keep going Evil, always an interesting read, finding out how it,s going(or best wishes, and good luck! devon Posted by devonfish5
Not seems to be the case quite often for me, lol. I usually end up winning a small amount for a few days on the bounce, then have 1 bad day where I basically lose everything that I've gained in the last week or two :P
Was exactly £2.30 up so far today so decided to have a go at the £600 GTD Bounty Hunter @ 8:05, guy to my left seems to be happy to play any old junk, and some guy who has been bad beated by this guy already managed to get this guy all in with Q4 vs AQ on a xxQQx board, leaving him crippled.
The guy on my left was UTG, and open shoved 37BB, and the guy who had got involved with him previously decided to flat call on the button. Meanwhile, I've woken up in the big blind with KK, having not played a hand so far I 3-bet shove, and get called. KK vs. A7s vs. A7o, so as well as being miles ahead already, they've got each other's outs. Bit of a sweat when the A7o picked up a flush draw on the turn, but my hand held up, so a double up and a bit more along with a bounty, happy days
Then picked up AK vs. someone who decided to limp/call pre flop, and got about half of his stack when I flopped TPTK, up to around 6k chips. Could've probably stacked him if I'd bet pot rather than 1/2 - 3/4 pot, so slightly disappointed about that, left some chips and 75p behind, but not the end of the world. Won't be making that mistake again any time soon though.
Will post again after tourney is finished, hopefully I cash as my tournament Sharkscope looks pretty rubbish, might at least give me a smaller -ve number and it'd be a nice boost to the bankroll too
8:05 £600 BH - 43/376. Top 40 got paid, the bubble burst about 10 seconds after I went out, and the guy who called slowrolled me with A9, sigh. He tried slowrolling someone a few hands earlier with JJ, only to find they had QQ, which was rather amusing. £2.25 in bounties though so only lost 5p. Should've probably just folded and at least min cashed, rather than trying to pinch the guy's big blind, then got my money in afterwards, so maybe need to look at bubble play in these spots. Was down to something like 86/95 at one point, so guess I did well to finish 43rd, but slightly disappointed at missing out.
10/1/12, 10:17pm Bankroll: £93.82 (Including £50 deposit) So far today: +£2.25 C4P: 410 STT League points: 275 Cash League points: 131 MTT League points: 0
Played 5 £1.15 DYM's to see if my computer was capable of running 5 tables at once, won 3, lost 2, for a profit of £0.25
11/1/12, 01:20am
Bankroll: £94.07 (Including £50 deposit)
Profit yesterday: +£2.50
C4P: 420
STT League points: 296
Cash League points: 131
MTT League points: 0
So far today:
NLH £1.15 - W0 L2, -£2.30
NLH £2.25 - W0 L0
NLH £3.30 - W0 L0
NLH £5.50 - W0 L0
12/1/12, 01:36am
Bankroll: £91.77 (Including £50 deposit)
So far today: -£2.30
C4P: 424
STT League points: 296
Cash League points: 131
MTT League points: 0
Very difficult to be profitable in £1.15 DYM's, as you just get donk called to death. Just had KK, shoved, got called by A5, bam, full house. Standard shove, gg ul.
You can only lose 42.5% of the time if you want to beat the rake at this level. KK v A5 is about 70/30. Therefore, you will get knocked out 30% of the time. The remaining 70% of the time when your hand holds up, you have to win enough to cash 57.5% of the time overall.
57.5 = 0.8214, so if your hand holds up, you have to then cash at least 82% of the time.
The chances of AA winning against an overpair is only 81%, or about 77% against suited connectors. Therefore, even if you get it all in twice, KK vs. Ax, and AA vs underpair or suited connectors, you'll lose money at this level over time. As you will get an all in called at least twice in pretty much every game you play at this level, it's not profitable to carry on playing.
For that reason, I'll ditch the idea of grinding several £1.15 DYM tables. My choices now are:
1) Low stakes tournaments - £2.30 BH, £2.20 Deep Stack and below.
2) NL4
3) Low stakes HU Sit 'n' Go's (Just played a 55p one, my opponent was terribad)
Playing NL4 at the moment, was waiting for a delivery so didn't want to start a Sit 'n' Go, and found a decent table. Not going too well so far, was card dead early on then ended up with nut straight vs. quads. Pretty much made my money back now, and somehow managed to not go broke with AQ vs. AK on an ace high board against a semi-regular player with about £7 back.
Also had this hand where I meant to bet pot and accidentally shoved. Oh well, worked out alright in the end :P
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Will pick out some of the interesting hands from my session and post them here later. Had a nice hand involving KK, folded to me in the SB, and I just limped in rather than raising - The big blind wasn't a reg but he was a hell of a lot better than the average NL4 player as well. I'll post the hand below as it's pretty incredible, tbh. How does he not go broke? Not sure whether this is a brilliant flat call on the river, or whether he just has to go broke here.
Played the BH @ 8:05 again, cashed today in 40th for £2.41 (basically my buy-in back) and 1 bounty for £0.94
Exit hand, however, was just sick. 18 outs when the money went in on the turn, plus he probably thought he was ahead anyway, but flopping a straight and losing to someone who limped under the gun, ouch.
NL4, -£1.28. Obviously disappointed to not have made any profit, but another day I make the same decisions and end up finishing with a subtantial profit, didn't do anything wrong really. Had to leave the table as it filled up with regs.
12/1/12, 11:57pm Bankroll: £94.09 (Including £50 deposit) So far today: +£0.02 C4P: 446 STT League points: 311 Cash League points: 148 MTT League points: 0
Have officially broken my new years' resolution, decided that as there was a PLO8 cash game running, which only happens about once in a blue moon on here, I'd join in for a bit of fun. Sat down with maximum £20 (strictly no reloading though), played for about 5-10 minutes, table broke, and I was +£4.08 at the end of it. Don't know whether to be pleased with my small profit, or annoyed at my BRM, or lack of.
Back to normal tomorrow, Dad's girlfriend is staying the weekend so lock myself in the bedroom with the laptop, watch footy, NFL playoffs, and grind NL4/DYM's all day.
NLH £3.30 - W0 L0
--- Tourneys
8:05 £600 BH - Plan on entering.
--- Cash
20PLO8 - +£4.08 (slap for playing out of my BR)
Bankroll: £100.27 (Including £50 deposit) Today: +£4.08 C4P: 457 STT League points: 325 Cash League points: 151 MTT League points: 0
Have officially broken my new years' resolution, decided that as there was a PLO8 cash game running, which only happens about once in a blue moon on here, I'd join in for a bit of fun. Sat down with maximum £20 (strictly no reloading though), played for about 5-10 minutes, table broke, and I was +£4.08 at the end of it. Don't know whether to be pleased with my small profit, or annoyed at my BRM, or lack of. Back to normal tomorrow, Dad's girlfriend is staying the weekend so lock myself in the bedroom with the laptop, watch footy, NFL playoffs, and grind NL4/DYM's all day. DYM NLH £3.30 - W0 L0 --- Tourneys 8:05 £600 BH - Plan on entering. --- Cash 20PLO8 - +£4.08 (slap for playing out of my BR) Bankroll: £100.27 (Including £50 deposit) Today: +£4.08 C4P: 457 STT League points: 325 Cash League points: 151 MTT League points: 0 --- Posted by EvilPingu
Can't hit a single draw today. Every tournament I've played, I've gone out going all in with a draw and missing. The one time I did hit my draw, I was against a better flush >_> My "Grind DYM's all day" plan didn't really work, I ended up just playing tournaments most of the day. Should be getting some more DYM's in tonight though, 2 NFL games to watch then Master Cash on Sky+, so will probably be playing until stupid o'clock tomorrow morning
**Note to self - New sections needed on spreadsheet for 20PLO8 and below**
13:40, £2.30 - Omaha BH - 17/17, two pairs, up + down straight draw vs. flopped straight. Missed. 14:00, £0.00 - £100 PLO Freeroll - Missed another draw, out around 300th. 19:30, £1.10 - £1000 GTD - 683/843, turned a flush and someone had a better flush. 20:05, £2.30 - £600 BH - 363/422, QQ vs TT AIPF, villain (I didn't call him that at the time...Lol) binked a 10 on the flop. 20:25, £5.50 - £100 GTD PLO8 - 17/21, Nut flush draw, and nut low draw, missed.
-- Cash
20PLO8 - +£4.08 4NL - +£3.45
Bankroll: £98.12 (Including £50 deposit) Today: +£1.93 (Incl. Tourney buy-ins already paid) C4P: 485 STT League points: 353 Cash League points: 151 MTT League points: 0
Cheers PF - Yeah, quite rare to get loads of regs on a table at one time, still happens from time to time though, and makes you wonder whether the 3rd and 4th regs sitting down at a particular table think about table selection or whether they just click the first table with an empty seat and expect easy money from everyone.
Cashed in another DYM, won't play another game before midnight, so finished for the day.
Get something to eat before grinding all night, DYM's to begin with and probably a bit of NL4 as the DYM's will probably not be running at 6am, then hopefully post back on here with a decent profit in the morning
Bankroll: £100.82 (Including £50 deposit) Today: +£4.63 C4P: 488 STT League points: 360 Cash League points: 154 MTT League points: Zero.
There is probably only 3 regs at 4nl currently that I try not to sit with + coxylboro who is not usually a nl4 reg but has been lately.
There are lots of bad regs who I will happily sit with, if I'm grinding then worst case scenario I'll sit at reg infested table but it'll only happen like once every few days.
There is probably only 3 regs at 4nl currently that I try not to sit with + coxylboro who is not usually a nl4 reg but has been lately. There are lots of bad regs who I will happily sit with, if I'm grinding then worst case scenario I'll sit at reg infested table but it'll only happen like once every few days. Posted by NColley
I'll avoid good regs at NL4 as much as I can, simply because why would I settle for having 3 or 4 bad players at a full table when I can have 5? There are a couple of bad regs who I'll happily play with, though.
Didn't end up grinding much in the end, hardly any £3.30 DYM's running and single tabling = losing money as I'll get bored. Off to bed, will just grind tomorrow instead. Had a short 4NL session, which finished when I was too busy watching the NFL playoffs, brilliant end to the NFC game, then remembered I had 3 tables open and I'd sat out on all of them, so stood up lol
3 x NL4 - +£1.90
Bankroll: £102.72 (Including £50 deposit) Today: +£1.90 C4P: 498 STT League points: 360 Cash League points: 168 MTT League points: 0
I was on a table with you yesterday and searched you in find a player as I do most guys and noticed you were just single-tabling, and this was in the afternoon. You mention your BR being over £100 and tbh tha is easily enough to 2-table and probably 3-table and if you're comfortable playing mini-view (which I presume you are) then I would defo start doing that as these things are all about volume and you just can't do that playing 1 after the other lol.
Also on a side-note I liked the agression, especially on my BB lol but overall it did seem at times like you were shoving over 50% of hands and at times when you weren't in danger of blinding out. Obviously if you have a hand that's fine but you can't have had JJ/AQ everytime and it just seemed like you had somewhere to go lol.
Hiya mate, I was on a table with you yesterday and searched you in find a player as I do most guys and noticed you were just single-tabling, and this was in the afternoon. You mention your BR being over £100 and tbh tha is easily enough to 2-table and probably 3-table and if you're comfortable playing mini-view (which I presume you are) then I would defo start doing that as these things are all about volume and you just can't do that playing 1 after the other lol. Also on a side-note I liked the agression, especially on my BB lol but overall it did seem at times like you were shoving over 50% of hands and at times when you weren't in danger of blinding out. Obviously if you have a hand that's fine but you can't have had JJ/AQ everytime and it just seemed like you had somewhere to go lol. Good luck anyway on the challenge . Posted by Dudeskin8
Yeah, I'm fine with mini view, most of the time I'll be playing 2 or 3 tables, sometimes 4. Sometimes I just load up a table then once I start playing I forget to load up any more tables or register for anything else, lol
As for the aggression, I had seen you in the clinic and knew you usually advocate only calling with really, really big hands in DYM's, and as it was the first time I'd been on your table in a DYM, I thought I'd test the water a little :P
Sunday Survivor - Won seat into Monday survivor, AK AIPF, got called (slowrolled) by someone with JJ and then hit a set, then slow rolled me again when I shoved with K7 as I was down to 6bb, sigh.
£200 Download Freeroll - 52/482, 50 got paid (only £1.10 for 50th) . SB shoved, I snap called with KQ, only to find I was up against AK, which held up.
Bankroll: £106.72 (Including £50 deposit)
Today: +£3.50
C4P: 539
STT League points: 395
Cash League points: 168
MTT League points: 0
6 days of consecutive profit now, but only a few games each day. Keep meaning to have a day of just grinding for a few hours but then not bothering, or starting and getting distracted.
Internet was being hopeless today, so didn't get anywhere near as much time playing as I would've liked. Seriously need to increase the volume if I have any plans to get into the top 150 on the STT league and the subsequent freeroll.
Currently, 30th place has around 1,500 points, and 150th place has just under 600 points. These are probably slightly higher than usual because of the "Full House" promotion, but 150th is definitely achievable, and around 90 points a day for a shot at TSP in the beginning of April? Falling behind atm but if I can catch up, which isn't impossible, then why not?
£1.15 NLH - W1 L0, +£0.85
£2.25 PLO8 - W2 L1, +£1.25
£200 Download FR - Virgin Media was playing up, so didn't start playing until level 5. As a result, I decided to donk my chips off and enter something else, or get a big stack trying :P
Was about £20 up, then decided to play some NL4, left the table about 10 minutes later due to tilt, about £8 down.
1st hand...FFS, sigh fold.
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Another hand that makes you question people's intelligence. How stupid can people be? A2 /> K4 > JJ AIPF? I'm all for respecting other players, but you can't seriously call these people poker players. Ridiculous. Might as well head over to Sky Vegas stick their entire bankroll on 00, more chance of winning something that way.
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Straight to the 6
Two Pairs, Kings and 4s
Then tilted, shoved QQ into KJ on a KT2 flop, and AT into KQ on a JT9 flop.
Just to annoy me even more, 99 < KQ AIPF. What a load of c**p.
they hands are just typical of how im doing today at NL4. i thought i ran the worst i could towards end of last month but today has topped it. im in 2 minds wether to carry on and play thru or just smash comp to bits. it can be demoralising at times
they hands are just typical of how im doing today at NL4. i thought i ran the worst i could towards end of last month but today has topped it. im in 2 minds wether to carry on and play thru or just smash comp to bits. it can be demoralising at times Posted by TINTIN
I know exactly what you mean, it's so annoying when you put your money in as a 80% favourite and lose 80% of the time, lol. Will probably leave NL4 for a week or two, I need to get STT League Points anyway.
Finished for today, healthy profit thanks to binking one of the PLO8 tournaments, could've been better if it wasn't for the worst NL4 session ever though. Won't get much time to play tomorrow, but got the house to myself all weekend Playing catchup on the STT League atm, so will be playing a lot of HU games and DYM's whenever I get the chance.
Would like to get up to 1,000 STT points this weekend, to ensure a top 150 position at the end of the month and hopefully close the gap on 30th place as well. As most of my time is spent staring at the lobby or spamming the F5 key on Facebook, rather than actually playing Poker, I think if I try, I should be able to not drop any further behind points wise, and slowly catch up to the top 30. Definitely won't be easy, but not impossible either
Couldn't update this yesterday before going to bed as internet was playing up, sigh.
£1.15 NLH - W0 L1, -£0.00 **
£3.30 NLH - W1 L0, +£2.70
£2.25 PLO8 - W1 L1, -£0.50
** Disconnected from game due to ISP being hopeless, buy-in refunded
£1.05 Turbo - W0 L4, -£4.20. Ran into an opponent who kept flopping 2 pair, generally getting lucky. Limped every button and thought me raising most buttons was bingo. Sigh :')
Started the day by cashing in one of the new timed tournaments and a PLO8 DYM, went downhill from there. Lost a PLO8 DYM but won a £3.30 NLH DYM, so around £8 up.
Decided to play some HU Turbos, 4 against 1 person which were all pretty farcical, three times I ran overpairs or TPTK into a flopped 2 pair, and the other time, I shoved on the button into KK. Fair enough, but was more annoyed by this person in the chat box calling me a bingo player because I raised most of the time on the button. Sorry for knowing how to play heads up, just keep limping your button every time please, and find something better to do than abuse people in the chat box, like improve your own game ) Rant over.
Then played 2 more games against someone else, where I ran AK into 34 on an A25 flop (Sigh...) and A2 vs. 22 AIPF. Ace on the flop, of course.
I was 10p down at this point, so played a £1.15 DYM, basically wanted to record a profit on my spreadsheet for the day instead of a loss. Down to 4 players, flop a set of 6's, internet freaks out and won't reconnect. Contacted customer care and got my buy-in back, but still slightly annoying to flop a set of 6's, think you're going to win a big pot and probably knock the other guy out, then the internet cuts out.
On the bright side, it's nice to have a c**p day and only be 10p down
Seem to be inexplicably running like Usain Bolt @ £3.30 DYM's, and running badly in every other DYM level this month, how strange. Also found I can fit 9 tables on my screen if I change a few settings, so obviously, I tried it. Felt fairly comfortable doing it but think I'll build my bankroll before trying that again, even though it didn't go too badly. Actually won more when playing 9 tables than I did the rest of the day, sigh.
Tried moving back up to £5.50, some of the players on there tonight must have rocks for brains, quite frankly. AK < 74 AIPF (Yes, he called with 7 high), T5 < 33 AIPF (Stealing the blinds, how can you call with 33 in a DYM?), and I can't remember my hand when I shoved, and the guy who limped in called with A6. Sigh. £16.50 down thanks to people who don't have a clue what they're doing, and back to grinding £3.30.
Said it before and I'll say it again, JohnConnor's blog is wrong IMO, 20 buy-ins is nowhere near enough. At least, not for me.
have 2 agree with u Evil regarding 20 buy-ins not being enough. i did ask jc about that and he did say that he was only using that ammount 4 his dym challenge., and that to play dym,s properly ,if u like, he would use the 100 buy-in rule. ie;to play at £3.30 level u should have a b/roll of around £330 or more. which basically means each loss is only 1% of your b/roll.
i did lose £41.70 a week or so ago in 1 night, so i do know how it can go,on a bad night, as i do use the 100 buy-in rule myself, although it hurt,obviously, it was only 10% of my b/roll whish was at that time £415 approx.
i think with your b/roll as it stands around £100 any higher than £1.15 is risky, but that,s not to say u shouldn,t play higher, like i say just hurts more if u do lose.
like jc said 2 me,it,s all about risk & reward, the rewards are certainly there so just keep going for it.
always an interesting read,
finding out how it,s going(or
best wishes,
and good luck!
EDIT: 2nd bounty, QQ vs A10 on a 10 high flop.
Bankroll: £93.82 (Including £50 deposit)
So far today: +£2.25
C4P: 410
STT League points: 275
Cash League points: 131
MTT League points: 0
Also had this hand where I meant to bet pot and accidentally shoved. Oh well, worked out alright in the end :P
Will pick out some of the interesting hands from my session and post them here later. Had a nice hand involving KK, folded to me in the SB, and I just limped in rather than raising - The big blind wasn't a reg but he was a hell of a lot better than the average NL4 player as well. I'll post the hand below as it's pretty incredible, tbh. How does he not go broke? Not sure whether this is a brilliant flat call on the river, or whether he just has to go broke here.
Exit hand, however, was just sick. 18 outs when the money went in on the turn, plus he probably thought he was ahead anyway, but flopping a straight and losing to someone who limped under the gun, ouch.
NLH £1.15 - W0 L2, -£2.30
NLH £3.30 - W2 L1, +£2.10
£0.55 - W1 L0, +£0.55
£2.30 BH - 40/402, £2.41 + £0.94
NL4, -£1.28. Obviously disappointed to not have made any profit, but another day I make the same decisions and end up finishing with a subtantial profit, didn't do anything wrong really. Had to leave the table as it filled up with regs.
12/1/12, 11:57pm
Bankroll: £94.09 (Including £50 deposit)
So far today: +£0.02
C4P: 446
STT League points: 311
Cash League points: 148
MTT League points: 0
that is the question!
well done Evil....
great stuff
NLH £3.30 - W2 L0, +£5.40
Orfordable Deepstack - Donked out in 57th, 10 handed is soooo boring. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for it, idk.
Bankroll: £96.19 (Including £50 deposit)
Yesterday: +£2.10
C4P: 455
STT League points: 325
Cash League points: 148
MTT League points: 0
Back to normal tomorrow, Dad's girlfriend is staying the weekend so lock myself in the bedroom with the laptop, watch footy, NFL playoffs, and grind NL4/DYM's all day.
NLH £3.30 - W0 L0
8:05 £600 BH - Plan on entering.
20PLO8 - +£4.08 (slap for playing out of my BR)
Bankroll: £100.27 (Including £50 deposit)
Today: +£4.08
C4P: 457
STT League points: 325
Cash League points: 151
MTT League points: 0
**Note to self - New sections needed on spreadsheet for 20PLO8 and below**
£3.30 NLH - W2 L1, +£2.10
£2.25 PLO8 - W2 L0, +£3.50
13:40, £2.30 - Omaha BH - 17/17, two pairs, up + down straight draw vs. flopped straight. Missed.
14:00, £0.00 - £100 PLO Freeroll - Missed another draw, out around 300th.
19:30, £1.10 - £1000 GTD - 683/843, turned a flush and someone had a better flush.
20:05, £2.30 - £600 BH - 363/422, QQ vs TT AIPF, villain (I didn't call him that at the time...Lol) binked a 10 on the flop.
20:25, £5.50 - £100 GTD PLO8 - 17/21, Nut flush draw, and nut low draw, missed.
20PLO8 - +£4.08
4NL - +£3.45
Bankroll: £98.12 (Including £50 deposit)
Today: +£1.93 (Incl. Tourney buy-ins already paid)
C4P: 485
STT League points: 353
Cash League points: 151
MTT League points: 0
GL Pingas, keep it up!
Cashed in another DYM, won't play another game before midnight, so finished for the day.
Get something to eat before grinding all night, DYM's to begin with and probably a bit of NL4 as the DYM's will probably not be running at 6am, then hopefully post back on here with a decent profit in the morning
Bankroll: £100.82 (Including £50 deposit)
Today: +£4.63
C4P: 488
STT League points: 360
Cash League points: 154
MTT League points: Zero.
There are lots of bad regs who I will happily sit with, if I'm grinding then worst case scenario I'll sit at reg infested table but it'll only happen like once every few days.
Didn't end up grinding much in the end, hardly any £3.30 DYM's running and single tabling = losing money as I'll get bored. Off to bed, will just grind tomorrow instead. Had a short 4NL session, which finished when I was too busy watching the NFL playoffs, brilliant end to the NFC game, then remembered I had 3 tables open and I'd sat out on all of them, so stood up lol
3 x NL4 - +£1.90
Bankroll: £102.72 (Including £50 deposit)
Today: +£1.90
C4P: 498
STT League points: 360
Cash League points: 168
MTT League points: 0
Yeah, I'm fine with mini view, most of the time I'll be playing 2 or 3 tables, sometimes 4. Sometimes I just load up a table then once I start playing I forget to load up any more tables or register for anything else, lol
1st hand...FFS, sigh fold.
Another hand that makes you question people's intelligence. How stupid can people be? A2 /> K4 > JJ AIPF? I'm all for respecting other players, but you can't seriously call these people poker players. Ridiculous. Might as well head over to Sky Vegas stick their entire bankroll on 00, more chance of winning something that way.
Then tilted, shoved QQ into KJ on a KT2 flop, and AT into KQ on a JT9 flop.
Just to annoy me even more, 99 < KQ AIPF. What a load of c**p.
Finished for today, healthy profit thanks to binking one of the PLO8 tournaments, could've been better if it wasn't for the worst NL4 session ever though. Won't get much time to play tomorrow, but got the house to myself all weekend
Would like to get up to 1,000 STT points this weekend, to ensure a top 150 position at the end of the month and hopefully close the gap on 30th place as well. As most of my time is spent staring at the lobby or spamming the F5 key on Facebook, rather than actually playing Poker, I think if I try, I should be able to not drop any further behind points wise, and slowly catch up to the top 30. Definitely won't be easy, but not impossible either
£3.30 NLH - W1 L0, +£2.70
£0.30 PLO - W1 L0, +£0.20
£0.55 Turbo - W4 L1, +£1.25
£1.05 Turbo - W4 L2, +£1.70
£2.10 Turbo - W5 L2, +£5.30
£1.05 Hyper - W2 L2, -£0.20
£1.10 4 Player HU - W1 L0, +£2.90
16:55, £1.10 PLO8 - 1st/21, won £10.50 (£9.40 Profit)
3 x NL4, -£9.48. Not quite sure how to describe these players without getting myself forum banned. Ridiculous.
Bankroll: £122.59 (Including £50 deposit)
Today: +£13.77
C4P: 579
STT League points: 458
Cash League points: 170
MTT League points: 10
Both hands raise more pre, bet more on flop
Always bet ¾ pot minimum for value
not being enough.
i did ask jc about that and he did say that
he was only using that ammount 4 his dym challenge.,
and that to play dym,s properly ,if u like,
he would use the 100 buy-in rule.
ie;to play at £3.30 level
u should have a b/roll of around £330 or more.
which basically means each loss is only 1% of your b/roll.
i did lose £41.70 a week or so ago in 1 night,
so i do know how it can go,on a bad night,
as i do use the 100 buy-in rule myself,
although it hurt,obviously,
it was only 10% of my b/roll
whish was at that time £415 approx.
i think with your b/roll as it stands around £100
any higher than £1.15 is risky,
but that,s not to say u shouldn,t play higher,
like i say just hurts more if u do lose.
like jc said 2 me,it,s all about risk & reward,
the rewards are certainly there so just keep going for it.
best wishes as always