing with your dear Father Dazler then let me know and ill try to help. Peace, Love and Run Well at the tablesFather Dazler
Maany good choices but i do enjoy wiining with junk - esp 23o squeeze playin few limpers call by AJ flop KK2 - Q - 9 - that type of ting mwuhahahahaaaaaaaa
WOW....what a thread! Nice one Dazler. This was started before my time but was good reading through it.
Can I request some prayer though for those departed from here?
Mickjen1 & Sky Rich.....RIP.
I do think I should be included in your flock and by god have I sinned recently. Please can you do a sermon down Al's Bar in the Shed this Sunday as it is full of sinners who need to see the light.
WOW....what a thread! Nice one Dazler. This was started before my time but was good reading through it. Can I request some prayer though for those departed from here? Mickjen1 & Sky Rich.....RIP. I do think I should be included in your flock and by god have I sinned recently. Please can you do a sermon down Al's Bar in the Shed this Sunday as it is full of sinners who need to see the light. Peace. Posted by MAXALLY
Welcome to the flock MAXALLY. good idea i think we all miss certain players that are no longer with us, and up with the big guy in the sky. Mickjen1 a real sinner who has departed to the depths of poker hell maybe will learn his lesson one day and to Sky Rich who was a saint and helped each and every one of us here at skypoker godbless you my son who prob goes under the name Sky Poor now I would also like to put a prayer out to our dear Sister Candi who kept us all amused with here loverly comments even if they were a bit naughty now and again.... And too all others that we love so much and miss with there contributions to the forum and also there cash. Can i get an ALLLLLLLINNNNNN Praise be. 0:)
Maany good choices but i do enjoy wiining with junk - esp 23o squeeze playin few limpers call by AJ flop KK2 - Q - 9 - that type of ting mwuhahahahaaaaaaaa Posted by _keenberg
Yes with hands like that you are now in the right place, i want you to do 2 wp's and an unlucky son gl at the tables today. You are evil but we shall save you 0:)
This Thread should be in the Shed.! By the definition of the word "Nun" I do Qualify as Hubby will verify, having had nun for some time. lol ? I also have a sister who's big down under in Australia. Oops, I mean a big sister down under in Australia. ! I also have a Brother in Scotland we don't talk about. God bless the north south divide.! I am also very forgiving and don't blame Sky for not giving me free entry to the Sunday Primo. I have also Forgiven Hubby for chatting up the Totty while my back was turned and lastly I would donate my last three winning hands to the church funds but sadly they lost. I have 1p to spend and nothing to lend and happiness to last me all my life. HalleLujah
got to 17th place in the tsp classic tonight but was called by this devil after his gut shot! There are devils out there and we have to send them back to poker hell. They may win a battle but the richeous will win the holy war. HalleLujah
WOW....what a thread! Nice one Dazler. This was started before my time but was good reading through it. Can I request some prayer though for those departed from here? Mickjen1 & Sky Rich.....RIP. I do think I should be included in your flock and by god have I sinned recently. Please can you do a sermon down Al's Bar in the Shed this Sunday as it is full of sinners who need to see the light. Peace. Posted by MAXALLY
i havnt been to the shed for some reason but am pleasently surprised when i found your pub. Even us Fathers of the cloth like a good bevy so i shall be popping over for a drink and some pork scratchins at somepoint am i alowed to open up a tab MAXALLY you know im good for it, i swear on the poker bible 0:)
In Response to Re: THE CHURCH OF DAZLER : i havnt been to the shed for some reason but am pleasently surprised when i found your pub. Even us Fathers of the cloth like a good bevy so i shall be popping over for a drink and some pork scratchins at somepoint am i alowed to open up a tab MAXALLY you know im good for it, i swear on the poker bible 0:) Posted by Dazler
Al he is Lucifer in disguise a fornicator of the first order he obsconded with the Church funds. Don't give him credit.!
Lots of love
Sister Candi xxxxx
Brother Gary it sounds like you need a cold shower of holy water and those ice cubes will do you good. Its warm in h ell and also in your underpants it seems. Now im sorry i have not been here for a while but thought i would leave it to my parish to fend for them selves and i will not be doing this again. Some great posts on here and even been put on the popular forums thanks to my deciples. And let me here an ALL INNN
just a quick note... there have been a couple of posts on this thread that could be seen as abusive and have been removed. please keep things clean - this is a church after all
thanks for being understanding.
Come back Dazler! - your church needs you...
excellent thread daz your a topman !
BACK BY CHOICE OF MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE SKY POKER COMMUNITYPraise be the lord of the poker gods its been a year since my last confession. I have neglected my flock at sky poker and there fore am going to make every effort to listen and answer any Sins my fellow poker players have been making over the past year and im sure there are a lot of them. I want each and every one of you to think hard about what you have done to those players you have taken chips from and not even said thank you too or gg wp when you knock them out, and for every time you have called someone a donk when the little bugg ers have hit there runner runner and knocked you out (me included). Lets all look at the good runs and nuns as well as the bad and reflect upon our good nature and positive play. If you have something other than poker on your mind that you just cant live with out sharing with your dear Father Dazler then let me know and ill try to help.
Peace, Love and Run Well at the tablesFather Dazler
WOW....what a thread! Nice one Dazler. This was started before my time but was good reading through it.
Can I request some prayer though for those departed from here?
Mickjen1 & Sky Rich.....RIP.
I do think I should be included in your flock and by god have I sinned recently. Please can you do a sermon down Al's Bar in the Shed this Sunday as it is full of sinners who need to see the light.
Hand History #403562746 (23:26 16/08/2011)