Statistically 1 in 5 of you are gay... By the way guys, if you are gay, please remember - Rubber up! At your age it's still illegal. You don't want to end up in prison. Some of those guys don't care how old you are, or if you're gay!
Hi kids, it's great to be back in my fine old school. I nearly sent my son Fernando here but came into some money, and was able to educate him privately. You can't muck about when it comes to your own kids.
Im not driving a mini metro
Im not driving a mini metro
Gonna have a ho-down .. at the little biddy chef
I'm divorced
Got access to the kids, but they don't wanna seeee meeeee
did he leave a message?.... no, he never does.
Statistically 1 in 5 of you are gay...
By the way guys, if you are gay, please remember - Rubber up! At your age it's still illegal. You don't want to end up in prison. Some of those guys don't care how old you are, or if you're gay!
... and don't try to hover so the rope goes slack!
How can we manage to get into THE SHED.? Is it by invite only or if your lucky enough to get picked out by a computer.?
nope no invite needed for the Shed. looks like you're in already! congratulations!
[cue glitter explosion]
Seedy Ron? Who's Ron and why is he so seedy?